[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically] [/ Generated from xml/classfruit_1_1apple.xml] [section:fruit_apple fruit::apple] An apple. [heading Description] The apple is the pomaceous fruit of the apple tree, species Malus domestica in the rose family (Rosaceae) [heading Model of] Fruit Concept [heading Synopsis] ``template class fruit::apple : public fruit::rose, protected fruit::dutch { // ... }; `` [heading Template parameter(s)] [table [[Parameter] [Default] [Description]] [[typename String] [std::string] [the string-type (string,wstring,utf8-string,etc)]] ] [heading Constructor(s)] [table [[Function] [Description] [Parameters] ] [[``apple (String const &s)`` ] [constructor ] [[* String const &]: ['s]: ]] ] [heading Member Function(s)] [table [[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns] ] [[``String const & name () const `` ] [Get the name. ] [ ]] ] [heading Header] `#include ` [endsect]