#! /usr/bin/python import getopt import sys import os.path import re import xml.dom.minidom import build.nroff line = "" # Maps from user-friendly version number to its protocol encoding. VERSION = {"1.0": 0x01, "1.1": 0x02, "1.2": 0x03, "1.3": 0x04, "1.4": 0x05, "1.5": 0x06} VERSION_REVERSE = dict((v,k) for k, v in VERSION.items()) TYPES = {"u8": (1, False), "be16": (2, False), "be32": (4, False), "MAC": (6, False), "be64": (8, False), "be128": (16, False), "tunnelMD": (124, True)} FORMATTING = {"decimal": ("MFS_DECIMAL", 1, 8), "hexadecimal": ("MFS_HEXADECIMAL", 1, 127), "ct state": ("MFS_CT_STATE", 4, 4), "Ethernet": ("MFS_ETHERNET", 6, 6), "IPv4": ("MFS_IPV4", 4, 4), "IPv6": ("MFS_IPV6", 16, 16), "OpenFlow 1.0 port": ("MFS_OFP_PORT", 2, 2), "OpenFlow 1.1+ port": ("MFS_OFP_PORT_OXM", 4, 4), "frag": ("MFS_FRAG", 1, 1), "tunnel flags": ("MFS_TNL_FLAGS", 2, 2), "TCP flags": ("MFS_TCP_FLAGS", 2, 2), "packet type": ("MFS_PACKET_TYPE", 4, 4)} PREREQS = {"none": "MFP_NONE", "Ethernet": "MFP_ETHERNET", "ARP": "MFP_ARP", "VLAN VID": "MFP_VLAN_VID", "IPv4": "MFP_IPV4", "IPv6": "MFP_IPV6", "IPv4/IPv6": "MFP_IP_ANY", "CT": "MFP_CT_VALID", "MPLS": "MFP_MPLS", "TCP": "MFP_TCP", "UDP": "MFP_UDP", "SCTP": "MFP_SCTP", "ICMPv4": "MFP_ICMPV4", "ICMPv6": "MFP_ICMPV6", "ND": "MFP_ND", "ND solicit": "MFP_ND_SOLICIT", "ND advert": "MFP_ND_ADVERT"} # Maps a name prefix into an (experimenter ID, class) pair, so: # # - Standard OXM classes are written as (0, ) # # - Experimenter OXM classes are written as (, 0xffff) # # If a name matches more than one prefix, the longest one is used. OXM_CLASSES = {"NXM_OF_": (0, 0x0000), "NXM_NX_": (0, 0x0001), "OXM_OF_": (0, 0x8000), "OXM_OF_PKT_REG": (0, 0x8001), "ONFOXM_ET_": (0x4f4e4600, 0xffff), # This is the experimenter OXM class for Nicira, which is the # one that OVS would be using instead of NXM_OF_ and NXM_NX_ # if OVS didn't have those grandfathered in. It is currently # used only to test support for experimenter OXM, since there # are barely any real uses of experimenter OXM in the wild. "NXOXM_ET_": (0x00002320, 0xffff)} def oxm_name_to_class(name): prefix = '' class_ = None for p, c in OXM_CLASSES.items(): if name.startswith(p) and len(p) > len(prefix): prefix = p class_ = c return class_ def decode_version_range(range): if range in VERSION: return (VERSION[range], VERSION[range]) elif range.endswith('+'): return (VERSION[range[:-1]], max(VERSION.values())) else: a, b = re.match(r'^([^-]+)-([^-]+)$', range).groups() return (VERSION[a], VERSION[b]) def get_line(): global line global line_number line = input_file.readline() line_number += 1 if line == "": fatal("unexpected end of input") n_errors = 0 def error(msg): global n_errors sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: %s\n" % (file_name, line_number, msg)) n_errors += 1 def fatal(msg): error(msg) sys.exit(1) def usage(): argv0 = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) print('''\ %(argv0)s, for extracting OpenFlow field properties from meta-flow.h usage: %(argv0)s INPUT [--meta-flow | --nx-match] where INPUT points to lib/meta-flow.h in the source directory. Depending on the option given, the output written to stdout is intended to be saved either as lib/meta-flow.inc or lib/nx-match.inc for the respective C file to #include.\ ''' % {"argv0": argv0}) sys.exit(0) def make_sizeof(s): m = re.match(r'(.*) up to (.