]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/doc/rustdoc/src/documentation-tests.md
New upstream version 1.28.0~beta.14+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / doc / rustdoc / src / documentation-tests.md
1 # Documentation tests
3 `rustdoc` supports executing your documentation examples as tests. This makes sure
4 that your tests are up to date and working.
6 The basic idea is this:
8 ```ignore
9 /// # Examples
10 ///
11 /// ```
12 /// let x = 5;
13 /// ```
14 ```
16 The triple backticks start and end code blocks. If this were in a file named `foo.rs`,
17 running `rustdoc --test foo.rs` will extract this example, and then run it as a test.
19 Please note that by default, if no language is set for the block code, `rustdoc`
20 assumes it is `Rust` code. So the following:
22 ``````markdown
23 ```rust
24 let x = 5;
25 ```
26 ``````
28 is strictly equivalent to:
30 ``````markdown
31 ```
32 let x = 5;
33 ```
34 ``````
36 There's some subtlety though! Read on for more details.
38 ## Passing or failing a doctest
40 Like regular unit tests, regular doctests are considered to "pass"
41 if they compile and run without panicking.
42 So if you want to demonstrate that some computation gives a certain result,
43 the `assert!` family of macros works the same as other Rust code:
45 ```rust
46 let foo = "foo";
48 assert_eq!(foo, "foo");
49 ```
51 This way, if the computation ever returns something different,
52 the code panics and the doctest fails.
54 ## Pre-processing examples
56 In the example above, you'll note something strange: there's no `main`
57 function! Forcing you to write `main` for every example, no matter how small,
58 adds friction. So `rustdoc` processes your examples slightly before
59 running them. Here's the full algorithm rustdoc uses to preprocess examples:
61 1. Some common `allow` attributes are inserted, including
62 `unused_variables`, `unused_assignments`, `unused_mut`,
63 `unused_attributes`, and `dead_code`. Small examples often trigger
64 these lints.
65 2. Any attributes specified with `#![doc(test(attr(...)))]` are added.
66 3. Any leading `#![foo]` attributes are left intact as crate attributes.
67 4. If the example does not contain `extern crate`, and
68 `#![doc(test(no_crate_inject))]` was not specified, then `extern crate
69 <mycrate>;` is inserted (note the lack of `#[macro_use]`).
70 5. Finally, if the example does not contain `fn main`, the remainder of the
71 text is wrapped in `fn main() { your_code }`.
73 For more about that caveat in rule 4, see "Documenting Macros" below.
75 ## Hiding portions of the example
77 Sometimes, you need some setup code, or other things that would distract
78 from your example, but are important to make the tests work. Consider
79 an example block that looks like this:
81 ```text
82 /// /// Some documentation.
83 /// # fn foo() {} // this function will be hidden
84 /// println!("Hello, World!");
85 ```
87 It will render like this:
89 ```rust
90 /// Some documentation.
91 # fn foo() {}
92 println!("Hello, World!");
93 ```
95 Yes, that's right: you can add lines that start with `# `, and they will
96 be hidden from the output, but will be used when compiling your code. You
97 can use this to your advantage. In this case, documentation comments need
98 to apply to some kind of function, so if I want to show you just a
99 documentation comment, I need to add a little function definition below
100 it. At the same time, it's only there to satisfy the compiler, so hiding
101 it makes the example more clear. You can use this technique to explain
102 longer examples in detail, while still preserving the testability of your
103 documentation.
105 For example, imagine that we wanted to document this code:
107 ```rust
108 let x = 5;
109 let y = 6;
110 println!("{}", x + y);
111 ```
113 We might want the documentation to end up looking like this:
115 > First, we set `x` to five:
116 >
117 > ```rust
118 > let x = 5;
119 > # let y = 6;
120 > # println!("{}", x + y);
121 > ```
122 >
123 > Next, we set `y` to six:
124 >
125 > ```rust
126 > # let x = 5;
127 > let y = 6;
128 > # println!("{}", x + y);
129 > ```
130 >
131 > Finally, we print the sum of `x` and `y`:
132 >
133 > ```rust
134 > # let x = 5;
135 > # let y = 6;
136 > println!("{}", x + y);
137 > ```
139 To keep each code block testable, we want the whole program in each block, but
140 we don't want the reader to see every line every time. Here's what we put in
141 our source code:
143 ``````markdown
144 First, we set `x` to five:
146 ```
147 let x = 5;
148 # let y = 6;
149 # println!("{}", x + y);
150 ```
152 Next, we set `y` to six:
154 ```
155 # let x = 5;
156 let y = 6;
157 # println!("{}", x + y);
158 ```
160 Finally, we print the sum of `x` and `y`:
162 ```
163 # let x = 5;
164 # let y = 6;
165 println!("{}", x + y);
166 ```
167 ``````
169 By repeating all parts of the example, you can ensure that your example still
170 compiles, while only showing the parts that are relevant to that part of your
171 explanation.
