]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - compiler/rustc_parse/src/lib.rs
New upstream version 1.69.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / compiler / rustc_parse / src / lib.rs
1 //! The main parser interface.
3 #![feature(array_windows)]
4 #![feature(box_patterns)]
5 #![feature(if_let_guard)]
6 #![feature(iter_intersperse)]
7 #![feature(let_chains)]
8 #![feature(never_type)]
9 #![feature(rustc_attrs)]
10 #![recursion_limit = "256"]
12 #[macro_use]
13 extern crate tracing;
15 use rustc_ast as ast;
16 use rustc_ast::token;
17 use rustc_ast::tokenstream::TokenStream;
18 use rustc_ast::{AttrItem, Attribute, MetaItem};
19 use rustc_ast_pretty::pprust;
20 use rustc_data_structures::sync::Lrc;
21 use rustc_errors::{Applicability, Diagnostic, FatalError, Level, PResult};
22 use rustc_errors::{DiagnosticMessage, SubdiagnosticMessage};
23 use rustc_macros::fluent_messages;
24 use rustc_session::parse::ParseSess;
25 use rustc_span::{FileName, SourceFile, Span};
27 use std::path::Path;
29 pub const MACRO_ARGUMENTS: Option<&str> = Some("macro arguments");
31 #[macro_use]
32 pub mod parser;
33 use parser::{make_unclosed_delims_error, Parser};
34 pub mod lexer;
35 pub mod validate_attr;
37 mod errors;
39 fluent_messages! { "../locales/en-US.ftl" }
41 // A bunch of utility functions of the form `parse_<thing>_from_<source>`
42 // where <thing> includes crate, expr, item, stmt, tts, and one that
43 // uses a HOF to parse anything, and <source> includes file and
44 // `source_str`.
46 /// A variant of 'panictry!' that works on a `Vec<Diagnostic>` instead of a single
47 /// `DiagnosticBuilder`.
48 macro_rules! panictry_buffer {
49 ($handler:expr, $e:expr) => {{
50 use rustc_errors::FatalError;
51 use std::result::Result::{Err, Ok};
52 match $e {
53 Ok(e) => e,
54 Err(errs) => {
55 for mut e in errs {
56 $handler.emit_diagnostic(&mut e);
57 }
58 FatalError.raise()
59 }
60 }
61 }};
62 }
64 pub fn parse_crate_from_file<'a>(input: &Path, sess: &'a ParseSess) -> PResult<'a, ast::Crate> {
65 let mut parser = new_parser_from_file(sess, input, None);
66 parser.parse_crate_mod()
67 }
69 pub fn parse_crate_attrs_from_file<'a>(
70 input: &Path,
71 sess: &'a ParseSess,
72 ) -> PResult<'a, ast::AttrVec> {
73 let mut parser = new_parser_from_file(sess, input, None);
74 parser.parse_inner_attributes()
75 }
77 pub fn parse_crate_from_source_str(
78 name: FileName,
79 source: String,
80 sess: &ParseSess,
81 ) -> PResult<'_, ast::Crate> {
82 new_parser_from_source_str(sess, name, source).parse_crate_mod()
83 }
85 pub fn parse_crate_attrs_from_source_str(
86 name: FileName,
87 source: String,
88 sess: &ParseSess,
89 ) -> PResult<'_, ast::AttrVec> {
90 new_parser_from_source_str(sess, name, source).parse_inner_attributes()
91 }
93 pub fn parse_stream_from_source_str(
94 name: FileName,
95 source: String,
96 sess: &ParseSess,
97 override_span: Option<Span>,
98 ) -> TokenStream {
99 source_file_to_stream(sess, sess.source_map().new_source_file(name, source), override_span)
100 }
102 /// Creates a new parser from a source string.
103 pub fn new_parser_from_source_str(sess: &ParseSess, name: FileName, source: String) -> Parser<'_> {
104 panictry_buffer!(&sess.span_diagnostic, maybe_new_parser_from_source_str(sess, name, source))
105 }
107 /// Creates a new parser from a source string. Returns any buffered errors from lexing the initial
108 /// token stream.
109 pub fn maybe_new_parser_from_source_str(
110 sess: &ParseSess,
111 name: FileName,
112 source: String,
113 ) -> Result<Parser<'_>, Vec<Diagnostic>> {
114 maybe_source_file_to_parser(sess, sess.source_map().new_source_file(name, source))
115 }
117 /// Creates a new parser, handling errors as appropriate if the file doesn't exist.
118 /// If a span is given, that is used on an error as the source of the problem.
119 pub fn new_parser_from_file<'a>(sess: &'a ParseSess, path: &Path, sp: Option<Span>) -> Parser<'a> {
120 source_file_to_parser(sess, file_to_source_file(sess, path, sp))
121 }
123 /// Given a session and a `source_file`, returns a parser.
124 fn source_file_to_parser(sess: &ParseSess, source_file: Lrc<SourceFile>) -> Parser<'_> {
125 panictry_buffer!(&sess.span_diagnostic, maybe_source_file_to_parser(sess, source_file))
126 }
128 /// Given a session and a `source_file`, return a parser. Returns any buffered errors from lexing the
129 /// initial token stream.
130 fn maybe_source_file_to_parser(
131 sess: &ParseSess,
132 source_file: Lrc<SourceFile>,
133 ) -> Result<Parser<'_>, Vec<Diagnostic>> {
134 let end_pos = source_file.end_pos;
135 let stream = maybe_file_to_stream(sess, source_file, None)?;
136 let mut parser = stream_to_parser(sess, stream, None);
137 if parser.token == token::Eof {
138 parser.token.span = Span::new(end_pos, end_pos, parser.token.span.ctxt(), None);
139 }
141 Ok(parser)
142 }
144 // Base abstractions
146 /// Given a session and a path and an optional span (for error reporting),
147 /// add the path to the session's source_map and return the new source_file or
148 /// error when a file can't be read.
