#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Carp; use Getopt::Long; use Proxmox::SafeSyslog; use POSIX qw(errno_h signal_h); use Net::Server::PreForkSimple; use Net::DNS::Resolver; use Mail::SPF; use Fcntl; use Fcntl ':flock'; use IO::Multiplex; use Time::HiRes qw (gettimeofday); use Proxmox::Utils; use Proxmox::RuleDB; use Proxmox::Config::System; use Proxmox::Commtouch; use Proxmox::Cluster; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(Net::Server::PreForkSimple); my $greylist_delay = 3*60; # greylist window my $greylist_lifetime = 3600*24*2; # retry window my $greylist_awlifetime = 3600*24*36; # expire window my $opt_commandline = [$0, @ARGV]; my $opt_policy_port = 10022; my $opt_max_dequeue = 1; my $opt_dequeue_time = 60*2; my $opt_testmode; my $opt_pidfile; my $opt_database; if (!GetOptions ('pidfile=s' => \$opt_pidfile, 'testmode' => \$opt_testmode, 'database=s' => \$opt_database)) { die "usage error\n"; exit (-1); } $opt_pidfile = "/var/run/proxpolicy.pid" if !$opt_pidfile; $opt_max_dequeue = 0 if $opt_testmode; initlog ('proxpolicy', 'mail'); if (!$opt_testmode) { my $system_cfg = Proxmox::Config::System->new (); my $demo = $system_cfg->get ('administration', 'demo'); if ($demo) { syslog ('info', 'demo mode detected - not starting server'); exit (0); } } my $daemonize = 1; if (defined ($ENV{BOUND_SOCKETS})) { $daemonize = undef; } my $max_servers = Proxmox::Utils::get_max_policy (); my $server_attr = { port => [ $opt_policy_port ], host => '', max_servers => $max_servers, max_dequeue => $opt_max_dequeue, check_for_dequeue => $opt_dequeue_time, log_level => 3, pid_file => $opt_pidfile, commandline => $opt_commandline, no_close_by_child => 1, setsid => $daemonize, }; my $database; if (defined($opt_database)) { $database = $opt_database; } else { $database = "Proxmox_ruledb"; } $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { my $err = $@; my $t = $_[0]; chomp $t; syslog('warning', "WARNING: %s", $t); $@ = $err; }; sub run_dequeue { my $self = shift; $self->log (2, "starting greylist database maintainance"); my ($csec, $usec) = gettimeofday (); my $system_cfg = Proxmox::Config::System->new (); my $cinfo = $system_cfg->clusterinfo(); my $lcid = $cinfo->{local}->{cid}; my $dbh; eval { $dbh = Proxmox::Utils::open_ruledb ($database); }; my $err = $@; if ($err) { $self->log (0, msgquote ("ERROR: $err")); return; } my $now = time (); my $ecount = 0; # update RBL stats in DailyStats table # only write if on master node if ($cinfo->{local}->{role} eq '-' || $cinfo->{local}->{role} eq 'M') { eval { my $stats = Proxmox::Commtouch::get_ctipd_stats(); Proxmox::Cluster::update_rbl_stats($dbh, 'localhost', $stats); }; if (my $err = $@) { $self->log (0, "ERROR: update_rbl_stats - %s", $err); } }; eval { $dbh->begin_work; # we do not lock the table here to avoid delays # but that is OK, because we only touch expired records # which do not change nornmally ## $dbh->do ("LOCK TABLE CGreylist IN ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE"); # move expired and undelivered records from Greylist to Statistic my $rntxt = ''; if (!$lcid) { $rntxt = "AND CID = 0"; } else { if ($cinfo->{local}->{role} eq 'M') { # master is responsible for all non-cluster (deleted) nodes foreach my $rcid (@{$cinfo->{remnodes}}) { $rntxt .= $rntxt ? " AND CID != $rcid" : "AND (CID != $rcid"; } $rntxt .