]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/stdarch/crates/stdarch-verify/tests/x86-intel.rs
New upstream version 1.46.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / stdarch / crates / stdarch-verify / tests / x86-intel.rs
1 #![allow(bad_style)]
2 #![allow(unused)]
3 #![allow(
4 clippy::shadow_reuse,
5 clippy::cast_lossless,
6 clippy::match_same_arms,
7 clippy::nonminimal_bool,
8 clippy::print_stdout,
9 clippy::use_debug,
10 clippy::eq_op,
11 clippy::useless_format
12 )]
14 use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
16 use serde::Deserialize;
18 const PRINT_INSTRUCTION_VIOLATIONS: bool = false;
19 const PRINT_MISSING_LISTS: bool = false;
20 const PRINT_MISSING_LISTS_MARKDOWN: bool = false;
22 struct Function {
23 name: &'static str,
24 arguments: &'static [&'static Type],
25 ret: Option<&'static Type>,
26 target_feature: Option<&'static str>,
27 instrs: &'static [&'static str],
28 file: &'static str,
29 required_const: &'static [usize],
30 has_test: bool,
31 }
33 static F32: Type = Type::PrimFloat(32);
34 static F64: Type = Type::PrimFloat(64);
35 static I16: Type = Type::PrimSigned(16);
36 static I32: Type = Type::PrimSigned(32);
37 static I64: Type = Type::PrimSigned(64);
38 static I8: Type = Type::PrimSigned(8);
39 static U16: Type = Type::PrimUnsigned(16);
40 static U32: Type = Type::PrimUnsigned(32);
41 static U64: Type = Type::PrimUnsigned(64);
42 static U128: Type = Type::PrimUnsigned(128);
43 static U8: Type = Type::PrimUnsigned(8);
44 static ORDERING: Type = Type::Ordering;
46 static M64: Type = Type::M64;
47 static M128: Type = Type::M128;
48 static M128I: Type = Type::M128I;
49 static M128D: Type = Type::M128D;
50 static M256: Type = Type::M256;
51 static M256I: Type = Type::M256I;
52 static M256D: Type = Type::M256D;
53 static M512: Type = Type::M512;
54 static M512I: Type = Type::M512I;
55 static M512D: Type = Type::M512D;
56 static MMASK8: Type = Type::MMASK8;
57 static MMASK16: Type = Type::MMASK16;
59 static TUPLE: Type = Type::Tuple;
60 static CPUID: Type = Type::CpuidResult;
61 static NEVER: Type = Type::Never;
63 #[derive(Debug)]
64 enum Type {
65 PrimFloat(u8),
66 PrimSigned(u8),
67 PrimUnsigned(u8),
68 MutPtr(&'static Type),
69 ConstPtr(&'static Type),
70 M64,
71 M128,
72 M128D,
73 M128I,
74 M256,
75 M256D,
76 M256I,
77 M512,
78 M512D,
79 M512I,
80 MMASK8,
81 MMASK16,
82 Tuple,
83 CpuidResult,
84 Never,
85 Ordering,
86 }
88 stdarch_verify::x86_functions!(static FUNCTIONS);
90 #[derive(Deserialize)]
91 struct Data {
92 #[serde(rename = "intrinsic", default)]
93 intrinsics: Vec<Intrinsic>,
94 }
96 #[derive(Deserialize)]
97 struct Intrinsic {
98 rettype: String,
99 name: String,
100 #[serde(rename = "CPUID", default)]
101 cpuid: Vec<String>,
102 #[serde(rename = "parameter", default)]
103 parameters: Vec<Parameter>,
104 #[serde(default)]
105 instruction: Vec<Instruction>,
106 }
108 #[derive(Deserialize)]
109 struct Parameter {
110 #[serde(rename = "type")]
111 type_: String,
112 }
114 #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
115 struct Instruction {
116 name: String,
117 }
119 macro_rules! bail {
120 ($($t:tt)*) => (return Err(format!($($t)*)))
121 }
123 #[test]
124 fn verify_all_signatures() {
125 // This XML document was downloaded from Intel's site. To update this you
126 // can visit intel's intrinsics guide online documentation:
127 //
128 // https://software.intel.com/sites/landingpage/IntrinsicsGuide/#
129 //
130 // Open up the network console and you'll see an xml file was downloaded
131 // (currently called data-3.4.xml). That's the file we downloaded
132 // here.
