# Copyright Daryle Walker, Hubert Holin, John Maddock 2006 - 2007 # copyright Paul A. Bristow 2006 - 2010 # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt. # \math_toolkit\libs\math\test\jamfile.v2 # Runs all math toolkit tests, functions & distributions, # and build math examples. # bring in the rules for testing import testing ; import modules ; import path ; import pch ; import ../../config/checks/config : requires ; local ntl-path = [ modules.peek : NTL_PATH ] ; local gmp_path = [ modules.peek : GMP_PATH ] ; local e_float_path = [ modules.peek : E_FLOAT_PATH ] ; # # PCH support is broken when --remove-test-targets is specified on the command # line. Disable it until someone fixes this. # local remove-test-targets = [ MATCH (--remove-test-targets) : [ modules.peek : ARGV ] ] ; if $(remove-test-targets) { OBJ_REMOVAL_OPTIONS = off ; } obj no_eh : noeh_support.cpp ; project : requirements $(OBJ_REMOVAL_OPTIONS) acc:+W2068,2461,2236,4070,4069 intel-win:-nologo intel-win:-nologo #intel-linux:off intel-darwin:off msvc:all msvc:on msvc:/wd4996 msvc:/wd4511 # copy constructor could not be generated msvc:/wd4512 msvc:/wd4610 msvc:/wd4510 msvc:/wd4127 msvc:/wd4459 msvc:/wd4701 # needed for lexical cast - temporary. msvc:/wd4189 # local variable is initialized but not referenced msvc-7.1:../vc71_fix//vc_fix msvc-7.1:off clang-6.0.0:off # added to see effect. gcc,windows:off borland:static # msvc:/wd4506 has no effect? # suppress xstring(237) : warning C4506: no definition for inline function ../../.. off:no_eh shared:BOOST_REGEX_DYN_LINK=1 # For simplicities sake, make everything a static lib: static BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB=1 BOOST_UBLAS_UNSUPPORTED_COMPILER=0 . ../include_private $(ntl-path)/include $(e_float_path) $(gmp_path) $(gmp_path)/mpfr $(gmp_path)/gmpfrxx $(gmp_path)/mpfrc++ $(gmp_path) $(mpfr_path) $(mpfr_path)/build.vc10/lib/Win32/Debug [ requires cxx11_noexcept cxx11_rvalue_references sfinae_expr cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_tuple cxx11_hdr_initializer_list cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_thread_local cxx11_constexpr cxx11_nullptr cxx11_numeric_limits cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_array cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_hdr_type_traits cxx11_allocator cxx11_explicit_conversion_operators ] ; if $(ntl-path) { lib ntl : [ GLOB $(ntl-path)/src : *.cpp ] ; } else { lib ntl ; } explicit ntl ; cpp-pch pch : pch.hpp : ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ; cpp-pch pch_light : pch_light.hpp : ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ; lib compile_test_main : compile_test/main.cpp ; test-suite special_fun : [ run test_1F0.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] ] # hypergeometric_pFq_checked_series.hpp uses auto, the rest are from quadrature tests. [ run test_2F0.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : BOOST_MATH_TEST_FLOAT128 "-Bstatic -lquadmath -Bdynamic" ] ] [ run test_0F1.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=1 : test_0F1_1 ] [ run test_0F1.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=2 : test_0F1_2 ] [ run test_1F1.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=1 clang:-Wno-literal-range : test_1F1_integrals ] [ run test_1F1.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=2 clang:-Wno-literal-range : test_1F1_float ] [ run test_1F1.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=3 clang:-Wno-literal-range : test_1F1_double ] [ run test_1F1.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=4 release clang:-Wno-literal-range : test_1F1_long_double ] [ run test_1F1_regularized.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=2 clang:-Wno-literal-range : test_1F1_regularized_float ] [ run test_1F1_regularized.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=3 clang:-Wno-literal-range : test_1F1_regularized_double ] [ run test_1F1_regularized.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=4 release clang:-Wno-literal-range : test_1F1_regularized_long_double ] [ run test_1F1_regularized.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=5 clang:-Wno-literal-range : test_1F1_regularized_real_concept ] # These are slow... [ run test_1F1_log.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=2 clang:-Wno-literal-range : test_1F1_log_float ] [ run test_1F1_log.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=3 clang:-Wno-literal-range : test_1F1_log_double ] [ run test_1F1_log.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=4 release clang:-Wno-literal-range : test_1F1_log_long_double ] [ run test_1F1_log.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=5 clang:-Wno-literal-range : test_1F1_log_real_concept ] # pFq: [ run test_pFq.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_hdr_initializer_list cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=2 release clang:-Wno-literal-range : test_pFq_float ] [ run test_pFq.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_hdr_initializer_list cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=3 release clang:-Wno-literal-range : test_pFq_double ] [ run test_pFq.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_hdr_initializer_list cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=4 release clang:-Wno-literal-range : test_pFq_long_double ] [ run test_pFq.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_hdr_initializer_list cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=5 release clang:-Wno-literal-range : test_pFq_real_concept ] [ run hypot_test.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run pow_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run logaddexp_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run logsumexp_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_hdr_initializer_list cxx11_variadic_templates ] ] [ run ccmath_sqrt_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_isinf_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_isnan_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_abs_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_isfinite_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_isnormal_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_fpclassify_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_frexp_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_ldexp_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_div_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_logb_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_ilogb_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_scalbn_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_scalbln_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_floor_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_ceil_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_trunc_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_modf_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_round_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_fmod_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_remainder_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_copysign_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_hypot_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_fdim_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_fmax_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_fmin_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_isgreater_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_isgreaterequal_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_isless_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_islessequal_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run ccmath_isunordered_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr ] ] [ run log1p_expm1_test.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run powm1_sqrtp1m1_test.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run git_issue_705.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run special_functions_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_airy.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_bessel_j.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_bessel_y.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_bessel_i.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_bessel_k.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_bessel_j_prime.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_bessel_y_prime.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_bessel_i_prime.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_bessel_k_prime.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_beta.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_bessel_airy_zeros.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_bernoulli_constants.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_binomial_coeff.