]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - library/test/src/lib.rs
New upstream version 1.57.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / library / test / src / lib.rs
1 //! Support code for rustc's built in unit-test and micro-benchmarking
2 //! framework.
3 //!
4 //! Almost all user code will only be interested in `Bencher` and
5 //! `black_box`. All other interactions (such as writing tests and
6 //! benchmarks themselves) should be done via the `#[test]` and
7 //! `#[bench]` attributes.
8 //!
9 //! See the [Testing Chapter](../book/ch11-00-testing.html) of the book for more details.
11 // Currently, not much of this is meant for users. It is intended to
12 // support the simplest interface possible for representing and
13 // running tests while providing a base that other test frameworks may
14 // build off of.
16 // N.B., this is also specified in this crate's Cargo.toml, but librustc_ast contains logic specific to
17 // this crate, which relies on this attribute (rather than the value of `--crate-name` passed by
18 // cargo) to detect this crate.
20 #![crate_name = "test"]
21 #![unstable(feature = "test", issue = "50297")]
22 #![doc(test(attr(deny(warnings))))]
23 #![feature(libc)]
24 #![feature(rustc_private)]
25 #![feature(nll)]
26 #![feature(available_parallelism)]
27 #![feature(bench_black_box)]
28 #![feature(internal_output_capture)]
29 #![feature(panic_unwind)]
30 #![feature(staged_api)]
31 #![feature(termination_trait_lib)]
32 #![feature(test)]
33 #![feature(total_cmp)]
35 // Public reexports
36 pub use self::bench::{black_box, Bencher};
37 pub use self::console::run_tests_console;
38 pub use self::options::{ColorConfig, Options, OutputFormat, RunIgnored, ShouldPanic};
39 pub use self::types::TestName::*;
40 pub use self::types::*;
41 pub use self::ColorConfig::*;
42 pub use cli::TestOpts;
44 // Module to be used by rustc to compile tests in libtest
45 pub mod test {
46 pub use crate::{
47 assert_test_result,
48 bench::Bencher,
49 cli::{parse_opts, TestOpts},
50 filter_tests,
51 helpers::metrics::{Metric, MetricMap},
52 options::{Concurrent, Options, RunIgnored, RunStrategy, ShouldPanic},
53 run_test, test_main, test_main_static,
54 test_result::{TestResult, TrFailed, TrFailedMsg, TrIgnored, TrOk},
55 time::{TestExecTime, TestTimeOptions},
56 types::{
57 DynTestFn, DynTestName, StaticBenchFn, StaticTestFn, StaticTestName, TestDesc,
58 TestDescAndFn, TestId, TestName, TestType,
59 },
60 };
61 }
63 use std::{
64 collections::VecDeque,
65 env, io,
66 io::prelude::Write,
67 panic::{self, catch_unwind, AssertUnwindSafe, PanicInfo},
68 process::{self, Command, Termination},
69 sync::mpsc::{channel, Sender},
70 sync::{Arc, Mutex},
71 thread,
72 time::{Duration, Instant},
73 };
75 pub mod bench;
76 mod cli;
77 mod console;
78 mod event;
79 mod formatters;
80 mod helpers;
81 mod options;
82 pub mod stats;
83 mod term;
84 mod test_result;
85 mod time;
86 mod types;
88 #[cfg(test)]
89 mod tests;
91 use event::{CompletedTest, TestEvent};
92 use helpers::concurrency::get_concurrency;
93 use helpers::exit_code::get_exit_code;
94 use helpers::shuffle::{get_shuffle_seed, shuffle_tests};
95 use options::{Concurrent, RunStrategy};
96 use test_result::*;
97 use time::TestExecTime;
99 // Process exit code to be used to indicate test failures.
100 const ERROR_EXIT_CODE: i32 = 101;
104 // The default console test runner. It accepts the command line
105 // arguments and a vector of test_descs.
