#!/bin/sh set -e . /usr/share/pve-kernel-helper/scripts/functions _add_entry_to_list_file() { file="$1" entry="$2" if [ -e "$file" ]; then cp "$file" "$file.new" fi echo "$entry" >> "$file.new" sort -uo "$file.new" "$file.new" mv "$file.new" "$file" } _remove_entry_from_list_file() { file="$1" entry="$2" # guard against removing whole file by accident! if [ -z "$entry" ]; then echo "cannot remove empty entry from '$file'." return fi if [ -e "$file" ]; then grep -vFx "$entry" "$file" > "$file.new" || true mv "$file.new" "$file" else echo "'$file' does not exist.." fi } _get_partition_info() { if [ ! -e "$1" ]; then warn "E: '$1' does not exist!" exit 1 fi bdev=$(realpath "$1") if [ ! -b "$bdev" ]; then warn "E: '$bdev' is not a block device!" exit 1 fi bdev_info=$( \ lsblk \ --bytes \ --pairs \ -o 'UUID,SIZE,FSTYPE,PARTTYPE,PKNAME,MOUNTPOINT' \ "$bdev" \ ) if [ -z "$bdev_info" ]; then warn "E: unable to get information about block device '$1'!" exit 1 fi count=$(echo "$bdev_info" | grep -c '^') if [ "$count" -ne '1' ]; then echo "$bdev_info" warn "E: block device '$1' has children!" exit 1 fi echo "$bdev_info" eval "$bdev_info" if [ -z "$PKNAME" ]; then warn "E: cannot determine parent device of '$1' - please provide a partition, not a full disk." exit 1 fi if [ -n "$SIZE" ] && [ "$SIZE" -lt 268435456 ]; then warn "E: '$1' is too small (<256M)." exit 1 fi if [ -n "$MOUNTPOINT" ]; then warn "E: '$1' is mounted on '$MOUNTPOINT' - exiting." exit 1 fi } format() { part="$1" force="$2" _get_partition_info "$part" if [ -n "$FSTYPE" ]; then if [ -z "$force" ] || [ "$force" != '--force' ]; then warn "E: '$part' contains a filesystem ('$FSTYPE') - exiting (use --force to override)" exit 1 fi fi part_basename=$(basename "$bdev") if [ -z "$part_basename" ]; then warn "E: unable to determine basename of '$part'" exit 1 fi part_num=$(cat /sys/block/"$PKNAME"/"$part_basename"/partition) if [ -z "$part_num" ]; then warn "E: unable to determine partition number of '$part'" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$PARTTYPE" ] || [ "$PARTTYPE" != "$ESPTYPE" ]; then echo "Setting partition type of '$part' to '$ESPTYPE'.." sgdisk "-t$part_num:$ESPTYPE" "/dev/$PKNAME" echo "Calling 'udevadm settle'.." udevadm settle --timeout=5 fi echo "Formatting '$part' as vfat.." mkfs.vfat -F 32 "$part" echo "Done." exit 0 } init() { part="$1" _get_partition_info "$part" if [ -z "$PARTTYPE" ] || [ "$PARTTYPE" != "$ESPTYPE" ]; then warn "E: '$part' has wrong partition type (!= $ESPTYPE)." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$FSTYPE" ] || [ "$FSTYPE" != 'vfat' ]; then warn "E: '$part' has wrong filesystem (!= vfat)." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$UUID" ]; then warn "E: '$part' has no UUID set, required for mounting." exit 1 fi esp_mp="/var/tmp/espmounts/$UUID" mkdir -p "$esp_mp" echo "Mounting '$part' on '$esp_mp'." mount -t vfat "$part" "$esp_mp" echo "Installing systemd-boot.." mkdir -p "$esp_mp/$PMX_ESP_DIR" bootctl --path "$esp_mp" install echo "Configuring systemd-boot.." echo "timeout 3" > "$esp_mp/$PMX_LOADER_CONF.tmp" echo "default proxmox-*" >> "$esp_mp/$PMX_LOADER_CONF.tmp" mv "$esp_mp/$PMX_LOADER_CONF.tmp" "$esp_mp/$PMX_LOADER_CONF" echo "Unmounting '$part'." umount "$part" echo "Adding '$part' to list of synced ESPs.." _add_entry_to_list_file "$ESP_LIST" "$UUID" echo "Refreshing kernels and initrds.." refresh } _clean_impl() { if [ ! -e "/dev/disk/by-uuid/" ]; then warn 'E: /dev/disk/by-uuid does not exist, aborting!' exit 1 fi echo -n "Checking whether ESP '$curr_uuid' exists.. " if [ -e "/dev/disk/by-uuid/$curr_uuid" ]; then echo "Found!" else echo "Not found!" if [ -z "$dry_run" ] || [ "$dry_run" != '--dry-run' ]; then _remove_entry_from_list_file "$ESP_LIST" "$curr_uuid" fi fi } clean() { dry_run="$1" rm -f "$ESP_LIST".tmp loop_esp_list _clean_impl if [ "$?" -eq 2 ]; then warn "E: $ESP_LIST does not exist." exit 1 