# Use, modification, and distribution are # subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying # file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) # # Copyright Antony Polukhin 2014-2015. # # See https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/TravisCoverals for description of this file # and how it can be used with Boost libraries. # language: cpp os: - linux env: - CXX_STANDARD=c++98 - CXX_STANDARD=c++0x before_install: # Set this to the name of your Boost library # Autodetect library name by using the following code: - PROJECT_TO_TEST=$(basename $(pwd)) - PROJECT_TO_TEST=$(basename $(pwd)) # Autodetect Boost branch by using the following code: - BRANCH_TO_TEST=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` # or by - BRANCH_TO_TEST=$TRAVIS_BRANCH or just directly specify it - BRANCH_TO_TEST=$TRAVIS_BRANCH # Files, which coverage results must be ignored (files from other projects). Example: - IGNORE_COVERAGE= - IGNORE_COVERAGE= # From this point and below code is same for all the Boost libs # Cloning Boost libraries (fast nondeep cloning) - PROJECT_DIR=`pwd` - BOOST=$HOME/boost-local - git init $BOOST - cd $BOOST - git remote add --no-tags -t $BRANCH_TO_TEST origin https://github.com/boostorg/boost.git - git fetch --depth=1 - git checkout $BRANCH_TO_TEST - git submodule update --init --merge - git remote set-branches --add origin $BRANCH_TO_TEST - git pull --recurse-submodules - git submodule update --init - git checkout $BRANCH_TO_TEST - git submodule foreach "git reset --quiet --hard; git clean -fxd" - git reset --hard; git clean -fxd - git status - rm -rf $BOOST/libs/$PROJECT_TO_TEST - mv $PROJECT_DIR/../$PROJECT_TO_TEST/ $BOOST/libs/$PROJECT_TO_TEST - PROJECT_DIR=$BOOST/libs/$PROJECT_TO_TEST - ./bootstrap.sh - ./b2 headers - sudo apt-get update -qq - sudo apt-get install -qq valgrind script: - if [ "$CCFLAGS" != "" ]; then FLAGS="cxxflags=\"$CCFLAGS\" linkflags=\"$LINKFLAGS\""; else FLAGS=""; fi - cd $BOOST/libs/$PROJECT_TO_TEST/test/ # `--coverage` flags required to generate coverage info for Coveralls - ../../../b2 testing.launcher=valgrind cxxflags="--coverage -std=$CXX_STANDARD" linkflags="--coverage" after_success: # Copying Coveralls data to a separate folder - mkdir -p $PROJECT_DIR/coverals - find ../../../bin.v2/ -name "*.gcda" -exec cp "{}" $PROJECT_DIR/coverals/ \; - find ../../../bin.v2/ -name "*.gcno" -exec cp "{}" $PROJECT_DIR/coverals/ \; # Preparing Coveralls data by # ... installing the tools - sudo apt-get install -qq python-yaml lcov # ... changind data format to a readable one - lcov --directory $PROJECT_DIR/coverals --base-directory ./ --capture --output-file $PROJECT_DIR/coverals/coverage.info # ... erasing /test/ /example/ folder data - cd $BOOST - lcov --remove $PROJECT_DIR/coverals/coverage.info "/usr*" "*/$PROJECT_TO_TEST/test/*" $IGNORE_COVERAGE "*/$PROJECT_TO_TEST/tests/*" "*/$PROJECT_TO_TEST/examples/*" "*/$PROJECT_TO_TEST/example/*" -o $PROJECT_DIR/coverals/coverage.info # ... erasing data that is not related to this project directly - OTHER_LIBS=`grep "submodule .*" .gitmodules | sed 's/\[submodule\ "\(.*\)"\]/"\*\/boost\/\1\.hpp" "\*\/boost\/\1\/\*"/g'| sed "/\"\*\/boost\/$PROJECT_TO_TEST\/\*\"/d" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g'` - echo $OTHER_LIBS - eval "lcov --remove $PROJECT_DIR/coverals/coverage.info $OTHER_LIBS -o $PROJECT_DIR/coverals/coverage.info" # Sending data to Coveralls - cd $PROJECT_DIR - gem install coveralls-lcov - coveralls-lcov coverals/coverage.info