= ")" if $rntxt; } else { $rntxt = "AND (CID = 0 OR CID = $lcid)"; } } my $cmds = ''; my $sth = $dbh->prepare ("SELECT distinct instance, sender FROM CGreylist " . "WHERE passed = 0 AND extime < ? $rntxt"); $sth->execute ($now); while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) { my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare ("SELECT * FROM CGreylist " . "WHERE instance = ? AND sender = ?"); $sth2->execute ($ref->{instance}, $ref->{sender}); my $rctime; my @rcvrs; my $bc = 0; while (my $ref2 = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref()) { $rctime = $ref2->{rctime} if !$rctime; $bc += $ref2->{blocked}; push @rcvrs, $ref2->{receiver}; } $sth2->finish(); # hack: sometimes query sth2 does not return anything - maybe a # postgres bug? We simply ignore (when rctime is undefined) it # to avoid problems. if ($rctime) { $cmds .= "SELECT nextval ('cstatistic_id_seq');INSERT INTO CStatistic " . "(CID, RID, ID, Time, Bytes, Direction, Spamlevel, VirusInfo, PTime, Sender) VALUES (" . "$lcid, currval ('cstatistic_id_seq'), currval ('cstatistic_id_seq'), "; my $sl = $bc >= 100000 ? 4 : 5; $cmds .= $rctime . ", 0, '1', $sl, NULL, 0, "; $cmds .= $dbh->quote ($ref->{sender}) . ');'; foreach my $r (@rcvrs) { my $tmp = $dbh->quote ($r); $cmds .= "INSERT INTO CReceivers (CStatistic_CID, CStatistic_RID, Receiver, Blocked) ". "VALUES ($lcid, currval ('cstatistic_id_seq'), $tmp, '1'); "; } } if (length ($cmds) > 100000) { $dbh->do ($cmds); $cmds = ''; } $ecount++; # this produces too much log traffic # my $targets = join (", ", @rcvrs); #my $msg = "expire mail $ref->{instance} from $ref->{sender} to $targets"; #$self->log (0, msgquote ($msg)); } $dbh->do ($cmds) if $cmds; $sth->finish(); if ($ecount > 0) { my $msg = "found $ecount expired mails in greylisting database"; $self->log (0, $msg); } $dbh->do ("DELETE FROM CGreylist WHERE extime < $now"); $dbh->commit; }; $err = $@; my ($csec_end, $usec_end) = gettimeofday (); my $ptime = int (($csec_end-$csec)*1000 + ($usec_end - $usec)/1000); if ($err) { $dbh->rollback if $dbh; $self->log (0, msgquote ($err)); } else { $self->log (2, "end greylist database maintainance ($ptime ms)"); } $dbh->disconnect() if $dbh; } sub pre_loop_hook { my $self = shift; my $prop = $self->{server}; $prop->{log_level} = 3; $self->log (0, "Policy daemon (re)started"); $SIG{'USR1'} = sub { # reloading server configuration if (defined $prop->{children}) { foreach my $pid (keys %{$prop->{children}}) { kill (10, $pid); # SIGUSR1 childs } } }; my $sig_set = POSIX::SigSet->new; $sig_set->addset (&POSIX::SIGHUP); $sig_set->addset (&POSIX::SIGCHLD); my $old_sig_set = POSIX::SigSet->new(); sigprocmask (SIG_UNBLOCK, $sig_set, $old_sig_set); } sub load_config { my $self = shift; my $prop = $self->{server}; if ($self->{ruledb}) { $self->log (0, "reloading configuration $database"); $self->{ruledb}->close (); } my $system_cfg = Proxmox::Config::System->new (); $self->{use_rbl} = $system_cfg->get ('mail', 'use_rbl'); $self->{use_spf} = $system_cfg->get ('mail', 'spf'); $self->{use_greylist} = $system_cfg->get ('mail', 'greylist'); my $hostname = $system_cfg->get ('dns', 'hostname'); my $domain = $system_cfg->get ('dns', 'domain'); $self->{fqdn} = "$hostname.$domain"; my $cinfo = $system_cfg->clusterinfo(); my $lcid = $cinfo->{local}->{cid}; $self->{cinfo} = $cinfo; $self->{lcid} = $lcid; my $lic = $system_cfg->{license}; $self->{lic_valid} = ($lic->valid && !$lic->expired) ? 