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_carlson.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST1 : test_carlson_1 ] [ run test_carlson.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST2 : test_carlson_2 ] [ run test_carlson.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST3 : test_carlson_3 ] [ run test_carlson.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST4 : test_carlson_4 ] [ run test_cbrt.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_difference.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_digamma.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_ellint_1.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_ellint_2.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_ellint_3.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_ellint_d.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_jacobi_theta.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] ] [ run test_jacobi_zeta.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_heuman_lambda.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_erf.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run erf_limits_test.cpp ] [ run test_expint.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_factorials.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_gamma.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_gamma_mp.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release TEST=1 [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : test_gamma_mp_1 ] [ run test_gamma_mp.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release TEST=2 [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : test_gamma_mp_2 ] [ run test_gamma_mp.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release TEST=3 [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : test_gamma_mp_3 ] [ run test_hankel.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_hermite.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_ibeta.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_FLOAT intel:off : test_ibeta_float ] [ run test_ibeta.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_DOUBLE intel:off : test_ibeta_double ] [ run test_ibeta.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_LDOUBLE intel:off : test_ibeta_long_double ] [ run test_ibeta.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT TEST_DATA=1 intel:off : test_ibeta_real_concept1 ] [ run test_ibeta.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT TEST_DATA=2 intel:off : test_ibeta_real_concept2 ] [ run test_ibeta.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT TEST_DATA=3 intel:off : test_ibeta_real_concept3 ] [ run test_ibeta.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT TEST_DATA=4 intel:off : test_ibeta_real_concept4 ] [ run test_ibeta_derivative.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_FLOAT intel:off gcc:-Wno-overflow : test_ibeta_derivative_float ] [ run test_ibeta_derivative.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_DOUBLE intel:off gcc:-Wno-overflow : test_ibeta_derivative_double ] [ run test_ibeta_derivative.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_LDOUBLE intel:off gcc:-Wno-overflow : test_ibeta_derivative_long_double ] [ run test_ibeta_derivative.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT TEST_DATA=1 intel:off gcc:-Wno-overflow : test_ibeta_derivative_real_concept1 ] [ run test_ibeta_derivative.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT TEST_DATA=2 intel:off gcc:-Wno-overflow : test_ibeta_derivative_real_concept2 ] [ run test_ibeta_derivative.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT TEST_DATA=3 intel:off gcc:-Wno-overflow : test_ibeta_derivative_real_concept3 ] [ run test_ibeta_derivative.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT TEST_DATA=4 intel:off gcc:-Wno-overflow : test_ibeta_derivative_real_concept4 ] [ run test_ibeta_inv.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_FLOAT intel:off : test_ibeta_inv_float ] [ run test_ibeta_inv.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_DOUBLE intel:off : test_ibeta_inv_double ] [ run test_ibeta_inv.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_LDOUBLE intel:off : test_ibeta_inv_long_double ] [ run test_ibeta_inv.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT TEST_DATA=1 intel:off : test_ibeta_inv_real_concept1 ] [ run test_ibeta_inv.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT TEST_DATA=2 intel:off : test_ibeta_inv_real_concept2 ] [ run test_ibeta_inv.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT TEST_DATA=3 intel:off : test_ibeta_inv_real_concept3 ] [ run test_ibeta_inv.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT TEST_DATA=4 intel:off : test_ibeta_inv_real_concept4 ] [ run test_ibeta_inv_ab.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_FLOAT intel:off : test_ibeta_inv_ab_float ] [ run test_ibeta_inv_ab.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_DOUBLE intel:off : test_ibeta_inv_ab_double ] [ run test_ibeta_inv_ab.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_LDOUBLE intel:off : test_ibeta_inv_ab_long_double ] [ run test_ibeta_inv_ab.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT TEST_DATA=1 intel:off : test_ibeta_inv_ab_real_concept1 ] [ run test_ibeta_inv_ab.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT TEST_DATA=2 intel:off : test_ibeta_inv_ab_real_concept2 ] [ run test_ibeta_inv_ab.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT TEST_DATA=3 intel:off : test_ibeta_inv_ab_real_concept3 ] [ run test_igamma.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_igamma_inv.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_FLOAT intel:off : test_igamma_inv_float ] [ run test_igamma_inv.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_DOUBLE intel:off : test_igamma_inv_double ] [ run test_igamma_inv.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_LDOUBLE intel:off : test_igamma_inv_long_double ] [ run test_igamma_inv.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT intel:off : test_igamma_inv_real_concept ] [ run test_igamma_inva.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_FLOAT intel:off : test_igamma_inva_float ] [ run test_igamma_inva.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_DOUBLE intel:off : test_igamma_inva_double ] [ run test_igamma_inva.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_LDOUBLE intel:off : test_igamma_inva_long_double ] [ run test_igamma_inva.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT intel:off : test_igamma_inva_real_concept ] [ run test_instantiate1.cpp test_instantiate2.cpp ] [ run test_jacobi.cpp pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_laguerre.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_lambert_w.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_lambert_w.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : BOOST_MATH_TEST_MULTIPRECISION=1 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : BOOST_MATH_TEST_FLOAT128 "-Bstatic -lquadmath -Bdynamic" ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : test_lambert_w_multiprecision_1 ] [ run test_lambert_w.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : BOOST_MATH_TEST_MULTIPRECISION=2 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : BOOST_MATH_TEST_FLOAT128 "-Bstatic -lquadmath -Bdynamic" ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : test_lambert_w_multiprecision_2 ] [ run test_lambert_w.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : BOOST_MATH_TEST_MULTIPRECISION=3 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : BOOST_MATH_TEST_FLOAT128 "-Bstatic -lquadmath -Bdynamic" ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : test_lambert_w_multiprecision_3 ] [ run test_lambert_w.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : BOOST_MATH_TEST_MULTIPRECISION=4 BOOST_MATH_TEST_FLOAT128 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : BOOST_MATH_TEST_FLOAT128 "-Bstatic -lquadmath -Bdynamic" ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : test_lambert_w_multiprecision_4 ] [ run test_lambert_w_integrals_float128.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : "-Bstatic -lquadmath -Bdynamic" : no ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax sfinae_expr ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run test_lambert_w_integrals_quad.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax sfinae_expr ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : BOOST_MATH_TEST_FLOAT128 "-Bstatic -lquadmath -Bdynamic" ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run test_lambert_w_integrals_long_double.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax sfinae_expr ] ] [ run test_lambert_w_integrals_double.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax sfinae_expr ] ] [ run test_lambert_w_integrals_float.