]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - src/tools/clippy/CONTRIBUTING.md
New upstream version 1.67.1+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / tools / clippy / CONTRIBUTING.md
1 # Contributing to Clippy
3 Hello fellow Rustacean! Great to see your interest in compiler internals and lints!
5 **First**: if you're unsure or afraid of _anything_, just ask or submit the issue or pull request anyway. You won't be
6 yelled at for giving it your best effort. The worst that can happen is that you'll be politely asked to change
7 something. We appreciate any sort of contributions, and don't want a wall of rules to get in the way of that.
9 Clippy welcomes contributions from everyone. There are many ways to contribute to Clippy and the following document
10 explains how you can contribute and how to get started. If you have any questions about contributing or need help with
11 anything, feel free to ask questions on issues or visit the `#clippy` on [Zulip].
13 All contributors are expected to follow the [Rust Code of Conduct].
15 - [Contributing to Clippy](#contributing-to-clippy)
16 - [The Clippy book](#the-clippy-book)
17 - [High level approach](#high-level-approach)
18 - [Finding something to fix/improve](#finding-something-to-fiximprove)
19 - [Getting code-completion for rustc internals to work](#getting-code-completion-for-rustc-internals-to-work)
20 - [IntelliJ Rust](#intellij-rust)
21 - [Rust Analyzer](#rust-analyzer)
22 - [How Clippy works](#how-clippy-works)
23 - [Issue and PR triage](#issue-and-pr-triage)
24 - [Bors and Homu](#bors-and-homu)
25 - [Contributions](#contributions)
26 - [License](#license)
28 [Zulip]: https://rust-lang.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/clippy
29 [Rust Code of Conduct]: https://www.rust-lang.org/policies/code-of-conduct
31 ## The Clippy book
33 If you're new to Clippy and don't know where to start, the [Clippy book] includes
34 a [developer guide] and is a good place to start your journey.
36 [Clippy book]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/clippy/index.html
37 [developer guide]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/clippy/development/index.html
39 ## High level approach
41 1. Find something to fix/improve
42 2. Change code (likely some file in `clippy_lints/src/`)
43 3. Follow the instructions in the [Basics docs](book/src/development/basics.md)
44 to get set up
45 4. Run `cargo test` in the root directory and wiggle code until it passes
46 5. Open a PR (also can be done after 2. if you run into problems)
48 ## Finding something to fix/improve
50 All issues on Clippy are mentored, if you want help simply ask someone from the
51 Clippy team directly by mentioning them in the issue or over on [Zulip]. All
52 currently active team members can be found
53 [here](https://github.com/rust-lang/highfive/blob/master/highfive/configs/rust-lang/rust-clippy.json#L3)
55 Some issues are easier than others. The [`good-first-issue`] label can be used to find the easy
56 issues. You can use `@rustbot claim` to assign the issue to yourself.
58 There are also some abandoned PRs, marked with [`S-inactive-closed`].
59 Pretty often these PRs are nearly completed and just need some extra steps
60 (formatting, addressing review comments, ...) to be merged. If you want to
61 complete such a PR, please leave a comment in the PR and open a new one based
62 on it.
64 Issues marked [`T-AST`] involve simple matching of the syntax tree structure,
65 and are generally easier than [`T-middle`] issues, which involve types
66 and resolved paths.
68 [`T-AST`] issues will generally need you to match against a predefined syntax structure.
69 To figure out how this syntax structure is encoded in the AST, it is recommended to run
70 `rustc -Z unpretty=ast-tree` on an example of the structure and compare with the [nodes in the AST docs].
71 Usually the lint will end up to be a nested series of matches and ifs, [like so][deep-nesting].
72 But we can make it nest-less by using [let chains], [like this][nest-less].
74 [`E-medium`] issues are generally pretty easy too, though it's recommended you work on an [`good-first-issue`]
75 first. Sometimes they are only somewhat involved code wise, but not difficult per-se.
76 Note that [`E-medium`] issues may require some knowledge of Clippy internals or some
77 debugging to find the actual problem behind the issue.
79 [`T-middle`] issues can be more involved and require verifying types. The [`ty`] module contains a
80 lot of methods that are useful, though one of the most useful would be `expr_ty` (gives the type of
81 an AST expression). `match_def_path()` in Clippy's `utils` module can also be useful.