1 : 0; my $dbh; eval { $dbh = Proxmox::Utils::open_ruledb ($database); $self->{ruledb} = Proxmox::RuleDB->new ($dbh); $self->{rulecache} = Proxmox::RuleDB::RuleCache->new ($self->{ruledb}); }; my $err = $@; if ($err) { $self->log (0, msgquote ("ERROR: unable to load database : $err")); } $self->{reload_config} = 0; } sub child_init_hook { my $self = shift; my $prop = $self->{server}; $0 = 'proxpolicy child'; setup_fork_signal_mask (0); # unblocking signals for children eval { $self->load_config (); $self->{mux} = new IO::Multiplex; $self->{mux}->set_callback_object ($self); my %dnsargs = ( tcp_timeout => 3, udp_timeout => 3, retry => 1, retrans => 0, dnsrch => 0, defnames => 0, ); if ($opt_testmode) { # $dnsargs{nameservers} = [ qw ( ]; } $self->{dns_resolver} = Net::DNS::Resolver->new (%dnsargs); $self->{spf_server} = Mail::SPF::Server->new (hostname => $self->{fqdn}, dns_resolver => $self->{dns_resolver}); }; if ($@) { $self->log (0, msgquote ($@)); $self->child_finish_hook; exit; } $SIG{'USR1'} = sub { $self->{reload_config} = 1; } } sub child_finish_hook { my $self = shift; my $prop = $self->{server}; $self->{ruledb}->close () if $self->{ruledb}; } sub get_spf_result { my ($self, $instance, $ip, $helo, $sender) = @_; my $result; my $spf_header; my $local_expl; my $auth_expl; # we only use helo tests when we have no sender, # helo is sometimes empty, so we cant use SPF helo tests # in that case - strange if ($helo && !$sender) { my $query; if (defined ($self->{cache}->{$instance}) && defined ($self->{cache}->{$instance}->{spf_helo_result})) { $query = $self->{cache}->{$instance}->{spf_helo_result}; } else { my $request = Mail::SPF::Request->new (scope => 'helo', identity => $helo, ip_address => $ip); $query = $self->{cache}->{$instance}->{spf_helo_result} = $self->{spf_server}->process ($request); } $result = $query->code; $spf_header = $query->received_spf_header; $local_expl = $query->local_explanation; $auth_expl = $query->authority_explanation if $query->is_code('fail'); # return if we get a definitive result if ($result eq 'pass' || $result eq 'fail' || $result eq 'temperror') { return ($result, $spf_header, $local_expl, $auth_expl); } } if ($sender) { my $query; if (defined ($self->{cache}->{$instance}) && defined ($self->{cache}->{$instance}->{spf_mfrom_result})) { $query = $self->{cache}->{$instance}->{spf_mfrom_result}; } else { my $request = Mail::SPF::Request->new (scope => 'mfrom', identity => $sender, ip_address => $ip, helo_identity => $helo); $query = $self->{cache}->{$instance}->{spf_mfrom_result} = $self->{spf_server}->process($request); } $result = $query->code; $spf_header = $query->received_spf_header; $local_expl = $query->local_explanation; $auth_expl = $query->authority_explanation if $query->is_code('fail'); return ($result, $spf_header, $local_expl, $auth_expl); } return undef; } sub is_backup_mx { my ($self, $ip, $receiver) = @_; my ($rdomain) = $receiver =~ /([^@]+)$/; my $dkey = "BKMX:$rdomain"; if (defined ($self->{cache}->{$dkey}) && ($self->{cache}->{$dkey}->{status} == 1)) { return $self->{cache}->{$dkey}->{$ip}; } my $resolver = $self->{dns_resolver}; if (my $mx = $resolver->send ($rdomain, 'MX')) { $self->{cache}->{$dkey}->{status} = 1; my @mxa = grep { $_->type eq 'MX' } $mx->answer; my @mxl = sort { $a->preference <=> $b->preference } @mxa; # shift @mxl; # optionaly skip primary MX ? foreach my $rr (@mxl) { my $a = $resolver->send ($rr->exchange, 'A'); if ($a) { foreach my $rra ($a->answer) { if ($rra->type eq 'A') { $self->{cache}->{$dkey}->{$rra->address} = 1; } } } } } else { $self->{cache}->{$dkey}->{status} = 0; } return $self->{cache}->{$dkey}->{$ip}; } sub greylist_value { my ($self, $ctime, $helo, $ip, $sender, $rcpt, $instance) = @_; my $rulecache = $self->{rulecache}; my $dbh = $self->{ruledb}->{dbh}; # try to reconnect if database connection is broken if (!