#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use Getopt::Long; use Time::HiRes qw (gettimeofday tv_interval); use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h errno_h signal_h); use MIME::Parser; use File::Path; use Net::Server::PreFork; use Net::Server::SIG qw(register_sig check_sigs); use Net::SMTP; use Fcntl ':flock'; use File::Basename; use Xdgmime; use PVE::SafeSyslog; use PVE::ProcFSTools; use PVE::INotify; use Mail::SpamAssassin; use Mail::SpamAssassin::NetSet; use PMG::pmgcfg; use PMG::Utils; use PMG::Cluster; use PMG::DBTools; use PMG::RuleDB; use PMG::RuleCache; use PMG::ModGroup; use PMG::AtomicFile; use PMG::LDAPSet; use PMG::Config; use PMG::MailQueue; use PMG::Unpack; use PMG::SMTP; use PMG::Unpack; use PMG::Statistic; use base qw(Net::Server::PreFork); my $opt_commandline = [$0, @ARGV]; my $opt_max_dequeue = 1; my $opt_dequeue_time = 60*2; my $opt_ext_port = 10024; my $opt_int_port = 10023; my $opt_inject_port = 10025; my $opt_testmode; my $opt_untrusted; my $opt_pidfile; my $opt_database; my $prog_name = 'pmg-smtp-filter'; initlog($prog_name, 'mail'); if (!GetOptions ('testmode=s' => \$opt_testmode, 'pidfile=s' => \$opt_pidfile, 'untrusted' => \$opt_untrusted, 'database=s' => \$opt_database)) { die "usage error\n"; exit (-1); } $opt_pidfile = "/var/run/${prog_name}.pid" if !$opt_pidfile; my $max_servers = 1; my $min_servers = 1; my $min_spare_servers = 0; my $max_spare_servers = 0; my $max_requests = 1; # create spool directories PMG::MailQueue::create_sppoldirs(); if (!$opt_testmode) { my $pmg_cfg = PMG::Config->new(); my $demo = $pmg_cfg->get('admin', 'demo'); if ($demo) { syslog ('info', 'demo mode detected - not starting server'); exit (0); } $max_servers = $pmg_cfg->get('mail', 'max_filters') + 2; $min_servers = 2; $min_spare_servers = 1; $max_spare_servers = 4; $max_requests = 20; } $opt_max_dequeue = 0 if $opt_testmode; my $daemonize = 1; if (defined ($ENV{BOUND_SOCKETS})) { $daemonize = undef; } my $server_attr = { port => [ $opt_int_port, $opt_ext_port ], host => '', min_servers => $min_servers, max_servers => $max_servers, min_spare_servers => $min_spare_servers, max_spare_servers => $max_spare_servers, max_requests => $max_requests, serialize => 'flock', max_dequeue => $opt_max_dequeue, check_for_dequeue => $opt_dequeue_time, log_level => 3, pid_file => $opt_pidfile, no_close_by_child => 1, no_client_stdout => 1, commandline => $opt_commandline, }; $server_attr->{setsid} = $daemonize if !$opt_testmode; my $database; if (defined($opt_database)) { $database = $opt_database; } else { $database = $opt_testmode ? "Proxmox_testdb" : "Proxmox_ruledb"; } $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { my $err = $@; my $t = $_[0]; chomp $t; syslog('warning', "WARNING: %s", $t); $@ = $err; }; sub get_prox_vars { my ($self, $queue, $entity, $msginfo, $rule, $targets, $spaminfo) = @_; $spaminfo = { sa_score => $queue->{sa_score}, sa_hits => $queue->{sa_hits}, sa_data => $queue->{sa_data}, sa_max => $queue->{sa_max} } if !$spaminfo; my $vars = { 'SUBJECT' => $entity->head->get ('subject', 0) || 'No Subject', 'RULE' => $rule->{name}, 'RULE_INFO' => $msginfo->{rule_info}, 'SENDER' => $msginfo->{sender}, 'SENDER_IP' => $msginfo->{xforward}->{addr}, 'TARGETS' => join (', ', @$targets), 'RECEIVERS' => join (', ', @{$msginfo->{targets}}), 'SPAMLEVEL' => $spaminfo->{sa_score}, 'SPAMSTARS' => '*' x (($spaminfo->{sa_score} || 0) > 100 ? 