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[rustc.git] / src / doc / rustc-guide / src / diagnostics / lintstore.md
1 # Lints
3 This page documents some of the machinery around lint registration and how we
4 run lints in the compiler.
6 The `LintStore` is the central piece of infrastructure, around which everything
7 rotates. It's not available during the early parts of compilation (i.e., before
8 TyCtxt) in most code, as we need to fill it in with all of the lints, which can only happen after
9 plugin registration.
11 ## Lints vs. lint passes
13 There are two parts to the linting mechanism within the compiler: lints and lint passes.
14 Unfortunately, a lot of the documentation we have refers to both of these as just "lints."
16 First, we have the lint declarations themselves: this is where the name and default lint level and
17 other metadata come from. These are normally defined by way of the [`declare_lint!`] macro, which
18 boils down to a static with type `&rustc::lint::Lint`. We lint against direct declarations without
19 the use of the macro today (though this may change in the future, as the macro is somewhat unwieldy
20 to add new fields to, like all macros by example).
22 Lint declarations don't carry any "state" - they are merely global identifers and descriptions of
23 lints. We assert at runtime that they are not registered twice (by lint name).
25 Lint passes are the meat of any lint. Notably, there is not a one-to-one relationship between
26 lints and lint passes; a lint might not have any lint pass that emits it, it could have many, or
27 just one -- the compiler doesn't track whether a pass is in any way associated with a particular
28 lint, and frequently lints are emitted as part of other work (e.g., type checking, etc.).
30 ## Registration
32 ### High-level overview
34 The lint store is created and all lints are registered during plugin registration, in
35 [`rustc_interface::register_plugins`]. There are three 'sources' of lint: the internal lints, plugin
36 lints, and `rustc_interface::Config` [`register_lints`]. All are registered here, in
37 `register_plugins`.
39 Once the registration is complete, we "freeze" the lint store by placing it in an `Lrc`. Later in
40 the driver, it's passed into the `GlobalCtxt` constructor where it lives in an immutable form from
41 then on.
43 Lints are registered via the [`LintStore::register_lint`] function. This should
44 happen just once for any lint, or an ICE will occur.
46 Lint passes are registered separately into one of the categories (pre-expansion,
47 early, late, late module). Passes are registered as a closure -- i.e., `impl
48 Fn() -> Box<dyn X>`, where `dyn X` is either an early or late lint pass trait
49 object. When we run the lint passes, we run the closure and then invoke the lint
50 pass methods, which take `&mut self` -- lint passes can keep track of state
51 internally.
53 #### Internal lints
55 Note, these include both rustc-internal lints, and the traditional lints, like, for example the dead
56 code lint.
58 These are primarily described in two places: `rustc::lint::builtin` and `rustc_lint::builtin`. The
59 first provides the definitions for the lints themselves, and the latter provides the lint pass
60 definitions (and implementations).
62 The internal lint registration happens in the [`rustc_lint::register_builtins`] function, along with
63 the [`rustc_lint::register_internals`] function. More generally, the LintStore "constructor"
64 function which is *the* way to get a `LintStore` in the compiler (you should not construct it
65 directly) is [`rustc_lint::new_lint_store`]; it calls the registration functions.
67 #### Plugin lints
69 This is one of the primary use cases remaining for plugins/drivers. Plugins are given access to the
70 mutable `LintStore` during registration to call any functions they need on the `LintStore`, just
71 like rustc code. Plugins are intended to declare lints with the `plugin` field set to true (e.g., by
72 way of the [`declare_tool_lint!`] macro), but this is purely for diagnostics and help text;
73 otherwise plugin lints are mostly just as first class as rustc builtin lints.
75 #### Driver lints
77 These are the lints provided by drivers via the `rustc_interface::Config` [`register_lints`] field,
78 which is a callback. Drivers should, if finding it already set, call the function currently set
79 within the callback they add. The best way for drivers to get access to this is by overriding the
80 `Callbacks::config` function which gives them direct access to the `Config` structure.
82 ## Compiler lint passes are combined into one pass
84 Within the compiler, for performance reasons, we usually do not register dozens
85 of lint passes. Instead, we have a single lint pass of each variety
86 (e.g. `BuiltinCombinedModuleLateLintPass`) which will internally call all of the
87 individual lint passes; this is because then we get the benefits of static over
88 dynamic dispatch for each of the (often empty) trait methods.
90 Ideally, we'd not have to do this, since it certainly adds to the complexity of
91 understanding the code. However, with the current type-erased lint store
92 approach, it is beneficial to do so for performance reasons.
94 New lints being added likely want to join one of the existing declarations like
95 `late_lint_mod_passes` in `librustc_lint/lib.rs`, which would then
96 auto-propagate into the other.
98 [`LintStore::register_lint`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc/lint/struct.LintStore.html#method.register_lints
99 [`rustc_interface::register_plugins`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_interface/passes/fn.register_plugins.html
100 [`rustc_lint::register_builtins`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_lint/fn.register_builtins.html
101 [`rustc_lint::register_internals`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_lint/fn.register_internals.html
102 [`rustc_lint::new_lint_store`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_lint/fn.new_lint_store.html
103 [`declare_lint!`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_session/macro.declare_lint.html
104 [`declare_tool_lint!`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_session/macro.declare_tool_lint.html
105 [`register_lints`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_interface/interface/struct.Config.html#structfield.register_lints