]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - vendor/chalk-solve-0.14.0/src/infer/unify.rs
New upstream version 1.47.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / vendor / chalk-solve-0.14.0 / src / infer / unify.rs
1 use super::var::*;
2 use super::*;
3 use crate::debug_span;
4 use crate::infer::instantiate::IntoBindersAndValue;
5 use chalk_ir::cast::Cast;
6 use chalk_ir::fold::{Fold, Folder};
7 use chalk_ir::interner::{HasInterner, Interner};
8 use chalk_ir::zip::{Zip, Zipper};
9 use std::fmt::Debug;
11 impl<I: Interner> InferenceTable<I> {
12 #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, interner, environment))]
13 pub(crate) fn unify<T>(
14 &mut self,
15 interner: &I,
16 environment: &Environment<I>,
17 a: &T,
18 b: &T,
19 ) -> Fallible<UnificationResult<I>>
20 where
21 T: ?Sized + Zip<I>,
22 {
23 let snapshot = self.snapshot();
24 match Unifier::new(interner, self, environment).unify(a, b) {
25 Ok(r) => {
26 self.commit(snapshot);
27 Ok(r)
28 }
29 Err(e) => {
30 self.rollback_to(snapshot);
31 Err(e)
32 }
33 }
34 }
35 }
37 struct Unifier<'t, I: Interner> {
38 table: &'t mut InferenceTable<I>,
39 environment: &'t Environment<I>,
40 goals: Vec<InEnvironment<DomainGoal<I>>>,
41 constraints: Vec<InEnvironment<Constraint<I>>>,
42 interner: &'t I,
43 }
45 #[derive(Debug)]
46 pub(crate) struct UnificationResult<I: Interner> {
47 pub(crate) goals: Vec<InEnvironment<DomainGoal<I>>>,
48 pub(crate) constraints: Vec<InEnvironment<Constraint<I>>>,
49 }
51 impl<'t, I: Interner> Unifier<'t, I> {
52 fn new(
53 interner: &'t I,
54 table: &'t mut InferenceTable<I>,
55 environment: &'t Environment<I>,
56 ) -> Self {
57 Unifier {
58 environment: environment,
59 table: table,
60 goals: vec![],
61 constraints: vec![],
62 interner,
63 }
64 }
66 /// The main entry point for the `Unifier` type and really the
67 /// only type meant to be called externally. Performs a
68 /// unification of `a` and `b` and returns the Unification Result.
69 fn unify<T>(mut self, a: &T, b: &T) -> Fallible<UnificationResult<I>>
70 where
71 T: ?Sized + Zip<I>,
72 {
73 Zip::zip_with(&mut self, a, b)?;
74 Ok(UnificationResult {
75 goals: self.goals,
76 constraints: self.constraints,
77 })
78 }
80 fn unify_ty_ty(&mut self, a: &Ty<I>, b: &Ty<I>) -> Fallible<()> {
81 let interner = self.interner;
83 let n_a = self.table.normalize_ty_shallow(interner, a);
84 let n_b = self.table.normalize_ty_shallow(interner, b);
85 let a = n_a.as_ref().unwrap_or(a);
86 let b = n_b.as_ref().unwrap_or(b);
88 debug_span!("unify_ty_ty", ?a, ?b);
89 // let _s = span.enter();
91 match (a.data(interner), b.data(interner)) {
92 // Unifying two inference variables: unify them in the underlying
93 // ena table.
94 (
95 &TyData::InferenceVar(var1, kind1),
96 &TyData::InferenceVar(var2, kind2),
97 ) => {
98 if kind1 == kind2 {
99 self.unify_var_var(var1, var2)
100 } else if kind1 == TyKind::General {
101 self.unify_general_var_specific_ty(var1, b.clone())
102 } else if kind2 == TyKind::General {
103 self.unify_general_var_specific_ty(var2, a.clone())
104 } else {
105 debug!(
106 "Tried to unify mis-matching inference variables: {:?} and {:?}",
107 kind1, kind2
108 );
109 Err(NoSolution)
110 }
111 }
113 // Unifying an inference variable with a non-inference variable.
