]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - library/core/src/hint.rs
New upstream version 1.56.0~beta.4+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / library / core / src / hint.rs
1 #![stable(feature = "core_hint", since = "1.27.0")]
3 //! Hints to compiler that affects how code should be emitted or optimized.
4 //! Hints may be compile time or runtime.
6 use crate::intrinsics;
8 /// Informs the compiler that this point in the code is not reachable, enabling
9 /// further optimizations.
10 ///
11 /// # Safety
12 ///
13 /// Reaching this function is completely *undefined behavior* (UB). In
14 /// particular, the compiler assumes that all UB must never happen, and
15 /// therefore will eliminate all branches that reach to a call to
16 /// `unreachable_unchecked()`.
17 ///
18 /// Like all instances of UB, if this assumption turns out to be wrong, i.e., the
19 /// `unreachable_unchecked()` call is actually reachable among all possible
20 /// control flow, the compiler will apply the wrong optimization strategy, and
21 /// may sometimes even corrupt seemingly unrelated code, causing
22 /// difficult-to-debug problems.
23 ///
24 /// Use this function only when you can prove that the code will never call it.
25 /// Otherwise, consider using the [`unreachable!`] macro, which does not allow
26 /// optimizations but will panic when executed.
27 ///
28 /// # Example
29 ///
30 /// ```
31 /// fn div_1(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 {
32 /// use std::hint::unreachable_unchecked;
33 ///
34 /// // `b.saturating_add(1)` is always positive (not zero),
35 /// // hence `checked_div` will never return `None`.
36 /// // Therefore, the else branch is unreachable.
37 /// a.checked_div(b.saturating_add(1))
38 /// .unwrap_or_else(|| unsafe { unreachable_unchecked() })
39 /// }
40 ///
41 /// assert_eq!(div_1(7, 0), 7);
42 /// assert_eq!(div_1(9, 1), 4);
43 /// assert_eq!(div_1(11, u32::MAX), 0);
44 /// ```
45 #[inline]
46 #[stable(feature = "unreachable", since = "1.27.0")]
47 #[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "const_unreachable_unchecked", issue = "53188")]
48 pub const unsafe fn unreachable_unchecked() -> ! {
49 // SAFETY: the safety contract for `intrinsics::unreachable` must
50 // be upheld by the caller.
51 unsafe { intrinsics::unreachable() }
52 }
54 /// Emits a machine instruction to signal the processor that it is running in
55 /// a busy-wait spin-loop ("spin lock").
56 ///
57 /// Upon receiving the spin-loop signal the processor can optimize its behavior by,
58 /// for example, saving power or switching hyper-threads.
59 ///
60 /// This function is different from [`thread::yield_now`] which directly
61 /// yields to the system's scheduler, whereas `spin_loop` does not interact
62 /// with the operating system.
63 ///
64 /// A common use case for `spin_loop` is implementing bounded optimistic
65 /// spinning in a CAS loop in synchronization primitives. To avoid problems
66 /// like priority inversion, it is strongly recommended that the spin loop is
67 /// terminated after a finite amount of iterations and an appropriate blocking
68 /// syscall is made.
69 ///
70 /// **Note**: On platforms that do not support receiving spin-loop hints this
71 /// function does not do anything at all.
72 ///
73 /// # Examples
74 ///
75 /// ```
76 /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
77 /// use std::sync::Arc;
78 /// use std::{hint, thread};
79 ///
80 /// // A shared atomic value that threads will use to coordinate
81 /// let live = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
82 ///
83 /// // In a background thread we'll eventually set the value
84 /// let bg_work = {
85 /// let live = live.clone();
86 /// thread::spawn(move || {
87 /// // Do some work, then make the value live
88 /// do_some_work();
89 /// live.store(true, Ordering::Release);
90 /// })
91 /// };
92 ///
93 /// // Back on our current thread, we wait for the value to be set
94 /// while !live.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
95 /// // The spin loop is a hint to the CPU that we're waiting, but probably
96 /// // not for very long
97 /// hint::spin_loop();
98 /// }
99 ///
100 /// // The value is now set
101 /// # fn do_some_work() {}
102 /// do_some_work();
103 /// bg_work.join()?;
104 /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn core::any::Any + Send + 'static>>(())
105 /// ```
106 ///
107 /// [`thread::yield_now`]: ../../std/thread/fn.yield_now.html
108 #[inline]
109 #[stable(feature = "renamed_spin_loop", since = "1.49.0")]
110 pub fn spin_loop() {
111 #[cfg(all(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"), target_feature = "sse2"))]
112 {
113 #[cfg(target_arch = "x86")]
114 {
115 // SAFETY: the `cfg` attr ensures that we only execute this on x86 targets.
116 unsafe { crate::arch::x86::_mm_pause() };
117 }
119 #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
120 {
121 // SAFETY: the `cfg` attr ensures that we only execute this on x86_64 targets.
122 unsafe { crate::arch::x86_64::_mm_pause() };
123 }
124 }
126 #[cfg(any(target_arch = "aarch64", all(target_arch = "arm", target_feature = "v6")))]
127 {
128 #[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
129 {
130 // SAFETY: the `cfg` attr ensures that we only execute this on aarch64 targets.
131 unsafe { crate::arch::aarch64::__isb(crate::arch::aarch64::SY) };
132 }
133 #[cfg(target_arch = "arm")]
134 {
135 // SAFETY: the `cfg` attr ensures that we only execute this on arm targets
136 // with support for the v6 feature.
137 unsafe { crate::arch::arm::__yield() };
138 }
139 }
140 }
142 /// An identity function that *__hints__* to the compiler to be maximally pessimistic about what
143 /// `black_box` could do.
144 ///
145 /// Unlike [`std::convert::identity`], a Rust compiler is encouraged to assume that `black_box` can
146 /// use `dummy` in any possible valid way that Rust code is allowed to without introducing undefined
147 /// behavior in the calling code. This property makes `black_box` useful for writing code in which
148 /// certain optimizations are not desired, such as benchmarks.
149 ///
150 /// Note however, that `black_box` is only (and can only be) provided on a "best-effort" basis. The
151 /// extent to which it can block optimisations may vary depending upon the platform and code-gen
152 /// backend used. Programs cannot rely on `black_box` for *correctness* in any way.
153 ///
154 /// [`std::convert::identity`]: crate::convert::identity
155 #[inline]
156 #[unstable(feature = "bench_black_box", issue = "64102")]
157 #[cfg_attr(not(bootstrap), allow(unused_mut))]
158 #[cfg_attr(bootstrap, allow(deprecated))]
159 pub fn black_box<T>(mut dummy: T) -> T {
160 #[cfg(bootstrap)]
161 // SAFETY: the inline assembly is a no-op.
162 unsafe {
163 llvm_asm!("" : : "r"(&mut dummy) : "memory" : "volatile");
164 dummy
165 }
167 #[cfg(not(bootstrap))]
168 {
169 crate::intrinsics::black_box(dummy)
170 }
171 }