*)', s) if m: struct, member = m.groups() return "offsetof(%s, %s)" % (struct, member) else: return "sizeof(%s)" % s def parse_oxms(s, prefix, n_bytes): if s == 'none': return () return tuple(parse_oxm(s2.strip(), prefix, n_bytes) for s2 in s.split(',')) match_types = dict() def parse_oxm(s, prefix, n_bytes): global match_types m = re.match('([A-Z0-9_]+)\(([0-9]+)\) since(?: OF(1\.[0-9]+) and)? v([12]\.[0-9]+)$', s) if not m: fatal("%s: syntax error parsing %s" % (s, prefix)) name, oxm_type, of_version, ovs_version = m.groups() class_ = oxm_name_to_class(name) if class_ is None: fatal("unknown OXM class for %s" % name) oxm_vendor, oxm_class = class_ if class_ in match_types: if oxm_type in match_types[class_]: fatal("duplicate match type for %s (conflicts with %s)" % (name, match_types[class_][oxm_type])) else: match_types[class_] = dict() match_types[class_][oxm_type] = name # Normally the oxm_length is the size of the field, but for experimenter # OXMs oxm_length also includes the 4-byte experimenter ID. oxm_length = n_bytes if oxm_class == 0xffff: oxm_length += 4 header = (oxm_vendor, oxm_class, int(oxm_type), oxm_length) if of_version: if of_version not in VERSION: fatal("%s: unknown OpenFlow version %s" % (name, of_version)) of_version_nr = VERSION[of_version] if of_version_nr < VERSION['1.2']: fatal("%s: claimed version %s predates OXM" % (name, of_version)) elif prefix == 'OXM': fatal("%s: missing OpenFlow version number" % name) else: of_version_nr = 0 return (header, name, of_version_nr, ovs_version) def parse_field(mff, comment): f = {'mff': mff} # First line of comment is the field name. m = re.match(r'"([^"]+)"(?:\s+\(aka "([^"]+)"\))?(?:\s+\(.*\))?\.', comment[0]) if not m: fatal("%s lacks field name" % mff) f['name'], f['extra_name'] = m.groups() # Find the last blank line the comment. The field definitions # start after that. blank = None for i in range(len(comment)): if not comment[i]: blank = i if not blank: fatal("%s: missing blank line in comment" % mff) d = {} for key in ("Type", "Maskable", "Formatting", "Prerequisites", "Access", "Prefix lookup member", "OXM", "NXM", "OF1.0", "OF1.1"): d[key] = None for fline in comment[blank + 1:]: m = re.match(r'([^:]+):\s+(.*)\.$', fline) if not m: fatal("%s: syntax error parsing key-value pair as part of %s" % (fline, mff)) key, value = m.groups() if key not in d: fatal("%s: unknown key" % key) elif key == 'Code point': d[key] += [value] elif d[key] is not None: fatal("%s: duplicate key" % key) d[key] = value for key, value in d.items(): if not value and key not in ("OF1.0", "OF1.1", "Prefix lookup member", "Notes"): fatal("%s: missing %s" % (mff, key)) m = re.match(r'([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(?: \(low ([0-9]+) bits\))?$', d['Type']) if not m: fatal("%s: syntax error in type" % mff) type_ = m.group(1) if type_ not in TYPES: fatal("%s: unknown type %s" % (mff, d['Type'])) f['n_bytes'] = TYPES[type_][0] if m.group(2): f['n_bits'] = int(m.group(2)) if f['n_bits'] > f['n_bytes'] * 8: fatal("%s: more bits (%d) than field size (%d)" % (mff, f['n_bits'], 8 * f['n_bytes'])) else: f['n_bits'] = 8 * f['n_bytes'] f['variable'] = TYPES[type_][1] if d['Maskable'] == 'no': f['mask'] = 'MFM_NONE' elif d['Maskable'] == 'bitwise': f['mask'] = 'MFM_FULLY' else: fatal("%s: unknown maskable %s" % (mff, d['Maskable'])) fmt = FORMATTING.get(d['Formatting']) if not fmt: fatal("%s: unknown format %s" % (mff, d['Formatting'])) f['formatting'] = d['Formatting'] if f['n_bytes'] < fmt[1] or f['n_bytes'] > fmt[2]: fatal("%s: %d-byte field can't be formatted as %s" % (mff, f['n_bytes'], d['Formatting'])) f['string'] = fmt[0] f['prereqs'] = d['Prerequisites'] if f['prereqs'] not in PREREQS: fatal("%s: unknown prerequisites %s" % (mff, d['Prerequisites'])) if d['Access'] == 'read-only': f['writable'] = False elif d['Access'] == 'read/write': f['writable'] = True else: fatal("%s: unknown access %s" % (mff, d['Access'])) f['OF1.0'] = d['OF1.0'] if not d['OF1.0'] in (None, 'exact match', 'CIDR mask'): fatal("%s: unknown OF1.0 match type %s" % (mff, d['OF1.0'])) f['OF1.1'] = d['OF1.1'] if not d['OF1.1'] in (None, 'exact match', 'bitwise mask'): fatal("%s: unknown OF1.1 match type %s" % (mff, d['OF1.1'])) f['OXM'] = (parse_oxms(d['OXM'], 'OXM', f['n_bytes']) + parse_oxms(d['NXM'], 'NXM', f['n_bytes'])) f['prefix'] = d["Prefix lookup member"] return f def protocols_to_c(protocols): if protocols == set(['of10', 'of11', 'oxm']): return 'OFPUTIL_P_ANY' elif protocols == set(['of11', 'oxm']): return 'OFPUTIL_P_NXM_OF11_UP' elif protocols == set(['oxm']): return 'OFPUTIL_P_NXM_OXM_ANY' elif protocols == set([]): return 'OFPUTIL_P_NONE' else: assert False def autogen_c_comment(): return [ "/* Generated automatically; do not modify! -*- buffer-read-only: t -*- */", ""] def make_meta_flow(meta_flow_h): fields = extract_ofp_fields(meta_flow_h) output = autogen_c_comment() for f in fields: output += ["{"] output += [" %s," % f['mff']] if f['extra_name']: output += [" \"%s\", \"%s\"," % (f['name'], f['extra_name'])] else: output += [" \"%s\", NULL," % f['name']] if f['variable']: variable = 'true' else: variable = 'false' output += [" %d, %d, %s," % (f['n_bytes'], f['n_bits'], variable)] if f['writable']: rw = 'true' else: rw = 'false' output += [" %s, %s, %s, %s, false," % (f['mask'], f['string'], PREREQS[f['prereqs']], rw)] oxm = f['OXM'] of10 = f['OF1.0'] of11 = f['OF1.1'] if f['mff'] in ('MFF_DL_VLAN', 'MFF_DL_VLAN_PCP'): # MFF_DL_VLAN and MFF_DL_VLAN_PCP don't exactly correspond to # OF1.1, nor do they have NXM or OXM assignments, but their # meanings can be expressed in every protocol, which is the goal of # this member. protocols = set(["of10", "of11", "oxm"]) else: protocols = set([]) if of10: protocols |= set(["of10"]) if of11: protocols |= set(["of11"]) if oxm: protocols |= set(["oxm"]) if f['mask'] == 'MFM_FULLY': cidr_protocols = protocols.copy() bitwise_protocols = protocols.copy() if of10 == 'exact match': bitwise_protocols -= set(['of10']) cidr_protocols -= set(['of10']) elif of10 == 'CIDR mask': bitwise_protocols -= set(['of10']) else: assert of10 is None if of11 == 'exact match': bitwise_protocols -= set(['of11']) cidr_protocols -= set(['of11']) else: assert of11 in (None, 'bitwise mask') else: assert f['mask'] == 'MFM_NONE' cidr_protocols = set([]) bitwise_protocols = set([]) output += [" %s," % protocols_to_c(protocols)] output += [" %s," % protocols_to_c(cidr_protocols)] output += [" %s," % protocols_to_c(bitwise_protocols)] if f['prefix']: output += [" FLOW_U32OFS(%s)," % f['prefix']] else: output += [" -1, /* not usable for prefix lookup */"] output += ["},"] for oline in output: print(oline) def make_nx_match(meta_flow_h): fields = extract_ofp_fields(meta_flow_h) output = autogen_c_comment() print("static struct nxm_field_index