$dbh->ping) { $self->log (0, 'Database connection broken - trying to reconnect'); my $dbh; eval { $dbh = Proxmox::Utils::open_ruledb ($database); }; my $err = $@; if ($err) { $self->log (0, msgquote ("unable to reconnect to database server: $err")); return 'dunno'; } $self->{ruledb} = Proxmox::RuleDB->new ($dbh); } # some sender substitutions my ($user, $domain) = split('@', $sender, 2); if (defined ($user) && defined ($domain)) { # see http://cr.yp.to/proto/verp.txt $user =~ s/\+.*//; # strip extensions (mailing-list VERP) $user =~ s/\b\d+\b/#/g; #replace nubmers in VERP address $sender = "$user\@$domain"; } if ($self->is_backup_mx ($ip, $rcpt)) { $self->log (3, "accept mails from backup MX host - $ip"); return 'dunno'; } # greylist exclusion (sender whitelist) if ($rulecache->greylist_match ($sender, $ip)) { $self->log (3, "accept mails from whitelist - $ip"); return 'dunno'; } # we run commtouch test first for now # only run with valid license # NOTE: disabled - we use rbl_reject in postfix main.cf if (0 && !$opt_testmode && $self->{use_rbl} && $self->{lic_valid}) { my ($ct_action, $ct_refid); my ($csec, $usec) = gettimeofday (); eval { ($ct_action, $ct_refid) = Proxmox::Commtouch::ct_scan_ip($ip); }; my $err = $@; my ($csec_end, $usec_end) = gettimeofday (); my $ptime = int (($csec_end-$csec)*1000 + ($usec_end - $usec)/1000); if ($err) { $self->log (0, "ctipd error: $err ($ptime ms)"); } elsif ($ct_action && $ct_refid) { if ($ct_action ne 'accept') { $self->log (3, "ctipd action: $ct_action ($ip, $ct_refid, $ptime ms)"); if ($ct_action eq 'tempfail') { my $msg = "delivery from $ip is deferred and despite repeated attempts, this message could not be delivered. Try again later and if same response, then check your IP reputation at http://www.commtouch.com/Site/Resources/Check_IP_Reputation.asp and make sure to provide the following reference code '${ct_refid}'"; return "defer_if_permit $msg"; } elsif ($ct_action eq 'permfail') { my $msg = "delivery from $ip is rejected. Check your IP reputation at http://www.commtouch.com/Site/Resources/Check_IP_Reputation.asp and make sure to provide the following reference code '${ct_refid}'"; return "reject $msg"; } } } } # greylist exclusion (receiver whitelist) if ($rulecache->greylist_match_receiver ($rcpt)) { $self->log (3, "accept mails to whitelist - <$rcpt>"); return 'dunno'; } my ($net, $host) = $ip =~ m/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.(\d+)/; my $spf_header; if ((!$opt_testmode && $self->{use_spf}) || ($opt_testmode && ($rcpt =~ m/^testspf/))) { # ask SPF my $spf_result; my $local_expl, my $auth_expl; my $previous_alarm; my ($result, $smtp_comment, $header_comment); eval { $previous_alarm = alarm (10); local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "SPF timeout\n" }; ($result, $spf_header, $local_expl, $auth_expl) = $self->get_spf_result ($instance, $ip, $helo, $sender); }; my $err = $@; alarm ($previous_alarm) if defined($previous_alarm); if ($err) { $err = $err->text if UNIVERSAL::isa ($err, 'Mail::SPF::Exception'); $self->log (0, msgquote ($err)); } else { if ($result && $result eq 'pass') { $self->log (3, "SPF says $result"); $spf_result = $spf_header ? "prepend $spf_header" : 'dunno'; } if ($result && $result eq 'fail') { $self->log (3, "SPF says $result"); $spf_result = "reject ${auth_expl}"; eval { $dbh->begin_work; # try to avoid locks everywhere - we use merge instead of insert #$dbh->do ("LOCK TABLE CGreylist IN ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE"); # check if there is already a record in the GL database my $sth = $dbh->prepare ("SELECT * FROM CGreylist " . "where IPNet = ? AND Sender = ? AND Receiver = ?"); $sth->execute ($net, $sender, $rcpt); my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); $sth->finish(); # else add an entry to the GL Database with short # expiration time. run_dequeue() moves those entries into the statistic # table later. We set 'blocked' to 100000 to identify those entries. if (!defined ($ref->{rctime})) { $dbh->do ("SELECT merge_greylist(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", undef, $net, $host, $sender, $rcpt, $instance, $ctime, $ctime + 10, 0, 100000, 0, $ctime, $self->{lcid}); } $dbh->commit; }; if ($@) { $dbh->rollback; $self->log (0, msgquote ($@)); } } } return $spf_result if $spf_result; } my $res = $spf_header ? "prepend $spf_header" : 'dunno'; return $res if !