106 pub fn test_main(args: &[String], tests: Vec<TestDescAndFn>, options: Option<Options>) {
107 let mut opts = match cli::parse_opts(args) {
108 Some(Ok(o)) => o,
109 Some(Err(msg)) => {
110 eprintln!("error: {}", msg);
111 process::exit(ERROR_EXIT_CODE);
112 }
113 None => return,
114 };
115 if let Some(options) = options {
116 opts.options = options;
117 }
118 if opts.list {
119 if let Err(e) = console::list_tests_console(&opts, tests) {
120 eprintln!("error: io error when listing tests: {:?}", e);
121 process::exit(ERROR_EXIT_CODE);
122 }
123 } else {
124 match console::run_tests_console(&opts, tests) {
125 Ok(true) => {}
126 Ok(false) => process::exit(ERROR_EXIT_CODE),
127 Err(e) => {
128 eprintln!("error: io error when listing tests: {:?}", e);
129 process::exit(ERROR_EXIT_CODE);
130 }
131 }
132 }
133 }
135 /// A variant optimized for invocation with a static test vector.
136 /// This will panic (intentionally) when fed any dynamic tests.
137 ///
138 /// This is the entry point for the main function generated by `rustc --test`
139 /// when panic=unwind.
140 pub fn test_main_static(tests: &[&TestDescAndFn]) {
141 let args = env::args().collect::<Vec<_>>();
142 let owned_tests: Vec<_> = tests.iter().map(make_owned_test).collect();
143 test_main(&args, owned_tests, None)
144 }
146 /// A variant optimized for invocation with a static test vector.
147 /// This will panic (intentionally) when fed any dynamic tests.
148 ///
149 /// Runs tests in panic=abort mode, which involves spawning subprocesses for
150 /// tests.
151 ///
152 /// This is the entry point for the main function generated by `rustc --test`
153 /// when panic=abort.
154 pub fn test_main_static_abort(tests: &[&TestDescAndFn]) {
155 // If we're being run in SpawnedSecondary mode, run the test here. run_test
156 // will then exit the process.
157 if let Ok(name) = env::var(SECONDARY_TEST_INVOKER_VAR) {
158 env::remove_var(SECONDARY_TEST_INVOKER_VAR);
159 let test = tests
160 .iter()
161 .filter(|test| test.desc.name.as_slice() == name)
162 .map(make_owned_test)
163 .next()
164 .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("couldn't find a test with the provided name '{}'", name));
165 let TestDescAndFn { desc, testfn } = test;
166 let testfn = match testfn {
167 StaticTestFn(f) => f,
168 _ => panic!("only static tests are supported"),
169 };
170 run_test_in_spawned_subprocess(desc, Box::new(testfn));
171 }
173 let args = env::args().collect::<Vec<_>>();
174 let owned_tests: Vec<_> = tests.iter().map(make_owned_test).collect();
175 test_main(&args, owned_tests, Some(Options::new().panic_abort(true)))
176 }
178 /// Clones static values for putting into a dynamic vector, which test_main()
179 /// needs to hand out ownership of tests to parallel test runners.
180 ///
181 /// This will panic when fed any dynamic tests, because they cannot be cloned.
182 fn make_owned_test(test: &&TestDescAndFn) -> TestDescAndFn {
183 match test.testfn {
184 StaticTestFn(f) => TestDescAndFn { testfn: StaticTestFn(f), desc: test.desc.clone() },
185 StaticBenchFn(f) => TestDescAndFn { testfn: StaticBenchFn(f), desc: test.desc.clone() },
186 _ => panic!("non-static tests passed to test::test_main_static"),
187 }
188 }
190 /// Invoked when unit tests terminate. Should panic if the unit
191 /// Tests is considered a failure. By default, invokes `report()`
192 /// and checks for a `0` result.
