]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - library/std/src/alloc.rs
New upstream version 1.47.0~beta.2+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / library / std / src / alloc.rs
1 //! Memory allocation APIs
2 //!
3 //! In a given program, the standard library has one “global” memory allocator
4 //! that is used for example by `Box<T>` and `Vec<T>`.
5 //!
6 //! Currently the default global allocator is unspecified. Libraries, however,
7 //! like `cdylib`s and `staticlib`s are guaranteed to use the [`System`] by
8 //! default.
9 //!
10 //! # The `#[global_allocator]` attribute
11 //!
12 //! This attribute allows configuring the choice of global allocator.
13 //! You can use this to implement a completely custom global allocator
14 //! to route all default allocation requests to a custom object.
15 //!
16 //! ```rust
17 //! use std::alloc::{GlobalAlloc, System, Layout};
18 //!
19 //! struct MyAllocator;
20 //!
21 //! unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for MyAllocator {
22 //! unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 {
23 //! System.alloc(layout)
24 //! }
25 //!
26 //! unsafe fn dealloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout) {
27 //! System.dealloc(ptr, layout)
28 //! }
29 //! }
30 //!
31 //! #[global_allocator]
32 //! static GLOBAL: MyAllocator = MyAllocator;
33 //!
34 //! fn main() {
35 //! // This `Vec` will allocate memory through `GLOBAL` above
36 //! let mut v = Vec::new();
37 //! v.push(1);
38 //! }
39 //! ```
40 //!
41 //! The attribute is used on a `static` item whose type implements the
42 //! [`GlobalAlloc`] trait. This type can be provided by an external library:
43 //!
44 //! ```rust,ignore (demonstrates crates.io usage)
45 //! extern crate jemallocator;
46 //!
47 //! use jemallocator::Jemalloc;
48 //!
49 //! #[global_allocator]
50 //! static GLOBAL: Jemalloc = Jemalloc;
51 //!
52 //! fn main() {}
53 //! ```
54 //!
55 //! The `#[global_allocator]` can only be used once in a crate
56 //! or its recursive dependencies.
58 #![deny(unsafe_op_in_unsafe_fn)]
59 #![stable(feature = "alloc_module", since = "1.28.0")]
61 use core::intrinsics;
62 use core::ptr::NonNull;
63 use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering};
64 use core::{mem, ptr};
66 use crate::sys_common::util::dumb_print;
68 #[stable(feature = "alloc_module", since = "1.28.0")]
69 #[doc(inline)]
70 pub use alloc_crate::alloc::*;
72 /// The default memory allocator provided by the operating system.
73 ///
74 /// This is based on `malloc` on Unix platforms and `HeapAlloc` on Windows,
75 /// plus related functions.
76 ///
77 /// This type implements the `GlobalAlloc` trait and Rust programs by default
78 /// work as if they had this definition:
79 ///
80 /// ```rust
81 /// use std::alloc::System;
82 ///
83 /// #[global_allocator]
84 /// static A: System = System;
85 ///
86 /// fn main() {
87 /// let a = Box::new(4); // Allocates from the system allocator.
88 /// println!("{}", a);
89 /// }
90 /// ```
91 ///
92 /// You can also define your own wrapper around `System` if you'd like, such as
93 /// keeping track of the number of all bytes allocated:
94 ///
95 /// ```rust
96 /// use std::alloc::{System, GlobalAlloc, Layout};
97 /// use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering::SeqCst};
98 ///
99 /// struct Counter;
100 ///
101 /// static ALLOCATED: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
102 ///
103 /// unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for Counter {
104 /// unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 {
105 /// let ret = System.alloc(layout);
106 /// if !ret.is_null() {
107 /// ALLOCATED.fetch_add(layout.size(), SeqCst);
108 /// }
109 /// return ret
110 /// }
111 ///
112 /// unsafe fn dealloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout) {
113 /// System.dealloc(ptr, layout);
114 /// ALLOCATED.fetch_sub(layout.size(), SeqCst);
115 /// }
116 /// }
117 ///
118 /// #[global_allocator]
119 /// static A: Counter = Counter;
120 ///
121 /// fn main() {
122 /// println!("allocated bytes before main: {}", ALLOCATED.load(SeqCst));
123 /// }
124 /// ```
125 ///
126 /// It can also be used directly to allocate memory independently of whatever
127 /// global allocator has been selected for a Rust program. For example if a Rust
128 /// program opts in to using jemalloc as the global allocator, `System` will
129 /// still allocate memory using `malloc` and `HeapAlloc`.
