]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - vendor/petgraph/src/unionfind.rs
New upstream version 1.32.0~beta.2+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / vendor / petgraph / src / unionfind.rs
1 //! `UnionFind<K>` is a disjoint-set data structure.
3 use super::graph::IndexType;
5 /// `UnionFind<K>` is a disjoint-set data structure. It tracks set membership of *n* elements
6 /// indexed from *0* to *n - 1*. The scalar type is `K` which must be an unsigned integer type.
7 ///
8 /// <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disjoint-set_data_structure>
9 ///
10 /// Too awesome not to quote:
11 ///
12 /// “The amortized time per operation is **O(α(n))** where **α(n)** is the
13 /// inverse of **f(x) = A(x, x)** with **A** being the extremely fast-growing Ackermann function.”
14 #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
15 pub struct UnionFind<K>
16 {
17 // For element at index *i*, store the index of its parent; the representative itself
18 // stores its own index. This forms equivalence classes which are the disjoint sets, each
19 // with a unique representative.
20 parent: Vec<K>,
21 // It is a balancing tree structure,
22 // so the ranks are logarithmic in the size of the container -- a byte is more than enough.
23 //
24 // Rank is separated out both to save space and to save cache in when searching in the parent
25 // vector.
26 rank: Vec<u8>,
27 }
29 #[inline]
30 unsafe fn get_unchecked<K>(xs: &[K], index: usize) -> &K
31 {
32 debug_assert!(index < xs.len());
33 xs.get_unchecked(index)
34 }
36 impl<K> UnionFind<K>
37 where K: IndexType
38 {
39 /// Create a new `UnionFind` of `n` disjoint sets.
40 pub fn new(n: usize) -> Self
41 {
42 let rank = vec![0; n];
43 let parent = (0..n).map(K::new).collect::<Vec<K>>();
45 UnionFind{parent: parent, rank: rank}
46 }
48 /// Return the representative for `x`.
49 ///
50 /// **Panics** if `x` is out of bounds.
51 pub fn find(&self, x: K) -> K
52 {
53 assert!(x.index() < self.parent.len());
54 unsafe {
55 let mut x = x;
56 loop {
57 // Use unchecked indexing because we can trust the internal set ids.
58 let xparent = *get_unchecked(&self.parent, x.index());
59 if xparent == x {
60 break
61 }
62 x = xparent;
63 }
64 x
65 }
66 }
68 /// Return the representative for `x`.
69 ///
70 /// Write back the found representative, flattening the internal
71 /// datastructure in the process and quicken future lookups.
72 ///
73 /// **Panics** if `x` is out of bounds.
74 pub fn find_mut(&mut self, x: K) -> K
75 {
76 assert!(x.index() < self.parent.len());
77 unsafe {
78 self.find_mut_recursive(x)
79 }
80 }
82 unsafe fn find_mut_recursive(&mut self, x: K) -> K
83 {
84 let xparent = *get_unchecked(&self.parent, x.index());
85 if xparent != x {
86 let xrep = self.find_mut_recursive(xparent);
87 let xparent = self.parent.get_unchecked_mut(x.index());
88 *xparent = xrep;
89 *xparent
90 } else {
91 xparent
92 }
93 }
96 /// Unify the two sets containing `x` and `y`.
97 ///
98 /// Return `false` if the sets were already the same, `true` if they were unified.
99 ///
100 /// **Panics** if `x` or `y` is out of bounds.
101 pub fn union(&mut self, x: K, y: K) -> bool
102 {
103 if x == y {
104 return false
105 }
106 let xrep = self.find_mut(x);
107 let yrep = self.find_mut(y);
109 if xrep == yrep {
110 return false
111 }
113 let xrepu = xrep.index();
114 let yrepu = yrep.index();
115 let xrank = self.rank[xrepu];
116 let yrank = self.rank[yrepu];
118 // The rank corresponds roughly to the depth of the treeset, so put the
119 // smaller set below the larger
120 if xrank < yrank {
121 self.parent[xrepu] = yrep;
122 } else if xrank > yrank {
123 self.parent[yrepu] = xrep;
124 } else {
125 // put y below x when equal.
126 self.parent[yrepu] = xrep;
127 self.rank[xrepu] += 1;
128 }
129 true
130 }
132 /// Return a vector mapping each element to its representative.
133 pub fn into_labeling(mut self) -> Vec<K>
134 {
135 // write in the labeling of each element
136 unsafe {
137 for ix in 0..self.parent.len() {
138 let k = *get_unchecked(&self.parent, ix);
139 let xrep = self.find_mut_recursive(k);
140 *self.parent.get_unchecked_mut(ix) = xrep;
141 }
142 }
143 self.parent
144 }
145 }