193 pub fn assert_test_result<T: Termination>(result: T) {
194 let code = result.report();
195 assert_eq!(
196 code, 0,
197 "the test returned a termination value with a non-zero status code ({}) \
198 which indicates a failure",
199 code
200 );
201 }
203 pub fn run_tests<F>(
204 opts: &TestOpts,
205 tests: Vec<TestDescAndFn>,
206 mut notify_about_test_event: F,
207 ) -> io::Result<()>
208 where
209 F: FnMut(TestEvent) -> io::Result<()>,
210 {
211 use std::collections::{self, HashMap};
212 use std::hash::BuildHasherDefault;
213 use std::sync::mpsc::RecvTimeoutError;
215 struct RunningTest {
216 join_handle: Option<thread::JoinHandle<()>>,
217 }
219 // Use a deterministic hasher
220 type TestMap =
221 HashMap<TestId, RunningTest, BuildHasherDefault<collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher>>;
223 struct TimeoutEntry {
224 id: TestId,
225 desc: TestDesc,
226 timeout: Instant,
227 }
229 let tests_len = tests.len();
231 let mut filtered_tests = filter_tests(opts, tests);
232 if !opts.bench_benchmarks {
233 filtered_tests = convert_benchmarks_to_tests(filtered_tests);
234 }
236 let filtered_tests = {
237 let mut filtered_tests = filtered_tests;
238 for test in filtered_tests.iter_mut() {
239 test.desc.name = test.desc.name.with_padding(test.testfn.padding());
240 }
242 filtered_tests
243 };
245 let filtered_out = tests_len - filtered_tests.len();
246 let event = TestEvent::TeFilteredOut(filtered_out);
247 notify_about_test_event(event)?;
249 let filtered_descs = filtered_tests.iter().map(|t| t.desc.clone()).collect();
251 let shuffle_seed = get_shuffle_seed(opts);
253 let event = TestEvent::TeFiltered(filtered_descs, shuffle_seed);
254 notify_about_test_event(event)?;
256 let (filtered_tests, filtered_benchs): (Vec<_>, _) = filtered_tests
257 .into_iter()
258 .enumerate()
259 .map(|(i, e)| (TestId(i), e))
260 .partition(|(_, e)| matches!(e.testfn, StaticTestFn(_) | DynTestFn(_)));
262 let concurrency = opts.test_threads.unwrap_or_else(get_concurrency);
264 let mut remaining = filtered_tests;
265 if let Some(shuffle_seed) = shuffle_seed {
266 shuffle_tests(shuffle_seed, &mut remaining);
267 } else {
268 remaining.reverse();
269 }
270 let mut pending = 0;
272 let (tx, rx) = channel::<CompletedTest>();
273 let run_strategy = if opts.options.panic_abort && !opts.force_run_in_process {
274 RunStrategy::SpawnPrimary
275 } else {
276 RunStrategy::InProcess
277 };
279 let mut running_tests: TestMap = HashMap::default();
280 let mut timeout_queue: VecDeque<TimeoutEntry> = VecDeque::new();
282 fn get_timed_out_tests(
283 running_tests: &TestMap,
284 timeout_queue: &mut VecDeque<TimeoutEntry>,
285 ) -> Vec<TestDesc> {
286 let now = Instant::now();
287 let mut timed_out = Vec::new();
288 while let Some(timeout_entry) = timeout_queue.front() {
289 if now < timeout_entry.timeout {
290 break;
291 }
292 let timeout_entry = timeout_queue.pop_front().unwrap();
293 if running_tests.contains_key(&timeout_entry.id) {
294 timed_out.push(timeout_entry.desc);
295 }
296 }
297 timed_out
298 }
300 fn calc_timeout(timeout_queue: &VecDeque<TimeoutEntry>) -> Option<Duration> {
301 timeout_queue.front().map(|&TimeoutEntry { timeout: next_timeout, .. }| {
302 let now = Instant::now();
303 if next_timeout >= now { next_timeout - now } else { Duration::new(0, 0) }
304 })
305 }
307 if concurrency == 1 {
308 while !remaining.is_empty() {
309 let (id, test) = remaining.pop().unwrap();
310 let event = TestEvent::TeWait(test.desc.clone());
311 notify_about_test_event(event)?;
312 let join_handle =
313 run_test(opts, !opts.run_tests, id, test, run_strategy, tx.clone(), Concurrent::No);
314 assert!(join_handle.is_none());
315 let completed_test = rx.recv().unwrap();
317 let event = TestEvent::TeResult(completed_test);
318 notify_about_test_event(event)?;
319 }
320 } else {
321 while pending > 0 || !remaining.is_empty() {
322 while pending < concurrency && !remaining.is_empty() {
323 let (id, test) = remaining.pop().unwrap();
324 let timeout = time::get_default_test_timeout();
325 let desc = test.desc.clone();
327 let event = TestEvent::TeWait(desc.clone());
328 notify_about_test_event(event)?; //here no pad
329 let join_handle = run_test(
330 opts,
331 !opts.run_tests,
332 id,
333 test,
334 run_strategy,
335 tx.clone(),
336 Concurrent::Yes,
337 );
338 running_tests.insert(id, RunningTest { join_handle });
339 timeout_queue.push_back(TimeoutEntry { id, desc, timeout });
340 pending += 1;
341 }
343 let mut res;
344 loop {
345 if let Some(timeout) = calc_timeout(&timeout_queue) {
346 res = rx.recv_timeout(timeout);
347 for test in get_timed_out_tests(&running_tests, &mut timeout_queue) {
348 let event = TestEvent::TeTimeout(test);
349 notify_about_test_event(event)?;
350 }
352 match res {
353 Err(RecvTimeoutError::Timeout) => {
354 // Result is not yet ready, continue waiting.