130 #[stable(feature = "alloc_system_type", since = "1.28.0")]
131 #[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
132 pub struct System;
134 impl System {
135 #[inline]
136 fn alloc_impl(&mut self, layout: Layout, zeroed: bool) -> Result<NonNull<[u8]>, AllocErr> {
137 match layout.size() {
138 0 => Ok(NonNull::slice_from_raw_parts(layout.dangling(), 0)),
139 // SAFETY: `layout` is non-zero in size,
140 size => unsafe {
141 let raw_ptr = if zeroed {
142 GlobalAlloc::alloc_zeroed(self, layout)
143 } else {
144 GlobalAlloc::alloc(self, layout)
145 };
146 let ptr = NonNull::new(raw_ptr).ok_or(AllocErr)?;
147 Ok(NonNull::slice_from_raw_parts(ptr, size))
148 },
149 }
150 }
152 // Safety: Same as `AllocRef::grow`
153 #[inline]
154 unsafe fn grow_impl(
155 &mut self,
156 ptr: NonNull<u8>,
157 layout: Layout,
158 new_size: usize,
159 zeroed: bool,
160 ) -> Result<NonNull<[u8]>, AllocErr> {
161 debug_assert!(
162 new_size >= layout.size(),
163 "`new_size` must be greater than or equal to `layout.size()`"
164 );
166 match layout.size() {
167 // SAFETY: the caller must ensure that the `new_size` does not overflow.
168 // `layout.align()` comes from a `Layout` and is thus guaranteed to be valid for a Layout.
169 0 => unsafe {
170 let new_layout = Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(new_size, layout.align());
171 self.alloc_impl(new_layout, zeroed)
172 },
174 // SAFETY: `new_size` is non-zero as `old_size` is greater than or equal to `new_size`
175 // as required by safety conditions. Other conditions must be upheld by the caller
176 old_size => unsafe {
177 // `realloc` probably checks for `new_size >= size` or something similar.
178 intrinsics::assume(new_size >= layout.size());
180 let raw_ptr = GlobalAlloc::realloc(self, ptr.as_ptr(), layout, new_size);
181 let ptr = NonNull::new(raw_ptr).ok_or(AllocErr)?;
182 if zeroed {
183 raw_ptr.add(old_size).write_bytes(0, new_size - old_size);
184 }
185 Ok(NonNull::slice_from_raw_parts(ptr, new_size))
186 },
187 }
188 }
189 }
191 // The AllocRef impl checks the layout size to be non-zero and forwards to the GlobalAlloc impl,
192 // which is in `std::sys::*::alloc`.
193 #[unstable(feature = "allocator_api", issue = "32838")]
194 unsafe impl AllocRef for System {
195 #[inline]
196 fn alloc(&mut self, layout: Layout) -> Result<NonNull<[u8]>, AllocErr> {
197 self.alloc_impl(layout, false)
198 }
200 #[inline]
201 fn alloc_zeroed(&mut self, layout: Layout) -> Result<NonNull<[u8]>, AllocErr> {
202 self.alloc_impl(layout, true)
203 }
205 #[inline]
206 unsafe fn dealloc(&mut self, ptr: NonNull<u8>, layout: Layout) {
207 if layout.size() != 0 {
208 // SAFETY: `layout` is non-zero in size,
209 // other conditions must be upheld by the caller
210 unsafe { GlobalAlloc::dealloc(self, ptr.as_ptr(), layout) }
211 }
212 }
214 #[inline]
215 unsafe fn grow(
216 &mut self,
217 ptr: NonNull<u8>,
218 layout: Layout,
219 new_size: usize,
220 ) -> Result<NonNull<[u8]>, AllocErr> {
221 // SAFETY: all conditions must be upheld by the caller
222 unsafe { self.grow_impl(ptr, layout, new_size, false) }
223 }
225 #[inline]
226 unsafe fn grow_zeroed(
227 &mut self,
228 ptr: NonNull<u8>,
229 layout: Layout,
230 new_size: usize,
231 ) -> Result<NonNull<[u8]>, AllocErr> {
232 // SAFETY: all conditions must be upheld by the caller
233 unsafe { self.grow_impl(ptr, layout, new_size, true) }
234 }
236 #[inline]
237 unsafe fn shrink(
238 &mut self,
239 ptr: NonNull<u8>,
240 layout: Layout,
241 new_size: usize,
242 ) -> Result<NonNull<[u8]>, AllocErr> {
243 debug_assert!(
244 new_size <= layout.size(),
245 "`new_size` must be smaller than or equal to `layout.size()`"
246 );
248 match new_size {
249 // SAFETY: conditions must be upheld by the caller
250 0 => unsafe {
251 self.dealloc(ptr, layout);
252 Ok(NonNull::slice_from_raw_parts(layout.dangling(), 0))
253 },
255 // SAFETY: `new_size` is non-zero. Other conditions must be upheld by the caller
256 new_size => unsafe {
257 // `realloc` probably checks for `new_size <= size` or something similar.