$self->{use_greylist}; my $defer_res = "defer_if_permit Service is unavailable (try later)"; eval { # we dont use alarm here, because it does not work with DBI $dbh->begin_work; # try to avoid locks everywhere - we use merge instead of insert #$dbh->do ("LOCK TABLE CGreylist IN ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE"); my $sth = $dbh->prepare ("SELECT * FROM CGreylist " . "where IPNet = ? AND Sender = ? AND Receiver = ?"); $sth->execute ($net, $sender, $rcpt); my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); $sth->finish(); if (!defined ($ref->{rctime})) { $dbh->do ("SELECT merge_greylist(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", undef, $net, $host, $sender, $rcpt, $instance, $ctime, $ctime + $greylist_lifetime, 0, 1, 0, $ctime, $self->{lcid}); $res = $defer_res; $self->log (3, "defer greylisted mail"); } else { my $age = $ctime - $ref->{rctime}; if ($age < $greylist_delay) { # defer (resent within greylist_delay window) $res = $defer_res; $self->log (3, "defer greylisted mail"); $dbh->do ("UPDATE CGreylist " . "SET Blocked = Blocked + 1, Host = ?, MTime = ? " . "WHERE IPNet = ? AND Sender = ? AND Receiver = ?", undef, $host, $ctime, $net, $sender, $rcpt); } else { if ($ctime < $ref->{extime}) { # accept (not expired) my $lifetime = $sender eq "" ? 0 : $greylist_awlifetime; my $delay = $ref->{passed} ? "" : "Delay = $age, "; $dbh->do ("UPDATE CGreylist " . "SET Passed = Passed + 1, $delay Host = ?, ExTime = ?, MTime = ? " . "WHERE IPNet = ? AND Sender = ? AND Receiver = ?", undef, $host, $ctime + $lifetime, $ctime, $net, $sender, $rcpt); } else { # defer (record is expired) $res = $defer_res; $dbh->do ("UPDATE CGreylist " . "SET Host = ?, RCTime = ?, ExTime = ?, MTime = ?, Instance = ?, " . "Blocked = 1, Passed = 0 " . "WHERE IPNet = ? AND Sender = ? AND Receiver = ?", undef, $host, $ctime, $ctime + $greylist_lifetime, $ctime, $instance, $net, $sender, $rcpt); } } } $dbh->commit; }; if ($@) { $dbh->rollback; $self->log (0, msgquote ($@)); } return $res; } # shutdown connections: we need this - else file handles are # not closed and we run out of handles sub mux_eof { my ($self, $mux, $fh) = @_; $mux->shutdown($fh, 1); } sub mux_input { my ($self, $mux, $fh, $dataref) = @_; my $prop = $self->{server}; my $attribute = {}; eval { $self->load_config() if $self->{reload_config}; while ($$dataref =~ s/^([^\r\n]*)\r?\n//) { my $line = $1; next if !defined ($line); if ($line =~ m/([^=]+)=(.*)/) { $attribute->{substr($1, 0, 255)} = substr($2, 0, 255); } elsif ($line eq '') { my $res = 'dunno'; my $ctime = time; if ($opt_testmode) { die "undefined test time :ERROR" if !defined $attribute->{testtime}; $ctime = $attribute->{testtime}; } if ($attribute->{instance} && $attribute->{recipient} && $attribute->{client_address} && $attribute->{request} && $attribute->{request} eq 'smtpd_access_policy') { eval { $res = $self->greylist_value ($ctime, lc ($attribute->{helo_name}), lc ($attribute->{client_address}), lc ($attribute->{sender}), lc ($attribute->{recipient}), lc ($attribute->{instance})); }; $self->log (0, msgquote ($@)) if $@; } print $fh "action=$res\n\n"; $attribute = {}; } else { $self->log (0, "greylist policy protocol error - got '%s'", $line); } } }; # remove remaining data, if any if ($$dataref ne '') { $self->log (0, "greylist policy protocol error - unused data '%s'", $$dataref); $$dataref = ''; } $self->log (0, msgquote ($@)) if $@; } sub restart_close_hook { my $self = shift; my $sig_set = POSIX::SigSet->new; $sig_set->addset (&POSIX::SIGHUP); $sig_set->addset (&POSIX::SIGCHLD); # to avoid zombies my $old_sig_set = POSIX::SigSet->new(); sigprocmask (SIG_BLOCK, $sig_set, $old_sig_set); } sub pre_server_close_hook { my $self = shift; my $prop = $self->{server}; if (defined $prop->{_HUP}) { undef $prop->{pid_file_unlink}; } } sub setup_fork_signal_mask { my $block = shift; my $sig_set = POSIX::SigSet->new; $sig_set->addset (&POSIX::SIGINT); $sig_set->addset (&POSIX::SIGTERM); $sig_set->addset (&POSIX::SIGQUIT); $sig_set->addset (&POSIX::SIGHUP); my $old_sig_set = POSIX::SigSet->new(); if ($block) { sigprocmask (SIG_BLOCK, $sig_set, $old_sig_set); } else { sigprocmask (SIG_UNBLOCK, $sig_set, $old_sig_set); } } # subroutine to start up a specified number of children. # We need to block signals until handlers are set up correctly. # Else its possible that HUP occurs after fork, which triggers # singal TERM at childs and calls server_close() instead of # simply exit the child. # Note: on server startup signals are setup to trigger # asynchronously for a short period of time (in PreForkSimple]::loop, # run_n_children is called before run_parent) # Net::Server::PreFork does not have this problem, because it is using # signal HUP stop children sub run_n_children { my $self = shift; my $prop = $self->{server}; my $n = shift; setup_fork_signal_mask (1); # block signals $self->SUPER::run_n_children ($n); setup_fork_signal_mask (0); # unblocking signals for parent } # test sig_hup with: for ((;;)) ;do kill -HUP `cat /var/run/proxpolicy.pid`; done; # wrapper to avoid multiple calls to sig_hup sub sig_hup { my $self = shift; my $prop = $self->{server}; return if defined ($prop->{_HUP}); # do not call twice $self->SUPER::sig_hup(); } ### child process which will accept on the port sub run_child { my $self = shift; my $prop = $self->{server}; $self->log(4,"Child Preforked ($$)\n"); # set correct signal handlers before enabling signals again $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = $SIG{QUIT} = $SIG{HUP} = sub { $self->child_finish_hook; exit; }; delete $prop->{children}; $self->child_init_hook; # accept connections my $sock = $prop->{sock}->[0]; # make sure we got a good sock if (!defined ($sock)){ $self->log (0, "ERROR: Received a bad socket"); exit (-1); } # sometimes the socket is not usable, don't know why my $flags = fcntl($sock, F_GETFL, 0); if (!$flags) { $self->log (0, msgquote ("socket not ready - $!")); exit (-1); } # cache is limited, because postfix does max. 100 queries $self->{cache} = {}; eval { my $mux = $self->{mux}; $mux->listen ($sock); $mux->loop; }; $self->log (0, msgquote ("ERROR: $@")) if $@; $self->child_finish_hook; exit; } sub log { my ($self, $level, $msg, @therest) = @_; my $prop = $self->{server}; return if $level =~ /^\d+$/ && $level > $prop->{log_level}; $level = $Proxmox::SafeSyslog::syslog_map->{$level} || $level; if (@therest) { syslog($level, $msg, @therest); } else { syslog ($level, $msg); } } my $server = bless { server => $server_attr, }; $server->sig_chld(); # avoid zombies after restart $server->run (); exit (0); __END__ =head1 NAME proxpolicy - the Proxmox policy daemon =head1 SYNOPSIS proxpolicy =head1 DESCRIPTION Documentation is available at www.proxmox.com