100 : $spaminfo->{sa_score} || 0), 'ADMIN' => $self->{pmg_cfg}->get('admin', 'email'), 'HOST' => $msginfo->{hostname}, 'DOMAIN' => $msginfo->{domain}, 'FQDN' => $msginfo->{fqdn}, 'MSGID' => $queue->{msgid}, 'VERSION' => PMG::pmgcfg::package() . "/" . PMG::pmgcfg::version() . "/" . PMG::pmgcfg::repoid(), }; $vars->{__spaminfo} = $spaminfo; if ($opt_testmode) { if ($queue->{vinfo_clam}) { $vars->{'VIRUS_INFO'} = "Virus Info:"; $vars->{'VIRUS_INFO'} .= " clam: $queue->{vinfo_clam}" if $queue->{vinfo_clam}; } else { $vars->{'VIRUS_INFO'} = ''; } } else { if ($queue->{vinfo}) { $vars->{'VIRUS_INFO'} = "Virus Info: $queue->{vinfo}\n"; } else { $vars->{'VIRUS_INFO'} = ''; } } $vars->{'SPAM_HITS'} = $spaminfo->{sa_hits}; $vars->{'SPAM_INFO'} = ''; my $sscores = $spaminfo->{sa_data}; if (defined ($sscores) && @$sscores != -1) { my $sa_text; if ($opt_testmode) { $sa_text = "Spam detection results: 100\n"; } else { $sa_text = "Spam detection results: $spaminfo->{sa_score}\n"; } foreach my $s (@$sscores) { if ($opt_testmode) { $sa_text .= sprintf ("%-22s %6s %s\n", $s->{rule}, 1, $s->{desc} || '-'); } else { $sa_text .= sprintf ("%-22s %6s %s\n", $s->{rule}, $s->{score}, $s->{desc} || '-'); } } $vars->{'SPAM_INFO'} = $sa_text; } if ($opt_testmode) { delete ($vars->{'ADMIN'}); #delete ($vars->{'SPAM_INFO'}); } return $vars; } sub apply_rules { my ($self, $queue, $msginfo, $entity, $ldap) = @_; my $final; my %rule_targets; my %rule_actions; my %rule_marks; my $matching_rules = []; my $rulecache = $self->{rulecache}; my $rules = $rulecache->rules (); my $dbh = $self->{ruledb}->{dbh}; # first, we remove all conditional written 'X-' header attributes foreach my $rule (@$rules) { next if !$rule->{active}; next if ($rule->{direction} == 0) && $msginfo->{trusted}; next if ($rule->{direction} == 1) && !$msginfo->{trusted}; my $actions = $rulecache->get_actions ($rule->{id}); if ($actions) { foreach my $action (@$actions) { if ($action->isa ("PMG::RuleDB::ModField")) { my $fname = $action->{field}; next if $fname !~ m/^X-/i; $entity->head->delete($fname); } } } } foreach my $rule (@$rules) { next if !$rule->{active}; next if ($rule->{direction} == 0) && $msginfo->{trusted}; next if ($rule->{direction} == 1) && !$msginfo->{trusted}; # match from, when and what classes (not target dependent) if (!($rulecache->from_match ($rule->{id}, $msginfo->{sender}, $msginfo->{xforward}->{addr}, $ldap) && $rulecache->when_match ($rule->{id}, time))) { next; } $rule_marks{$rule->{id}} = $rulecache->what_match ($rule->{id}, $queue, $entity, $msginfo, $dbh); $rule_actions{$rule->{id}} = $rulecache->get_actions ($rule->{id}); my $fin = $rulecache->final ($rule->{id}); # match targets foreach my $target (@{$msginfo->{targets}}) { next if $final->{$target}; next if !defined ($rule_marks{$rule->{id}}); next if !defined ($rule_marks{$rule->{id}}->{$target}); next if !defined ($rule_marks{$rule->{id}}->{$target}->{marks}); next if !$rulecache->to_match ($rule->{id}, $target, $ldap); $final->{$target} = $fin; push @{$rule_targets{$rule->{id}}}, $target; } } # Compute rule_info (summary about matching rule) # this can be used for debugging my $rule_info = ""; foreach my $rule (@$rules) { next if !$rule_targets{$rule->{id}}; push @$matching_rules, $rule->{id}; $rule_info .= "Rule: $rule->{name}\n"; foreach my $target (@{$rule_targets{$rule->{id}}}) { $rule_info .= " Receiver: $target\n"; } foreach my $action (@{$rule_actions{$rule->{id}}}) { $rule_info .