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax sfinae_expr ] ] [ run test_lambert_w_derivative.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : BOOST_MATH_TEST_MULTIPRECISION [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : BOOST_MATH_TEST_FLOAT128 "-Bstatic -lquadmath -Bdynamic" ] ] [ run test_legendre.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : "-Bstatic -lquadmath -Bdynamic" ] ] [ run chebyshev_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx11_inline_namespaces cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_tuple cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_defaulted_functions cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_range_based_for cxx11_constexpr ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : "-Bstatic -lquadmath -Bdynamic" ] ] [ run chebyshev_transform_test.cpp ../config//fftw3f : : : TEST1 [ requires cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_defaulted_functions cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_range_based_for ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_fftw3 "libfftw3" : : no ] : chebyshev_transform_test_1 ] [ run chebyshev_transform_test.cpp ../config//fftw3 : : : TEST2 [ requires cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_defaulted_functions cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_range_based_for ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_fftw3 "libfftw3" : : no ] : chebyshev_transform_test_2 ] [ run chebyshev_transform_test.cpp ../config//fftw3l : : : TEST3 [ requires cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_defaulted_functions cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_range_based_for ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_fftw3 "libfftw3" : : no ] : chebyshev_transform_test_3 ] [ run chebyshev_transform_test.cpp ../config//fftw3q ../config//quadmath : : : TEST4 [ requires cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_defaulted_functions cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_range_based_for ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_fftw3 "libfftw3" : : no ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "__float128" : : no ] : chebyshev_transform_test_4 ] [ run cardinal_trigonometric_test.cpp ../config//fftw3f : : : TEST1 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_range_based_for ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_fftw3 "libfftw3" : : no ] : cardinal_trigonometric_test_1 ] [ run cardinal_trigonometric_test.cpp ../config//fftw3 : : : TEST2 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_range_based_for ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_fftw3 "libfftw3" : : no ] : cardinal_trigonometric_test_2 ] [ run cardinal_trigonometric_test.cpp ../config//fftw3l : : : TEST3 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_range_based_for ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_fftw3 "libfftw3" : : no ] : cardinal_trigonometric_test_3 ] [ run cardinal_trigonometric_test.cpp ../config//fftw3q ../config//quadmath : : : TEST4 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_range_based_for ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_fftw3 "libfftw3" : : no ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "__float128" : : no ] : cardinal_trigonometric_test_4 ] [ run test_ldouble_simple.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] # Needs to run in release mode, as it's rather slow: [ run test_next.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release ] [ run test_next_decimal.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release ] [ run test_owens_t.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_polygamma.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_trigamma.cpp test_instances//test_instances ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_round.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_spherical_harmonic.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_sign.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_tgamma_for_issue396_part1.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : "-Bstatic -lquadmath -Bdynamic" ] gcc-mingw:-Wa,-mbig-obj off msvc:/bigobj [ check-target-builds ../config//is_cygwin_run "Cygwin CI run" : no ] ] [ run test_tgamma_for_issue396_part2.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : gcc-mingw:-Wa,-mbig-obj off msvc:/bigobj [ check-target-builds ../config//is_cygwin_run "Cygwin CI run" : no ] ] [ run test_tgamma_ratio.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_trig.cpp test_instances//test_instances pch_light ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_zeta.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework test_instances//test_instances pch_light ] [ run test_sinc.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework pch_light ] [ run test_fibonacci.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] ; test-suite distribution_tests : [ run test_arcsine.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_bernoulli.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_beta_dist.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_binomial.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_FLOAT intel:off : test_binomial_float ] [ run test_binomial.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_DOUBLE intel:off : test_binomial_double ] [ run test_binomial.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_LDOUBLE intel:off : test_binomial_long_double ] [ run test_binomial.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT TEST_ROUNDING=0 intel:off : test_binomial_real_concept0 ] [ run test_binomial.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT TEST_ROUNDING=1 intel:off : test_binomial_real_concept1 ] [ run test_binomial.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT TEST_ROUNDING=2 intel:off : test_binomial_real_concept2 ] [ run test_binomial.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT TEST_ROUNDING=3 intel:off : test_binomial_real_concept3 ] [ run test_binomial.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT TEST_ROUNDING=4 intel:off : test_binomial_real_concept4 ] [ run test_binomial.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT TEST_ROUNDING=5 intel:off : test_binomial_real_concept5 ] [ run test_binomial.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT TEST_ROUNDING=6 intel:off : test_binomial_real_concept6 ] [ run test_cauchy.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_chi_squared.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_dist_overloads.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_exponential_dist.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_extreme_value.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_find_location.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_find_scale.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_fisher_f.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_gamma_dist.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_geometric.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_hyperexponential_dist.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_hypergeometric_dist.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_QUANT=0 intel:off : test_hypergeometric_dist0 ] [ run test_hypergeometric_dist.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_QUANT=1 intel:off : test_hypergeometric_dist1 ] [ run test_hypergeometric_dist.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_QUANT=2 intel:off : test_hypergeometric_dist2 ] [ run test_hypergeometric_dist.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_QUANT=3 intel:off : test_hypergeometric_dist3 ] [ run test_hypergeometric_dist.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_QUANT=4 intel:off : test_hypergeometric_dist4 ] [ run test_hypergeometric_dist.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_QUANT=5 intel:off : test_hypergeometric_dist5 ] [ run test_inverse_chi_squared_distribution.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_inverse_gamma_distribution.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_inverse_gaussian.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_kolmogorov_smirnov.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_hdr_initializer_list cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] ] [ run test_laplace.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_inv_hyp.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_logistic_dist.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_lognormal.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_negative_binomial.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_FLOAT intel:off : test_negative_binomial_float ] [ run test_negative_binomial.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_DOUBLE intel:off : test_negative_binomial_double ] [ run test_negative_binomial.