]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/llvm/tools/clang/test/Analysis/retain-release.mm
Imported Upstream version 0.6
[rustc.git] / src / llvm / tools / clang / test / Analysis / retain-release.mm
1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-apple-darwin10 -analyze -analyzer-checker=core,osx.coreFoundation.CFRetainRelease,osx.cocoa.ClassRelease,osx.cocoa.RetainCount -analyzer-store=region -fblocks -verify %s
3 #if __has_feature(attribute_ns_returns_retained)
4 #define NS_RETURNS_RETAINED __attribute__((ns_returns_retained))
5 #endif
6 #if __has_feature(attribute_cf_returns_retained)
7 #define CF_RETURNS_RETAINED __attribute__((cf_returns_retained))
8 #endif
9 #if __has_feature(attribute_ns_returns_not_retained)
10 #define NS_RETURNS_NOT_RETAINED __attribute__((ns_returns_not_retained))
11 #endif
12 #if __has_feature(attribute_cf_returns_not_retained)
13 #define CF_RETURNS_NOT_RETAINED __attribute__((cf_returns_not_retained))
14 #endif
15 #if __has_feature(attribute_ns_consumes_self)
16 #define NS_CONSUMES_SELF __attribute__((ns_consumes_self))
17 #endif
18 #if __has_feature(attribute_ns_consumed)
19 #define NS_CONSUMED __attribute__((ns_consumed))
20 #endif
21 #if __has_feature(attribute_cf_consumed)
22 #define CF_CONSUMED __attribute__((cf_consumed))
23 #endif
25 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
26 // The following code is reduced using delta-debugging from Mac OS X headers:
27 //
28 // #include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
29 // #include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
30 // #include <DiskArbitration/DiskArbitration.h>
31 // #include <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
32 // #include <Quartz/Quartz.h>
33 // #include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
34 //
35 // It includes the basic definitions for the test cases below.
36 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
38 typedef unsigned int __darwin_natural_t;
39 typedef unsigned long uintptr_t;
40 typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
41 typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;
42 typedef unsigned int UInt32;
43 typedef signed long CFIndex;
44 typedef struct {
45 CFIndex location;
46 CFIndex length;
47 } CFRange;
48 static __inline__ __attribute__((always_inline)) CFRange CFRangeMake(CFIndex loc, CFIndex len) {
49 CFRange range;
50 range.location = loc;
51 range.length = len;
52 return range;
53 }
54 typedef const void * CFTypeRef;
55 typedef const struct __CFString * CFStringRef;
56 typedef const struct __CFAllocator * CFAllocatorRef;
57 extern const CFAllocatorRef kCFAllocatorDefault;
58 extern CFTypeRef CFRetain(CFTypeRef cf);
59 extern void CFRelease(CFTypeRef cf);
60 typedef struct {
61 }
62 CFArrayCallBacks;
63 extern const CFArrayCallBacks kCFTypeArrayCallBacks;
64 typedef const struct __CFArray * CFArrayRef;
65 typedef struct __CFArray * CFMutableArrayRef;
66 extern CFMutableArrayRef CFArrayCreateMutable(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFIndex capacity, const CFArrayCallBacks *callBacks);
67 extern const void *CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(CFArrayRef theArray, CFIndex idx);
68 extern void CFArrayAppendValue(CFMutableArrayRef theArray, const void *value);
69 typedef struct {
70 }
71 CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks;
72 extern const CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks;
73 typedef struct {
74 }
75 CFDictionaryValueCallBacks;
76 extern const CFDictionaryValueCallBacks kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks;
77 typedef const struct __CFDictionary * CFDictionaryRef;
78 typedef struct __CFDictionary * CFMutableDictionaryRef;
79 extern CFMutableDictionaryRef CFDictionaryCreateMutable(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFIndex capacity, const CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks *keyCallBacks, const CFDictionaryValueCallBacks *valueCallBacks);
80 typedef UInt32 CFStringEncoding;
81 enum {