114 (&TyData::InferenceVar(var, kind), ty_data @ &TyData::Apply(_))
115 | (&TyData::InferenceVar(var, kind), ty_data @ &TyData::Placeholder(_))
116 | (&TyData::InferenceVar(var, kind), ty_data @ &TyData::Dyn(_))
117 | (&TyData::InferenceVar(var, kind), ty_data @ &TyData::Function(_))
118 // The reflexive matches
119 | (ty_data @ &TyData::Apply(_), &TyData::InferenceVar(var, kind))
120 | (ty_data @ &TyData::Placeholder(_), &TyData::InferenceVar(var, kind))
121 | (ty_data @ &TyData::Dyn(_), &TyData::InferenceVar(var, kind))
122 | (ty_data @ &TyData::Function(_), &TyData::InferenceVar(var, kind))
123 => {
124 let ty = ty_data.clone().intern(interner);
126 match (kind, ty.is_integer(interner), ty.is_float(interner)) {
127 // General inference variables can unify with any type
128 (TyKind::General, _, _)
129 // Integer inference variables can only unify with integer types
130 | (TyKind::Integer, true, _)
131 // Float inference variables can only unify with float types
132 | (TyKind::Float, _, true) => self.unify_var_ty(var, &ty),
133 _ => Err(NoSolution),
134 }
135 }
137 // Unifying `forall<X> { T }` with some other forall type `forall<X> { U }`
138 (&TyData::Function(ref fn1), &TyData::Function(ref fn2)) => {
139 self.unify_binders(fn1, fn2)
140 }
142 // This would correspond to unifying a `fn` type with a non-fn
143 // type in Rust; error.
144 (&TyData::Function(_), &TyData::Apply(_))
145 | (&TyData::Function(_), &TyData::Dyn(_))
146 | (&TyData::Function(_), &TyData::Placeholder(_))
147 | (&TyData::Apply(_), &TyData::Function(_))
148 | (&TyData::Placeholder(_), &TyData::Function(_))
149 | (&TyData::Dyn(_), &TyData::Function(_)) => Err(NoSolution),
151 (&TyData::Placeholder(ref p1), &TyData::Placeholder(ref p2)) => {
152 Zip::zip_with(self, p1, p2)
153 }
155 (&TyData::Apply(ref apply1), &TyData::Apply(ref apply2)) => {
156 Zip::zip_with(self, apply1, apply2)
157 }
159 // Cannot unify (e.g.) some struct type `Foo` and a placeholder like `T`
160 (&TyData::Apply(_), &TyData::Placeholder(_))
161 | (&TyData::Placeholder(_), &TyData::Apply(_)) => Err(NoSolution),
163 // Cannot unify `dyn Trait` with things like structs or placeholders
164 (&TyData::Placeholder(_), &TyData::Dyn(_))
165 | (&TyData::Dyn(_), &TyData::Placeholder(_))
166 | (&TyData::Apply(_), &TyData::Dyn(_))
167 | (&TyData::Dyn(_), &TyData::Apply(_)) => Err(NoSolution),
169 // Unifying two dyn is possible if they have the same bounds.
170 (&TyData::Dyn(ref qwc1), &TyData::Dyn(ref qwc2)) => Zip::zip_with(self, qwc1, qwc2),
172 // Unifying an alias type with some other type `U`.
173 (&TyData::Apply(_), &TyData::Alias(ref alias))
174 | (&TyData::Placeholder(_), &TyData::Alias(ref alias))
175 | (&TyData::Function(_), &TyData::Alias(ref alias))
176 | (&TyData::InferenceVar(_, _), &TyData::Alias(ref alias))
177 | (&TyData::Dyn(_), &TyData::Alias(ref alias)) => self.unify_alias_ty(alias, a),
179 (&TyData::Alias(ref alias), &TyData::Alias(_))
180 | (&TyData::Alias(ref alias), &TyData::Apply(_))
181 | (&TyData::Alias(ref alias), &TyData::Placeholder(_))
182 | (&TyData::Alias(ref alias), &TyData::Function(_))
183 | (&TyData::Alias(ref alias), &TyData::InferenceVar(_, _))
184 | (&TyData::Alias(ref alias), &TyData::Dyn(_)) => self.unify_alias_ty(alias, b),
186 (TyData::BoundVar(_), _) | (_, TyData::BoundVar(_)) => panic!(
187 "unification encountered bound variable: a={:?} b={:?}",
188 a, b
189 ),
190 }
191 }
193 /// Unify two inference variables
194 fn unify_var_var(&mut self, a: InferenceVar, b: InferenceVar) -> Fallible<()> {
195 debug!("unify_var_var({:?}, {:?})", a, b);
196 let var1 = EnaVariable::from(a);
197 let var2 = EnaVariable::from(b);
198 Ok(self
199 .table
200 .unify
201 .unify_var_var(var1, var2)
202 .expect("unification of two unbound variables cannot fail"))
203 }
205 /// Unify a general inference variable with a specific inference variable
206 /// (type kind is not `General`). For example, unify a `TyKind::General`
207 /// inference variable with a `TyKind::Integer` variable, resulting in the
208 /// general inference variable narrowing to an integer variable.
