]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/rgw/rgw_sync_module_es.cc
update sources to v12.2.3
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / rgw / rgw_sync_module_es.cc
1 #include "rgw_common.h"
2 #include "rgw_coroutine.h"
3 #include "rgw_sync_module.h"
4 #include "rgw_data_sync.h"
5 #include "rgw_sync_module_es.h"
6 #include "rgw_sync_module_es_rest.h"
7 #include "rgw_rest_conn.h"
8 #include "rgw_cr_rest.h"
9 #include "rgw_op.h"
10 #include "rgw_es_query.h"
12 #include "include/str_list.h"
14 #include <boost/asio/yield.hpp>
16 #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_rgw
19 /*
20 * whitelist utility. Config string is a list of entries, where an entry is either an item,
21 * a prefix, or a suffix. An item would be the name of the entity that we'd look up,
22 * a prefix would be a string ending with an asterisk, a suffix would be a string starting
23 * with an asterisk. For example:
24 *
25 * bucket1, bucket2, foo*, *bar
26 */
27 class ItemList {
28 bool approve_all{false};
30 set<string> entries;
31 set<string> prefixes;
32 set<string> suffixes;
34 void parse(const string& str) {
35 list<string> l;
37 get_str_list(str, ",", l);
39 for (auto& entry : l) {
40 entry = rgw_trim_whitespace(entry);
41 if (entry.empty()) {
42 continue;
43 }
45 if (entry == "*") {
46 approve_all = true;
47 return;
48 }
50 if (entry[0] == '*') {
51 suffixes.insert(entry.substr(1));
52 continue;
53 }
55 if (entry.back() == '*') {
56 prefixes.insert(entry.substr(0, entry.size() - 1));
57 continue;
58 }
60 entries.insert(entry);
61 }
62 }
64 public:
65 ItemList() {}
66 void init(const string& str, bool def_val) {
67 if (str.empty()) {
68 approve_all = def_val;
69 } else {
70 parse(str);
71 }
72 }
74 bool exists(const string& entry) {
75 if (approve_all) {
76 return true;
77 }
79 if (entries.find(entry) != entries.end()) {
80 return true;
81 }
83 auto i = prefixes.upper_bound(entry);
84 if (i != prefixes.begin()) {
85 --i;
86 if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(entry, *i)) {
87 return true;
88 }
89 }
91 for (i = suffixes.begin(); i != suffixes.end(); ++i) {
92 if (boost::algorithm::ends_with(entry, *i)) {
93 return true;
94 }
95 }
97 return false;
98 }
99 };
101 #define ES_NUM_SHARDS_MIN 5
103 #define ES_NUM_SHARDS_DEFAULT 16
106 struct ElasticConfig {
107 uint64_t sync_instance{0};
108 string id;
109 string index_path;
110 std::unique_ptr<RGWRESTConn> conn;
111 bool explicit_custom_meta{true};
112 string override_index_path;
113 ItemList index_buckets;
114 ItemList allow_owners;
115 uint32_t num_shards{0};
116 uint32_t num_replicas{0};
118 void init(CephContext *cct, const map<string, string, ltstr_nocase>& config) {
119 string elastic_endpoint = rgw_conf_get(config, "endpoint", "");
120 id = string("elastic:") + elastic_endpoint;
121 conn.reset(new RGWRESTConn(cct, nullptr, id, { elastic_endpoint }));
122 explicit_custom_meta = rgw_conf_get_bool(config, "explicit_custom_meta", true);
123 index_buckets.init(rgw_conf_get(config, "index_buckets_list", ""), true); /* approve all buckets by default */
124 allow_owners.init(rgw_conf_get(config, "approved_owners_list", ""), true); /* approve all bucket owners by default */
125 override_index_path = rgw_conf_get(config, "override_index_path", "");
126 num_shards = rgw_conf_get_int(config, "num_shards", ES_NUM_SHARDS_DEFAULT);
127 if (num_shards < ES_NUM_SHARDS_MIN) {
128 num_shards = ES_NUM_SHARDS_MIN;
129 }