= " Action: " . $action->short_desc () . "\n"; } } $msginfo->{rule_info} = $rule_info; if ($msginfo->{testmode}) { my $vars = $self->get_prox_vars ($queue, $entity, $msginfo, undef, [], undef); my $out = "__RULE_INFO__"; $out = PMG::Utils::subst_values ($out, $vars); my $fh = $msginfo->{test_fh}; print $fh $out; } # apply actions my $mod_group = PMG::ModGroup->new($entity, $msginfo->{targets}); foreach my $rule (@$rules) { my $targets = $rule_targets{$rule->{id}}; next if !$targets; my $spaminfo; foreach my $t (@$targets) { if ($rule_marks{$rule->{id}}->{$t} && $rule_marks{$rule->{id}}->{$t}->{spaminfo}) { $spaminfo = $rule_marks{$rule->{id}}->{$t}->{spaminfo}; # we assume spam info is the same for all matching targets last; } } my $vars = $self->get_prox_vars ($queue, $entity, $msginfo, $rule, $rule_targets{$rule->{id}}, $spaminfo); my @sorted_actions = sort {$a->priority <=> $b->priority} @{$rule_actions{$rule->{id}}}; foreach my $action (@sorted_actions) { $action->execute ($queue, $self->{ruledb}, $mod_group, $rule_targets{$rule->{id}}, $msginfo, $vars, $rule_marks{$rule->{id}}->{marks}, $ldap); last if $action->final; } } # we deliver all mail not matched by any rule # (default action = accept) my $unmatched; foreach my $target (@{$msginfo->{targets}}) { next if $final->{$target}; push @$unmatched, $target; } if ($unmatched) { my $accept = PMG::RuleDB::Accept->new (); $accept->execute ($queue, $self->{ruledb}, $mod_group, $unmatched, $msginfo, undef, undef, undef); } return $matching_rules; } # reload ruledb and pmg config sub load_config { my $self = shift; my $prop = $self->{server}; if ($self->{ruledb}) { $self->log (0, "reloading configuration $database"); $self->{ruledb}->close (); } $self->{pmg_cfg} = PMG::Config->new(); $self->{cinfo} = PVE::INotify::read_file("cluster.conf"); eval { my $dbh = PMG::DBTools::open_ruledb ($database); $self->{ruledb} = PMG::RuleDB->new ($dbh); # load rulecache $self->{rulecache} = PMG::RuleCache->new ($self->{ruledb}); }; my $err = $@; if ($err) { sleep (10); # reduce restart rate when postgres is down die $err; } # create LDAP object $self->{ldap} = PMG::LDAPSet->new_from_pmg_cfg($self->{pmg_cfg}, 1); $self->{reload_config} = 0; } my $syslog_map = { 0 => 'err', 1 => 'warning', 2 => 'notice', 3 => 'info', 4 => 'debug' }; sub log { my ($self, $level, $msg, @therest) = @_; my $prop = $self->{server}; return if $level =~ /^\d+$/ && $level > $prop->{log_level}; $level = $syslog_map->{$level} || $level; if (@therest) { syslog($level, $msg, @therest); } else { syslog ($level, $msg); } } sub pre_loop_hook { my $self = shift; my $prop = $self->{server}; $prop->{log_level} = 3; $self->log (0, "Filter daemon (re)started (max. $max_servers processes)"); eval { PMG::MailQueue::cleanup_active(); }; $self->log (0, "Cleanup failures: $@") if $@; my $sig_set = POSIX::SigSet->new; $sig_set->addset (&POSIX::SIGHUP); $sig_set->addset (&POSIX::SIGCHLD); my $old_sig_set = POSIX::SigSet->new(); sigprocmask (SIG_UNBLOCK, $sig_set, $old_sig_set); my ($backup_umask) = umask; my $pmg_cfg = PMG::Config->new(); # Note: you need to restart the daemon when you change 'rbl_checks' my $rbl_checks = $pmg_cfg->get('spam', 'rbl_checks'); $self->{sa} = Mail::SpamAssassin->new ({ debug => 0, local_tests_only => $opt_testmode || !