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_LDOUBLE intel:off : test_negative_binomial_long_double ] [ run test_negative_binomial.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT intel:off : test_negative_binomial_real_concept ] [ run test_nc_chi_squared.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_FLOAT intel:off : test_nc_chi_squared_float ] [ run test_nc_chi_squared.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_DOUBLE intel:off : test_nc_chi_squared_double ] [ run test_nc_chi_squared.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_LDOUBLE intel:off : test_nc_chi_squared_long_double ] [ run test_nc_chi_squared.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT intel:off : test_nc_chi_squared_real_concept ] [ run test_nc_beta.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_FLOAT intel:off : test_nc_beta_float ] [ run test_nc_beta.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_DOUBLE intel:off : test_nc_beta_double ] [ run test_nc_beta.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_LDOUBLE intel:off : test_nc_beta_long_double ] [ run test_nc_beta.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT TEST_DATA=1 intel:off : test_nc_beta_real_concept1 ] [ run test_nc_beta.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT TEST_DATA=2 intel:off : test_nc_beta_real_concept2 ] [ run test_nc_f.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_nc_t.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_FLOAT intel:off : test_nc_t_float ] [ run test_nc_t.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_DOUBLE intel:off : test_nc_t_double ] [ run test_nc_t.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_LDOUBLE intel:off : test_nc_t_long_double ] [ run test_nc_t.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT intel:off : test_nc_t_real_concept ] [ run test_normal.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_pareto.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_poisson.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_FLOAT intel:off : test_poisson_float ] [ run test_poisson.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_DOUBLE intel:off : test_poisson_double ] [ run test_poisson.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_LDOUBLE intel:off : test_poisson_long_double ] [ run test_poisson.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : # command line : # input files : # requirements TEST_REAL_CONCEPT intel:off : test_poisson_real_concept ] [ run test_rayleigh.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_students_t.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_skew_normal.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_trapezoidal.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release [ requires cxx11_lambdas cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_decltype cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_variadic_templates ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : "-Bstatic -lquadmath -Bdynamic" ] ] [ run test_triangular.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_uniform.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_weibull.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run compile_test/dist_bernoulli_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_beta_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_binomial_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_cauchy_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_chi_squared_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_complement_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_exponential_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_extreme_val_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_find_location_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_find_scale_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_fisher_f_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_gamma_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_inv_gamma_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_inv_chi_sq_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_hyperexponential_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_hypergeo_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_laplace_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_logistic_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_lognormal_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_neg_binom_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_nc_chi_squ_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_nc_beta_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_nc_f_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_nc_t_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_normal_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_poisson_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_students_t_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_triangular_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_uniform_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_weibull_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/distribution_concept_check.cpp : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_arcsine_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/dist_empirical_cumulative_dist_func_incl_test.cpp : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_inv_gaussian_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run test_legacy_nonfinite.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_basic_nonfinite.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_lexical_cast.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_nonfinite_trap.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : off:no ] [ run test_signed_zero.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run complex_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ compile test_dist_deduction_guides.cpp : [ requires cpp_deduction_guides cpp_variadic_templates ] ] ; test-suite mp : [ run test_nc_t_quad.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] ] [ run test_polynomial.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : TEST1 : test_polynomial_1 ] [ run test_polynomial.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : TEST2 : test_polynomial_2 ] [ run test_polynomial.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : TEST3 : test_polynomial_3 ] [ run polynomial_concept_check.cpp ] [ compile multiprc_concept_check_1.cpp : off msvc:/bigobj release off:no [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile multiprc_concept_check_2.cpp : off msvc:/bigobj release off:no [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile multiprc_concept_check_3.cpp : off msvc:/bigobj release off:no [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile multiprc_concept_check_4.cpp : off msvc:/bigobj release off:no [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile multiprc_concept_check_5.cpp : off msvc:/bigobj release off:no [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile multiprc_concept_check_6.cpp : off msvc:/bigobj release off:no [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile multiprc_concept_check_7.cpp : off msvc:/bigobj release off:no [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile multiprc_concept_check_8.cpp : off msvc:/bigobj release off:no [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile multiprc_concept_check_9.cpp : off msvc:/bigobj release off:no [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile multiprc_concept_check_10.cpp : off msvc:/bigobj release off:no [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile ntl_concept_check.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//has_ntl_rr : : no ] off [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile mpfr_concept_check.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//has_mpfr_class : : no ] off [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile mpreal_concept_check.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//has_mpreal : : no ] off [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] ; test-suite misc : [ run header_deprecated_test.cpp ] [ run threading_sanity_check.cpp ] [ run test_tr1.cpp ../build//boost_math_tr1 ../build//boost_math_tr1f ../build//boost_math_c99 ../build//boost_math_c99f ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_tr1.cpp ../build//boost_math_tr1l ../build//boost_math_c99l ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : TEST_LD=1 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_long_double_support "long double support" : : no ] : test_tr1_long_double ] [ run test_tr1.c ../build//boost_math_tr1 ../build//boost_math_tr1f ../build//boost_math_c99 ../build//boost_math_c99f ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : #requirements : test_tr1_c ] [ run test_tr1.c ../build//boost_math_tr1l ../build//boost_math_c99l ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : TEST_LD=1 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_long_double_support "long double support" : : no ] : test_tr1_c_long_double ] [ run test_constants.cpp : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] ] [ run simple_continued_fraction_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] ] [ run centered_continued_fraction_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] ] [ run luroth_expansion_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] ] [ run engel_expansion_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] ] [ run test_classify.