130 num_replicas = rgw_conf_get_int(config, "num_replicas", ES_NUM_REPLICAS_DEFAULT);
131 }
133 void init_instance(RGWRealm& realm, uint64_t instance_id) {
134 sync_instance = instance_id;
136 if (!override_index_path.empty()) {
137 index_path = override_index_path;
138 return;
139 }
141 char buf[32];
142 snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "-%08x", (uint32_t)(sync_instance & 0xFFFFFFFF));
144 index_path = "/rgw-" + realm.get_name() + buf;
145 }
147 string get_index_path() {
148 return index_path;
149 }
151 string get_obj_path(const RGWBucketInfo& bucket_info, const rgw_obj_key& key) {
152 return index_path + "/object/" + bucket_info.bucket.bucket_id + ":" + key.name + ":" + (key.instance.empty() ? "null" : key.instance);
153 }
155 bool should_handle_operation(RGWBucketInfo& bucket_info) {
156 return index_buckets.exists(bucket_info.bucket.name) &&
157 allow_owners.exists(bucket_info.owner.to_str());
158 }
159 };
161 using ElasticConfigRef = std::shared_ptr<ElasticConfig>;
163 struct es_dump_type {
164 const char *type;
165 const char *format;
166 bool analyzed;
168 es_dump_type(const char *t, const char *f = nullptr, bool a = false) : type(t), format(f), analyzed(a) {}
170 void dump(Formatter *f) const {
171 encode_json("type", type, f);
172 if (format) {
173 encode_json("format", format, f);
174 }
175 if (!analyzed && strcmp(type, "string") == 0) {
176 encode_json("index", "not_analyzed", f);
177 }
178 }
179 };
181 struct es_index_mappings {
182 void dump_custom(Formatter *f, const char *section, const char *type, const char *format) const {
183 f->open_object_section(section);
184 ::encode_json("type", "nested", f);
185 f->open_object_section("properties");
186 encode_json("name", es_dump_type("string"), f);
187 encode_json("value", es_dump_type(type, format), f);
188 f->close_section(); // entry
189 f->close_section(); // custom-string
190 }
191 void dump(Formatter *f) const {
192 f->open_object_section("object");
193 f->open_object_section("properties");
194 encode_json("bucket", es_dump_type("string"), f);
195 encode_json("name", es_dump_type("string"), f);
196 encode_json("instance", es_dump_type("string"), f);
197 encode_json("versioned_epoch", es_dump_type("long"), f);
198 f->open_object_section("meta");
199 f->open_object_section("properties");
200 encode_json("cache_control", es_dump_type("string"), f);
201 encode_json("content_disposition", es_dump_type("string"), f);
202 encode_json("content_encoding", es_dump_type("string"), f);
203 encode_json("content_language", es_dump_type("string"), f);
204 encode_json("content_type", es_dump_type("string"), f);
205 encode_json("etag", es_dump_type("string"), f);
206 encode_json("expires", es_dump_type("string"), f);
207 f->open_object_section("mtime");
208 ::encode_json("type", "date", f);
209 ::encode_json("format", "strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis", f);
210 f->close_section(); // mtime
211 encode_json("size", es_dump_type("long"), f);
212 dump_custom(f, "custom-string", "string", nullptr);
213 dump_custom(f, "custom-int", "long", nullptr);
214 dump_custom(f, "custom-date", "date", "strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis");
215 f->close_section(); // properties
216 f->close_section(); // meta
217 f->close_section(); // properties
218 f->close_section(); // object
219 }
220 };
222 struct es_index_settings {
223 uint32_t num_replicas;
224 uint32_t num_shards;