$rbl_checks, home_dir_for_helpers => '/root', userstate_dir => '/root/.spamassassin', dont_copy_prefs => 1, stop_at_threshold => 0, }); $self->{sa}->compile_now; alarm (0); # SA forgets to clear alarm in some cases umask ($backup_umask); initlog ($prog_name, 'mail'); $SIG{'USR1'} = sub { # reloading server configuration if (defined $prop->{children}) { foreach my $pid (keys %{$prop->{children}}) { kill (10, $pid); # SIGUSR1 childs } } } } sub child_init_hook { my $self = shift; $0 = "$prog_name child"; # $self->log (3, "init child"); eval { $self->load_config (); }; if ($@) { $self->log (0, $@); $self->child_finish_hook; exit; } $SIG{'USR1'} = sub { $self->{reload_config} = 1; } } sub child_finish_hook { my $self = shift; # $self->log (3, "finish child"); $self->{ruledb}->close () if $self->{ruledb}; } sub run_dequeue { my $self = shift; # do database maintainance here $self->log (2, "starting database maintainance"); my ($csec, $usec) = gettimeofday (); my $cinfo = PVE::INotify::read_file("cluster.conf"); my $dbh; eval { $dbh = PMG::DBTools::open_ruledb($database); }; my $err = $@; if ($err) { $self->log (0, msgquote("ERROR: $err")); return; } eval { PMG::Statistic::update_stats($dbh, $cinfo); }; $err = $@; my ($csec_end, $usec_end) = gettimeofday (); my $ptime = int (($csec_end-$csec)*1000 + ($usec_end - $usec)/1000); if ($err) { $self->log (0, msgquote($err)); } else { $self->log (2, "end database maintainance ($ptime ms)"); } $dbh->disconnect() if $dbh; } sub unpack_entity { my ($self, $unpack, $entity, $msginfo, $queue) = @_; my $magic; my $path; if (($magic = $entity->{PMX_magic_ct}) && ($path = $entity->{PMX_decoded_path})) { my $filename = basename ($path); if (PMG::Unpack::is_archive ($magic)) { $self->log (3, "$queue->{logid}: found archive '$filename' ($magic)"); my $start = [gettimeofday]; $unpack->{mime} = {}; eval { $unpack->unpack_archive ($path, $magic); }; $self->log (3, "$queue->{logid}: unpack failed - $@") if $@; $entity->{PMX_content_types} = $unpack->{mime}; if ($opt_testmode) { my $types = join (", ", sort keys (%{$entity->{PMX_content_types}})); my $fh = $msginfo->{test_fh}; $filename =~ s/\d+/X/g if $filename =~ m/^msg-\d+-\d+.msg/; print $fh "Types:$filename: $types\n" if $types; } my $elapsed = int(tv_interval ($start) * 1000); $self->log (3, "$queue->{logid}: unpack archive '$filename' done ($elapsed ms)"); } } foreach my $part ($entity->parts) { $self->unpack_entity ($unpack, $part, $msginfo, $queue); } } sub handle_smtp { my ($self, $smtp) = @_; my ($csec, $usec) = gettimeofday (); my $queue; my $msginfo = {}; my $pmg_cfg = $self->{pmg_cfg}; my $ldap = $self->{ldap}; my $cinfo = $self->{cinfo}; my $lcid = $cinfo->{local}->{cid}; $msginfo->{test_fh} = PMG::AtomicFile->new("testresult.out", "w") if $opt_testmode; $msginfo->{trusted} = $self->{trusted}; # PHASE 1 - save incoming mail (already done) # on error: exit $queue = $smtp->{queue}; $queue->{sa} = $self->{sa}; $queue->{lic_valid} = 1; my $matching_rules; eval { $msginfo->{testmode} = $opt_testmode; $msginfo->{sender} = $smtp->{from}; $msginfo->{xforward} = $smtp->{xforward}; $msginfo->{targets} = $smtp->{to}; $msginfo->{hostname} = PVE::INotify::nodename(); my $resolv = PVE::INotify::read_file('resolvconf'); $msginfo->{domain} = $resolv->{search}; $msginfo->{fqdn} = "$msginfo->{hostname}.$msginfo->{domain}"; $msginfo->{lcid} = $lcid; # $msginfo->{targets} is case sensitive, # but pmail is always lower case! foreach my $t (@{$msginfo->{targets}}) { my $res; if ($ldap && ($res = $ldap->account_info ($t))) { $msginfo->{pmail}->{$t} = $res->{pmail}; } else { $msginfo->{pmail}->{$t} = lc ($t); } } # PHASE 2 - parse mail # on error: exit my $maxfiles = $pmg_cfg->get('clamav', 'archivemaxfiles'); my $entity = $queue->parse_mail($maxfiles); $self->log (3, "$queue->{logid}: new mail message-id=%s", $queue->{msgid}); # PHASE 3 - run external content analyzers # (SPAM analyzer is run on demand later) # on error: log error messages # test for virus first $queue->{vinfo} = PMG::Utils::analyze_virus( $queue, $queue->{dataname}, $pmg_cfg, $opt_testmode); # always add this headers to incoming mails # to enable user to report false negatives if (!