133 let xml = include_bytes!("../x86-intel.xml");
135 let xml = &xml[..];
136 let data: Data = serde_xml_rs::from_reader(xml).expect("failed to deserialize xml");
137 let mut map = HashMap::new();
138 for intrinsic in &data.intrinsics {
139 map.entry(&intrinsic.name[..])
140 .or_insert_with(Vec::new)
141 .push(intrinsic);
142 }
144 let mut all_valid = true;
145 'outer: for rust in FUNCTIONS {
146 if !rust.has_test {
147 // FIXME: this list should be almost empty
148 let skip = [
149 "__readeflags",
150 "__readeflags",
151 "__writeeflags",
152 "__writeeflags",
153 "_mm_comige_ss",
154 "_mm_cvt_ss2si",
155 "_mm_cvtt_ss2si",
156 "_mm_cvt_si2ss",
157 "_mm_set_ps1",
158 "_mm_load_ps1",
159 "_mm_store_ps1",
160 "_mm_getcsr",
161 "_mm_setcsr",
170 "_mm_prefetch",
171 "_mm_undefined_ps",
172 "_m_pmaxsw",
173 "_m_pmaxub",
174 "_m_pminsw",
175 "_m_pminub",
176 "_m_pavgb",
177 "_m_pavgw",
178 "_m_psadbw",
179 "_mm_cvt_pi2ps",
180 "_m_maskmovq",
181 "_m_pextrw",
182 "_m_pinsrw",
183 "_m_pmovmskb",
184 "_m_pshufw",
185 "_mm_cvtt_ps2pi",
186 "_mm_cvt_ps2pi",
187 "__cpuid_count",
188 "__cpuid",
189 "__get_cpuid_max",
190 "_xsave",
191 "_xrstor",
192 "_xsetbv",
193 "_xgetbv",
194 "_xsaveopt",
195 "_xsavec",
196 "_xsaves",
197 "_xrstors",
198 "_mm_bslli_si128",
199 "_mm_bsrli_si128",
200 "_mm_undefined_pd",
201 "_mm_undefined_si128",
202 "_mm_cvtps_ph",
203 "_mm256_cvtps_ph",
204 "_rdtsc",
205 "__rdtscp",
206 "_mm256_castps128_ps256",
207 "_mm256_castpd128_pd256",
208 "_mm256_castsi128_si256",
209 "_mm256_undefined_ps",
210 "_mm256_undefined_pd",
211 "_mm256_undefined_si256",
212 "_bextr2_u32",
213 "_mm_tzcnt_32",
214 "_mm512_setzero_si512",
215 "_mm512_setr_epi32",
216 "_mm512_set1_epi64",
217 "_m_paddb",
218 "_m_paddw",
219 "_m_paddd",
220 "_m_paddsb",
221 "_m_paddsw",
222 "_m_paddusb",
223 "_m_paddusw",
224 "_m_psubb",
225 "_m_psubw",
226 "_m_psubd",
227 "_m_psubsb",
228 "_m_psubsw",
229 "_m_psubusb",
230 "_m_psubusw",
231 "_mm_set_pi16",
232 "_mm_set_pi32",
233 "_mm_set_pi8",
234 "_mm_set1_pi16",
235 "_mm_set1_pi32",
236 "_mm_set1_pi8",
237 "_mm_setr_pi16",
238 "_mm_setr_pi32",
239 "_mm_setr_pi8",
240 "ud2",
241 "_mm_min_epi8",
242 "_mm_min_epi32",
243 "_xbegin",
244 "_xend",
245 "_rdrand16_step",
246 "_rdrand32_step",
247 "_rdseed16_step",
248 "_rdseed32_step",
249 "_fxsave",
250 "_fxrstor",
251 "_t1mskc_u64",
252 "_mm256_shuffle_epi32",
253 "_mm256_bslli_epi128",
254 "_mm256_bsrli_epi128",
255 "_mm256_unpackhi_epi8",
256 "_mm256_unpacklo_epi8",
257 "_mm256_unpackhi_epi16",
258 "_mm256_unpacklo_epi16",
259 "_mm256_unpackhi_epi32",
260 "_mm256_unpacklo_epi32",
261 "_mm256_unpackhi_epi64",
262 "_mm256_unpacklo_epi64",
263 "_xsave64",
264 "_xrstor64",
265 "_xsaveopt64",
266 "_xsavec64",
267 "_xsaves64",
268 "_xrstors64",
269 "_mm_cvtsi64x_si128",
270 "_mm_cvtsi128_si64x",
271 "_mm_cvtsi64x_sd",
272 "cmpxchg16b",
273 "_rdrand64_step",
274 "_rdseed64_step",
275 "_bextr2_u64",
276 "_mm_tzcnt_64",
277 "_fxsave64",
278 "_fxrstor64",
279 ];
280 if !skip.contains(&rust.name) {
281 println!(
282 "missing run-time test named `test_{}` for `{}`",
283 {
