[/ Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2014. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt ] [section:requirements Requirements] __boost_context__ must be built for the particular compiler(s) and CPU architecture(s)s being targeted. __boost_context__ includes assembly code and, therefore, requires GNU as and GNU preprocesspr for supported POSIX systems, MASM for Windows/x86 systems and ARMasm for Windows/arm systems. [note MASM64 (ml64.exe) is a part of Microsoft's Windows Driver Kit.] [important Please note that `address-model=64` must be given to bjam command line on 64bit Windows for 64bit build; otherwise 32bit code will be generated.] [important For cross-compiling the lib you must specify certain additional properties at bjam command line: `target-os`, `abi`, `binary-format`, `architecture` and `address-model`.] [important For safe SEH the property 'asmflags=\safeseh' must be specified at bjam command line.] [endsect]