209 fn unify_general_var_specific_ty(
210 &mut self,
211 general_var: InferenceVar,
212 specific_ty: Ty<I>,
213 ) -> Fallible<()> {
214 debug!(
215 "unify_general_var_specific_var({:?}, {:?})",
216 general_var, specific_ty
217 );
219 self.table
220 .unify
221 .unify_var_value(
222 general_var,
223 InferenceValue::from_ty(self.interner, specific_ty),
224 )
225 .unwrap();
227 Ok(())
228 }
230 fn unify_binders<'a, T, R>(
231 &mut self,
232 a: impl IntoBindersAndValue<'a, I, Value = T> + Copy + Debug,
233 b: impl IntoBindersAndValue<'a, I, Value = T> + Copy + Debug,
234 ) -> Fallible<()>
235 where
236 T: Fold<I, Result = R>,
237 R: Zip<I> + Fold<I, Result = R>,
238 't: 'a,
239 {
240 // for<'a...> T == for<'b...> U
241 //
242 // if:
243 //
244 // for<'a...> exists<'b...> T == U &&
245 // for<'b...> exists<'a...> T == U
247 debug!("unify_binders({:?}, {:?})", a, b);
248 let interner = self.interner;
250 {
251 let a_universal = self.table.instantiate_binders_universally(interner, a);
252 let b_existential = self.table.instantiate_binders_existentially(interner, b);
253 Zip::zip_with(self, &a_universal, &b_existential)?;
254 }
256 {
257 let b_universal = self.table.instantiate_binders_universally(interner, b);
258 let a_existential = self.table.instantiate_binders_existentially(interner, a);
259 Zip::zip_with(self, &a_existential, &b_universal)
260 }
261 }
263 /// Unify an alias like `<T as Trait>::Item` or `impl Trait` with some other
264 /// type `ty` (which might also be an alias). Creates a goal like
265 ///
266 /// ```notrust
267 /// AliasEq(<T as Trait>::Item = U) // associated type projection
268 /// AliasEq(impl Trait = U) // impl trait
269 /// ```
270 fn unify_alias_ty(&mut self, alias: &AliasTy<I>, ty: &Ty<I>) -> Fallible<()> {
271 let interner = self.interner;
272 Ok(self.goals.push(InEnvironment::new(
273 self.environment,
274 AliasEq {
275 alias: alias.clone(),
276 ty: ty.clone(),
277 }
278 .cast(interner),
279 )))
280 }
282 /// Unify an inference variable `var` with some non-inference
283 /// variable `ty`, just bind `var` to `ty`. But we must enforce two conditions:
284 ///
285 /// - `var` does not appear inside of `ty` (the standard `OccursCheck`)
286 /// - `ty` does not reference anything in a lifetime that could not be named in `var`
287 /// (the extended `OccursCheck` created to handle universes)
288 fn unify_var_ty(&mut self, var: InferenceVar, ty: &Ty<I>) -> Fallible<()> {
289 debug_span!("unify_var_ty", ?var, ?ty);
291 let interner = self.interner;
292 let var = EnaVariable::from(var);
294 // Determine the universe index associated with this
295 // variable. This is basically a count of the number of
296 // `forall` binders that had been introduced at the point
297 // this variable was created -- though it may change over time
298 // as the variable is unified.