284 let mut id = rust.name;
285 while id.starts_with('_') {
286 id = &id[1..];
287 }
288 id
289 },
290 rust.name
291 );
292 all_valid = false;
293 }
294 }
296 match rust.name {
297 // These aren't defined by Intel but they're defined by what appears
298 // to be all other compilers. For more information see
299 // rust-lang/stdarch#307, and otherwise these signatures
300 // have all been manually verified.
301 "__readeflags" |
302 "__writeeflags" |
303 "__cpuid_count" |
304 "__cpuid" |
305 "__get_cpuid_max" |
306 // Not listed with intel, but manually verified
307 "cmpxchg16b" |
308 // The UD2 intrinsic is not defined by Intel, but it was agreed on
309 // in the RFC Issue 2512:
310 // https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/issues/2512
311 "ud2"
312 => continue,
313 // Intel requires the mask argument for _mm_shuffle_ps to be an
314 // unsigned integer, but all other _mm_shuffle_.. intrinsics
315 // take a signed-integer. This breaks `_MM_SHUFFLE` for
316 // `_mm_shuffle_ps`:
317 "_mm_shuffle_ps" => continue,
318 _ => {}
319 }
321 // these are all AMD-specific intrinsics
322 if let Some(feature) = rust.target_feature {
323 if feature.contains("sse4a") || feature.contains("tbm") {
324 continue;
325 }
326 }
328 let intel = match map.remove(rust.name) {
329 Some(i) => i,
330 None => panic!("missing intel definition for {}", rust.name),
331 };
333 let mut errors = Vec::new();
334 for intel in intel {
335 match matches(rust, intel) {
336 Ok(()) => continue 'outer,
337 Err(e) => errors.push(e),
338 }
339 }
340 println!("failed to verify `{}`", rust.name);
341 for error in errors {
342 println!(" * {}", error);
343 }
344 all_valid = false;
345 }
346 assert!(all_valid);
348 let mut missing = BTreeMap::new();
349 for (name, intel) in &map {
350 // currently focused mainly on missing SIMD intrinsics, but there's
351 // definitely some other assorted ones that we're missing.
352 if !name.starts_with("_mm") {
353 continue;
354 }
356 // we'll get to avx-512 later
357 // let avx512 = intel.iter().any(|i| {
358 // i.name.starts_with("_mm512") || i.cpuid.iter().any(|c| {
359 // c.contains("512")
360 // })
361 // });
362 // if avx512 {
363 // continue
364 // }
366 for intel in intel {
367 missing
368 .entry(&intel.cpuid)
369 .or_insert_with(Vec::new)
370 .push(intel);
371 }
372 }
374 // generate a bulleted list of missing intrinsics
376 for (k, v) in missing {
378 println!("\n<details><summary>{:?}</summary><p>\n", k);
379 for intel in v {
380 let url = format!(
381 "https://software.intel.com/sites/landingpage\
382 /IntrinsicsGuide/#text={}&expand=5236",
383 intel.name
384 );
385 println!(" * [ ] [`{}`]({})", intel.name, url);
386 }
387 println!("</p></details>\n");
388 } else {
389 println!("\n{:?}\n", k);
390 for intel in v {
391 println!("\t{}", intel.name);
392 }
393 }
394 }
395 }
396 }
398 fn matches(rust: &Function, intel: &Intrinsic) -> Result<(), String> {
399 // Verify that all `#[target_feature]` annotations are correct,
400 // ensuring that we've actually enabled the right instruction
401 // set for this intrinsic.
