]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_edk2.git/blob - AppPkg/Applications/Lua/src/ldebug.c
MdeModulePkg/HiiImage: Fix stack overflow when corrupted BMP is parsed (CVE-2018...
[mirror_edk2.git] / AppPkg / Applications / Lua / src / ldebug.c
1 /*
2 ** $Id: ldebug.c,v 2013/05/16 16:04:15 roberto Exp $
3 ** Debug Interface
4 ** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
5 */
8 #include <stdarg.h>
9 #include <stddef.h>
10 #include <string.h>
13 #define ldebug_c
14 #define LUA_CORE
16 #include "lua.h"
18 #include "lapi.h"
19 #include "lcode.h"
20 #include "ldebug.h"
21 #include "ldo.h"
22 #include "lfunc.h"
23 #include "lobject.h"
24 #include "lopcodes.h"
25 #include "lstate.h"
26 #include "lstring.h"
27 #include "ltable.h"
28 #include "ltm.h"
29 #include "lvm.h"
33 #define noLuaClosure(f) ((f) == NULL || (f)->c.tt == LUA_TCCL)
36 static const char *getfuncname (lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci, const char **name);
39 static int currentpc (CallInfo *ci) {
40 lua_assert(isLua(ci));
41 return pcRel(ci->u.l.savedpc, ci_func(ci)->p);
42 }
45 static int currentline (CallInfo *ci) {
46 return getfuncline(ci_func(ci)->p, currentpc(ci));
47 }
50 /*
51 ** this function can be called asynchronous (e.g. during a signal)
52 */
53 LUA_API int lua_sethook (lua_State *L, lua_Hook func, int mask, int count) {
54 if (func == NULL || mask == 0) { /* turn off hooks? */
55 mask = 0;
56 func = NULL;
57 }
58 if (isLua(L->ci))
59 L->oldpc = L->ci->u.l.savedpc;
60 L->hook = func;
61 L->basehookcount = count;
62 resethookcount(L);
63 L->hookmask = cast_byte(mask);
64 return 1;
65 }
68 LUA_API lua_Hook lua_gethook (lua_State *L) {
69 return L->hook;
70 }
73 LUA_API int lua_gethookmask (lua_State *L) {
74 return L->hookmask;
75 }
78 LUA_API int lua_gethookcount (lua_State *L) {
79 return L->basehookcount;
80 }
83 LUA_API int lua_getstack (lua_State *L, int level, lua_Debug *ar) {
84 int status;
85 CallInfo *ci;
86 if (level < 0) return 0; /* invalid (negative) level */
87 lua_lock(L);
88 for (ci = L->ci; level > 0 && ci != &L->base_ci; ci = ci->previous)
89 level--;
90 if (level == 0 && ci != &L->base_ci) { /* level found? */
91 status = 1;
92 ar->i_ci = ci;
93 }
94 else status = 0; /* no such level */
95 lua_unlock(L);
96 return status;
97 }
100 static const char *upvalname (Proto *p, int uv) {
101 TString *s = check_exp(uv < p->sizeupvalues, p->upvalues[uv].name);
102 if (s == NULL) return "?";
103 else return getstr(s);
104 }
107 static const char *findvararg (CallInfo *ci, int n, StkId *pos) {
108 int nparams = clLvalue(ci->func)->p->numparams;
109 if (n >= ci->u.l.base - ci->func - nparams)
110 return NULL; /* no such vararg */
111 else {
112 *pos = ci->func + nparams + n;
113 return "(*vararg)"; /* generic name for any vararg */
114 }
115 }
118 static const char *findlocal (lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci, int n,
119 StkId *pos) {
120 const char *name = NULL;
121 StkId base;
122 if (isLua(ci)) {
123 if (n < 0) /* access to vararg values? */
124 return findvararg(ci, -n, pos);
125 else {
126 base = ci->u.l.base;
127 name = luaF_getlocalname(ci_func(ci)->p, n, currentpc(ci));
128 }
129 }
130 else
131 base = ci->func + 1;
132 if (name == NULL) { /* no 'standard' name? */
133 StkId limit = (ci == L->ci) ? L->top : ci->next->func;
134 if (limit - base >= n && n > 0) /* is 'n' inside 'ci' stack? */
135 name = "(*temporary)"; /* generic name for any valid slot */
136 else
137 return NULL; /* no name */
138 }
139 *pos = base + (n - 1);
140 return name;
141 }
144 LUA_API const char *lua_getlocal (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n) {
145 const char *name;
146 lua_lock(L);
147 if (ar == NULL) { /* information about non-active function? */
148 if (!isLfunction(L->top - 1)) /* not a Lua function? */
149 name = NULL;
150 else /* consider live variables at function start (parameters) */
151 name = luaF_getlocalname(clLvalue(L->top - 1)->p, n, 0);
152 }
153 else { /* active function; get information through 'ar' */
154 StkId pos = 0; /* to avoid warnings */
155 name = findlocal(L, ar->i_ci, n, &pos);
156 if (name) {
157 setobj2s(L, L->top, pos);
158 api_incr_top(L);
159 }
160 }
161 lua_unlock(L);
162 return name;
163 }
166 LUA_API const char *lua_setlocal (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n) {
167 StkId pos = 0; /* to avoid warnings */
168 const char *name = findlocal(L, ar->i_ci, n, &pos);
169 lua_lock(L);
170 if (name)
171 setobjs2s(L, pos, L->top - 1);
172 L->top--; /* pop value */
173 lua_unlock(L);
174 return name;
175 }
178 static void funcinfo (lua_Debug *ar, Closure *cl) {
179 if (noLuaClosure(cl)) {
180 ar->source = "=[C]";
181 ar->linedefined = -1;
182 ar->lastlinedefined = -1;
183 ar->what = "C";
184 }
185 else {
186 Proto *p = cl->l.p;
187 ar->source = p->source ? getstr(p->source) : "=?";
188 ar->linedefined = p->linedefined;
189 ar->lastlinedefined = p->lastlinedefined;
190 ar->what = (ar->linedefined == 0) ? "main" : "Lua";
191 }
192 luaO_chunkid(ar->short_src, ar->source, LUA_IDSIZE);
193 }
196 static void collectvalidlines (lua_State *L, Closure *f) {
197 if (noLuaClosure(f)) {
198 setnilvalue(L->top);
199 api_incr_top(L);
200 }
201 else {
202 int i;
203 TValue v;
204 int *lineinfo = f->l.p->lineinfo;
205 Table *t = luaH_new(L); /* new table to store active lines */
206 sethvalue(L, L->top, t); /* push it on stack */
207 api_incr_top(L);
208 setbvalue(&v, 1); /* boolean 'true' to be the value of all indices */
209 for (i = 0; i < f->l.p->sizelineinfo; i++) /* for all lines with code */
210 luaH_setint(L, t, lineinfo[i], &v); /* table[line] = true */
211 }
212 }
215 static int auxgetinfo (lua_State *L, const char *what, lua_Debug *ar,
216 Closure *f, CallInfo *ci) {
217 int status = 1;
218 for (; *what; what++) {
219 switch (*what) {
220 case 'S': {
221 funcinfo(ar, f);
222 break;
223 }
224 case 'l': {
225 ar->currentline = (ci && isLua(ci)) ? currentline(ci) : -1;
226 break;
227 }
228 case 'u': {
229 ar->nups = (f == NULL) ? 0 : f->c.nupvalues;
230 if (noLuaClosure(f)) {
231 ar->isvararg = 1;
232 ar->nparams = 0;
233 }
234 else {
235 ar->isvararg = f->l.p->is_vararg;
236 ar->nparams = f->l.p->numparams;
237 }
238 break;
239 }
240 case 't': {
241 ar->istailcall = (ci) ? ci->callstatus & CIST_TAIL : 0;
242 break;
243 }
244 case 'n': {
245 /* calling function is a known Lua function? */
246 if (ci && !(ci->callstatus & CIST_TAIL) && isLua(ci->previous))
247 ar->namewhat = getfuncname(L, ci->previous, &ar->name);
248 else
249 ar->namewhat = NULL;
250 if (ar->namewhat == NULL) {
251 ar->namewhat = ""; /* not found */
252 ar->name = NULL;
253 }
254 break;
255 }
256 case 'L':
257 case 'f': /* handled by lua_getinfo */
258 break;
259 default: status = 0; /* invalid option */
260 }
261 }
262 return status;
263 }
266 LUA_API int lua_getinfo (lua_State *L, const char *what, lua_Debug *ar) {
267 int status;
268 Closure *cl;
269 CallInfo *ci;
270 StkId func;
271 lua_lock(L);
272 if (*what == '>') {
273 ci = NULL;
274 func = L->top - 1;
275 api_check(L, ttisfunction(func), "function expected");
276 what++; /* skip the '>' */
277 L->top--; /* pop function */
278 }
279 else {
280 ci = ar->i_ci;
281 func = ci->func;
282 lua_assert(ttisfunction(ci->func));
283 }
284 cl = ttisclosure(func) ? clvalue(func) : NULL;
285 status = auxgetinfo(L, what, ar, cl, ci);
286 if (strchr(what, 'f')) {
287 setobjs2s(L, L->top, func);
288 api_incr_top(L);
289 }
290 if (strchr(what, 'L'))
291 collectvalidlines(L, cl);
292 lua_unlock(L);
293 return status;
294 }
297 /*
298 ** {======================================================
299 ** Symbolic Execution
300 ** =======================================================
301 */
303 static const char *getobjname (Proto *p, int lastpc, int reg,
304 const char **name);
307 /*
308 ** find a "name" for the RK value 'c'
309 */
310 static void kname (Proto *p, int pc, int c, const char **name) {
311 if (ISK(c)) { /* is 'c' a constant? */
312 TValue *kvalue = &p->k[INDEXK(c)];
313 if (ttisstring(kvalue)) { /* literal constant? */
314 *name = svalue(kvalue); /* it is its own name */
315 return;
316 }
317 /* else no reasonable name found */
318 }
319 else { /* 'c' is a register */
320 const char *what = getobjname(p, pc, c, name); /* search for 'c' */
321 if (what && *what == 'c') { /* found a constant name? */
322 return; /* 'name' already filled */
323 }
324 /* else no reasonable name found */
325 }
326 *name = "?"; /* no reasonable name found */
327 }
330 static int filterpc (int pc, int jmptarget) {
331 if (pc < jmptarget) /* is code conditional (inside a jump)? */
332 return -1; /* cannot know who sets that register */
333 else return pc; /* current position sets that register */
334 }
337 /*
338 ** try to find last instruction before 'lastpc' that modified register 'reg'
339 */
340 static int findsetreg (Proto *p, int lastpc, int reg) {
341 int pc;
342 int setreg = -1; /* keep last instruction that changed 'reg' */
343 int jmptarget = 0; /* any code before this address is conditional */
344 for (pc = 0; pc < lastpc; pc++) {
345 Instruction i = p->code[pc];
346 OpCode op = GET_OPCODE(i);
347 int a = GETARG_A(i);
348 switch (op) {
349 case OP_LOADNIL: {
350 int b = GETARG_B(i);
351 if (a <= reg && reg <= a + b) /* set registers from 'a' to 'a+b' */
352 setreg = filterpc(pc, jmptarget);
353 break;
354 }
355 case OP_TFORCALL: {
356 if (reg >= a + 2) /* affect all regs above its base */
357 setreg = filterpc(pc, jmptarget);
358 break;
359 }
360 case OP_CALL:
361 case OP_TAILCALL: {
362 if (reg >= a) /* affect all registers above base */
363 setreg = filterpc(pc, jmptarget);
364 break;
365 }
366 case OP_JMP: {
367 int b = GETARG_sBx(i);
368 int dest = pc + 1 + b;
369 /* jump is forward and do not skip `lastpc'? */
370 if (pc < dest && dest <= lastpc) {
371 if (dest > jmptarget)
372 jmptarget = dest; /* update 'jmptarget' */
373 }
374 break;
375 }
376 case OP_TEST: {
377 if (reg == a) /* jumped code can change 'a' */
378 setreg = filterpc(pc, jmptarget);
379 break;
380 }
381 default:
382 if (testAMode(op) && reg == a) /* any instruction that set A */
383 setreg = filterpc(pc, jmptarget);
384 break;
385 }
386 }
387 return setreg;
388 }
391 static const char *getobjname (Proto *p, int lastpc, int reg,
392 const char **name) {
393 int pc;
394 *name = luaF_getlocalname(p, reg + 1, lastpc);
395 if (*name) /* is a local? */
396 return "local";
397 /* else try symbolic execution */
398 pc = findsetreg(p, lastpc, reg);
399 if (pc != -1) { /* could find instruction? */
400 Instruction i = p->code[pc];
401 OpCode op = GET_OPCODE(i);
402 switch (op) {
403 case OP_MOVE: {
404 int b = GETARG_B(i); /* move from 'b' to 'a' */
405 if (b < GETARG_A(i))
406 return getobjname(p, pc, b, name); /* get name for 'b' */
407 break;
408 }
409 case OP_GETTABUP:
410 case OP_GETTABLE: {
411 int k = GETARG_C(i); /* key index */
412 int t = GETARG_B(i); /* table index */
413 const char *vn = (op == OP_GETTABLE) /* name of indexed variable */
414 ? luaF_getlocalname(p, t + 1, pc)
415 : upvalname(p, t);
416 kname(p, pc, k, name);
417 return (vn && strcmp(vn, LUA_ENV) == 0) ? "global" : "field";
418 }
419 case OP_GETUPVAL: {
420 *name = upvalname(p, GETARG_B(i));
421 return "upvalue";
422 }
423 case OP_LOADK:
424 case OP_LOADKX: {
425 int b = (op == OP_LOADK) ? GETARG_Bx(i)
426 : GETARG_Ax(p->code[pc + 1]);
427 if (ttisstring(&p->k[b])) {
428 *name = svalue(&p->k[b]);
429 return "constant";
430 }
431 break;
432 }
433 case OP_SELF: {
434 int k = GETARG_C(i); /* key index */
435 kname(p, pc, k, name);
436 return "method";
437 }
438 default: break; /* go through to return NULL */
439 }
440 }
441 return NULL; /* could not find reasonable name */
442 }
445 static const char *getfuncname (lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci, const char **name) {
446 TMS tm;
447 Proto *p = ci_func(ci)->p; /* calling function */
448 int pc = currentpc(ci); /* calling instruction index */
449 Instruction i = p->code[pc]; /* calling instruction */
450 switch (GET_OPCODE(i)) {
451 case OP_CALL:
452 case OP_TAILCALL: /* get function name */
453 return getobjname(p, pc, GETARG_A(i), name);
454 case OP_TFORCALL: { /* for iterator */
455 *name = "for iterator";
456 return "for iterator";
457 }
458 /* all other instructions can call only through metamethods */
459 case OP_SELF:
460 case OP_GETTABUP:
461 case OP_GETTABLE: tm = TM_INDEX; break;
462 case OP_SETTABUP:
463 case OP_SETTABLE: tm = TM_NEWINDEX; break;
464 case OP_EQ: tm = TM_EQ; break;
465 case OP_ADD: tm = TM_ADD; break;
466 case OP_SUB: tm = TM_SUB; break;
467 case OP_MUL: tm = TM_MUL; break;
468 case OP_DIV: tm = TM_DIV; break;
469 case OP_MOD: tm = TM_MOD; break;
470 case OP_POW: tm = TM_POW; break;
471 case OP_UNM: tm = TM_UNM; break;
472 case OP_LEN: tm = TM_LEN; break;
473 case OP_LT: tm = TM_LT; break;
474 case OP_LE: tm = TM_LE; break;
475 case OP_CONCAT: tm = TM_CONCAT; break;
476 default:
477 return NULL; /* else no useful name can be found */
478 }
479 *name = getstr(G(L)->tmname[tm]);
480 return "metamethod";
481 }
483 /* }====================================================== */
487 /*
488 ** only ANSI way to check whether a pointer points to an array
489 ** (used only for error messages, so efficiency is not a big concern)
490 */
491 static int isinstack (CallInfo *ci, const TValue *o) {
492 StkId p;
493 for (p = ci->u.l.base; p < ci->top; p++)
494 if (o == p) return 1;
495 return 0;
496 }
499 static const char *getupvalname (CallInfo *ci, const TValue *o,
500 const char **name) {
501 LClosure *c = ci_func(ci);
502 int i;
503 for (i = 0; i < c->nupvalues; i++) {
504 if (c->upvals[i]->v == o) {
505 *name = upvalname(c->p, i);
506 return "upvalue";
507 }
508 }
509 return NULL;
510 }
513 l_noret luaG_typeerror (lua_State *L, const TValue *o, const char *op) {
514 CallInfo *ci = L->ci;
515 const char *name = NULL;
516 const char *t = objtypename(o);
517 const char *kind = NULL;
518 if (isLua(ci)) {
519 kind = getupvalname(ci, o, &name); /* check whether 'o' is an upvalue */
520 if (!kind && isinstack(ci, o)) /* no? try a register */
521 kind = getobjname(ci_func(ci)->p, currentpc(ci),
522 cast_int(o - ci->u.l.base), &name);
523 }
524 if (kind)
525 luaG_runerror(L, "attempt to %s %s " LUA_QS " (a %s value)",
526 op, kind, name, t);
527 else
528 luaG_runerror(L, "attempt to %s a %s value", op, t);
529 }
532 l_noret luaG_concaterror (lua_State *L, StkId p1, StkId p2) {
533 if (ttisstring(p1) || ttisnumber(p1)) p1 = p2;
534 lua_assert(!ttisstring(p1) && !ttisnumber(p1));
535 luaG_typeerror(L, p1, "concatenate");
536 }
539 l_noret luaG_aritherror (lua_State *L, const TValue *p1, const TValue *p2) {
540 TValue temp;
541 if (luaV_tonumber(p1, &temp) == NULL)
542 p2 = p1; /* first operand is wrong */
543 luaG_typeerror(L, p2, "perform arithmetic on");
544 }
547 l_noret luaG_ordererror (lua_State *L, const TValue *p1, const TValue *p2) {
548 const char *t1 = objtypename(p1);
549 const char *t2 = objtypename(p2);
550 if (t1 == t2)
551 luaG_runerror(L, "attempt to compare two %s values", t1);
552 else
553 luaG_runerror(L, "attempt to compare %s with %s", t1, t2);
554 }
557 static void addinfo (lua_State *L, const char *msg) {
558 CallInfo *ci = L->ci;
559 if (isLua(ci)) { /* is Lua code? */
560 char buff[LUA_IDSIZE]; /* add file:line information */
561 int line = currentline(ci);
562 TString *src = ci_func(ci)->p->source;
563 if (src)
564 luaO_chunkid(buff, getstr(src), LUA_IDSIZE);
565 else { /* no source available; use "?" instead */
566 buff[0] = '?'; buff[1] = '\0';
567 }
568 luaO_pushfstring(L, "%s:%d: %s", buff, line, msg);
569 }
570 }
573 l_noret luaG_errormsg (lua_State *L) {
574 if (L->errfunc != 0) { /* is there an error handling function? */
575 StkId errfunc = restorestack(L, L->errfunc);
576 if (!ttisfunction(errfunc)) luaD_throw(L, LUA_ERRERR);
577 setobjs2s(L, L->top, L->top - 1); /* move argument */
578 setobjs2s(L, L->top - 1, errfunc); /* push function */
579 L->top++;
580 luaD_call(L, L->top - 2, 1, 0); /* call it */
581 }
582 luaD_throw(L, LUA_ERRRUN);
583 }
586 l_noret luaG_runerror (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, ...) {
587 va_list argp;
588 va_start(argp, fmt);
589 addinfo(L, luaO_pushvfstring(L, fmt, argp));
590 va_end(argp);
591 luaG_errormsg(L);
592 }