$msginfo->{trusted}) { if ($queue->{vinfo}) { $entity->head->replace('X-Proxmox-VInfo', $queue->{vinfo}); } } # we unpack after virus scanning, because this is more secure. # This way virus scanners gets the whole mail files and are able # to detect phishing signature for example - which would not work # if we decompose first and only analyze the decomposed attachments. # Disadvantage is that we need to unpack more than # once (bad performance). # should we scan content types inside archives my $rulecache = $self->{rulecache}; my $scan_archives = 0; if (($rulecache->{archivefilter_in} && !$msginfo->{trusted}) || ($rulecache->{archivefilter_out} && $msginfo->{trusted})) { $scan_archives = 1; } if ($scan_archives && !$queue->{vinfo}) { # unpack all archives - determine contained content types my $decdir = $queue->{dumpdir} . "/__decoded_archives"; mkdir $decdir; my $start = [gettimeofday]; my $unpack; eval { # limits: We use clamav limit for maxfiles, and scan # only 4 levels, timeout of 30 seconds $unpack = PMG::Unpack->new ( tmpdir => $decdir, timeout => 30, ctonly => 1, # only detect CTs maxrec => -4, maxfiles => $maxfiles); $self->unpack_entity ($unpack, $entity, $msginfo, $queue); }; my $err = $@; $unpack->cleanup() if $unpack; my $elapsed = int(tv_interval ($start) * 1000); if ($err) { $self->log (3, "$queue->{logid}: unpack archive failed ($elapsed ms) - $err"); } } # PHASE 4 - apply rules # on error: exit (cleanup process should do the rest) $msginfo->{maxspamsize} = $pmg_cfg->get('spam', 'maxspamsize'); if ($msginfo->{maxspamsize} <= 1024*64) { $msginfo->{maxspamsize} = 1024*64; } if ($msginfo->{trusted}) { my $hide = $pmg_cfg->get('mail', 'hide_received'); $entity->head->delete("Received") if $hide; } $matching_rules = $self->apply_rules($queue, $msginfo, $entity, $ldap); }; my $err = $@; $self->{errors} = $queue->{errors}; # restart on error $self->{errors} = 1 if $err; $queue->close (); die $err if $err; my ($csec_end, $usec_end) = gettimeofday (); my $time_total = int (($csec_end-$csec)*1000 + ($usec_end - $usec)/1000); # PHASE 5 - log statistics # on error: log error messages eval { my $dbh = $self->{ruledb}->{dbh}; my $where = ""; foreach my $rid (@$matching_rules) { $where .= $where ? " OR ID = $rid" : "ID = $rid"; } if ($where) { $dbh->do ("UPDATE Rule " . "SET Count = Count + 1 " . "WHERE $where"); } my $insert_cmds = "SELECT nextval ('cstatistic_id_seq');INSERT INTO CStatistic " . "(CID, RID, ID, Time, Bytes, Direction, Spamlevel, VirusInfo, PTime, Sender) VALUES (" . "$lcid, currval ('cstatistic_id_seq'), currval ('cstatistic_id_seq'),"; $insert_cmds .= $queue->{rtime} . ','; $insert_cmds .= $queue->{bytes} . ','; $insert_cmds .= $dbh->quote ($msginfo->{trusted} ? 0 : 1) . ','; $insert_cmds .= ($queue->{sa_score} || 0) . ','; $insert_cmds .= $dbh->quote ($queue->{vinfo}) . ','; $insert_cmds .= $time_total . ','; $insert_cmds .= $dbh->quote ($msginfo->{sender}) . ');'; foreach my $r (@{$msginfo->{targets}}) { my $tmp = $dbh->quote ($r); my $blocked = $queue->{status}->{$r} eq 'blocked' ? 1 : 0; $insert_cmds .