402 match rust.name {
403 "_bswap" | "_bswap64" => {}
405 // These don't actually have a target feature unlike their brethren with
406 // the `x` inside the name which requires adx
407 "_addcarry_u32" | "_addcarry_u64" | "_subborrow_u32" | "_subborrow_u64" => {}
409 "_bittest"
410 | "_bittestandset"
411 | "_bittestandreset"
412 | "_bittestandcomplement"
413 | "_bittest64"
414 | "_bittestandset64"
415 | "_bittestandreset64"
416 | "_bittestandcomplement64" => {}
418 _ => {
419 if intel.cpuid.is_empty() {
420 bail!("missing cpuid for {}", rust.name);
421 }
422 }
423 }
425 for cpuid in &intel.cpuid {
426 // The pause intrinsic is in the SSE2 module, but it is backwards
427 // compatible with CPUs without SSE2, and it therefore does not need the
428 // target-feature attribute.
429 if rust.name == "_mm_pause" {
430 continue;
431 }
432 // this is needed by _xsave and probably some related intrinsics,
433 // but let's just skip it for now.
434 if *cpuid == "XSS" {
435 continue;
436 }
438 // these flags on the rdtsc/rtdscp intrinsics we don't test for right
439 // now, but we may wish to add these one day!
440 //
441 // For more info see #308
442 if *cpuid == "TSC" || *cpuid == "RDTSCP" {
443 continue;
444 }
446 let cpuid = cpuid
447 .chars()
448 .flat_map(|c| c.to_lowercase())
449 .collect::<String>();
451 // Fix mismatching feature names:
452 let fixup_cpuid = |cpuid: String| match cpuid.as_ref() {
453 // The XML file names IFMA as "avx512ifma52", while Rust calls
454 // it "avx512ifma".
455 "avx512ifma52" => String::from("avx512ifma"),
456 // See: https://github.com/rust-lang/stdarch/issues/738
457 // The intrinsics guide calls `f16c` `fp16c` in disagreement with
458 // Intel's architecture manuals.
459 "fp16c" => String::from("f16c"),
460 _ => cpuid,
461 };
462 let fixed_cpuid = fixup_cpuid(cpuid);
464 let rust_feature = rust
465 .target_feature
466 .expect(&format!("no target feature listed for {}", rust.name));
468 if rust_feature.contains(&fixed_cpuid) {
469 continue;
470 }
471 bail!(
472 "intel cpuid `{}` not in `{}` for {}",
473 fixed_cpuid,
474 rust_feature,
475 rust.name
476 )
477 }
480 if rust.instrs.is_empty() {
481 if !intel.instruction.is_empty() {
482 println!(
483 "instruction not listed for `{}`, but intel lists {:?}",
484 rust.name, intel.instruction
485 );
486 }
488 // If intel doesn't list any instructions and we do then don't
489 // bother trying to look for instructions in intel, we've just got
490 // some extra assertions on our end.
491 } else if !intel.instruction.is_empty() {
492 for instr in rust.instrs {
493 let asserting = intel.instruction.iter().any(|a| a.name.starts_with(instr));
494 if !asserting {
495 println!(
496 "intel failed to list `{}` as an instruction for `{}`",
497 instr, rust.name
498 );
499 }
500 }
501 }
502 }
504 // Make sure we've got the right return type.
505 if let Some(t) = rust.ret {
506 equate(t, &intel.rettype, rust.name, false)?;
507 } else if intel.rettype != "" && intel.rettype != "void" {
508 bail!(
509 "{} returns `{}` with intel, void in rust",
510 rust.name,
511 intel.rettype
512 )
513 }
515 // If there's no arguments on Rust's side intel may list one "void"
516 // argument, so handle that here.