355 }
356 _ => {
357 // We've got a result, stop the loop.
358 break;
359 }
360 }
361 } else {
362 res = rx.recv().map_err(|_| RecvTimeoutError::Disconnected);
363 break;
364 }
365 }
367 let mut completed_test = res.unwrap();
368 let running_test = running_tests.remove(&completed_test.id).unwrap();
369 if let Some(join_handle) = running_test.join_handle {
370 if let Err(_) = join_handle.join() {
371 if let TrOk = completed_test.result {
372 completed_test.result =
373 TrFailedMsg("panicked after reporting success".to_string());
374 }
375 }
376 }
378 let event = TestEvent::TeResult(completed_test);
379 notify_about_test_event(event)?;
380 pending -= 1;
381 }
382 }
384 if opts.bench_benchmarks {
385 // All benchmarks run at the end, in serial.
386 for (id, b) in filtered_benchs {
387 let event = TestEvent::TeWait(b.desc.clone());
388 notify_about_test_event(event)?;
389 run_test(opts, false, id, b, run_strategy, tx.clone(), Concurrent::No);
390 let completed_test = rx.recv().unwrap();
392 let event = TestEvent::TeResult(completed_test);
393 notify_about_test_event(event)?;
394 }
395 }
396 Ok(())
397 }
399 pub fn filter_tests(opts: &TestOpts, tests: Vec<TestDescAndFn>) -> Vec<TestDescAndFn> {
400 let mut filtered = tests;
401 let matches_filter = |test: &TestDescAndFn, filter: &str| {
402 let test_name = test.desc.name.as_slice();
404 match opts.filter_exact {
405 true => test_name == filter,
406 false => test_name.contains(filter),
407 }
408 };
410 // Remove tests that don't match the test filter
411 if !opts.filters.is_empty() {
412 filtered.retain(|test| opts.filters.iter().any(|filter| matches_filter(test, filter)));
413 }
415 // Skip tests that match any of the skip filters
416 filtered.retain(|test| !opts.skip.iter().any(|sf| matches_filter(test, sf)));
418 // Excludes #[should_panic] tests
419 if opts.exclude_should_panic {
420 filtered.retain(|test| test.desc.should_panic == ShouldPanic::No);
421 }
423 // maybe unignore tests
424 match opts.run_ignored {
425 RunIgnored::Yes => {
426 filtered.iter_mut().for_each(|test| test.desc.ignore = false);
427 }
428 RunIgnored::Only => {
429 filtered.retain(|test| test.desc.ignore);
430 filtered.iter_mut().for_each(|test| test.desc.ignore = false);
431 }
432 RunIgnored::No => {}
433 }
435 // Sort the tests alphabetically
436 filtered.sort_by(|t1, t2| t1.desc.name.as_slice().cmp(t2.desc.name.as_slice()));
438 filtered
439 }
441 pub fn convert_benchmarks_to_tests(tests: Vec<TestDescAndFn>) -> Vec<TestDescAndFn> {
442 // convert benchmarks to tests, if we're not benchmarking them
443 tests
444 .into_iter()
445 .map(|x| {
446 let testfn = match x.testfn {
447 DynBenchFn(bench) => DynTestFn(Box::new(move || {
448 bench::run_once(|b| __rust_begin_short_backtrace(|| bench.run(b)))
449 })),
450 StaticBenchFn(benchfn) => DynTestFn(Box::new(move || {
451 bench::run_once(|b| __rust_begin_short_backtrace(|| benchfn(b)))
452 })),
453 f => f,
454 };
455 TestDescAndFn { desc: x.desc, testfn }
456 })
457 .collect()
458 }
460 pub fn run_test(
461 opts: &TestOpts,
462 force_ignore: bool,
463 id: TestId,
464 test: TestDescAndFn,
465 strategy: RunStrategy,
466 monitor_ch: Sender<CompletedTest>,
467 concurrency: Concurrent,
468 ) -> Option<thread::JoinHandle<()>> {
469 let TestDescAndFn { desc, testfn } = test;
471 // Emscripten can catch panics but other wasm targets cannot