fi if [ -e "$ESP_LIST".tmp ]; then mv "$ESP_LIST".tmp "$ESP_LIST" fi } refresh() { hook=$1 hookscripts='pve-auto-removal zz-pve-efiboot' if [ -n "$hook" ]; then if echo "$hookscripts" | grep -sqE "(^|[[:space:]]+)$hook([[:space:]]+|$)"; then hookscripts="$hook" else warn "E: '$hook' is not a valid hook script name."; exit 1; fi fi for script in $hookscripts; do scriptpath="/etc/kernel/postinst.d/$script" if [ -f "$scriptpath" ] && [ -x "$scriptpath" ]; then echo "Running hook script '$script'.." $scriptpath else warn "Hook script '$script' not found or not executable, skipping." fi done } add_kernel() { ver="$1" if [ -z "$ver" ]; then warn "E: is mandatory" warn "" exit 1 fi if [ ! -e "/boot/vmlinuz-$ver" ]; then warn "E: no kernel image found in /boot for '$ver', not adding." exit 1 fi _add_entry_to_list_file "$MANUAL_KERNEL_LIST" "$ver" echo "Added kernel '$ver' to manual kernel list. Use the 'refresh' command to update the ESPs." } remove_kernel() { ver="$1" if [ -z "$ver" ]; then warn "E: is mandatory" warn "" exit 1 fi if grep -sqFx "$ver" "$MANUAL_KERNEL_LIST"; then _remove_entry_from_list_file "$MANUAL_KERNEL_LIST" "$ver" echo "Removed kernel '$ver' from manual kernel list. Use the 'refresh' command to update the ESPs." else echo "Kernel '$ver' not found in manual kernel list." fi } list_kernels() { boot_kernels="$(boot_kernel_list)" if [ -e "$MANUAL_KERNEL_LIST" ]; then manual_kernels="$(cat "$MANUAL_KERNEL_LIST" || true)" boot_kernels="$(echo "$boot_kernels" | grep -Fxv -f "$MANUAL_KERNEL_LIST" || true)" fi if [ -z "$manual_kernels" ]; then manual_kernels="None." fi echo "Manually selected kernels:" echo "$manual_kernels" echo "" echo "Automatically selected kernels:" echo "$boot_kernels" } usage() { warn "USAGE: $0 [ARGS]" warn "" warn " $0 format [--force]" warn " $0 init " warn " $0 clean [--dry-run]" warn " $0 refresh [--hook ]" warn " $0 kernel " warn " $0 kernel list" warn " $0 help" } help() { echo "USAGE: $0 format [--force]" echo "" echo " format as EFI system partition. Use --force to format even if is currently in use." echo "" echo "USAGE: $0 init " echo "" echo " initialize EFI system partition at for automatic synchronization of pve-kernels and their associated initrds." echo "" echo "USAGE: $0 clean [--dry-run]" echo "" echo " remove no longer existing EFI system partition UUIDs from $ESP_LIST. Use --dry-run to only print outdated entries instead of removing them." echo "" echo "USAGE: $0 refresh [--hook ]" echo "" echo " refresh all configured EFI system partitions. Use --hook to only run the specified hook, omit to run all." echo "" echo "USAGE: $0 kernel " echo "" echo " add/remove pve-kernel with ABI to list of synced kernels, in addition to automatically selected ones." echo " NOTE: you need to manually run 'refresh' once you're finished with adding/removing kernels from the list" echo "" echo "USAGE: $0 kernel list" echo "" echo " list kernel versions currently selected for inclusion on ESPs." echo "" } if [ -z "$1" ]; then usage exit 0 fi case "$1" in 'format') shift if [ -z "$1" ]; then warn "E: is mandatory." warn "" usage exit 1 fi format "$@" exit 0 ;; 'init') reexec_in_mountns "$@" shift if [ -z "$1" ]; then warn "E: is mandatory." warn "" usage exit 1 fi init "$@" exit 0 ;; 'clean') shift clean "$@" exit 0 ;; 'refresh') shift if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then refresh elif [ "$#" -eq 2 ] && [ "$1" = "--hook" ]; then refresh "$2" else usage exit 1 fi exit 0 ;; 'kernel'|'kernels') shift if [ -z "$1" ]; then warn "E: subcommand is mandatory for 'kernel'." warn "" usage exit 1 fi cmd="$1" case "$cmd" in 'add') add_kernel "$2" exit 0 ;; 'remove') remove_kernel "$2" exit 0 ;; 'list') list_kernels exit 0 ;; *) warn "E: invalid 'kernel' subcommand '$cmd'." warn "" usage exit 1 ;; esac ;; 'help') shift help exit 0 ;; *) warn "Invalid/unknown command '$1'." warn "" usage exit 1 ;; esac exit 1