all_nxm_fields[] = {") for f in fields: # Sort by OpenFlow version number (nx-match.c depends on this). for oxm in sorted(f['OXM'], key=lambda x: x[2]): header = ("NXM_HEADER(0x%x,0x%x,%s,0,%d)" % oxm[0]) print("""{ .nf = { %s, %d, "%s", %s } },""" % ( header, oxm[2], oxm[1], f['mff'])) print("};") for oline in output: print(oline) def extract_ofp_fields(fn): global file_name global input_file global line_number global line file_name = fn input_file = open(file_name) line_number = 0 fields = [] while True: get_line() if re.match('enum.*mf_field_id', line): break while True: get_line() first_line_number = line_number here = '%s:%d' % (file_name, line_number) if (line.startswith('/*') or line.startswith(' *') or line.startswith('#') or not line or line.isspace()): continue elif re.match('}', line) or re.match('\s+MFF_N_IDS', line): break # Parse the comment preceding an MFF_ constant into 'comment', # one line to an array element. line = line.strip() if not line.startswith('/*'): fatal("unexpected syntax between fields") line = line[1:] comment = [] end = False while not end: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('*/'): get_line() break if not line.startswith('*'): fatal("unexpected syntax within field") line = line[1:] if line.startswith(' '): line = line[1:] if line.startswith(' ') and comment: continuation = True line = line.lstrip() else: continuation = False if line.endswith('*/'): line = line[:-2].rstrip() end = True else: end = False if continuation: comment[-1] += " " + line else: comment += [line] get_line() # Drop blank lines at each end of comment. while comment and not comment[0]: comment = comment[1:] while comment and not comment[-1]: comment = comment[:-1] # Parse the MFF_ constant(s). mffs = [] while True: m = re.match('\s+(MFF_[A-Z0-9_]+),?\s?$', line) if not m: break mffs += [m.group(1)] get_line() if not mffs: fatal("unexpected syntax looking for MFF_ constants") if len(mffs) > 1 or '' in comment[0]: for mff in mffs: # Extract trailing integer. m = re.match('.*[^0-9]([0-9]+)$', mff) if not m: fatal("%s lacks numeric suffix in register group" % mff) n = m.group(1) # Search-and-replace within the comment, # and drop lines that have for x != n. instance = [] for x in comment: y = x.replace('', n) if re.search('<[0-9]+>', y): if ('<%s>' % n) not in y: continue y = re.sub('<[0-9]+>', '', y) instance += [y.strip()] fields += [parse_field(mff, instance)] else: fields += [parse_field(mffs[0], comment)] continue input_file.close() if n_errors: sys.exit(1) return fields ## ------------------------ ## ## Documentation Generation ## ## ------------------------ ## def field_to_xml(field_node, f, body, summary): f["used"] = True # Summary. if field_node.hasAttribute('internal'): return min_of_version = None min_ovs_version = None for header, name, of_version_nr, ovs_version_s in f['OXM']: if (not name.startswith('NXM') and (min_ovs_version is None or of_version_nr < min_of_version)): min_of_version = of_version_nr ovs_version = [int(x) for x in ovs_version_s.split('.')] if min_ovs_version is None or ovs_version < min_ovs_version: min_ovs_version = ovs_version summary += ["\\fB%s\\fR" % f["name"]] if f["extra_name"]: summary += [" aka \\fB%s\\fR" % f["extra_name"]] summary += [";%d" % f["n_bytes"]] if f["n_bits"] != 8 * f["n_bytes"]: summary += [" (low %d bits)" % f["n_bits"]] summary += [";%s;" % {"MFM_NONE": "no", "MFM_FULLY": "yes"}[f["mask"]]] summary += ["%s;" % {True: "yes", False: "no"}[f["writable"]]] summary += ["%s;" % f["prereqs"]] support = [] if min_of_version is not None: support += ["OF %s+" % VERSION_REVERSE[min_of_version]] if min_ovs_version is not None: support += ["OVS %s+" % '.'.join([str(x) for x in min_ovs_version])] summary += ' and '.join(support) summary += ["\n"] # Full description. if field_node.hasAttribute('hidden'): return title = field_node.attributes['title'].nodeValue body += [""".PP \\fB%s Field\\fR .TS tab(;); l lx. """ % title] body += ["Name:;\\fB%s\\fR" % f["name"]] if f["extra_name"]: body += [" (aka \\fB%s\\fR)" % f["extra_name"]] body += ['\n'] body += ["Width:;"] if f["n_bits"] != 8 * f["n_bytes"]: body += ["%d bits (only the least-significant %d bits " "may be nonzero)" % (f["n_bytes"] * 8, f["n_bits"])] elif f["n_bits"] <= 128: body += ["%d bits" % f["n_bits"]] else: body += ["%d bits (%d bytes)" % (f["n_bits"], f["n_bits"] / 8)] body += ['\n'] body += ["Format:;%s\n" % f["formatting"]] masks = {"MFM_NONE": "not maskable", "MFM_FULLY": "arbitrary bitwise masks"} body += ["Masking:;%s\n" % masks[f["mask"]]] body += ["Prerequisites:;%s\n" % f["prereqs"]] access = {True: "read/write", False: "read-only"}[f["writable"]] body += ["Access:;%s\n" % access] of10 = {None: "not supported", "exact match": "yes (exact match only)", "CIDR mask": "yes (CIDR match only)"} body += ["OpenFlow 1.0:;%s\n" % of10[f["OF1.0"]]] of11 = {None: "not supported", "exact match": "yes (exact match only)", "bitwise mask": "yes"} body += ["OpenFlow 1.1:;%s\n" % of11[f["OF1.1"]]] oxms = [] for header, name, of_version_nr, ovs_version in [x for x in sorted(f['OXM'], key=lambda x: x[2]) if not x[1].startswith('NXM')]: of_version = VERSION_REVERSE[of_version_nr] oxms += [r"\fB%s\fR (%d) since OpenFlow %s and Open vSwitch %s" % (name, header[2], of_version, ovs_version)] if not oxms: oxms = ['none'] body += ['OXM:;T{\n%s\nT}\n' % r'\[char59] '.join(oxms)] nxms = [] for header, name, of_version_nr, ovs_version in [x for x in sorted(f['OXM'], key=lambda x: x[2]) if x[1].startswith('NXM')]: nxms += [r"\fB%s\fR (%d) since Open vSwitch %s" % (name, header[2], ovs_version)] if not nxms: nxms = ['none'] body += ['NXM:;T{\n%s\nT}\n' % r'\[char59] '.join(nxms)] body += [".TE\n"] body += ['.PP\n'] body += [build.nroff.block_xml_to_nroff(field_node.childNodes)] def group_xml_to_nroff(group_node, fields): title = group_node.attributes['title'].nodeValue summary = [] body = [] for node in group_node.childNodes: if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.tagName == 'field': id_ = node.attributes['id'].nodeValue field_to_xml(node, fields[id_], body, summary) else: body += [build.nroff.block_xml_to_nroff([node])] content = [ '.bp\n', '.SH \"%s\"\n' % build.nroff.text_to_nroff(title.upper() + " FIELDS"), '.SS "Summary:"\n', '.TS\n', 'tab(;);\n', 'l l l l l l l.\n', 'Name;Bytes;Mask;RW?;Prereqs;NXM/OXM Support\n', '\_;\_;\_;\_;\_;\_\n'] content += summary content += ['.TE\n'] content += body return ''.join(content) def make_oxm_classes_xml(document): s = '''tab(;); l l l. Prefix;Vendor;Class \_;\_;\_ ''' for key in sorted(OXM_CLASSES, key=OXM_CLASSES.get): vendor, class_ = OXM_CLASSES.get(key) s += r"\fB%s\fR;" % key.rstrip('_') if vendor: s += r"\fL0x%08x\fR;" % vendor else: s += "(none);" s += r"\fL0x%04x\fR;" % class_ s += "\n" e = document.createElement('tbl') e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(s)) return e def recursively_replace(node, name, replacement): for child in node.childNodes: if child.