472 let ignore_because_no_process_support = desc.should_panic != ShouldPanic::No
473 && cfg!(target_arch = "wasm32")
474 && !cfg!(target_os = "emscripten");
476 if force_ignore || desc.ignore || ignore_because_no_process_support {
477 let message = CompletedTest::new(id, desc, TrIgnored, None, Vec::new());
478 monitor_ch.send(message).unwrap();
479 return None;
480 }
482 struct TestRunOpts {
483 pub strategy: RunStrategy,
484 pub nocapture: bool,
485 pub concurrency: Concurrent,
486 pub time: Option<time::TestTimeOptions>,
487 }
489 fn run_test_inner(
490 id: TestId,
491 desc: TestDesc,
492 monitor_ch: Sender<CompletedTest>,
493 testfn: Box<dyn FnOnce() + Send>,
494 opts: TestRunOpts,
495 ) -> Option<thread::JoinHandle<()>> {
496 let concurrency = opts.concurrency;
497 let name = desc.name.clone();
499 let runtest = move || match opts.strategy {
500 RunStrategy::InProcess => run_test_in_process(
501 id,
502 desc,
503 opts.nocapture,
504 opts.time.is_some(),
505 testfn,
506 monitor_ch,
507 opts.time,
508 ),
509 RunStrategy::SpawnPrimary => spawn_test_subprocess(
510 id,
511 desc,
512 opts.nocapture,
513 opts.time.is_some(),
514 monitor_ch,
515 opts.time,
516 ),
517 };
519 // If the platform is single-threaded we're just going to run
520 // the test synchronously, regardless of the concurrency
521 // level.
522 let supports_threads = !cfg!(target_os = "emscripten") && !cfg!(target_arch = "wasm32");
523 if concurrency == Concurrent::Yes && supports_threads {
524 let cfg = thread::Builder::new().name(name.as_slice().to_owned());
525 let mut runtest = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Some(runtest)));
526 let runtest2 = runtest.clone();
527 match cfg.spawn(move || runtest2.lock().unwrap().take().unwrap()()) {
528 Ok(handle) => Some(handle),
529 Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => {
530 // `ErrorKind::WouldBlock` means hitting the thread limit on some
531 // platforms, so run the test synchronously here instead.
532 Arc::get_mut(&mut runtest).unwrap().get_mut().unwrap().take().unwrap()();
533 None
534 }
535 Err(e) => panic!("failed to spawn thread to run test: {}", e),
536 }
537 } else {
538 runtest();
539 None
540 }
541 }
543 let test_run_opts =
544 TestRunOpts { strategy, nocapture: opts.nocapture, concurrency, time: opts.time_options };
546 match testfn {
547 DynBenchFn(bencher) => {
548 // Benchmarks aren't expected to panic, so we run them all in-process.
549 crate::bench::benchmark(id, desc, monitor_ch, opts.nocapture, |harness| {
550 bencher.run(harness)
551 });
552 None
553 }
554 StaticBenchFn(benchfn) => {
555 // Benchmarks aren't expected to panic, so we run them all in-process.
556 crate::bench::benchmark(id, desc, monitor_ch, opts.nocapture, benchfn);
557 None
558 }
559 DynTestFn(f) => {
560 match strategy {
561 RunStrategy::InProcess => (),
562 _ => panic!("Cannot run dynamic test fn out-of-process"),
563 };
564 run_test_inner(
565 id,
566 desc,
567 monitor_ch,
568 Box::new(move || __rust_begin_short_backtrace(f)),
569 test_run_opts,
570 )
571 }
572 StaticTestFn(f) => run_test_inner(
573 id,
574 desc,
575 monitor_ch,
576 Box::new(move || __rust_begin_short_backtrace(f)),
577 test_run_opts,
578 ),
579 }
580 }
582 /// Fixed frame used to clean the backtrace with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1`.