299 let universe_index = self.table.universe_of_unbound_var(var);
301 let ty1 = ty.fold_with(
302 &mut OccursCheck::new(self, var, universe_index),
303 DebruijnIndex::INNERMOST,
304 )?;
306 self.table
307 .unify
308 .unify_var_value(var, InferenceValue::from_ty(interner, ty1.clone()))
309 .unwrap();
310 debug!("unify_var_ty: var {:?} set to {:?}", var, ty1);
312 Ok(())
313 }
315 fn unify_lifetime_lifetime(&mut self, a: &Lifetime<I>, b: &Lifetime<I>) -> Fallible<()> {
316 let interner = self.interner;
318 let n_a = self.table.normalize_lifetime_shallow(interner, a);
319 let n_b = self.table.normalize_lifetime_shallow(interner, b);
320 let a = n_a.as_ref().unwrap_or(a);
321 let b = n_b.as_ref().unwrap_or(b);
323 debug_span!("unify_lifetime_lifetime", ?a, ?b);
325 match (a.data(interner), b.data(interner)) {
326 (&LifetimeData::InferenceVar(var_a), &LifetimeData::InferenceVar(var_b)) => {
327 let var_a = EnaVariable::from(var_a);
328 let var_b = EnaVariable::from(var_b);
329 debug!(
330 "unify_lifetime_lifetime: var_a={:?} var_b={:?}",
331 var_a, var_b
332 );
333 self.table.unify.unify_var_var(var_a, var_b).unwrap();
334 Ok(())
335 }
337 (&LifetimeData::InferenceVar(a_var), &LifetimeData::Placeholder(b_idx)) => {
338 self.unify_lifetime_var(a, b, a_var, b, b_idx.ui)
339 }
341 (&LifetimeData::Placeholder(a_idx), &LifetimeData::InferenceVar(b_var)) => {
342 self.unify_lifetime_var(a, b, b_var, a, a_idx.ui)
343 }
345 (&LifetimeData::Placeholder(_), &LifetimeData::Placeholder(_)) => {
346 if a != b {
347 Ok(self.push_lifetime_eq_constraint(a.clone(), b.clone()))
348 } else {
349 Ok(())
350 }
351 }
353 (LifetimeData::BoundVar(_), _) | (_, LifetimeData::BoundVar(_)) => panic!(
354 "unification encountered bound variable: a={:?} b={:?}",
355 a, b
356 ),
358 (LifetimeData::Phantom(..), _) | (_, LifetimeData::Phantom(..)) => unreachable!(),
359 }
360 }
362 #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, a, b))]
363 fn unify_lifetime_var(
364 &mut self,
365 a: &Lifetime<I>,
366 b: &Lifetime<I>,
367 var: InferenceVar,
368 value: &Lifetime<I>,
369 value_ui: UniverseIndex,
370 ) -> Fallible<()> {
371 let var = EnaVariable::from(var);
372 let var_ui = self.table.universe_of_unbound_var(var);
373 if var_ui.can_see(value_ui) {
374 debug!(
375 "unify_lifetime_var: {:?} in {:?} can see {:?}; unifying",
376 var, var_ui, value_ui
377 );
378 self.table
379 .unify
380 .unify_var_value(
381 var,
382 InferenceValue::from_lifetime(&self.interner, value.clone()),
383 )
384 .unwrap();
385 Ok(())
386 } else {
387 debug!(
388 "unify_lifetime_var: {:?} in {:?} cannot see {:?}; pushing constraint",
389 var, var_ui, value_ui
390 );
391 Ok(self.push_lifetime_eq_constraint(a.clone(), b.clone()))
392 }
393 }
395 fn unify_const_const<'a>(&mut self, a: &'a Const<I>, b: &'a Const<I>) -> Fallible<()> {
396 let interner = self.interner;
398 let n_a = self.table.normalize_const_shallow(interner, a);
399 let n_b = self.table.normalize_const_shallow(interner, b);
400 let a = n_a.as_ref().unwrap_or(a);
401 let b = n_b.as_ref().unwrap_or(b);
403 debug_span!("unify_const_const", ?a, ?b);
405 let ConstData {
406 ty: a_ty,
407 value: a_val,
408 } = a.data(interner);
409 let ConstData {
410 ty: b_ty,
411 value: b_val,
412 } = b.data(interner);
414 self.unify_ty_ty(a_ty, b_ty)?;
416 match (a_val, b_val) {
417 // Unifying two inference variables: unify them in the underlying
418 // ena table.
419 (&ConstValue::InferenceVar(var1), &ConstValue::InferenceVar(var2)) => {
420 // debug!("unify_ty_ty: unify_var_var({:?}, {:?})", var1, var2);
421 let var1 = EnaVariable::from(var1);
422 let var2 = EnaVariable::from(var2);
423 Ok(self
424 .table
425 .unify
426 .unify_var_var(var1, var2)
427 .expect("unification of two unbound variables cannot fail"))
428 }
430 // Unifying an inference variables with a non-inference variable.