226 es_index_settings(uint32_t _replicas, uint32_t _shards) : num_replicas(_replicas), num_shards(_shards) {}
228 void dump(Formatter *f) const {
229 encode_json("number_of_replicas", num_replicas, f);
230 encode_json("number_of_shards", num_shards, f);
231 }
232 };
234 struct es_index_config {
235 es_index_settings settings;
236 es_index_mappings mappings;
238 es_index_config(es_index_settings& _s, es_index_mappings& _m) : settings(_s), mappings(_m) {}
240 void dump(Formatter *f) const {
241 encode_json("settings", settings, f);
242 encode_json("mappings", mappings, f);
243 }
244 };
246 struct es_obj_metadata {
247 CephContext *cct;
248 ElasticConfigRef es_conf;
249 RGWBucketInfo bucket_info;
250 rgw_obj_key key;
251 ceph::real_time mtime;
252 uint64_t size;
253 map<string, bufferlist> attrs;
254 uint64_t versioned_epoch;
256 es_obj_metadata(CephContext *_cct, ElasticConfigRef _es_conf, const RGWBucketInfo& _bucket_info,
257 const rgw_obj_key& _key, ceph::real_time& _mtime, uint64_t _size,
258 map<string, bufferlist>& _attrs, uint64_t _versioned_epoch) : cct(_cct), es_conf(_es_conf), bucket_info(_bucket_info), key(_key),
259 mtime(_mtime), size(_size), attrs(std::move(_attrs)), versioned_epoch(_versioned_epoch) {}
261 void dump(Formatter *f) const {
262 map<string, string> out_attrs;
263 map<string, string> custom_meta;
264 RGWAccessControlPolicy policy;
265 set<string> permissions;
266 RGWObjTags obj_tags;
268 for (auto i : attrs) {
269 const string& attr_name = i.first;
270 string name;
271 bufferlist& val = i.second;
273 if (attr_name.compare(0, sizeof(RGW_ATTR_PREFIX) - 1, RGW_ATTR_PREFIX) != 0) {
274 continue;
275 }
277 if (attr_name.compare(0, sizeof(RGW_ATTR_META_PREFIX) - 1, RGW_ATTR_META_PREFIX) == 0) {
278 name = attr_name.substr(sizeof(RGW_ATTR_META_PREFIX) - 1);
279 custom_meta[name] = string(val.c_str(), (val.length() > 0 ? val.length() - 1 : 0));
280 continue;
281 }
283 name = attr_name.substr(sizeof(RGW_ATTR_PREFIX) - 1);
285 if (name == "acl") {
286 try {
287 auto i = val.begin();
288 ::decode(policy, i);
289 } catch (buffer::error& err) {
290 ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: failed to decode acl for " << bucket_info.bucket << "/" << key << dendl;
291 }
293 const RGWAccessControlList& acl = policy.get_acl();
295 permissions.insert(policy.get_owner().get_id().to_str());
296 for (auto acliter : acl.get_grant_map()) {
297 const ACLGrant& grant = acliter.second;
298 if (grant.get_type().get_type() == ACL_TYPE_CANON_USER &&
299 ((uint32_t)grant.get_permission().get_permissions() & RGW_PERM_READ) != 0) {
300 rgw_user user;
301 if (grant.get_id(user)) {
302 permissions.insert(user.to_str());
303 }
304 }
305 }
306 } else if (name == "x-amz-tagging") {
307 auto tags_bl = val.begin();
308 ::decode(obj_tags, tags_bl);
309 } else {
310 if (name != "pg_ver" &&
311 name != "source_zone" &&
312 name != "idtag") {
313 out_attrs[name] = string(val.c_str(), (val.length() > 0 ? val.length() - 1 : 0));
314 }
315 }
316 }
317 ::encode_json("bucket", bucket_info.bucket.name, f);
318 ::encode_json("name", key.name, f);
319 ::encode_json("instance", key.instance, f);
320 ::encode_json("versioned_epoch", versioned_epoch, f);
321 ::encode_json("owner", policy.get_owner(), f);
322 ::encode_json("permissions", permissions, f);
323 f->open_object_section("meta");
324 ::encode_json("size", size, f);
326 string mtime_str;
327 rgw_to_iso8601(mtime, &mtime_str);
328 ::encode_json("mtime", mtime_str, f);
