[/ / Copyright (c) 2003-2016 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com) / / Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying / file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) /] [section:SerialPortService Serial port service requirements] A serial port service must meet the requirements for an [link boost_asio.reference.IoObjectService I/O object service] with support for movability, as well as the additional requirements listed below. In the table below, `X` denotes a serial port service class, `a` and `ao` denote values of type `X`, `d` denotes a serial port device name of type `std::string`, `b` and `c` denote values of type `X::implementation_type`, `n` denotes a value of type `X::native_handle_type`, `ec` denotes a value of type `error_code`, `s` denotes a value meeting [link boost_asio.reference.SettableSerialPortOption `SettableSerialPortOption`] requirements, `g` denotes a value meeting [link boost_asio.reference.GettableSerialPortOption `GettableSerialPortOption`] requirements, `mb` denotes a value satisfying [link boost_asio.reference.MutableBufferSequence mutable buffer sequence] requirements, `rh` denotes a value meeting [link boost_asio.reference.ReadHandler `ReadHandler`] requirements, `cb` denotes a value satisfying [link boost_asio.reference.ConstBufferSequence constant buffer sequence] requirements, and `wh` denotes a value meeting [link boost_asio.reference.WriteHandler `WriteHandler`] requirements. and `u` and `v` denote identifiers. [table SerialPortService requirements [[expression] [return type] [assertion/note\npre/post-condition]] [ [`X::native_handle_type`] [] [ The implementation-defined native representation of a serial port. Must satisfy the requirements of `CopyConstructible` types (C++ Std, 20.1.3), and the requirements of `Assignable` types (C++ Std, 23.1). ] ] [ [`a.construct(b);`] [] [ From [link boost_asio.reference.IoObjectService IoObjectService] requirements.\n post: `!a.is_open(b)`. ] ] [ [`a.destroy(b);`] [] [ From [link boost_asio.reference.IoObjectService IoObjectService] requirements. Implicitly cancels asynchronous operations, as if by calling `a.close(b, ec)`. ] ] [ [`` a.move_construct(b, c); ``] [] [ From [link boost_asio.reference.IoObjectService IoObjectService] requirements. The underlying native representation is moved from `c` to `b`. ] ] [ [`` a.move_assign(b, ao, c); ``] [] [ From [link boost_asio.reference.IoObjectService IoObjectService] requirements. Implicitly cancels asynchronous operations associated with `b`, as if by calling `a.close(b, ec)`. Then the underlying native representation is moved from `c` to `b`. ] ] [ [`` const std::string& u = d; a.open(b, u, ec); ``] [`error_code`] [ pre: `!a.is_open(b)`.\n post: `!!ec || a.is_open(b)`. ] ] [ [`` a.assign(b, n, ec); ``] [`error_code`] [ pre: `!a.is_open(b)`.\n post: `!!ec || a.is_open(b)`. ] ] [ [`` a.is_open(b); ``] [`bool`] [ ] ] [ [`` const X& u = a; const X::implementation_type& v = b; u.is_open(v); ``] [`bool`] [ ] ] [ [`` a.close(b, ec); ``] [`error_code`] [ If `a.is_open()` is true, causes any outstanding asynchronous operations to complete as soon as possible. Handlers for cancelled operations shall be passed the error code `error::operation_aborted`.\n post: `!a.is_open(b)`. ] ] [ [`` a.native_handle(b); ``] [`X::native_handle_type`] [ ] ] [ [`` a.cancel(b, ec); ``] [`error_code`] [ pre: `a.is_open(b)`.\n Causes any outstanding asynchronous operations to complete as soon as possible. Handlers for cancelled operations shall be passed the error code `error::operation_aborted`. ] ] [ [`` a.set_option(b, s, ec); ``] [`error_code`] [ pre: `a.is_open(b)`. ] ] [ [`` a.get_option(b, g, ec); ``] [`error_code`] [ pre: `a.is_open(b)`. ] ] [ [`` const X& u = a; const X::implementation_type& v = b; u.get_option(v, g, ec); ``] [`error_code`] [ pre: `a.is_open(b)`. ] ] [ [`` a.send_break(b, ec); ``] [`error_code`] [ pre: `a.is_open(b)`. ] ] [ [`a.read_some(b, mb, ec);`] [`size_t`] [ pre: `a.is_open(b)`.\n \n Reads one or more bytes of data from a serial port `b`.\n \n The mutable buffer sequence `mb` specifies memory where the data should be placed. The operation shall always fill a buffer in the sequence completely before proceeding to the next.\n \n If successful, returns the number of bytes read. Otherwise returns `0`. If the total size of all buffers in the sequence `mb` is `0`, the function shall return `0` immediately.\n \n If the operation completes due to graceful connection closure by the peer, the operation shall fail with `error::eof`. ] ] [ [`a.async_read_some(b, mb, rh);`] [`void`] [ pre: `a.is_open(b)`.\n \n Initiates an asynchronous operation to read one or more bytes of data from a serial port `b`. The operation is performed via the `io_service` object `a.get_io_service()` and behaves according to [link boost_asio.reference.asynchronous_operations asynchronous operation] requirements.\n \n The mutable buffer sequence `mb` specifies memory where the data should be placed. The operation shall always fill a buffer in the sequence completely before proceeding to the next.\n \n The implementation shall maintain one or more copies of `mb` until such time as the read operation no longer requires access to the memory specified by the buffers in the sequence. The program must ensure the memory is valid until:\n \n [mdash] the last copy of `mb` is destroyed, or\n \n [mdash] the handler for the asynchronous operation is invoked,\n \n whichever comes first. If the total size of all buffers in the sequence `mb` is `0`, the asynchronous read operation shall complete immediately and pass `0` as the argument to the handler that specifies the number of bytes read.\n \n If the operation completes due to graceful connection closure by the peer, the operation shall fail with `error::eof`.\n \n If the operation completes successfully, the `ReadHandler` object `rh` is invoked with the number of bytes transferred. Otherwise it is invoked with `0`. ] ] [ [`a.write_some(b, cb, ec);`] [`size_t`] [ pre: `a.is_open(b)`.\n \n Writes one or more bytes of data to a serial port `b`.\n \n The constant buffer sequence `cb` specifies memory where the data to be written is located. The operation shall always write a buffer in the sequence completely before proceeding to the next.\n \n If successful, returns the number of bytes written. Otherwise returns `0`. If the total size of all buffers in the sequence `cb` is `0`, the function shall return `0` immediately. ] ] [ [`a.async_write_some(b, cb, wh);`] [`void`] [ pre: `a.is_open(b)`.\n \n Initiates an asynchronous operation to write one or more bytes of data to a serial port `b`. The operation is performed via the `io_service` object `a.get_io_service()` and behaves according to [link boost_asio.reference.asynchronous_operations asynchronous operation] requirements.\n \n The constant buffer sequence `cb` specifies memory where the data to be written is located. The operation shall always write a buffer in the sequence completely before proceeding to the next.\n \n The implementation shall maintain one or more copies of `cb` until such time as the write operation no longer requires access to the memory specified by the buffers in the sequence. The program must ensure the memory is valid until:\n \n [mdash] the last copy of `cb` is destroyed, or\n \n [mdash] the handler for the asynchronous operation is invoked,\n \n whichever comes first. If the total size of all buffers in the sequence `cb` is `0`, the asynchronous operation shall complete immediately and pass `0` as the argument to the handler that specifies the number of bytes read.\n \n If the operation completes successfully, the `WriteHandler` object `wh` is invoked with the number of bytes transferred. Otherwise it is invoked with `0`. ] ] ] [endsect]