149 fn try_file_to_source_file(
150 sess: &ParseSess,
151 path: &Path,
152 spanopt: Option<Span>,
153 ) -> Result<Lrc<SourceFile>, Diagnostic> {
154 sess.source_map().load_file(path).map_err(|e| {
155 let msg = format!("couldn't read {}: {}", path.display(), e);
156 let mut diag = Diagnostic::new(Level::Fatal, &msg);
157 if let Some(sp) = spanopt {
158 diag.set_span(sp);
159 }
160 diag
161 })
162 }
164 /// Given a session and a path and an optional span (for error reporting),
165 /// adds the path to the session's `source_map` and returns the new `source_file`.
166 fn file_to_source_file(sess: &ParseSess, path: &Path, spanopt: Option<Span>) -> Lrc<SourceFile> {
167 match try_file_to_source_file(sess, path, spanopt) {
168 Ok(source_file) => source_file,
169 Err(mut d) => {
170 sess.span_diagnostic.emit_diagnostic(&mut d);
171 FatalError.raise();
172 }
173 }
174 }
176 /// Given a `source_file`, produces a sequence of token trees.
177 pub fn source_file_to_stream(
178 sess: &ParseSess,
179 source_file: Lrc<SourceFile>,
180 override_span: Option<Span>,
181 ) -> TokenStream {
182 panictry_buffer!(&sess.span_diagnostic, maybe_file_to_stream(sess, source_file, override_span))
183 }
185 /// Given a source file, produces a sequence of token trees. Returns any buffered errors from
186 /// parsing the token stream.
187 pub fn maybe_file_to_stream(
188 sess: &ParseSess,
189 source_file: Lrc<SourceFile>,
190 override_span: Option<Span>,
191 ) -> Result<TokenStream, Vec<Diagnostic>> {
192 let src = source_file.src.as_ref().unwrap_or_else(|| {
193 sess.span_diagnostic.bug(&format!(
194 "cannot lex `source_file` without source: {}",
195 sess.source_map().filename_for_diagnostics(&source_file.name)
196 ));
197 });
199 lexer::parse_token_trees(sess, src.as_str(), source_file.start_pos, override_span)
200 }
202 /// Given a stream and the `ParseSess`, produces a parser.
203 pub fn stream_to_parser<'a>(
204 sess: &'a ParseSess,
205 stream: TokenStream,
206 subparser_name: Option<&'static str>,
207 ) -> Parser<'a> {
208 Parser::new(sess, stream, false, subparser_name)
209 }
211 /// Runs the given subparser `f` on the tokens of the given `attr`'s item.
212 pub fn parse_in<'a, T>(
213 sess: &'a ParseSess,
214 tts: TokenStream,
215 name: &'static str,
216 mut f: impl FnMut(&mut Parser<'a>) -> PResult<'a, T>,
217 ) -> PResult<'a, T> {
218 let mut parser = Parser::new(sess, tts, false, Some(name));
219 let result = f(&mut parser)?;
220 if parser.token != token::Eof {
221 parser.unexpected()?;
222 }
223 Ok(result)
224 }
226 pub fn fake_token_stream_for_item(sess: &ParseSess, item: &ast::Item) -> TokenStream {
227 let source = pprust::item_to_string(item);
228 let filename = FileName::macro_expansion_source_code(&source);
229 parse_stream_from_source_str(filename, source, sess, Some(item.span))
230 }
232 pub fn fake_token_stream_for_crate(sess: &ParseSess, krate: &ast::Crate) -> TokenStream {
233 let source = pprust::crate_to_string_for_macros(krate);
234 let filename = FileName::macro_expansion_source_code(&source);
235 parse_stream_from_source_str(filename, source, sess, Some(krate.spans.inner_span))
236 }
238 pub fn parse_cfg_attr(
239 attr: &Attribute,
240 parse_sess: &ParseSess,
241 ) -> Option<(MetaItem, Vec<(AttrItem, Span)>)> {
242 match attr.get_normal_item().args {
243 ast::AttrArgs::Delimited(ast::DelimArgs { dspan, delim, ref tokens })
244 if !tokens.is_empty() =>
245 {
246 let msg = "wrong `cfg_attr` delimiters";
247 crate::validate_attr::check_meta_bad_delim(parse_sess, dspan, delim, msg);
248 match parse_in(parse_sess, tokens.clone(), "`cfg_attr` input", |p| p.parse_cfg_attr()) {
249 Ok(r) => return Some(r),
250 Err(mut e) => {
251 e.help(&format!("the valid syntax is `{}`", CFG_ATTR_GRAMMAR_HELP))
252 .note(CFG_ATTR_NOTE_REF)
253 .emit();
254 }
255 }
256 }
257 _ => error_malformed_cfg_attr_missing(attr.span, parse_sess),
258 }
259 None
260 }
262 const CFG_ATTR_GRAMMAR_HELP: &str = "#[cfg_attr(condition, attribute, other_attribute, ...)]";
263 const CFG_ATTR_NOTE_REF: &str = "for more information, visit \
264 <https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/conditional-compilation.html\
265 #the-cfg_attr-attribute>";
267 fn error_malformed_cfg_attr_missing(span: Span, parse_sess: &ParseSess) {
268 parse_sess
269 .span_diagnostic
270 .struct_span_err(span, "malformed `cfg_attr` attribute input")
271 .span_suggestion(
272 span,
273 "missing condition and attribute",
275 Applicability::HasPlaceholders,
276 )
277 .note(CFG_ATTR_NOTE_REF)
278 .emit();
279 }