82 kCFStringEncodingMacRoman = 0, kCFStringEncodingWindowsLatin1 = 0x0500, kCFStringEncodingISOLatin1 = 0x0201, kCFStringEncodingNextStepLatin = 0x0B01, kCFStringEncodingASCII = 0x0600, kCFStringEncodingUnicode = 0x0100, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 = 0x08000100, kCFStringEncodingNonLossyASCII = 0x0BFF , kCFStringEncodingUTF16 = 0x0100, kCFStringEncodingUTF16BE = 0x10000100, kCFStringEncodingUTF16LE = 0x14000100, kCFStringEncodingUTF32 = 0x0c000100, kCFStringEncodingUTF32BE = 0x18000100, kCFStringEncodingUTF32LE = 0x1c000100 };
83 extern CFStringRef CFStringCreateWithCString(CFAllocatorRef alloc, const char *cStr, CFStringEncoding encoding);
84 typedef double CFTimeInterval;
85 typedef CFTimeInterval CFAbsoluteTime;
86 extern CFAbsoluteTime CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(void);
87 typedef const struct __CFDate * CFDateRef;
88 extern CFDateRef CFDateCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFAbsoluteTime at);
89 extern CFAbsoluteTime CFDateGetAbsoluteTime(CFDateRef theDate);
90 typedef __darwin_natural_t natural_t;
91 typedef natural_t mach_port_name_t;
92 typedef mach_port_name_t mach_port_t;
93 typedef int kern_return_t;
94 typedef kern_return_t mach_error_t;
95 enum {
96 kCFNumberSInt8Type = 1, kCFNumberSInt16Type = 2, kCFNumberSInt32Type = 3, kCFNumberSInt64Type = 4, kCFNumberFloat32Type = 5, kCFNumberFloat64Type = 6, kCFNumberCharType = 7, kCFNumberShortType = 8, kCFNumberIntType = 9, kCFNumberLongType = 10, kCFNumberLongLongType = 11, kCFNumberFloatType = 12, kCFNumberDoubleType = 13, kCFNumberCFIndexType = 14, kCFNumberNSIntegerType = 15, kCFNumberCGFloatType = 16, kCFNumberMaxType = 16 };
97 typedef CFIndex CFNumberType;
98 typedef const struct __CFNumber * CFNumberRef;
99 extern CFNumberRef CFNumberCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFNumberType theType, const void *valuePtr);
100 typedef const struct __CFAttributedString *CFAttributedStringRef;
101 typedef struct __CFAttributedString *CFMutableAttributedStringRef;
102 extern CFAttributedStringRef CFAttributedStringCreate(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFStringRef str, CFDictionaryRef attributes) ;
103 extern CFMutableAttributedStringRef CFAttributedStringCreateMutableCopy(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFIndex maxLength, CFAttributedStringRef aStr) ;
104 extern void CFAttributedStringSetAttribute(CFMutableAttributedStringRef aStr, CFRange range, CFStringRef attrName, CFTypeRef value) ;
105 typedef signed char BOOL;
106 typedef unsigned long NSUInteger;
107 @class NSString, Protocol;
108 extern void NSLog(NSString *format, ...) __attribute__((format(__NSString__, 1, 2)));
109 typedef struct _NSZone NSZone;
110 @class NSInvocation, NSMethodSignature, NSCoder, NSString, NSEnumerator;
111 @protocol NSObject
112 - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)object;
113 - (id)retain;
114 - (id)copy;
115 - (oneway void)release;
116 - (id)autorelease;
117 @end @protocol NSCopying - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone;
118 @end @protocol NSMutableCopying - (id)mutableCopyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone;
119 @end @protocol NSCoding - (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder;
120 @end
121 @interface NSObject <NSObject> {}
122 + (id)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone;
123 + (id)alloc;
124 - (void)dealloc;
125 - (id)init;
126 @end
127 @interface NSObject (NSCoderMethods)
128 - (id)awakeAfterUsingCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder;
129 @end
130 extern id NSAllocateObject(Class aClass, NSUInteger extraBytes, NSZone *zone);
131 typedef struct {
132 }
133 NSFastEnumerationState;
134 @protocol NSFastEnumeration - (NSUInteger)countByEnumeratingWithState:(NSFastEnumerationState *)state objects:(id *)stackbuf count:(NSUInteger)len;
135 @end @class NSString, NSDictionary;
136 @interface NSValue : NSObject <NSCopying, NSCoding> - (void)getValue:(void *)value;
137 @end @interface NSNumber : NSValue - (char)charValue;
138 - (id)initWithInt:(int)value;
139 @end @class NSString;
140 @interface NSArray : NSObject <NSCopying, NSMutableCopying, NSCoding, NSFastEnumeration> - (NSUInteger)count;
141 @end @interface NSArray (NSArrayCreation) + (id)array;
142 @end @interface NSAutoreleasePool : NSObject {
143 }
144 - (void)drain;
145 @end extern NSString * const NSBundleDidLoadNotification;