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_error_handling.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run legendre_stieltjes_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_range_based_for ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] ] [ run test_minima.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_rationals.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework test_rational_instances/test_rational_double1.cpp test_rational_instances/test_rational_double2.cpp test_rational_instances/test_rational_double3.cpp test_rational_instances/test_rational_double4.cpp test_rational_instances/test_rational_double5.cpp test_rational_instances/test_rational_float1.cpp test_rational_instances/test_rational_float2.cpp test_rational_instances/test_rational_float3.cpp test_rational_instances/test_rational_float4.cpp test_rational_instances/test_rational_ldouble1.cpp test_rational_instances/test_rational_ldouble2.cpp test_rational_instances/test_rational_ldouble3.cpp test_rational_instances/test_rational_ldouble4.cpp test_rational_instances/test_rational_ldouble5.cpp test_rational_instances/test_rational_real_concept1.cpp test_rational_instances/test_rational_real_concept2.cpp test_rational_instances/test_rational_real_concept3.cpp test_rational_instances/test_rational_real_concept4.cpp test_rational_instances/test_rational_real_concept5.cpp ] [ run test_policy.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_policy_2.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_policy_3.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_policy_4.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_policy_5.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_policy_6.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_policy_7.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_policy_8.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ compile test_policy_9.cpp ] [ run test_policy_10.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_policy_sf.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_long_double_support.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//has_long_double_support "long double support" : : no ] ] [ run test_recurrence.cpp : : : TEST=1 [ requires cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_tuple cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_decltype ] msvc:/bigobj : test_recurrence_1 ] [ run test_recurrence.cpp : : : TEST=2 release [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : BOOST_MATH_TEST_FLOAT128 "-Bstatic -lquadmath -Bdynamic" ] [ requires cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_tuple cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_decltype ] : test_recurrence_2 ] [ run test_recurrence.cpp : : : TEST=3 release [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : BOOST_MATH_TEST_FLOAT128 "-Bstatic -lquadmath -Bdynamic" ] [ requires cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_tuple cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_decltype ] : test_recurrence_3 ] [ run test_print_info_on_type.cpp ] [ run univariate_statistics_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : gcc-mingw:-Wa,-mbig-obj off msvc:/bigobj [ check-target-builds ../config//is_cygwin_run "Cygwin CI run" : no ] [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] ] [ run univariate_statistics_backwards_compatible_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : gcc-mingw:-Wa,-mbig-obj off msvc:/bigobj [ check-target-builds ../config//is_cygwin_run "Cygwin CI run" : no ] [ requires cxx11_hdr_forward_list cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_tuple cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_sfinae_expr ] ] [ run ooura_fourier_integral_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : gcc-mingw:-Wa,-mbig-obj off msvc:/bigobj [ check-target-builds ../config//is_cygwin_run "Cygwin CI run" : no ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : "-Bstatic -lquadmath -Bdynamic" ] [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] ] [ run empirical_cumulative_distribution_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] ] [ run norms_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] ] [ run signal_statistics_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] ] [ run anderson_darling_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] ] [ run ljung_box_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] ] [ run cubic_roots_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] ] [ run quartic_roots_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] ] [ run test_t_test.cpp : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : BOOST_MATH_TEST_FLOAT128 "-Bstatic -lquadmath -Bdynamic" ] [ requires cxx11_hdr_forward_list cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_tuple cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_sfinae_expr ] ] [ run test_z_test.cpp : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : BOOST_MATH_TEST_FLOAT128 "-Bstatic -lquadmath -Bdynamic" ] [ requires cxx11_hdr_forward_list cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_tuple cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_sfinae_expr ] ] [ run bivariate_statistics_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx11_hdr_forward_list cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_tuple cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_sfinae_expr ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_cygwin_run "Cygwin CI run" : no ] ] [ run linear_regression_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx11_hdr_forward_list cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_tuple cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_sfinae_expr ] ] [ run test_runs_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] ] [ run lanczos_smoothing_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] ] [ run condition_number_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : "-Bstatic -lquadmath -Bdynamic" ] [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] ] [ run test_real_concept.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_remez.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_roots.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_root_iterations.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_hdr_tuple ] ] [ run test_root_finding_concepts.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run test_toms748_solve.cpp pch ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run compile_test/interpolators_cubic_spline_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ requires cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_defaulted_functions cxx11_auto_declarations ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/interpolators_barycentric_rational_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ requires cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_defaulted_functions cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/interpolators_cubic_hermite_incl_test.cpp : [ requires cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_defaulted_functions cxx11_auto_declarations ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/interpolators_makima_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : [ requires cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_defaulted_functions cxx11_auto_declarations ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/interpolators_pchip_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : [ requires cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_defaulted_functions cxx11_auto_declarations ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/interpolators_quintic_hermite_incl_test.cpp : [ requires cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_defaulted_functions cxx11_auto_declarations ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/interpolators_septic_hermite_incl_test.cpp : [ requires cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_defaulted_functions cxx11_auto_declarations ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/interpolators_vector_barycentric_rational_incl_test.cpp : [ requires cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_defaulted_functions cxx11_auto_declarations ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/interpolators_whittaker_shannon_incl_test.cpp : [ requires cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_defaulted_functions cxx11_auto_declarations ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/compl_abs_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/compl_acos_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/compl_acosh_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/compl_asin_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/compl_asinh_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/compl_atan_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/compl_atanh_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_acosh_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_asinh_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_atanh_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_beta_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_bernoulli_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_bessel_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_bessel_deriv_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_binomial_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_cbrt_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_cos_pi_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_digamma_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_polygamma_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_ellint_1_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_ellint_2_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_ellint_3_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_ellint_d_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_jacobi_theta_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_jacobi_zeta_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_heuman_lambda_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_ellint_rc_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_ellint_rd_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_ellint_rf_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_ellint_rj_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_ellint_rg_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_erf_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_expint_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_expm1_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_factorials_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_fpclassify_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_gamma_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_hermite_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_hypot_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_laguerre_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/sf_lanczos_incl_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_legendre_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_legendre_stieltjes_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_log1p_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/sf_math_fwd_incl_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_modf_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_next_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_powm1_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_prime_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_relative_distance_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_round_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_sign_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_sin_pi_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_sinc_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_sinhc_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_sph_harm_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_sqrt1pm1_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_trunc_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_ulp_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_zeta_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/sf_chebyshev_incl_test.cpp ../config//fftw3 : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/sf_chebyshev_transform_incl_test.cpp ../config//fftw3 : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_fftw3 "libfftw3" : : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_fibonacci_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ requires cxx17_std_apply cxx17_if_constexpr ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_gegenbauer_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_lambert_w_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/sf_nonfinite_num_facets_incl_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/std_real_concept_check.cpp : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/std_real_concept_check.cpp : EMULATE32 [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : std_real_concept_check_32 ] [ compile compile_test/std_real_concept_check.cpp : EMULATE64 [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : std_real_concept_check_64 ] [ compile compile_test/std_real_concept_check.cpp : EMULATE80 [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : std_real_concept_check_80 ] [ compile compile_test/std_real_concept_check.cpp : EMULATE128 [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : std_real_concept_check_128 ] [ run compile_test/cstdfloat_concept_check_1.cpp : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//has_intel_quad "Intel _Quad datatype support" : -Qoption,cpp,--extended_float_type ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/cstdfloat_concept_check_2.cpp : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/cstdfloat_concept_check_3.cpp : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/cstdfloat_concept_check_4.cpp : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/cstdfloat_cmath_incl_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/cstdfloat_complex_incl_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/cstdfloat_iostream_incl_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/cstdfloat_limits_incl_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/cstdfloat_types_incl_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run test_cstdfloat.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_airy_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_hankel_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_jacobi_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/sf_owens_t_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/dist_skew_norm_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/constants_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/quad_trapezoidal_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_decltype cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_variadic_templates ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/test_traits.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_config_inc_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_fraction_inc_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_minima_inc_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_polynomial_inc_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_precision_inc_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_rational_inc_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_real_cast_inc_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_remez_inc_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_roots_inc_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_series_inc_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_solve_inc_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_stats_inc_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_test_data_inc_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_test_inc_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_toms748_inc_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_agm_incl_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_assert_incl_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_atomic_incl_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_big_constant_incl_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_centered_continued_fraction_incl_test.cpp : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_cohen_acceleration_incl_test.cpp : [ requires cxx17_std_apply ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_complex_incl_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_condition_numbers_incl_test.cpp : [ requires cxx17_std_apply cxx17_if_constexpr ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_convert_from_string_incl_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_cxx03_warn_incl_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_engel_expansion_incl_test.cpp : [ requires cxx17_std_apply cxx17_if_constexpr ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_header_deprecated_incl_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_is_detected_incl_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_luroth_expansion_incl_test.cpp : [ requires cxx17_std_apply cxx17_if_constexpr ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_mp_incl_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_norms_incl_test.cpp : [ requires cxx17_std_apply cxx17_if_constexpr ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_polynomial_gcd_incl_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_promotion_incl_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_random_vector_incl_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_simple_continued_fraction_incl_test.cpp : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_test_value_incl_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_throw_exception_incl_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_traits_incl_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_ulps_plot_incl_test.cpp : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/tools_workaround_incl_test.cpp : [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/interpolators_cubic_spline_concept_test.cpp : [ requires cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_defaulted_functions ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/interpolators_barycentric_rational_concept_test.cpp : [ requires cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_defaulted_functions cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/sf_legendre_stieltjes_concept_test.cpp : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_defaulted_functions cxx11_lambdas ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/quad_trapezoidal_concept_test.cpp : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_decltype cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_variadic_templates ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run octonion_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] [ run quaternion_constexpr_test.cpp ] [ run quaternion_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] ] [ run quaternion_mult_incl_test.cpp quaternion_mi1.cpp quaternion_mi2.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework ] # [ run __temporary_test.cpp test_instances//test_instances : : : always_show_run_output off ] [ compile test_no_long_double_policy.cpp ] [ compile bernoulli_no_atomic_d.cpp ] [ compile bernoulli_no_atomic_mp.cpp ] [ compile-fail bernoulli_no_atomic_fail.cpp ] ; test-suite interpolators : [ run test_barycentric_rational.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_defaulted_functions cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] ] [ run test_vector_barycentric_rational.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_defaulted_functions cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] [ check-target-builds ../../multiprecision/config//has_eigen : : no ] ] [ run cardinal_cubic_b_spline_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_defaulted_functions ] off msvc:/bigobj release ] [ run cardinal_b_spline_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_constexpr cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_defaulted_functions ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] ] [ run jacobi_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_constexpr cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_defaulted_functions ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] ] [ run gegenbauer_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_constexpr cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_defaulted_functions ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] ] [ run daubechies_scaling_test.cpp : : : gcc-mingw:-Wa,-mbig-obj off msvc:/bigobj [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_cygwin_run "Cygwin CI run" : no ] ] [ run daubechies_wavelet_test.cpp : : : gcc-mingw:-Wa,-mbig-obj off msvc:/bigobj [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_cygwin_run "Cygwin CI run" : no ] ] [ run wavelet_transform_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run agm_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] ] [ run rsqrt_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] ] [ run cohen_acceleration_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] ] [ compile compile_test/filters_daubechies_incl_test.cpp : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] ] [ compile compile_test/sf_daubechies_scaling_incl_test.cpp : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] ] [ run whittaker_shannon_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_constexpr cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_defaulted_functions ] ] [ run cardinal_quadratic_b_spline_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_constexpr cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_defaulted_functions ] ] [ run cardinal_quintic_b_spline_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_constexpr cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_defaulted_functions ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] ] [ run makima_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] ] [ run pchip_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] ] [ run septic_hermite_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] ] [ run quintic_hermite_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] ] [ run cubic_hermite_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] ] [ run bilinear_uniform_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] ] [ run bezier_polynomial_test.cpp : : : [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] ] [ run catmull_rom_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : TEST=1 [ requires cxx11_hdr_array cxx11_hdr_initializer_list ] : catmull_rom_test_1 ] [ run catmull_rom_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : TEST=2 [ requires cxx11_hdr_array cxx11_hdr_initializer_list ] : catmull_rom_test_2 ] [ run catmull_rom_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : TEST=3 [ requires cxx11_hdr_array cxx11_hdr_initializer_list ] : catmull_rom_test_3 ] [ run compile_test/interpolators_catmull_rom_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ requires cxx11_hdr_array cxx11_hdr_initializer_list ] ] [ run compile_test/interpolators_catmull_rom_concept_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ requires cxx11_hdr_array cxx11_hdr_initializer_list ] ] [ run test_standalone_asserts.cpp ] ; test-suite quadrature : [ run tanh_sinh_quadrature_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST1 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax sfinae_expr ] : tanh_sinh_quadrature_test_1 ] [ run tanh_sinh_quadrature_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST1A [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax sfinae_expr ] : tanh_sinh_quadrature_test_1a ] [ run tanh_sinh_quadrature_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release msvc:/bigobj TEST1B [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax sfinae_expr ] : tanh_sinh_quadrature_test_1b ] [ run tanh_sinh_quadrature_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST2 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax sfinae_expr ] : tanh_sinh_quadrature_test_2 ] [ run tanh_sinh_quadrature_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release msvc:/bigobj TEST2A [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax sfinae_expr ] : tanh_sinh_quadrature_test_2a ] [ run tanh_sinh_quadrature_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST3 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax sfinae_expr ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : tanh_sinh_quadrature_test_3 ] [ run tanh_sinh_quadrature_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release msvc:/bigobj TEST3A [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax sfinae_expr ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : tanh_sinh_quadrature_test_3a ] [ run tanh_sinh_quadrature_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release msvc:/bigobj TEST4 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax sfinae_expr ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : tanh_sinh_quadrature_test_4 ] [ run tanh_sinh_quadrature_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release msvc:/bigobj TEST5 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax sfinae_expr ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : tanh_sinh_quadrature_test_5 ] [ run tanh_sinh_quadrature_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST6 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax sfinae_expr ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : tanh_sinh_quadrature_test_6 ] [ run tanh_sinh_quadrature_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release