]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/doc/rustc-dev-guide/src/bug-fix-procedure.md
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[rustc.git] / src / doc / rustc-dev-guide / src / bug-fix-procedure.md
1 # Rustc Bug Fix Procedure
3 <!-- toc -->
5 This page defines the best practices procedure for making bug fixes or soundness
6 corrections in the compiler that can cause existing code to stop compiling. This
7 text is based on
8 [RFC 1589](https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/1589-rustc-bug-fix-procedure.md).
10 # Motivation
12 [motivation]: #motivation
14 From time to time, we encounter the need to make a bug fix, soundness
15 correction, or other change in the compiler which will cause existing code to
16 stop compiling. When this happens, it is important that we handle the change in
17 a way that gives users of Rust a smooth transition. What we want to avoid is
18 that existing programs suddenly stop compiling with opaque error messages: we
19 would prefer to have a gradual period of warnings, with clear guidance as to
20 what the problem is, how to fix it, and why the change was made. This RFC
21 describes the procedure that we have been developing for handling breaking
22 changes that aims to achieve that kind of smooth transition.
24 One of the key points of this policy is that (a) warnings should be issued
25 initially rather than hard errors if at all possible and (b) every change that
26 causes existing code to stop compiling will have an associated tracking issue.
27 This issue provides a point to collect feedback on the results of that change.
28 Sometimes changes have unexpectedly large consequences or there may be a way to
29 avoid the change that was not considered. In those cases, we may decide to
30 change course and roll back the change, or find another solution (if warnings
31 are being used, this is particularly easy to do).
33 ### What qualifies as a bug fix?
35 Note that this RFC does not try to define when a breaking change is permitted.
36 That is already covered under [RFC 1122][]. This document assumes that the
37 change being made is in accordance with those policies. Here is a summary of the
38 conditions from RFC 1122:
40 - **Soundness changes:** Fixes to holes uncovered in the type system.
41 - **Compiler bugs:** Places where the compiler is not implementing the specified
42 semantics found in an RFC or lang-team decision.
43 - **Underspecified language semantics:** Clarifications to grey areas where the
44 compiler behaves inconsistently and no formal behavior had been previously
45 decided.
47 Please see [the RFC][rfc 1122] for full details!
49 # Detailed design
51 [design]: #detailed-design
53 The procedure for making a breaking change is as follows (each of these steps is
54 described in more detail below):
56 1. Do a **crater run** to assess the impact of the change.
57 2. Make a **special tracking issue** dedicated to the change.
58 3. Do not report an error right away. Instead, **issue forwards-compatibility
59 lint warnings**.
60 - Sometimes this is not straightforward. See the text below for suggestions
61 on different techniques we have employed in the past.
62 - For cases where warnings are infeasible:
63 - Report errors, but make every effort to give a targeted error message
64 that directs users to the tracking issue
65 - Submit PRs to all known affected crates that fix the issue
66 - or, at minimum, alert the owners of those crates to the problem and
67 direct them to the tracking issue
68 4. Once the change has been in the wild for at least one cycle, we can
69 **stabilize the change**, converting those warnings into errors.
71 Finally, for changes to `rustc_ast` that will affect plugins, the general policy
72 is to batch these changes. That is discussed below in more detail.
74 ### Tracking issue
76 Every breaking change should be accompanied by a **dedicated tracking issue**
77 for that change. The main text of this issue should describe the change being
78 made, with a focus on what users must do to fix their code. The issue should be
79 approachable and practical; it may make sense to direct users to an RFC or some
80 other issue for the full details. The issue also serves as a place where users
81 can comment with questions or other concerns.
83 A template for these breaking-change tracking issues can be found below. An
84 example of how such an issue should look can be [found
85 here][breaking-change-issue].
87 The issue should be tagged with (at least) `B-unstable` and `T-compiler`.
89 ### Tracking issue template
91 This is a template to use for tracking issues:
93 ```
94 This is the **summary issue** for the `YOUR_LINT_NAME_HERE`
95 future-compatibility warning and other related errors. The goal of
96 this page is describe why this change was made and how you can fix
97 code that is affected by it. It also provides a place to ask questions
98 or register a complaint if you feel the change should not be made. For
99 more information on the policy around future-compatibility warnings,
100 see our [breaking change policy guidelines][guidelines].
102 [guidelines]: LINK_TO_THIS_RFC
104 #### What is the warning for?