517 if rust.arguments.is_empty() && intel.parameters.len() == 1 {
518 if intel.parameters[0].type_ != "void" {
519 bail!("rust has 0 arguments, intel has one for")
520 }
521 } else {
522 // Otherwise we want all parameters to be exactly the same
523 if rust.arguments.len() != intel.parameters.len() {
524 bail!("wrong number of arguments on {}", rust.name)
525 }
526 for (i, (a, b)) in intel.parameters.iter().zip(rust.arguments).enumerate() {
527 let is_const = rust.required_const.contains(&i);
528 equate(b, &a.type_, &intel.name, is_const)?;
529 }
530 }
532 let any_i64 = rust
533 .arguments
534 .iter()
535 .cloned()
536 .chain(rust.ret)
537 .any(|arg| match *arg {
538 Type::PrimSigned(64) | Type::PrimUnsigned(64) => true,
539 _ => false,
540 });
541 let any_i64_exempt = match rust.name {
542 // These intrinsics have all been manually verified against Clang's
543 // headers to be available on x86, and the u64 arguments seem
544 // spurious I guess?
545 "_xsave" | "_xrstor" | "_xsetbv" | "_xgetbv" | "_xsaveopt" | "_xsavec" | "_xsaves"
546 | "_xrstors" => true,
548 // Apparently all of clang/msvc/gcc accept these intrinsics on
549 // 32-bit, so let's do the same
550 "_mm_set_epi64x" | "_mm_set1_epi64x" | "_mm256_set_epi64x" | "_mm256_setr_epi64x"
551 | "_mm256_set1_epi64x" | "_mm512_set1_epi64" => true,
553 // These return a 64-bit argument but they're assembled from other
554 // 32-bit registers, so these work on 32-bit just fine. See #308 for
555 // more info.
556 "_rdtsc" | "__rdtscp" => true,
558 _ => false,
559 };
560 if any_i64 && !any_i64_exempt && !rust.file.contains("x86_64") {
561 bail!(
562 "intrinsic `{}` uses a 64-bit bare type but may be \
563 available on 32-bit platforms",
564 rust.name
565 )
566 }
567 Ok(())
568 }
570 fn equate(t: &Type, intel: &str, intrinsic: &str, is_const: bool) -> Result<(), String> {
571 // Make pointer adjacent to the type: float * foo => float* foo
572 let mut intel = intel.replace(" *", "*");
573 // Make mutability modifier adjacent to the pointer:
574 // float const * foo => float const* foo
575 intel = intel.replace("const *", "const*");
576 // Normalize mutability modifier to after the type:
577 // const float* foo => float const*
578 if intel.starts_with("const") && intel.ends_with("*") {
579 intel = intel.replace("const ", "");
580 intel = intel.replace("*", " const*");
581 }
582 let require_const = || {
583 if is_const {
584 return Ok(());
585 }
586 Err(format!("argument required to be const but isn't"))
587 };
588 match (t, &intel[..]) {
589 (&Type::PrimFloat(32), "float") => {}
590 (&Type::PrimFloat(64), "double") => {}
591 (&Type::PrimSigned(16), "__int16") => {}
592 (&Type::PrimSigned(16), "short") => {}
593 (&Type::PrimSigned(32), "__int32") => {}
594 (&Type::PrimSigned(32), "const int") => require_const()?,
595 (&Type::PrimSigned(32), "int") => {}
596 (&Type::PrimSigned(64), "__int64") => {}
597 (&Type::PrimSigned(64), "long long") => {}
598 (&Type::PrimSigned(8), "__int8") => {}
599 (&Type::PrimSigned(8), "char") => {}
600 (&Type::PrimUnsigned(16), "unsigned short") => {}
601 (&Type::PrimUnsigned(32), "unsigned int") => {}
602 (&Type::PrimUnsigned(32), "const unsigned int") => {}
603 (&Type::PrimUnsigned(64), "unsigned __int64") => {}
604 (&Type::PrimUnsigned(8), "unsigned char") => {}
605 (&Type::M64, "__m64") => {}
606 (&Type::M128, "__m128") => {}
607 (&Type::M128I, "__m128i") => {}
608 (&Type::M128D, "__m128d") => {}
609 (&Type::M256, "__m256") => {}
610 (&Type::M256I, "__m256i") => {}
611 (&Type::M256D, "__m256d") => {}
612 (&Type::M512, "__m512") => {}
613 (&Type::M512I, "__m512i") => {}
614 (&Type::M512D, "__m512d") => {}
616 (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimFloat(32)), "float*") => {}
617 (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimFloat(64)), "double*") => {}
618 (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(32)), "int*") => {}
619 (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(32)), "__int32*") => {}
620 (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(64)), "__int64*") => {}
621 (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(8)), "char*") => {}
622 (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimUnsigned(16)), "unsigned short*") => {}
623 (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimUnsigned(32)), "unsigned int*") => {}