83 [`good-first-issue`]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/labels/good-first-issue
84 [`S-inactive-closed`]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/pulls?q=is%3Aclosed+label%3AS-inactive-closed
85 [`T-AST`]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/labels/T-AST
86 [`T-middle`]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/labels/T-middle
87 [`E-medium`]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/labels/E-medium
88 [`ty`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_middle/ty
89 [nodes in the AST docs]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_ast/ast/
90 [deep-nesting]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/blob/5e4f0922911536f80d9591180fa604229ac13939/clippy_lints/src/mem_forget.rs#L31-L45
91 [let chains]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/94927
92 [nest-less]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/blob/5e4f0922911536f80d9591180fa604229ac13939/clippy_lints/src/bit_mask.rs#L133-L159
94 ## Getting code-completion for rustc internals to work
96 ### IntelliJ Rust
97 Unfortunately, [`IntelliJ Rust`][IntelliJ_rust_homepage] does not (yet?) understand how Clippy uses compiler-internals
98 using `extern crate` and it also needs to be able to read the source files of the rustc-compiler which are not
99 available via a `rustup` component at the time of writing.
100 To work around this, you need to have a copy of the [rustc-repo][rustc_repo] available which can be obtained via
101 `git clone https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/`.
102 Then you can run a `cargo dev` command to automatically make Clippy use the rustc-repo via path-dependencies
103 which `IntelliJ Rust` will be able to understand.
104 Run `cargo dev setup intellij --repo-path <repo-path>` where `<repo-path>` is a path to the rustc repo
105 you just cloned.
106 The command will add path-dependencies pointing towards rustc-crates inside the rustc repo to
107 Clippy's `Cargo.toml`s and should allow `IntelliJ Rust` to understand most of the types that Clippy uses.
108 Just make sure to remove the dependencies again before finally making a pull request!
110 [rustc_repo]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/
111 [IntelliJ_rust_homepage]: https://intellij-rust.github.io/
113 ### Rust Analyzer
114 For [`rust-analyzer`][ra_homepage] to work correctly make sure that in the `rust-analyzer` configuration you set
116 ```json
117 { "rust-analyzer.rustc.source": "discover" }
118 ```
120 You should be able to see information on things like `Expr` or `EarlyContext` now if you hover them, also
121 a lot more type hints.
123 To have `rust-analyzer` also work in the `clippy_dev` and `lintcheck` crates, add the following configuration
125 ```json
126 {
127 "rust-analyzer.linkedProjects": [
128 "./Cargo.toml",
129 "clippy_dev/Cargo.toml",
130 "lintcheck/Cargo.toml",
131 ]
132 }
133 ```
135 [ra_homepage]: https://rust-analyzer.github.io/
137 ## How Clippy works
139 [`clippy_lints/src/lib.rs`][lint_crate_entry] imports all the different lint modules and registers in the [`LintStore`].
140 For example, the [`else_if_without_else`][else_if_without_else] lint is registered like this:
142 ```rust
143 // ./clippy_lints/src/lib.rs
145 // ...
146 pub mod else_if_without_else;
147 // ...
149 pub fn register_plugins(store: &mut rustc_lint::LintStore, sess: &Session, conf: &Conf) {
150 // ...
151 store.register_early_pass(|| box else_if_without_else::ElseIfWithoutElse);
152 // ...
154 store.register_group(true, "clippy::restriction", Some("clippy_restriction"), vec![
155 // ...
156 LintId::of(&else_if_without_else::ELSE_IF_WITHOUT_ELSE),
157 // ...
158 ]);
159 }
160 ```
162 The [`rustc_lint::LintStore`][`LintStore`] provides two methods to register lints:
163 [register_early_pass][reg_early_pass] and [register_late_pass][reg_late_pass]. Both take an object
164 that implements an [`EarlyLintPass`][early_lint_pass] or [`LateLintPass`][late_lint_pass] respectively. This is done in
165 every single lint. It's worth noting that the majority of `clippy_lints/src/lib.rs` is autogenerated by `cargo dev
166 update_lints`. When you are writing your own lint, you can use that script to save you some time.
168 ```rust
169 // ./clippy_lints/src/else_if_without_else.rs
171 use rustc_lint::{EarlyLintPass, EarlyContext};
173 // ...
175 pub struct ElseIfWithoutElse;
177 // ...
179 impl EarlyLintPass for ElseIfWithoutElse {
180 // ... the functions needed, to make the lint work
181 }
182 ```
184 The difference between `EarlyLintPass` and `LateLintPass` is that the methods of the `EarlyLintPass` trait only provide
185 AST information. The methods of the `LateLintPass` trait are executed after type checking and contain type information
186 via the `LateContext` parameter.