174 ## Using `?` in doc tests
176 When writing an example, it is rarely useful to include a complete error
177 handling, as it would add significant amounts of boilerplate code. Instead, you
178 may want the following:
180 ```ignore
181 /// ```
182 /// use std::io;
183 /// let mut input = String::new();
184 /// io::stdin().read_line(&mut input)?;
185 /// ```
186 ```
188 The problem is that `?` returns a `Result<T, E>` and test functions don't
189 return anything, so this will give a mismatched types error.
191 You can get around this limitation by manually adding a `main` that returns
192 `Result<T, E>`, because `Result<T, E>` implements the `Termination` trait:
194 ```ignore
195 /// A doc test using ?
196 ///
197 /// ```
198 /// use std::io;
199 ///
200 /// fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
201 /// let mut input = String::new();
202 /// io::stdin().read_line(&mut input)?;
203 /// Ok(())
204 /// }
205 /// ```
206 ```
208 Together with the `# ` from the section above, you arrive at a solution that
209 appears to the reader as the initial idea but works with doc tests:
211 ```ignore
212 /// ```
213 /// use std::io;
214 /// # fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
215 /// let mut input = String::new();
216 /// io::stdin().read_line(&mut input)?;
217 /// # Ok(())
218 /// # }
219 /// ```
220 ```
222 ## Documenting macros
224 Here’s an example of documenting a macro:
226 ```rust
227 /// Panic with a given message unless an expression evaluates to true.
228 ///
229 /// # Examples
230 ///
231 /// ```
232 /// # #[macro_use] extern crate foo;
233 /// # fn main() {
234 /// panic_unless!(1 + 1 == 2, “Math is broken.”);
235 /// # }
236 /// ```
237 ///
238 /// ```should_panic
239 /// # #[macro_use] extern crate foo;
240 /// # fn main() {
241 /// panic_unless!(true == false, “I’m broken.”);
242 /// # }
243 /// ```
244 #[macro_export]
245 macro_rules! panic_unless {
246 ($condition:expr, $($rest:expr),+) => ({ if ! $condition { panic!($($rest),+); } });
247 }
248 # fn main() {}
249 ```
251 You’ll note three things: we need to add our own `extern crate` line, so that
252 we can add the `#[macro_use]` attribute. Second, we’ll need to add our own
253 `main()` as well (for reasons discussed above). Finally, a judicious use of
254 `#` to comment out those two things, so they don’t show up in the output.
256 ## Attributes
258 There are a few annotations that are useful to help `rustdoc` do the right
259 thing when testing your code:
261 ```rust
262 /// ```ignore
263 /// fn foo() {
264 /// ```
265 # fn foo() {}
266 ```
268 The `ignore` directive tells Rust to ignore your code. This is almost never
269 what you want, as it's the most generic. Instead, consider annotating it
270 with `text` if it's not code, or using `#`s to get a working example that
271 only shows the part you care about.
273 ```rust
274 /// ```should_panic
275 /// assert!(false);
276 /// ```
277 # fn foo() {}
278 ```
280 `should_panic` tells `rustdoc` that the code should compile correctly, but
281 not actually pass as a test.
283 ```text
284 /// ```no_run
285 /// loop {
286 /// println!("Hello, world");
287 /// }
288 /// ```
289 # fn foo() {}
290 ```
292 The `no_run` attribute will compile your code, but not run it. This is
293 important for examples such as "Here's how to retrieve a web page,"
294 which you would want to ensure compiles, but might be run in a test
295 environment that has no network access.
297 ```text
298 /// ```compile_fail
299 /// let x = 5;
300 /// x += 2; // shouldn't compile!
301 /// ```
302 ```
304 `compile_fail` tells `rustdoc` that the compilation should fail. If it
305 compiles, then the test will fail. However please note that code failing
306 with the current Rust release may work in a future release, as new features
307 are added.