431 (&ConstValue::InferenceVar(var), &ConstValue::Concrete(_))
432 | (&ConstValue::InferenceVar(var), &ConstValue::Placeholder(_)) => {
433 debug!("unify_var_ty(var={:?}, ty={:?})", var, b);
434 self.unify_var_const(var, b)
435 }
437 (&ConstValue::Concrete(_), &ConstValue::InferenceVar(var))
438 | (&ConstValue::Placeholder(_), &ConstValue::InferenceVar(var)) => {
439 debug!("unify_var_ty(var={:?}, ty={:?})", var, a);
441 self.unify_var_const(var, a)
442 }
444 (&ConstValue::Placeholder(p1), &ConstValue::Placeholder(p2)) => {
445 Zip::zip_with(self, &p1, &p2)
446 }
448 (&ConstValue::Concrete(ref ev1), &ConstValue::Concrete(ref ev2)) => {
449 if ev1.const_eq(a_ty, ev2, interner) {
450 Ok(())
451 } else {
452 Err(NoSolution)
453 }
454 }
456 (&ConstValue::Concrete(_), &ConstValue::Placeholder(_))
457 | (&ConstValue::Placeholder(_), &ConstValue::Concrete(_)) => Err(NoSolution),
459 (ConstValue::BoundVar(_), _) | (_, ConstValue::BoundVar(_)) => panic!(
460 "unification encountered bound variable: a={:?} b={:?}",
461 a, b
462 ),
463 }
464 }
466 fn unify_var_const(&mut self, var: InferenceVar, c: &Const<I>) -> Fallible<()> {
467 debug!("unify_var_const(var={:?}, c={:?})", var, c);
469 let interner = self.interner;
470 let var = EnaVariable::from(var);
472 self.table
473 .unify
474 .unify_var_value(var, InferenceValue::from_const(interner, c.clone()))
475 .unwrap();
476 debug!("unify_var_const: var {:?} set to {:?}", var, c);
478 Ok(())
479 }
481 fn push_lifetime_eq_constraint(&mut self, a: Lifetime<I>, b: Lifetime<I>) {
482 self.constraints.push(InEnvironment::new(
483 self.environment,
484 Constraint::Outlives(a.clone(), b.clone()),
485 ));
486 self.constraints.push(InEnvironment::new(
487 self.environment,
488 Constraint::Outlives(b, a),
489 ));
490 }
491 }
493 impl<'i, I: Interner> Zipper<'i, I> for Unifier<'i, I> {
494 fn zip_tys(&mut self, a: &Ty<I>, b: &Ty<I>) -> Fallible<()> {
495 self.unify_ty_ty(a, b)
496 }
498 fn zip_lifetimes(&mut self, a: &Lifetime<I>, b: &Lifetime<I>) -> Fallible<()> {
499 self.unify_lifetime_lifetime(a, b)
500 }
502 fn zip_consts(&mut self, a: &Const<I>, b: &Const<I>) -> Fallible<()> {
503 self.unify_const_const(a, b)
504 }
506 fn zip_binders<T>(&mut self, a: &Binders<T>, b: &Binders<T>) -> Fallible<()>
507 where
508 T: HasInterner<Interner = I> + Zip<I> + Fold<I, Result = T>,
509 {
510 // The binders that appear in types (apart from quantified types, which are
511 // handled in `unify_ty`) appear as part of `dyn Trait` and `impl Trait` types.
512 //
513 // They come in two varieties:
514 //
515 // * The existential binder from `dyn Trait` / `impl Trait`
516 // (representing the hidden "self" type)
517 // * The `for<..>` binders from higher-ranked traits.
518 //
519 // In both cases we can use the same `unify_binders` routine.