= "INSERT INTO CReceivers (CStatistic_CID, CStatistic_RID, Receiver, Blocked) " . "VALUES ($lcid, currval ('cstatistic_id_seq'), $tmp, '$blocked'); "; } $dbh->do ($insert_cmds); }; # save $err (because log clears $@) $err = $@; $time_total = $time_total/1000; my $ptspam = ($queue->{ptime_spam} || 0)/1000; my $ptclam = ($queue->{ptime_clam} || 0)/1000; $self->log (3, "$queue->{logid}: processing time: ${time_total} seconds ($ptspam, $ptclam)"); $msginfo->{test_fh}->close if $opt_testmode; die $err if ($err); } sub process_request { my $self = shift; my $prop = $self->{server}; my $sock = $prop->{client}; eval { # make sure the ldap cache is up to date $self->{ldap}->update (1); $self->load_config() if $self->{reload_config}; $self->{trusted} = 0; if ($prop->{sockport} == $opt_int_port && !$opt_untrusted) { $self->{trusted} = 1; } my $smtp = PMG::SMTP->new ($sock); my $maxcount = $max_requests - $prop->{requests}; my $count = $smtp->loop (\&handle_smtp, $self, $maxcount); if ($count > 1) { $prop->{requests} += $count - 1; } }; my $err = $@; $self->log (0, $err) if $err; kill(15, $prop->{ppid}) if $opt_testmode; my $mem = PVE::ProcFSTools::read_memory_usage(); if ($opt_testmode) { $self->log (0, "memory usage: $mem->{size} bytes"); } else { if ($self->{errors}) { $self->log (0, "fast exit because of errors (free $mem->{size} bytes)"); $self->done (1); } elsif ($mem->{size} > (300*1024*1024)) { $self->log (0, "fast exit to reduce server load (free $mem->{size} bytes)"); $self->done (1); } } $self->done (1) if $err; } # test sig_hup with: for ((;;)) ;do kill -HUP `cat /var/run/${prog_name}.pid`; done; # wrapper to avoid multiple calls to sig_hup sub sig_hup { my $self = shift; my $prop = $self->{server}; return if defined ($prop->{_HUP}); # do not call twice $self->SUPER::sig_hup(); } sub restart_close_hook { my $self = shift; my $sig_set = POSIX::SigSet->new; $sig_set->addset (&POSIX::SIGHUP); $sig_set->addset (&POSIX::SIGCHLD); # to avoid zombies my $old_sig_set = POSIX::SigSet->new(); sigprocmask (SIG_BLOCK, $sig_set, $old_sig_set); } sub pre_server_close_hook { my $self = shift; my $prop = $self->{server}; if (defined $prop->{_HUP}) { undef $prop->{pid_file_unlink}; } if (defined $prop->{children}) { foreach my $pid (keys %{$prop->{children}}) { kill (1, $pid); # HUP childs } } # nicely shutdown childs (give them max 30 seconds to shut down) my $previous_alarm = alarm (30); eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Timed Out!\n" }; my $pid; 1 while ((($pid = waitpid (-1, 0)) > 0) || ($! == EINTR)); }; alarm ($previous_alarm); } # initialize mime system before fork xdg_mime_get_mime_type_for_file ($0); my $server = bless { server => $server_attr, }; if (!$opt_testmode) { $server->run (); } else { if (fork) { $server->run (); } else { sleep (1); my $sender ='sender@proxtest.com'; my $targets = ['target1@proxtest.com', 'target2@proxtest.com', 'target3@proxtest.com']; my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new ('', Port => 10023); die "unable to connect $!" if !$smtp; # syslog ('info', "connected to " . $smtp->domain); $smtp->mail ($sender); $smtp->to (@$targets); $smtp->data(); open (TMP, $opt_testmode) || die "unable to upen file '$opt_testmode' - $! :ERROR"; while () { $smtp->datasend ($_); } close TMP; $smtp->datasend ("\n"); $smtp->dataend (); $smtp->quit; } } exit (0); __END__ =head1 NAME pmg-smtp-filter - the Proxmox mail filter =head1 SYNOPSIS pmg-smtp-filter [-u] [-t testfile] =head1 DESCRIPTION Documentation is available at www.proxmox.com