624 (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimUnsigned(64)), "unsigned __int64*") => {}
625 (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::PrimUnsigned(8)), "void*") => {}
626 (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::M64), "__m64*") => {}
627 (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::M128), "__m128*") => {}
628 (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::M128I), "__m128i*") => {}
629 (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::M128D), "__m128d*") => {}
630 (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::M256), "__m256*") => {}
631 (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::M256I), "__m256i*") => {}
632 (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::M256D), "__m256d*") => {}
633 (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::M512), "__m512*") => {}
634 (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::M512I), "__m512i*") => {}
635 (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::M512D), "__m512d*") => {}
637 (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimFloat(32)), "float const*") => {}
638 (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimFloat(64)), "double const*") => {}
639 (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(32)), "int const*") => {}
640 (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(32)), "__int32 const*") => {}
641 (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(64)), "__int64 const*") => {}
642 (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(8)), "char const*") => {}
643 (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimUnsigned(16)), "unsigned short const*") => {}
644 (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimUnsigned(32)), "unsigned int const*") => {}
645 (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimUnsigned(64)), "unsigned __int64 const*") => {}
646 (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimUnsigned(8)), "void const*") => {}
647 (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::M64), "__m64 const*") => {}
648 (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::M128), "__m128 const*") => {}
649 (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::M128I), "__m128i const*") => {}
650 (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::M128D), "__m128d const*") => {}
651 (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::M256), "__m256 const*") => {}
652 (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::M256I), "__m256i const*") => {}
653 (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::M256D), "__m256d const*") => {}
654 (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::M512), "__m512 const*") => {}
655 (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::M512I), "__m512i const*") => {}
656 (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::M512D), "__m512d const*") => {}
658 (&Type::MMASK8, "__mmask8") => {}
659 (&Type::MMASK16, "__mmask16") => {}
661 // This is a macro (?) in C which seems to mutate its arguments, but
662 // that means that we're taking pointers to arguments in rust
663 // as we're not exposing it as a macro.
664 (&Type::MutPtr(&Type::M128), "__m128") if intrinsic == "_MM_TRANSPOSE4_PS" => {}
666 // The _rdtsc intrinsic uses a __int64 return type, but this is a bug in
667 // the intrinsics guide: https://github.com/rust-lang/stdarch/issues/559
668 // We have manually fixed the bug by changing the return type to `u64`.
669 (&Type::PrimUnsigned(64), "__int64") if intrinsic == "_rdtsc" => {}
671 // The _bittest and _bittest64 intrinsics takes a mutable pointer in the
672 // intrinsics guide even though it never writes through the pointer:
673 (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(32)), "__int32*") if intrinsic == "_bittest" => {}
674 (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimSigned(64)), "__int64*") if intrinsic == "_bittest64" => {}
675 // The _xrstor, _fxrstor, _xrstor64, _fxrstor64 intrinsics take a
676 // mutable pointer in the intrinsics guide even though they never write
677 // through the pointer:
678 (&Type::ConstPtr(&Type::PrimUnsigned(8)), "void*")
679 if intrinsic == "_xrstor"
680 || intrinsic == "_xrstor64"
681 || intrinsic == "_fxrstor"
682 || intrinsic == "_fxrstor64" => {}
684 _ => bail!(
685 "failed to equate: `{}` and {:?} for {}",
686 intel,
687 t,
688 intrinsic
689 ),
690 }
691 Ok(())
692 }