258 intrinsics::assume(new_size <= layout.size());
260 let raw_ptr = GlobalAlloc::realloc(self, ptr.as_ptr(), layout, new_size);
261 let ptr = NonNull::new(raw_ptr).ok_or(AllocErr)?;
262 Ok(NonNull::slice_from_raw_parts(ptr, new_size))
263 },
264 }
265 }
266 }
268 static HOOK: AtomicPtr<()> = AtomicPtr::new(ptr::null_mut());
270 /// Registers a custom allocation error hook, replacing any that was previously registered.
271 ///
272 /// The allocation error hook is invoked when an infallible memory allocation fails, before
273 /// the runtime aborts. The default hook prints a message to standard error,
274 /// but this behavior can be customized with the [`set_alloc_error_hook`] and
275 /// [`take_alloc_error_hook`] functions.
276 ///
277 /// The hook is provided with a `Layout` struct which contains information
278 /// about the allocation that failed.
279 ///
280 /// The allocation error hook is a global resource.
281 #[unstable(feature = "alloc_error_hook", issue = "51245")]
282 pub fn set_alloc_error_hook(hook: fn(Layout)) {
283 HOOK.store(hook as *mut (), Ordering::SeqCst);
284 }
286 /// Unregisters the current allocation error hook, returning it.
287 ///
288 /// *See also the function [`set_alloc_error_hook`].*
289 ///
290 /// If no custom hook is registered, the default hook will be returned.
291 #[unstable(feature = "alloc_error_hook", issue = "51245")]
292 pub fn take_alloc_error_hook() -> fn(Layout) {
293 let hook = HOOK.swap(ptr::null_mut(), Ordering::SeqCst);
294 if hook.is_null() { default_alloc_error_hook } else { unsafe { mem::transmute(hook) } }
295 }
297 fn default_alloc_error_hook(layout: Layout) {
298 dumb_print(format_args!("memory allocation of {} bytes failed", layout.size()));
299 }
301 #[cfg(not(test))]
302 #[doc(hidden)]
303 #[alloc_error_handler]
304 #[unstable(feature = "alloc_internals", issue = "none")]
305 pub fn rust_oom(layout: Layout) -> ! {
306 let hook = HOOK.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
307 let hook: fn(Layout) =
308 if hook.is_null() { default_alloc_error_hook } else { unsafe { mem::transmute(hook) } };
309 hook(layout);
310 crate::process::abort()
311 }
313 #[cfg(not(test))]
314 #[doc(hidden)]
315 #[allow(unused_attributes)]
316 #[unstable(feature = "alloc_internals", issue = "none")]
317 pub mod __default_lib_allocator {
318 use super::{GlobalAlloc, Layout, System};
319 // These magic symbol names are used as a fallback for implementing the
320 // `__rust_alloc` etc symbols (see `src/liballoc/alloc.rs`) when there is
321 // no `#[global_allocator]` attribute.
323 // for symbol names src/librustc_ast/expand/allocator.rs
324 // for signatures src/librustc_allocator/lib.rs
326 // linkage directives are provided as part of the current compiler allocator
327 // ABI
329 #[rustc_std_internal_symbol]
330 pub unsafe extern "C" fn __rdl_alloc(size: usize, align: usize) -> *mut u8 {
331 // SAFETY: see the guarantees expected by `Layout::from_size_align` and
332 // `GlobalAlloc::alloc`.
333 unsafe {
334 let layout = Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(size, align);
335 System.alloc(layout)
336 }
337 }
339 #[rustc_std_internal_symbol]
340 pub unsafe extern "C" fn __rdl_dealloc(ptr: *mut u8, size: usize, align: usize) {
341 // SAFETY: see the guarantees expected by `Layout::from_size_align` and
342 // `GlobalAlloc::dealloc`.
343 unsafe { System.dealloc(ptr, Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(size, align)) }
344 }
346 #[rustc_std_internal_symbol]
347 pub unsafe extern "C" fn __rdl_realloc(
348 ptr: *mut u8,
349 old_size: usize,
350 align: usize,
351 new_size: usize,
352 ) -> *mut u8 {
353 // SAFETY: see the guarantees expected by `Layout::from_size_align` and
354 // `GlobalAlloc::realloc`.
355 unsafe {
356 let old_layout = Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(old_size, align);
357 System.realloc(ptr, old_layout, new_size)
358 }
359 }
361 #[rustc_std_internal_symbol]
362 pub unsafe extern "C" fn __rdl_alloc_zeroed(size: usize, align: usize) -> *mut u8 {
363 // SAFETY: see the guarantees expected by `Layout::from_size_align` and
364 // `GlobalAlloc::alloc_zeroed`.
365 unsafe {
366 let layout = Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(size, align);
367 System.alloc_zeroed(layout)
368 }
369 }
370 }