]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blame - src/binaryen/test/torture-s/930930-1.c.s
New upstream version 1.23.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / binaryen / test / torture-s / 930930-1.c.s
1 .text
2 .file "930930-1.c"
3 .section .text.f,"ax",@progbits
4 .hidden f # -- Begin function f
5 .globl f
6 .type f,@function
7f: # @f
8 .param i32, i32, i32, i32, i32
9 .result i32
10 .local i32, i32
11# BB#0: # %entry
12 block
13 block
14 i32.lt_u $push0=, $3, $4
15 br_if 0, $pop0 # 0: down to label1
16# BB#1: # %if.end.preheader
17 copy_local $6=, $0
18.LBB0_2: # %if.end
19 # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
20 loop # label2:
21 block
22 i32.load $push6=, 0($3)
23 tee_local $push5=, $5=, $pop6
24 i32.ge_u $push1=, $pop5, $2
25 br_if 0, $pop1 # 0: down to label3
26# BB#3: # %if.end
27 # in Loop: Header=BB0_2 Depth=1
28 i32.lt_u $push2=, $5, $1
29 br_if 0, $pop2 # 0: down to label3
30# BB#4: # %if.then3
31 # in Loop: Header=BB0_2 Depth=1
32 i32.const $push9=, -4
33 i32.add $push8=, $6, $pop9
34 tee_local $push7=, $6=, $pop8
35 i32.store 0($pop7), $5
36.LBB0_5: # %if.end4
37 # in Loop: Header=BB0_2 Depth=1
38 end_block # label3:
39 i32.const $push12=, -4
40 i32.add $push11=, $3, $pop12
41 tee_local $push10=, $3=, $pop11
42 i32.ge_u $push3=, $pop10, $4
43 br_if 0, $pop3 # 0: up to label2
44# BB#6: # %out
45 end_loop
46 i32.ne $push4=, $6, $0
47 br_if 1, $pop4 # 1: down to label0
48.LBB0_7: # %if.end8
49 end_block # label1:
50 return $3
51.LBB0_8: # %if.then7
52 end_block # label0:
53 call abort@FUNCTION
54 unreachable
55 .endfunc
57 .size f, .Lfunc_end0-f
58 # -- End function
59 .section .text.main,"ax",@progbits
60 .hidden main # -- Begin function main
61 .globl main
62 .type main,@function
63main: # @main
64 .result i32
65# BB#0: # %entry
66 i32.const $push1=, 0
67 i32.const $push0=, mem
68 i32.store mem+396($pop1), $pop0
69 i32.const $push5=, mem+400
70 i32.const $push4=, mem+24
71 i32.const $push3=, mem+32
72 i32.const $push2=, mem+396
73 i32.const $push7=, mem+396
74 i32.call $drop=, f@FUNCTION, $pop5, $pop4, $pop3, $pop2, $pop7
75 i32.const $push6=, 0
76 call exit@FUNCTION, $pop6
77 unreachable
78 .endfunc
80 .size main, .Lfunc_end1-main
81 # -- End function
82 .hidden mem # @mem
83 .type mem,@object
84 .section .bss.mem,"aw",@nobits
85 .globl mem
86 .p2align 4
88 .skip 400
89 .size mem, 400
91 .hidden wm_TR # @wm_TR
92 .type wm_TR,@object
93 .section .bss.wm_TR,"aw",@nobits
94 .globl wm_TR
95 .p2align 2
97 .int32 0
98 .size wm_TR, 4
100 .hidden wm_HB # @wm_HB
101 .type wm_HB,@object
102 .section .bss.wm_HB,"aw",@nobits
103 .globl wm_HB
104 .p2align 2
106 .int32 0
107 .size wm_HB, 4
109 .hidden wm_SPB # @wm_SPB
110 .type wm_SPB,@object
111 .section .bss.wm_SPB,"aw",@nobits
112 .globl wm_SPB
113 .p2align 2
115 .int32 0
116 .size wm_SPB, 4
119 .ident "clang version 6.0.0 (https://llvm.googlesource.com/clang.git a1774cccdccfa673c057f93ccf23bc2d8cb04932) (https://llvm.googlesource.com/llvm.git fc50e1c6121255333bc42d6faf2b524c074eae25)"
120 .functype abort, void
121 .functype exit, void, i32