188 That's why the `else_if_without_else` example uses the `register_early_pass` function. Because the
189 [actual lint logic][else_if_without_else] does not depend on any type information.
191 [lint_crate_entry]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/blob/master/clippy_lints/src/lib.rs
192 [else_if_without_else]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/blob/4253aa7137cb7378acc96133c787e49a345c2b3c/clippy_lints/src/else_if_without_else.rs
193 [`LintStore`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_lint/struct.LintStore.html
194 [reg_early_pass]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_lint/struct.LintStore.html#method.register_early_pass
195 [reg_late_pass]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_lint/struct.LintStore.html#method.register_late_pass
196 [early_lint_pass]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_lint/trait.EarlyLintPass.html
197 [late_lint_pass]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_lint/trait.LateLintPass.html
199 ## Issue and PR triage
201 Clippy is following the [Rust triage procedure][triage] for issues and pull
202 requests.
204 However, we are a smaller project with all contributors being volunteers
205 currently. Between writing new lints, fixing issues, reviewing pull requests and
206 responding to issues there may not always be enough time to stay on top of it
207 all.
209 Our highest priority is fixing [crashes][l-crash] and [bugs][l-bug], for example
210 an ICE in a popular crate that many other crates depend on. We don't
211 want Clippy to crash on your code and we want it to be as reliable as the
212 suggestions from Rust compiler errors.
214 We have prioritization labels and a sync-blocker label, which are described below.
215 - [P-low][p-low]: Requires attention (fix/response/evaluation) by a team member but isn't urgent.
216 - [P-medium][p-medium]: Should be addressed by a team member until the next sync.
217 - [P-high][p-high]: Should be immediately addressed and will require an out-of-cycle sync or a backport.
218 - [L-sync-blocker][l-sync-blocker]: An issue that "blocks" a sync.
219 Or rather: before the sync this should be addressed,
220 e.g. by removing a lint again, so it doesn't hit beta/stable.
222 ## Bors and Homu
224 We use a bot powered by [Homu][homu] to help automate testing and landing of pull
225 requests in Clippy. The bot's username is @bors.
227 You can find the Clippy bors queue [here][homu_queue].
229 If you have @bors permissions, you can find an overview of the available
230 commands [here][homu_instructions].
232 [triage]: https://forge.rust-lang.org/release/triage-procedure.html
233 [l-crash]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/labels/L-crash
234 [l-bug]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/labels/L-bug
235 [p-low]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/labels/P-low
236 [p-medium]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/labels/P-medium
237 [p-high]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/labels/P-high
238 [l-sync-blocker]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/labels/L-sync-blocker
239 [homu]: https://github.com/rust-lang/homu
240 [homu_instructions]: https://bors.rust-lang.org/
241 [homu_queue]: https://bors.rust-lang.org/queue/clippy
243 ## Contributions
245 Contributions to Clippy should be made in the form of GitHub pull requests. Each pull request will
246 be reviewed by a core contributor (someone with permission to land patches) and either landed in the
247 main tree or given feedback for changes that would be required.
249 All PRs should include a `changelog` entry with a short comment explaining the change. The rule of thumb is basically,
250 "what do you believe is important from an outsider's perspective?" Often, PRs are only related to a single property of a
251 lint, and then it's good to mention that one. Otherwise, it's better to include too much detail than too little.
253 Clippy's [changelog] is created from these comments. Every release, someone gets all commits from bors with a
254 `changelog: XYZ` entry and combines them into the changelog. This is a manual process.
256 Examples:
257 - New lint
258 ```
259 changelog: new lint: [`missing_trait_methods`]
260 ```
261 - False positive fix
262 ```
263 changelog: Fix [`unused_peekable`] false positive when peeked in a closure or called as `f(&mut peekable)`
264 ```
265 - Purely internal change
266 ```
267 changelog: none
268 ```
270 Note this it is fine for a PR to include multiple `changelog` entries, e.g.:
271 ```
272 changelog: Something 1
273 changelog: Something 2
274 changelog: Something 3
275 ```
277 [changelog]: CHANGELOG.md
279 ## License
281 All code in this repository is under the [Apache-2.0] or the [MIT] license.
283 <!-- adapted from https://github.com/servo/servo/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md -->
285 [Apache-2.0]: https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
286 [MIT]: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT