[/ / Copyright (c) 2003-2016 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com) / / Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying / file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) /] [section:TimerService Timer service requirements] A timer service must meet the requirements for an [link boost_asio.reference.IoObjectService I/O object service], as well as the additional requirements listed below. In the table below, `X` denotes a timer service class for time type `Time` and traits type `TimeTraits`, `a` denotes a value of type `X`, `b` denotes a value of type `X::implementation_type`, `t` denotes a value of type `Time`, `d` denotes a value of type `TimeTraits::duration_type`, `e` denotes a value of type `error_code`, and `h` denotes a value meeting [link boost_asio.reference.WaitHandler `WaitHandler`] requirements. [table TimerService requirements [[expression] [return type] [assertion/note\npre/post-condition]] [ [`a.destroy(b);`] [] [ From [link boost_asio.reference.IoObjectService IoObjectService] requirements. Implicitly cancels asynchronous wait operations, as if by calling `a.cancel(b, e)`. ] ] [ [`` a.cancel(b, e); ``] [`size_t`] [ Causes any outstanding asynchronous wait operations to complete as soon as possible. Handlers for cancelled operations shall be passed the error code `error::operation_aborted`. Sets `e` to indicate success or failure. Returns the number of operations that were cancelled. ] ] [ [`a.expires_at(b);`] [`Time`] [] ] [ [`` a.expires_at(b, t, e); ``] [`size_t`] [ Implicitly cancels asynchronous wait operations, as if by calling `a.cancel(b, e)`. Returns the number of operations that were cancelled.\n post: `a.expires_at(b) == t`. ] ] [ [`a.expires_from_now(b);`] [`TimeTraits::duration_type`] [ Returns a value equivalent to `TimeTraits::subtract(a.expires_at(b), TimeTraits::now())`. ] ] [ [`` a.expires_from_now(b, d, e); ``] [`size_t`] [ Equivalent to `a.expires_at(b, TimeTraits::add(TimeTraits::now(), d), e)`. ] ] [ [`` a.wait(b, e); ``] [`error_code`] [ Sets `e` to indicate success or failure. Returns `e`.\n post: `!!e || !TimeTraits::lt(TimeTraits::now(), a.expires_at(b))`. ] ] [ [`` a.async_wait(b, h); ``] [] [ Initiates an asynchronous wait operation that is performed via the `io_service` object `a.get_io_service()` and behaves according to [link boost_asio.reference.asynchronous_operations asynchronous operation] requirements.\n \n The handler shall be posted for execution only if the condition `!!ec || !TimeTraits::lt(TimeTraits::now(), a.expires_at(b))` holds, where `ec` is the error code to be passed to the handler. ] ] ] [endsect]