[section:test test HTML4 symbols] [/ Examples of using all the Greek and Math symbols defined in HTML4_symbols.qbk] [/ See http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/entities/symbols.html] [/ Also some miscellaneous math charaters added to this list - see the end.] [/ To use, enclose the template name in square brackets.] [section test Greek and Math symbols] [fnof], [Alpha], [Beta], [Gamma], [Delta], [Epsilon], [Zeta], [Eta], [Theta], [Iota], [Kappa], [Lambda], [Mu], [Nu], [Xi], [Omicron], [Pi], [Rho], [Sigma], [Tau], [Upsilon], [Phi], [Chi], [Psi], [Omega], [alpha], [beta], [gamma], [delta], [epsilon], [zeta], [eta], [theta], [iota], [kappa], [lambda], [mu], [nu], [xi], [omicron], [pi], [rho], [sigmaf], [sigma], [tau], [upsilon], [phi], [chi], [psi], [omega], [thetasym], [upsih], [piv], [bull], [hellip], [prime], [Prime], [oline], [frasl], [weierp], [image], [real], [trade], [alefsym], [larr], [uarr], [rarr], [darr], [harr], [crarr], [lArr], [uArr], [rArr], [dArr], [hArr], [forall], [part], [exist], [empty], [nabla], [isin], [notin], [ni], [prod], [sum], [minus], [lowast], [radic], [prop], [infin], [ang], [and], [or], [cap], [cup], [int], [there4], [sim], [cong], [asymp], [ne], [equiv], [le], [ge], [subset], [superset], [nsubset], [sube], [supe], [oplus], [otimes], [perp], [sdot], [lceil], [rceil], [lfloor], [rfloor], [lang], [rang], [loz], [spades], [clubs], [hearts], [diams] [endsect] [section test Latin1 symbols] [/ Examples of using all the symbols defined in Latin1_symbols.qbk] [/ http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/entities/latin1.html ] [/ To use, enclose the template name in square brackets.] [nbsp], [iexcl], [cent], [pound], [curren], [yen], [brvbar], [sectsign], [uml], [copy], [ordf], [laquo], [not], [shy], [reg], [macron], [deg], [plusmn], [sup2], [cubed], [acute], [micro], [para], [middot], [cedil], [sup1], [ordm], [raquo], [frac14], [frac12], [frac34], [iquest], [Agrave], [Aacute], [Acirc], [Atilde], [Auml], [Aring], [AElig], [Ccedil], [Egrave], [Eacute], [Ecirc], [Euml], [Igrave], [Iacute], [Icirc], [Iuml], [ETH], [Ntilde], [Ograve], [Oacute], [Ocirc], [Otilde], [Ouml], [times], [Oslash], [Ugrave], [Uacute], [Ucirc], [Uuml], [Yacute], [THORN], [szlig], [agrave], [aacute], [acirc], [atilde], [auml], [aring], [aelig], [ccedil], [egrave], [eacute], [ecirc], [euml], [igrave], [iacute], [icirc], [iuml], [eth], [ntilde], [ograve], [oacute], [ocirc], [otilde], [ouml], [divide], [oslash], [ugrave], [uacute], [ucirc], [uuml], [yacute], [thorn], [yuml], [endsect] [endsect] [/ testsymbols.qbk Copyright 2006 John Maddock and Paul A. Bristow. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt). ]