521 self.unify_binders(a, b)
522 }
524 fn interner(&self) -> &'i I {
525 self.interner
526 }
527 }
529 struct OccursCheck<'u, 't, I: Interner> {
530 unifier: &'u mut Unifier<'t, I>,
531 var: EnaVariable<I>,
532 universe_index: UniverseIndex,
533 }
535 impl<'u, 't, I: Interner> OccursCheck<'u, 't, I> {
536 fn new(
537 unifier: &'u mut Unifier<'t, I>,
538 var: EnaVariable<I>,
539 universe_index: UniverseIndex,
540 ) -> Self {
541 OccursCheck {
542 unifier,
543 var,
544 universe_index,
545 }
546 }
547 }
549 impl<'i, I: Interner> Folder<'i, I> for OccursCheck<'_, 'i, I>
550 where
551 I: 'i,
552 {
553 fn as_dyn(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Folder<'i, I> {
554 self
555 }
557 fn fold_free_placeholder_ty(
558 &mut self,
559 universe: PlaceholderIndex,
560 _outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
561 ) -> Fallible<Ty<I>> {
562 let interner = self.interner();
563 if self.universe_index < universe.ui {
564 Err(NoSolution)
565 } else {
566 Ok(universe.to_ty(interner)) // no need to shift, not relative to depth
567 }
568 }
570 fn fold_free_placeholder_lifetime(
571 &mut self,
572 ui: PlaceholderIndex,
573 _outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
574 ) -> Fallible<Lifetime<I>> {
575 let interner = self.interner();
576 if self.universe_index < ui.ui {
577 // Scenario is like:
578 //
579 // exists<T> forall<'b> ?T = Foo<'b>
580 //
581 // unlike with a type variable, this **might** be
582 // ok. Ultimately it depends on whether the
583 // `forall` also introduced relations to lifetimes
584 // nameable in T. To handle that, we introduce a
585 // fresh region variable `'x` in same universe as `T`
586 // and add a side-constraint that `'x = 'b`:
587 //
588 // exists<'x> forall<'b> ?T = Foo<'x>, where 'x = 'b
590 let tick_x = self.unifier.table.new_variable(self.universe_index);
591 self.unifier.push_lifetime_eq_constraint(
592 tick_x.to_lifetime(interner),
593 ui.to_lifetime(interner),
594 );
595 Ok(tick_x.to_lifetime(interner))
596 } else {
597 // If the `ui` is higher than `self.universe_index`, then we can name
598 // this lifetime, no problem.
599 Ok(ui.to_lifetime(interner)) // no need to shift, not relative to depth
600 }
601 }
603 fn fold_inference_ty(
604 &mut self,
605 var: InferenceVar,
606 kind: TyKind,
607 _outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
608 ) -> Fallible<Ty<I>> {
609 let interner = self.interner();
610 let var = EnaVariable::from(var);
611 match self.unifier.table.unify.probe_value(var) {
612 // If this variable already has a value, fold over that value instead.
613 InferenceValue::Bound(normalized_ty) => {
614 let normalized_ty = normalized_ty.assert_ty_ref(interner);
615 let normalized_ty = normalized_ty.fold_with(self, DebruijnIndex::INNERMOST)?;
616 assert!(!normalized_ty.needs_shift(interner));
617 Ok(normalized_ty)
618 }
620 // Otherwise, check the universe of the variable, and also
621 // check for cycles with `self.var` (which this will soon
622 // become the value of).
623 InferenceValue::Unbound(ui) => {
624 if self.unifier.table.unify.unioned(var, self.var) {
625 return Err(NoSolution);
626 }
628 if self.universe_index < ui {
629 // Scenario is like:
630 //
631 // ?A = foo(?B)
632 //
633 // where ?A is in universe 0 and ?B is in universe 1.
634 // This is OK, if ?B is promoted to universe 0.
635 self.unifier
636 .table
637 .unify
638 .unify_var_value(var, InferenceValue::Unbound(self.universe_index))
639 .unwrap();
640 }
642 Ok(var.to_ty_with_kind(interner, kind))
643 }
644 }
645 }
647 fn fold_inference_lifetime(
648 &mut self,
649 var: InferenceVar,
650 outer_binder: DebruijnIndex,
651 ) -> Fallible<Lifetime<I>> {
652 // a free existentially bound region; find the
653 // inference variable it corresponds to
654 let interner = self.interner();
655 let var = EnaVariable::from(var);
656 match self.unifier.table.unify.probe_value(var) {
657 InferenceValue::Unbound(ui) => {
658 if self.universe_index < ui {
659 // Scenario is like:
660 //
661 // exists<T> forall<'b> exists<'a> ?T = Foo<'a>
662 //
663 // where ?A is in universe 0 and `'b` is in universe 1.
664 // This is OK, if `'b` is promoted to universe 0.
665 self.unifier
666 .table
667 .unify
668 .unify_var_value(var, InferenceValue::Unbound(self.universe_index))
669 .unwrap();
670 }
671 Ok(var.to_lifetime(interner))
672 }
674 InferenceValue::Bound(l) => {
675 let l = l.assert_lifetime_ref(interner);
676 let l = l.fold_with(self, outer_binder)?;
677 assert!(!l.needs_shift(interner));
678 Ok(l)
679 }
680 }
681 }
683 fn forbid_free_vars(&self) -> bool {
684 true
685 }
687 fn interner(&self) -> &'i I {
688 self.unifier.interner
689 }
691 fn target_interner(&self) -> &'i I {
692 self.interner()
693 }
694 }