329 for (auto i : out_attrs) {
330 ::encode_json(i.first.c_str(), i.second, f);
331 }
332 map<string, string> custom_str;
333 map<string, string> custom_int;
334 map<string, string> custom_date;
336 for (auto i : custom_meta) {
337 auto config = bucket_info.mdsearch_config.find(i.first);
338 if (config == bucket_info.mdsearch_config.end()) {
339 if (!es_conf->explicit_custom_meta) {
340 /* default custom meta is of type string */
341 custom_str[i.first] = i.second;
342 } else {
343 ldout(cct, 20) << "custom meta entry key=" << i.first << " not found in bucket mdsearch config: " << bucket_info.mdsearch_config << dendl;
344 }
345 continue;
346 }
347 switch (config->second) {
348 case ESEntityTypeMap::ES_ENTITY_DATE:
349 custom_date[i.first] = i.second;
350 break;
351 case ESEntityTypeMap::ES_ENTITY_INT:
352 custom_int[i.first] = i.second;
353 break;
354 default:
355 custom_str[i.first] = i.second;
356 }
357 }
359 if (!custom_str.empty()) {
360 f->open_array_section("custom-string");
361 for (auto i : custom_str) {
362 f->open_object_section("entity");
363 ::encode_json("name", i.first.c_str(), f);
364 ::encode_json("value", i.second, f);
365 f->close_section();
366 }
367 f->close_section();
368 }
369 if (!custom_int.empty()) {
370 f->open_array_section("custom-int");
371 for (auto i : custom_int) {
372 f->open_object_section("entity");
373 ::encode_json("name", i.first.c_str(), f);
374 ::encode_json("value", i.second, f);
375 f->close_section();
376 }
377 f->close_section();
378 }
379 if (!custom_date.empty()) {
380 f->open_array_section("custom-date");
381 for (auto i : custom_date) {
382 /*
383 * try to exlicitly parse date field, otherwise elasticsearch could reject the whole doc,
384 * which will end up with failed sync
385 */
386 real_time t;
387 int r = parse_time(i.second.c_str(), &t);
388 if (r < 0) {
389 ldout(cct, 20) << __func__ << "(): failed to parse time (" << i.second << "), skipping encoding of custom date attribute" << dendl;
390 continue;
391 }
393 string time_str;
394 rgw_to_iso8601(t, &time_str);
396 f->open_object_section("entity");
397 ::encode_json("name", i.first.c_str(), f);
398 ::encode_json("value", time_str.c_str(), f);
399 f->close_section();
400 }
401 f->close_section();
402 }
403 f->close_section(); // meta
404 const auto& m = obj_tags.get_tags();
405 if (m.size() > 0){
406 f->open_array_section("tagging");
407 for (const auto &it : m) {
408 f->open_object_section("tag");
409 ::encode_json("key", it.first, f);
410 ::encode_json("value",it.second, f);
411 f->close_section();
412 }
413 f->close_section(); // tagging
414 }
415 }
416 };
418 class RGWElasticInitConfigCBCR : public RGWCoroutine {
419 RGWDataSyncEnv *sync_env;
420 ElasticConfigRef conf;
421 public:
422 RGWElasticInitConfigCBCR(RGWDataSyncEnv *_sync_env,
423 ElasticConfigRef _conf) : RGWCoroutine(_sync_env->cct),
424 sync_env(_sync_env),
425 conf(_conf) {}
426 int operate() override {
427 reenter(this) {
428 ldout(sync_env->cct, 0) << ": init elasticsearch config zone=" << sync_env->source_zone << dendl;
429 yield {
430 string path = conf->get_index_path();
432 es_index_settings settings(conf->num_replicas, conf->num_shards);
433 es_index_mappings mappings;
435 es_index_config index_conf(settings, mappings);
437 call(new RGWPutRESTResourceCR<es_index_config, int>(sync_env->cct, conf->conn.get(),
438 sync_env->http_manager,
439 path, nullptr /* params */,
440 index_conf, nullptr /* result */));
441 }
442 if (retcode < 0) {
443 return set_cr_error(retcode);
444 }
445 return set_cr_done();
446 }
447 return 0;
448 }
450 };
452 class RGWElasticHandleRemoteObjCBCR : public RGWStatRemoteObjCBCR {
453 ElasticConfigRef conf;
454 uint64_t versioned_epoch;
455 public:
456 RGWElasticHandleRemoteObjCBCR(RGWDataSyncEnv *_sync_env,
457 RGWBucketInfo& _bucket_info, rgw_obj_key& _key,
458 ElasticConfigRef _conf, uint64_t _versioned_epoch) : RGWStatRemoteObjCBCR(_sync_env, _bucket_info, _key), conf(_conf),
459 versioned_epoch(_versioned_epoch) {}
460 int operate() override {
461 reenter(this) {
462 ldout(sync_env->cct, 10) << ": stat of remote obj: z=" << sync_env->source_zone
463 << " b=" << bucket_info.bucket << " k=" << key << " size=" << size << " mtime=" << mtime
464 << " attrs=" << attrs << dendl;
465 yield {
466 string path = conf->get_obj_path(bucket_info, key);
467 es_obj_metadata doc(sync_env->cct, conf, bucket_info, key, mtime, size, attrs, versioned_epoch);
469 call(new RGWPutRESTResourceCR<es_obj_metadata, int>(sync_env->cct, conf->conn.get(),
470 sync_env->http_manager,
471 path, nullptr /* params */,
472 doc, nullptr /* result */));
474 }
475 if (retcode < 0) {
476 return set_cr_error(retcode);
477 }
478 return set_cr_done();
479 }
480 return 0;
481 }
482 };
484 class RGWElasticHandleRemoteObjCR : public RGWCallStatRemoteObjCR {
485 ElasticConfigRef conf;
486 uint64_t versioned_epoch;
487 public:
488 RGWElasticHandleRemoteObjCR(RGWDataSyncEnv *_sync_env,
489 RGWBucketInfo& _bucket_info, rgw_obj_key& _key,
490 ElasticConfigRef _conf, uint64_t _versioned_epoch) : RGWCallStatRemoteObjCR(_sync_env, _bucket_info, _key),
491 conf(_conf), versioned_epoch(_versioned_epoch) {
492 }
494 ~RGWElasticHandleRemoteObjCR() override {}
496 RGWStatRemoteObjCBCR *allocate_callback() override {
497 return new RGWElasticHandleRemoteObjCBCR(sync_env, bucket_info, key, conf, versioned_epoch);
498 }
499 };
501 class RGWElasticRemoveRemoteObjCBCR : public RGWCoroutine {
502 RGWDataSyncEnv *sync_env;
503 RGWBucketInfo bucket_info;
504 rgw_obj_key key;
505 ceph::real_time mtime;
506 ElasticConfigRef conf;
507 public:
508 RGWElasticRemoveRemoteObjCBCR(RGWDataSyncEnv *_sync_env,
509 RGWBucketInfo& _bucket_info, rgw_obj_key& _key, const ceph::real_time& _mtime,
510 ElasticConfigRef _conf) : RGWCoroutine(_sync_env->cct), sync_env(_sync_env),
511 bucket_info(_bucket_info), key(_key),
512 mtime(_mtime), conf(_conf) {}
513 int operate() override {
514 reenter(this) {
515 ldout(sync_env->cct, 10) << ": remove remote obj: z=" << sync_env->source_zone
516 << " b=" << bucket_info.bucket << " k=" << key << " mtime=" << mtime << dendl;
517 yield {
518 string path = conf->get_obj_path(bucket_info, key);
520 call(new RGWDeleteRESTResourceCR(sync_env->cct, conf->conn.get(),
521 sync_env->http_manager,
522 path, nullptr /* params */));
523 }
524 if (retcode < 0) {
525 return set_cr_error(retcode);
526 }
527 return set_cr_done();
528 }
529 return 0;
530 }
532 };
534 class RGWElasticDataSyncModule : public RGWDataSyncModule {
535 ElasticConfigRef conf;
536 public:
537 RGWElasticDataSyncModule(CephContext *cct, const map<string, string, ltstr_nocase>& config) : conf(std::make_shared<ElasticConfig>()) {
538 conf->init(cct, config);
539 }
540 ~RGWElasticDataSyncModule() override {}
542 void init(RGWDataSyncEnv *sync_env, uint64_t instance_id) override {
543 conf->init_instance(sync_env->store->get_realm(), instance_id);