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE: if child.tagName == name: node.replaceChild(replacement, child) else: recursively_replace(child, name, replacement) def make_ovs_fields(meta_flow_h, meta_flow_xml): fields = extract_ofp_fields(meta_flow_h) fields_map = {} for f in fields: fields_map[f['mff']] = f document = xml.dom.minidom.parse(meta_flow_xml) doc = document.documentElement global version if version == None: version = "UNKNOWN" print('''\ '\\" tp .\\" -*- mode: troff; coding: utf-8 -*- .TH "ovs\-fields" 7 "%s" "Open vSwitch" "Open vSwitch Manual" .fp 5 L CR \\" Make fixed-width font available as \\fL. .de ST . PP . RS -0.15in . I "\\\\$1" . RE .. .de SU . PP . I "\\\\$1" .. .de IQ . br . ns . IP "\\\\$1" .. .de TQ . br . ns . TP "\\\\$1" .. .de URL \\\\$2 \\(laURL: \\\\$1 \\(ra\\\\$3 .. .if \\n[.g] .mso www.tmac .SH NAME ovs\-fields \- protocol header fields in OpenFlow and Open vSwitch . .PP ''' % version) recursively_replace(doc, 'oxm_classes', make_oxm_classes_xml(document)) s = '' for node in doc.childNodes: if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.tagName == "group": s += group_xml_to_nroff(node, fields_map) elif node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE: assert node.data.isspace() elif node.nodeType == node.COMMENT_NODE: pass else: s += build.nroff.block_xml_to_nroff([node]) for f in fields: if "used" not in f: fatal("%s: field not documented" % f["mff"]) if n_errors: sys.exit(1) output = [] for oline in s.split("\n"): oline = oline.strip() # Life is easier with nroff if we don't try to feed it Unicode. # Fortunately, we only use a few characters outside the ASCII range. oline = oline.replace(u'\u2208', r'\[mo]') oline = oline.replace(u'\u2260', r'\[!=]') oline = oline.replace(u'\u2264', r'\[<=]') oline = oline.replace(u'\u2265', r'\[>=]') oline = oline.replace(u'\u00d7', r'\[mu]') if len(oline): output += [oline] # nroff tends to ignore .bp requests if they come after .PP requests, # so remove .PPs that precede .bp. for i in range(len(output)): if output[i] == '.bp': j = i - 1 while j >= 0 and output[j] == '.PP': output[j] = None j -= 1 for i in range(len(output)): if output[i] is not None: print(output[i]) ## ------------ ## ## Main Program ## ## ------------ ## if __name__ == "__main__": argv0 = sys.argv[0] try: options, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'h', ['help', 'ovs-version=']) except getopt.GetoptError as geo: sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (argv0, geo.msg)) sys.exit(1) global version version = None for key, value in options: if key in ['-h', '--help']: usage() elif key == '--ovs-version': version = value else: sys.exit(0) if not args: sys.stderr.write("%s: missing command argument " "(use --help for help)\n" % argv0) sys.exit(1) commands = {"meta-flow": (make_meta_flow, 1), "nx-match": (make_nx_match, 1), "ovs-fields": (make_ovs_fields, 2)} if not args[0] in commands: sys.stderr.write("%s: unknown command \"%s\" " "(use --help for help)\n" % (argv0, args[0])) sys.exit(1) func, n_args = commands[args[0]] if len(args) - 1 != n_args: sys.stderr.write("%s: \"%s\" requires %d arguments but %d " "provided\n" % (argv0, args[0], n_args, len(args) - 1)) sys.exit(1) func(*args[1:])