583 #[inline(never)]
584 fn __rust_begin_short_backtrace<F: FnOnce()>(f: F) {
585 f();
587 // prevent this frame from being tail-call optimised away
588 black_box(());
589 }
591 fn run_test_in_process(
592 id: TestId,
593 desc: TestDesc,
594 nocapture: bool,
595 report_time: bool,
596 testfn: Box<dyn FnOnce() + Send>,
597 monitor_ch: Sender<CompletedTest>,
598 time_opts: Option<time::TestTimeOptions>,
599 ) {
600 // Buffer for capturing standard I/O
601 let data = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new()));
603 if !nocapture {
604 io::set_output_capture(Some(data.clone()));
605 }
607 let start = report_time.then(Instant::now);
608 let result = catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(testfn));
609 let exec_time = start.map(|start| {
610 let duration = start.elapsed();
611 TestExecTime(duration)
612 });
614 io::set_output_capture(None);
616 let test_result = match result {
617 Ok(()) => calc_result(&desc, Ok(()), &time_opts, &exec_time),
618 Err(e) => calc_result(&desc, Err(e.as_ref()), &time_opts, &exec_time),
619 };
620 let stdout = data.lock().unwrap_or_else(|e| e.into_inner()).to_vec();
621 let message = CompletedTest::new(id, desc, test_result, exec_time, stdout);
622 monitor_ch.send(message).unwrap();
623 }
625 fn spawn_test_subprocess(
626 id: TestId,
627 desc: TestDesc,
628 nocapture: bool,
629 report_time: bool,
630 monitor_ch: Sender<CompletedTest>,
631 time_opts: Option<time::TestTimeOptions>,
632 ) {
633 let (result, test_output, exec_time) = (|| {
634 let args = env::args().collect::<Vec<_>>();
635 let current_exe = &args[0];
637 let mut command = Command::new(current_exe);
638 command.env(SECONDARY_TEST_INVOKER_VAR, desc.name.as_slice());
639 if nocapture {
640 command.stdout(process::Stdio::inherit());
641 command.stderr(process::Stdio::inherit());
642 }
644 let start = report_time.then(Instant::now);
645 let output = match command.output() {
646 Ok(out) => out,
647 Err(e) => {
648 let err = format!("Failed to spawn {} as child for test: {:?}", args[0], e);
649 return (TrFailed, err.into_bytes(), None);
650 }
651 };
652 let exec_time = start.map(|start| {
653 let duration = start.elapsed();
654 TestExecTime(duration)
655 });
657 let std::process::Output { stdout, stderr, status } = output;
658 let mut test_output = stdout;
659 formatters::write_stderr_delimiter(&mut test_output, &desc.name);
660 test_output.extend_from_slice(&stderr);
662 let result = match (|| -> Result<TestResult, String> {
663 let exit_code = get_exit_code(status)?;
664 Ok(get_result_from_exit_code(&desc, exit_code, &time_opts, &exec_time))
665 })() {
666 Ok(r) => r,
667 Err(e) => {
668 write!(&mut test_output, "Unexpected error: {}", e).unwrap();
669 TrFailed
670 }
671 };
673 (result, test_output, exec_time)
674 })();
676 let message = CompletedTest::new(id, desc, result, exec_time, test_output);
677 monitor_ch.send(message).unwrap();
678 }
680 fn run_test_in_spawned_subprocess(desc: TestDesc, testfn: Box<dyn FnOnce() + Send>) -> ! {
681 let builtin_panic_hook = panic::take_hook();
682 let record_result = Arc::new(move |panic_info: Option<&'_ PanicInfo<'_>>| {
683 let test_result = match panic_info {
684 Some(info) => calc_result(&desc, Err(info.payload()), &None, &None),
685 None => calc_result(&desc, Ok(()), &None, &None),
686 };
688 // We don't support serializing TrFailedMsg, so just
689 // print the message out to stderr.
690 if let TrFailedMsg(msg) = &test_result {
691 eprintln!("{}", msg);
692 }
694 if let Some(info) = panic_info {
695 builtin_panic_hook(info);
696 }
698 if let TrOk = test_result {
699 process::exit(test_result::TR_OK);
700 } else {
701 process::exit(test_result::TR_FAILED);
702 }
703 });
704 let record_result2 = record_result.clone();
705 panic::set_hook(Box::new(move |info| record_result2(Some(&info))));
706 testfn();
707 record_result(None);
708 unreachable!("panic=abort callback should have exited the process")
709 }