106 *Describe the conditions that trigger the warning and how they can be
107 fixed. Also explain why the change was made.**
109 #### When will this warning become a hard error?
111 At the beginning of each 6-week release cycle, the Rust compiler team
112 will review the set of outstanding future compatibility warnings and
113 nominate some of them for **Final Comment Period**. Toward the end of
114 the cycle, we will review any comments and make a final determination
115 whether to convert the warning into a hard error or remove it
116 entirely.
117 ```
119 ### Issuing future compatibility warnings
121 The best way to handle a breaking change is to begin by issuing
122 future-compatibility warnings. These are a special category of lint warning.
123 Adding a new future-compatibility warning can be done as follows.
125 ```rust
126 // 1. Define the lint in `compiler/rustc_middle/src/lint/builtin.rs`:
127 declare_lint! {
129 Warn,
130 "illegal use of foo bar baz"
131 }
133 // 2. Add to the list of HardwiredLints in the same file:
134 impl LintPass for HardwiredLints {
135 fn get_lints(&self) -> LintArray {
136 lint_array!(
137 ..,
139 )
140 }
141 }
143 // 3. Register the lint in `compiler/rustc_lint/src/lib.rs`:
144 store.register_future_incompatible(sess, vec![
145 ...,
146 FutureIncompatibleInfo {
147 id: LintId::of(YOUR_ERROR_HERE),
148 reference: "issue #1234", // your tracking issue here!
149 },
150 ]);
152 // 4. Report the lint:
153 tcx.lint_node(
154 lint::builtin::YOUR_ERROR_HERE,
155 path_id,
156 binding.span,
157 format!("some helper message here"));
158 ```
160 #### Helpful techniques
162 It can often be challenging to filter out new warnings from older, pre-existing
163 errors. One technique that has been used in the past is to run the older code
164 unchanged and collect the errors it would have reported. You can then issue
165 warnings for any errors you would give which do not appear in that original set.
166 Another option is to abort compilation after the original code completes if
167 errors are reported: then you know that your new code will only execute when
168 there were no errors before.
170 #### Crater and crates.io
172 We should always do a crater run to assess impact. It is polite and considerate
173 to at least notify the authors of affected crates the breaking change. If we can
174 submit PRs to fix the problem, so much the better.
176 #### Is it ever acceptable to go directly to issuing errors?
178 Changes that are believed to have negligible impact can go directly to issuing
179 an error. One rule of thumb would be to check against `crates.io`: if fewer than
180 10 **total** affected projects are found (**not** root errors), we can move
181 straight to an error. In such cases, we should still make the "breaking change"
182 page as before, and we should ensure that the error directs users to this page.
183 In other words, everything should be the same except that users are getting an
184 error, and not a warning. Moreover, we should submit PRs to the affected
185 projects (ideally before the PR implementing the change lands in rustc).
187 If the impact is not believed to be negligible (e.g., more than 10 crates are
188 affected), then warnings are required (unless the compiler team agrees to grant
189 a special exemption in some particular case). If implementing warnings is not
190 feasible, then we should make an aggressive strategy of migrating crates before
191 we land the change so as to lower the number of affected crates. Here are some
192 techniques for approaching this scenario:
194 1. Issue warnings for subparts of the problem, and reserve the new errors for
195 the smallest set of cases you can.
196 2. Try to give a very precise error message that suggests how to fix the problem
197 and directs users to the tracking issue.
198 3. It may also make sense to layer the fix:
199 - First, add warnings where possible and let those land before proceeding to
200 issue errors.
201 - Work with authors of affected crates to ensure that corrected versions are
202 available _before_ the fix lands, so that downstream users can use them.
204 ### Stabilization
206 After a change is made, we will **stabilize** the change using the same process
207 that we use for unstable features:
209 - After a new release is made, we will go through the outstanding tracking
210 issues corresponding to breaking changes and nominate some of them for **final
211 comment period** (FCP).
212 - The FCP for such issues lasts for one cycle. In the final week or two of the
213 cycle, we will review comments and make a final determination:
215 - Convert to error: the change should be made into a hard error.
216 - Revert: we should remove the warning and continue to allow the older code to
217 compile.
218 - Defer: can't decide yet, wait longer, or try other strategies.
220 Ideally, breaking changes should have landed on the **stable branch** of the
221 compiler before they are finalized.
