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[rustc.git] / src / test / run-make-fulldeps / coverage-spanview / expected_mir_dump.async / async.executor-block_on-VTABLE-{closure#0}.-------.InstrumentCoverage.0.html
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14 <title>async.executor-block_on-VTABLE-{closure#0} - Coverage Spans</title>
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72 <div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 16"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="17:38-17:74: @1[3]: _13 = (move _14,)
73 17:38-17:74: @1[5]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _13)
74 17:38-17:74: @1[7]: _25 = (_13.0: &amp;std::fmt::Arguments)
75 17:38-17:74: @1[10]: _27 = &amp;(*_25)
76 17:38-17:74: @1[12]: _28 = &lt;Arguments as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r std::fmt::Arguments, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
77 17:38-17:74: @1.Call: _26 = ArgumentV1::new::&lt;Arguments&gt;(move _27, move _28) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb4]
78 17:38-17:74: @2[2]: _12 = [move _26]
79 17:38-17:74: @2[5]: _11 = &amp;_12
80 17:38-17:74: @2[6]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
81 17:38-17:74: @2[7]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
82 17:38-17:74: @2.Call: _4 = Arguments::new_v1(move _5, move _9) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb4]"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3</span><span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">$crate::panicking::panic_fmt($crate::format_args!($fmt, $($arg)+))</span></span></div>
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