146 typedef double NSTimeInterval;
147 @interface NSDate : NSObject <NSCopying, NSCoding> - (NSTimeInterval)timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate;
148 @end typedef unsigned short unichar;
149 @interface NSString : NSObject <NSCopying, NSMutableCopying, NSCoding> - (NSUInteger)length;
150 - ( const char *)UTF8String;
151 - (id)initWithUTF8String:(const char *)nullTerminatedCString;
152 + (id)stringWithUTF8String:(const char *)nullTerminatedCString;
153 @end @class NSString, NSURL, NSError;
154 @interface NSData : NSObject <NSCopying, NSMutableCopying, NSCoding> - (NSUInteger)length;
155 + (id)dataWithBytesNoCopy:(void *)bytes length:(NSUInteger)length;
156 + (id)dataWithBytesNoCopy:(void *)bytes length:(NSUInteger)length freeWhenDone:(BOOL)b;
157 @end @class NSLocale, NSDate, NSCalendar, NSTimeZone, NSError, NSArray, NSMutableDictionary;
158 @interface NSDictionary : NSObject <NSCopying, NSMutableCopying, NSCoding, NSFastEnumeration> - (NSUInteger)count;
159 @end @interface NSMutableDictionary : NSDictionary - (void)removeObjectForKey:(id)aKey;
160 - (void)setObject:(id)anObject forKey:(id)aKey;
161 @end @interface NSMutableDictionary (NSMutableDictionaryCreation) + (id)dictionaryWithCapacity:(NSUInteger)numItems;
162 @end typedef double CGFloat;
163 struct CGSize {
164 };
165 typedef struct CGSize CGSize;
166 struct CGRect {
167 };
168 typedef struct CGRect CGRect;
169 typedef mach_port_t io_object_t;
170 typedef char io_name_t[128];
171 typedef io_object_t io_iterator_t;
172 typedef io_object_t io_service_t;
173 typedef struct IONotificationPort * IONotificationPortRef;
174 typedef void (*IOServiceMatchingCallback)( void * refcon, io_iterator_t iterator );
175 io_service_t IOServiceGetMatchingService( mach_port_t masterPort, CFDictionaryRef matching );
176 kern_return_t IOServiceGetMatchingServices( mach_port_t masterPort, CFDictionaryRef matching, io_iterator_t * existing );
177 kern_return_t IOServiceAddNotification( mach_port_t masterPort, const io_name_t notificationType, CFDictionaryRef matching, mach_port_t wakePort, uintptr_t reference, io_iterator_t * notification ) __attribute__((deprecated));
178 kern_return_t IOServiceAddMatchingNotification( IONotificationPortRef notifyPort, const io_name_t notificationType, CFDictionaryRef matching, IOServiceMatchingCallback callback, void * refCon, io_iterator_t * notification );
179 CFMutableDictionaryRef IOServiceMatching( const char * name );
180 CFMutableDictionaryRef IOServiceNameMatching( const char * name );
181 CFMutableDictionaryRef IOBSDNameMatching( mach_port_t masterPort, uint32_t options, const char * bsdName );
182 CFMutableDictionaryRef IOOpenFirmwarePathMatching( mach_port_t masterPort, uint32_t options, const char * path );
183 CFMutableDictionaryRef IORegistryEntryIDMatching( uint64_t entryID );
184 typedef struct __DASession * DASessionRef;
185 extern DASessionRef DASessionCreate( CFAllocatorRef allocator );
186 typedef struct __DADisk * DADiskRef;
187 extern DADiskRef DADiskCreateFromBSDName( CFAllocatorRef allocator, DASessionRef session, const char * name );
188 extern DADiskRef DADiskCreateFromIOMedia( CFAllocatorRef allocator, DASessionRef session, io_service_t media );
189 extern CFDictionaryRef DADiskCopyDescription( DADiskRef disk );
190 extern DADiskRef DADiskCopyWholeDisk( DADiskRef disk );
191 @interface NSTask : NSObject - (id)init;
192 @end typedef struct CGColorSpace *CGColorSpaceRef;
193 typedef struct CGImage *CGImageRef;
194 typedef struct CGLayer *CGLayerRef;
195 @interface NSResponder : NSObject <NSCoding> {
196 }
197 @end @protocol NSAnimatablePropertyContainer - (id)animator;
198 @end extern NSString *NSAnimationTriggerOrderIn ;
199 @interface NSView : NSResponder <NSAnimatablePropertyContainer> {
200 }
201 @end @protocol NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem - (SEL)action;
202 @end @protocol NSUserInterfaceValidations - (BOOL)validateUserInterfaceItem:(id <NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem>)anItem;
203 @end @class NSDate, NSDictionary, NSError, NSException, NSNotification;
204 @interface NSApplication : NSResponder <NSUserInterfaceValidations> {
205 }
206 @end enum {
207 NSTerminateCancel = 0, NSTerminateNow = 1, NSTerminateLater = 2 };
208 typedef NSUInteger NSApplicationTerminateReply;
209 @protocol NSApplicationDelegate <NSObject> @optional - (NSApplicationTerminateReply)applicationShouldTerminate:(NSApplication *)sender;
210 @end @class NSAttributedString, NSEvent, NSFont, NSFormatter, NSImage, NSMenu, NSText, NSView, NSTextView;
211 @interface NSCell : NSObject <NSCopying, NSCoding> {
212 }
213 @end @class NSTextField, NSPanel, NSArray, NSWindow, NSImage, NSButton, NSError;
214 typedef struct {
215 }
216 CVTimeStamp;
217 @interface CIImage : NSObject <NSCoding, NSCopying> {
218 }
219 typedef int CIFormat;
220 @end enum {
221 kDAReturnSuccess = 0, kDAReturnError = (((0x3eU)&0x3f)<<26) | (((0x368)&0xfff)<<14) | 0x01, kDAReturnBusy = (((0x3eU)&0x3f)<<26) | (((0x368)&0xfff)<<14) | 0x02, kDAReturnBadArgument = (((0x3eU)&0x3f)<<26) | (((0x368)&0xfff)<<14) | 0x03, kDAReturnExclusiveAccess = (((0x3eU)&0x3f)<<26) | (((0x368)&0xfff)<<14) | 0x04, kDAReturnNoResources = (((0x3eU)&0x3f)<<26) | (((0x368)&0xfff)<<14) | 0x05, kDAReturnNotFound = (((0x3eU)&0x3f)<<26) | (((0x368)&0xfff)<<14) | 0x06, kDAReturnNotMounted = (((0x3eU)&0x3f)<<26) | (((0x368)&0xfff)<<14) | 0x07, kDAReturnNotPermitted = (((0x3eU)&0x3f)<<26) | (((0x368)&0xfff)<<14) | 0x08, kDAReturnNotPrivileged = (((0x3eU)&0x3f)<<26) | (((0x368)&0xfff)<<14) | 0x09, kDAReturnNotReady = (((0x3eU)&0x3f)<<26) | (((0x368)&0xfff)<<14) | 0x0A, kDAReturnNotWritable = (((0x3eU)&0x3f)<<26) | (((0x368)&0xfff)<<14) | 0x0B, kDAReturnUnsupported = (((0x3eU)&0x3f)<<26) | (((0x368)&0xfff)<<14) | 0x0C };
222 typedef mach_error_t DAReturn;
223 typedef const struct __DADissenter * DADissenterRef;
224 extern DADissenterRef DADissenterCreate( CFAllocatorRef allocator, DAReturn status, CFStringRef string );
225 @interface CIContext: NSObject {
226 }
227 - (CGImageRef)createCGImage:(CIImage *)im fromRect:(CGRect)r;
228 - (CGImageRef)createCGImage:(CIImage *)im fromRect:(CGRect)r format:(CIFormat)f colorSpace:(CGColorSpaceRef)cs;
229 - (CGLayerRef)createCGLayerWithSize:(CGSize)size info:(CFDictionaryRef)d;
230 @end extern NSString* const QCRendererEventKey;
231 @protocol QCCompositionRenderer - (NSDictionary*) attributes;
232 @end @interface QCRenderer : NSObject <QCCompositionRenderer> {
233 }
234 - (id) createSnapshotImageOfType:(NSString*)type;
235 @end extern NSString* const QCViewDidStartRenderingNotification;
236 @interface QCView : NSView <QCCompositionRenderer> {
237 }
238 - (id) createSnapshotImageOfType:(NSString*)type;
239 @end enum {
240 ICEXIFOrientation1 = 1, ICEXIFOrientation2 = 2, ICEXIFOrientation3 = 3, ICEXIFOrientation4 = 4, ICEXIFOrientation5 = 5, ICEXIFOrientation6 = 6, ICEXIFOrientation7 = 7, ICEXIFOrientation8 = 8, };
241 @class ICDevice;
242 @protocol ICDeviceDelegate <NSObject> @required - (void)didRemoveDevice:(ICDevice*)device;
243 @end extern NSString *const ICScannerStatusWarmingUp;
244 @class ICScannerDevice;
245 @protocol ICScannerDeviceDelegate <ICDeviceDelegate> @optional - (void)scannerDeviceDidBecomeAvailable:(ICScannerDevice*)scanner;
246 @end
248 typedef long unsigned int __darwin_size_t;
249 typedef __darwin_size_t size_t;
250 typedef unsigned long CFTypeID;
251 struct CGPoint {
252 CGFloat x;
253 CGFloat y;
254 };
255 typedef struct CGPoint CGPoint;
256 typedef struct CGGradient *CGGradientRef;
257 typedef uint32_t CGGradientDrawingOptions;
258 extern CFTypeID CGGradientGetTypeID(void);
259 extern CGGradientRef CGGradientCreateWithColorComponents(CGColorSpaceRef
260 space, const CGFloat components[], const CGFloat locations[], size_t count);
261 extern CGGradientRef CGGradientCreateWithColors(CGColorSpaceRef space,
262 CFArrayRef colors, const CGFloat locations[]);
263 extern CGGradientRef CGGradientRetain(CGGradientRef gradient);
264 extern void CGGradientRelease(CGGradientRef gradient);
265 typedef struct CGContext *CGContextRef;
266 extern void CGContextDrawLinearGradient(CGContextRef context,
267 CGGradientRef gradient, CGPoint startPoint, CGPoint endPoint,
268 CGGradientDrawingOptions options);
269 extern CGColorSpaceRef CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(void);
271 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
272 // Test cases.
273 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
275 class SmartPointer {
276 id x;
277 public:
278 SmartPointer(id x) : x(x) {}
279 ~SmartPointer() { [x release]; }
281 void adopt(id x);
282 void noAdopt(id x);
283 };
285 void test_positive() {
286 id x = [[NSObject alloc] init]; // expected-warning {{leak}}
287 }
289 void test_smartpointer_1() {
290 id x = [[NSObject alloc] init]; // no-warning
291 SmartPointer foo(x);
292 }
294 void test_smartpointer_2() {
295 id x = [[NSObject alloc] init]; // no-warning
296 SmartPointer foo(0);
297 foo.adopt(x);
298 }
300 // FIXME: Eventually we want annotations to say whether or not
301 // a C++ method claims ownership of an Objective-C object.
302 void test_smartpointer_3() {
303 id x = [[NSObject alloc] init]; // no-warning
304 SmartPointer foo(0);
305 foo.noAdopt(x);
306 }
308 void test_smartpointer_4() {
309 id x = [[NSObject alloc] init]; // no-warning
310 SmartPointer *foo = new SmartPointer(x);
311 delete foo;
312 }
314 extern CFStringRef ElectronMicroscopyEngage(void);
315 void test_microscopy() {
316 NSString *token = (NSString*) ElectronMicroscopyEngage();
317 [token release]; // expected-warning {{object that is not owned}}
318 }
320 extern CFStringRef Scopy(void);
321 void test_Scopy() {
322 NSString *token = (NSString*) Scopy();
323 [token release]; // expected-warning {{object that is not owned}}
324 }
326 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
327 // Test handling of template functions used to do magic with
328 // tracked retained pointers.
329 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
331 template <typename T, typename U> T static_objc_cast(U* value)
332 {
333 // ...debugging code omitted...
334 return static_cast<T>(value);
335 }
337 int rdar10553686(void)
338 {
339 NSObject* bar = static_objc_cast<NSObject*>([[NSObject alloc] init]);
340 [bar release];
341 return 0;
342 }
343 int rdar10553686_positive(void)
344 {
345 NSObject* bar = static_objc_cast<NSObject*>([[NSObject alloc] init]);
346 [bar release];
347 [bar retain]; // expected-warning {{used after it is released}}
348 return 0;
349 }
351 @interface NSMapTable : NSObject <NSCopying, NSCoding, NSFastEnumeration>
352 @end
353 extern void *NSMapGet(NSMapTable *table, const void *key);
354 extern void NSMapInsert(NSMapTable *table, const void *key, const void *value);
355 extern void NSMapInsertKnownAbsent(NSMapTable *table, const void *key, const void *value);
356 char *strdup(const char *s);
358 NSString * radar11152419(NSString *string1, NSString *key1, NSMapTable *map) {
359 NSString *string = ( NSString *)NSMapGet(map, key1);
360 if (!string) {
361 string = [string1 copy];
362 NSString *key = [key1 copy];
363 NSMapInsert(map, (void*) key, (void*)string); // no warning
364 NSMapInsertKnownAbsent(map, (void*)key, (void*)string); // no warning
365 }
366 return string;
367 }
369 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
370 // Don't crash on non-member functions with "callbacks" but without names.
371 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
373 struct IntWrapper {
374 int arg;
375 };
377 int operator>> (const IntWrapper &W, int (*f)(int)) {
378 return f(W.arg);
379 }
381 void testCallback() {
382 IntWrapper val = { 42 };
384 extern int process(int);
385 val >> process;
386 }