223 <a name="guide">
225 ### Removing a lint
227 Once we have decided to make a "future warning" into a hard error, we need a PR
228 that removes the custom lint. As an example, here are the steps required to
229 remove the `overlapping_inherent_impls` compatibility lint. First, convert the
230 name of the lint to uppercase (`OVERLAPPING_INHERENT_IMPLS`) ripgrep through the
231 source for that string. We will basically by converting each place where this
232 lint name is mentioned (in the compiler, we use the upper-case name, and a macro
233 automatically generates the lower-case string; so searching for
234 `overlapping_inherent_impls` would not find much).
236 > NOTE: these exact files don't exist anymore, but the procedure is still the same.
238 #### Remove the lint.
240 The first reference you will likely find is the lint definition [in
241 `rustc_session/src/lint/builtin.rs` that resembles this][defsource]:
243 [defsource]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/085d71c3efe453863739c1fb68fd9bd1beff214f/src/librustc/lint/builtin.rs#L171-L175
245 ```rust
246 declare_lint! {
248 Deny, // this may also say Warning
249 "two overlapping inherent impls define an item with the same name were erroneously allowed"
250 }
251 ```
253 This `declare_lint!` macro creates the relevant data structures. Remove it. You
254 will also find that there is a mention of `OVERLAPPING_INHERENT_IMPLS` later in
255 the file as [part of a `lint_array!`][lintarraysource]; remove it too.
257 [lintarraysource]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/085d71c3efe453863739c1fb68fd9bd1beff214f/src/librustc/lint/builtin.rs#L252-L290
259 Next, you see [a reference to `OVERLAPPING_INHERENT_IMPLS` in
260 `rustc_lint/src/lib.rs`][futuresource]. This is defining the lint as a "future
261 compatibility lint":
263 ```rust
264 FutureIncompatibleInfo {
266 reference: "issue #36889 <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/36889>",
267 },
268 ```
270 Remove this too.
272 #### Add the lint to the list of removed lists.
274 In `compiler/rustc_lint/src/lib.rs` there is a list of "renamed and removed lints".
275 You can add this lint to the list:
277 ```rust
278 store.register_removed("overlapping_inherent_impls", "converted into hard error, see #36889");
279 ```
281 where `#36889` is the tracking issue for your lint.
283 #### Update the places that issue the lint
285 Finally, the last class of references you will see are the places that actually
286 **trigger** the lint itself (i.e., what causes the warnings to appear). These
287 you do not want to delete. Instead, you want to convert them into errors. In
288 this case, the [`add_lint` call][addlintsource] looks like this:
290 ```rust
291 self.tcx.sess.add_lint(lint::builtin::OVERLAPPING_INHERENT_IMPLS,
292 node_id,
293 self.tcx.span_of_impl(item1).unwrap(),
294 msg);
295 ```
297 We want to convert this into an error. In some cases, there may be an
298 existing error for this scenario. In others, we will need to allocate a
299 fresh diagnostic code. [Instructions for allocating a fresh diagnostic
300 code can be found here.](./diagnostics/diagnostic-codes.md) You may want
301 to mention in the extended description that the compiler behavior
302 changed on this point, and include a reference to the tracking issue for
303 the change.
305 Let's say that we've adopted `E0592` as our code. Then we can change the
306 `add_lint()` call above to something like:
308 ```rust
309 struct_span_err!(self.tcx.sess, self.tcx.span_of_impl(item1).unwrap(), msg)
310 .emit();
311 ```
313 #### Update tests
315 Finally, run the test suite. These should be some tests that used to reference
316 the `overlapping_inherent_impls` lint, those will need to be updated. In
317 general, if the test used to have `#[deny(overlapping_inherent_impls)]`, that
318 can just be removed.
320 ```
321 ./x.py test
322 ```
324 #### All done!
326 Open a PR. =)
328 [addlintsource]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/085d71c3efe453863739c1fb68fd9bd1beff214f/src/librustc_typeck/coherence/inherent.rs#L300-L303
329 [futuresource]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/085d71c3efe453863739c1fb68fd9bd1beff214f/src/librustc_lint/lib.rs#L202-L205
331 <!-- -Links--------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
333 [rfc 1122]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/1122-language-semver.md
334 [breaking-change-issue]: https://gist.github.com/nikomatsakis/631ec8b4af9a18b5d062d9d9b7d3d967