544 }
546 RGWCoroutine *init_sync(RGWDataSyncEnv *sync_env) override {
547 ldout(sync_env->cct, 5) << conf->id << ": init" << dendl;
548 return new RGWElasticInitConfigCBCR(sync_env, conf);
549 }
550 RGWCoroutine *sync_object(RGWDataSyncEnv *sync_env, RGWBucketInfo& bucket_info, rgw_obj_key& key, uint64_t versioned_epoch, rgw_zone_set *zones_trace) override {
551 ldout(sync_env->cct, 10) << conf->id << ": sync_object: b=" << bucket_info.bucket << " k=" << key << " versioned_epoch=" << versioned_epoch << dendl;
552 if (!conf->should_handle_operation(bucket_info)) {
553 ldout(sync_env->cct, 10) << conf->id << ": skipping operation (bucket not approved)" << dendl;
554 return nullptr;
555 }
556 return new RGWElasticHandleRemoteObjCR(sync_env, bucket_info, key, conf, versioned_epoch);
557 }
558 RGWCoroutine *remove_object(RGWDataSyncEnv *sync_env, RGWBucketInfo& bucket_info, rgw_obj_key& key, real_time& mtime, bool versioned, uint64_t versioned_epoch, rgw_zone_set *zones_trace) override {
559 /* versioned and versioned epoch params are useless in the elasticsearch backend case */
560 ldout(sync_env->cct, 10) << conf->id << ": rm_object: b=" << bucket_info.bucket << " k=" << key << " mtime=" << mtime << " versioned=" << versioned << " versioned_epoch=" << versioned_epoch << dendl;
561 if (!conf->should_handle_operation(bucket_info)) {
562 ldout(sync_env->cct, 10) << conf->id << ": skipping operation (bucket not approved)" << dendl;
563 return nullptr;
564 }
565 return new RGWElasticRemoveRemoteObjCBCR(sync_env, bucket_info, key, mtime, conf);
566 }
567 RGWCoroutine *create_delete_marker(RGWDataSyncEnv *sync_env, RGWBucketInfo& bucket_info, rgw_obj_key& key, real_time& mtime,
568 rgw_bucket_entry_owner& owner, bool versioned, uint64_t versioned_epoch, rgw_zone_set *zones_trace) override {
569 ldout(sync_env->cct, 10) << conf->id << ": create_delete_marker: b=" << bucket_info.bucket << " k=" << key << " mtime=" << mtime
570 << " versioned=" << versioned << " versioned_epoch=" << versioned_epoch << dendl;
571 ldout(sync_env->cct, 10) << conf->id << ": skipping operation (not handled)" << dendl;
572 return NULL;
573 }
574 RGWRESTConn *get_rest_conn() {
575 return conf->conn.get();
576 }
578 string get_index_path() {
579 return conf->get_index_path();
580 }
581 };
583 RGWElasticSyncModuleInstance::RGWElasticSyncModuleInstance(CephContext *cct, const map<string, string, ltstr_nocase>& config)
584 {
585 data_handler = std::unique_ptr<RGWElasticDataSyncModule>(new RGWElasticDataSyncModule(cct, config));
586 }
588 RGWDataSyncModule *RGWElasticSyncModuleInstance::get_data_handler()
589 {
590 return data_handler.get();
591 }
593 RGWRESTConn *RGWElasticSyncModuleInstance::get_rest_conn()
594 {
595 return data_handler->get_rest_conn();
596 }
598 string RGWElasticSyncModuleInstance::get_index_path() {
599 return data_handler->get_index_path();
600 }
602 RGWRESTMgr *RGWElasticSyncModuleInstance::get_rest_filter(int dialect, RGWRESTMgr *orig) {
603 if (dialect != RGW_REST_S3) {
604 return orig;
605 }
606 delete orig;
607 return new RGWRESTMgr_MDSearch_S3();
608 }
610 int RGWElasticSyncModule::create_instance(CephContext *cct, map<string, string, ltstr_nocase>& config, RGWSyncModuleInstanceRef *instance) {
611 string endpoint;
612 auto i = config.find("endpoint");
613 if (i != config.end()) {
614 endpoint = i->second;
615 }
616 instance->reset(new RGWElasticSyncModuleInstance(cct, config));
617 return 0;
618 }