msvc:/bigobj TEST6A [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax sfinae_expr ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : tanh_sinh_quadrature_test_6a ] [ run tanh_sinh_quadrature_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release msvc:/bigobj TEST7 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax sfinae_expr ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : tanh_sinh_quadrature_test_7 ] [ run tanh_sinh_quadrature_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release msvc:/bigobj TEST8 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax sfinae_expr ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : tanh_sinh_quadrature_test_8 ] [ run tanh_sinh_quadrature_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release msvc:/bigobj TEST9 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax sfinae_expr ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : tanh_sinh_quadrature_test_9 ] [ run tanh_sinh_mpfr.cpp ../tools//mpfr ../tools//gmp : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//has_mpfr : : no ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_gmp : : no ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_cygwin_run "Cygwin CI run" : no ] [ requires cxx11_hdr_initializer_list cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] release clang:-Wno-literal-range [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run sinh_sinh_quadrature_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] ] [ run exp_sinh_quadrature_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : TEST1 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] : exp_sinh_quadrature_test_1 ] [ run exp_sinh_quadrature_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release TEST2 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] : exp_sinh_quadrature_test_2 ] [ run exp_sinh_quadrature_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : TEST3 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : exp_sinh_quadrature_test_3 ] [ run exp_sinh_quadrature_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release TEST4 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : exp_sinh_quadrature_test_4 ] [ run exp_sinh_quadrature_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release TEST5 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : exp_sinh_quadrature_test_5 ] [ run exp_sinh_quadrature_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release TEST6 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : exp_sinh_quadrature_test_6 ] [ run exp_sinh_quadrature_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release TEST7 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : exp_sinh_quadrature_test_7 ] [ run exp_sinh_quadrature_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release TEST8 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : exp_sinh_quadrature_test_8 ] [ run exp_sinh_quadrature_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release TEST9 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : exp_sinh_quadrature_test_9 ] [ run exp_sinh_quadrature_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release TEST10 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : exp_sinh_quadrature_test_10 ] [ run compile_test/quad_exp_sinh_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/quad_sinh_sinh_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run compile_test/quad_tanh_sinh_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax sfinae_expr ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/quad_gauss_incl_test.cpp : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax sfinae_expr ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/quad_gauss_kronrod_incl_test.cpp : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax sfinae_expr ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/quad_ooura_fourier_integrals_incl_test.cpp : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax sfinae_expr ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/quad_wavelet_transforms_incl_test.cpp : [ requires cxx17_std_apply cxx17_if_constexpr ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/quad_exp_sinh_concept_test.cpp : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/quad_sinh_sinh_concept_test.cpp : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/quad_tanh_sinh_concept_test.cpp : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax sfinae_expr ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ run gauss_quadrature_test.cpp : : : TEST1 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] off msvc:/bigobj release : gauss_quadrature_test_1 ] [ run gauss_quadrature_test.cpp : : : TEST2 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] off msvc:/bigobj release [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : gauss_quadrature_test_2 ] [ run gauss_quadrature_test.cpp : : : TEST3 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] off msvc:/bigobj release [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : gauss_quadrature_test_3 ] [ run gauss_kronrod_quadrature_test.cpp : : : TEST1 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] off msvc:/bigobj release : gauss_kronrod_quadrature_test_1 ] [ run gauss_kronrod_quadrature_test.cpp : : : TEST1A [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] off msvc:/bigobj release [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : gauss_kronrod_quadrature_test_1a ] [ run gauss_kronrod_quadrature_test.cpp : : : TEST2 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] off msvc:/bigobj release [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : gauss_kronrod_quadrature_test_2 ] [ run gauss_kronrod_quadrature_test.cpp : : : TEST3 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] off msvc:/bigobj release [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : gauss_kronrod_quadrature_test_3 ] [ run adaptive_gauss_kronrod_quadrature_test.cpp : : : TEST1 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] off msvc:/bigobj release : adaptive_gauss_quadrature_test_1 ] [ run adaptive_gauss_kronrod_quadrature_test.cpp : : : TEST1A [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] off msvc:/bigobj release [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : adaptive_gauss_quadrature_test_1a ] [ run adaptive_gauss_kronrod_quadrature_test.cpp : : : TEST2 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] off msvc:/bigobj release [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : adaptive_gauss_quadrature_test_2 ] [ run adaptive_gauss_kronrod_quadrature_test.cpp : : : TEST3 [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] off msvc:/bigobj release [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : adaptive_gauss_quadrature_test_3 ] [ run naive_monte_carlo_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST=1 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_hdr_random cxx11_allocator ] linux:"-pthread" : naive_monte_carlo_test_1 ] [ run naive_monte_carlo_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST=2 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_hdr_random cxx11_allocator ] linux:"-pthread" : naive_monte_carlo_test_2 ] [ run naive_monte_carlo_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST=3 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_hdr_random cxx11_allocator ] linux:"-pthread" : naive_monte_carlo_test_3 ] [ run naive_monte_carlo_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST=4 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_hdr_random cxx11_allocator ] linux:"-pthread" : naive_monte_carlo_test_4 ] [ run naive_monte_carlo_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST=5 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_hdr_random cxx11_allocator ] linux:"-pthread" : naive_monte_carlo_test_5 ] [ run naive_monte_carlo_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST=6 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_hdr_random cxx11_allocator ] linux:"-pthread" : naive_monte_carlo_test_6 ] [ run naive_monte_carlo_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST=7 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_hdr_random cxx11_allocator ] linux:"-pthread" : naive_monte_carlo_test_7 ] [ run naive_monte_carlo_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST=8 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_hdr_random cxx11_allocator ] linux:"-pthread" : naive_monte_carlo_test_8 ] [ run naive_monte_carlo_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST=9 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_hdr_random cxx11_allocator ] linux:"-pthread" : naive_monte_carlo_test_9 ] [ run naive_monte_carlo_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST=10 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_hdr_random cxx11_allocator ] linux:"-pthread" : naive_monte_carlo_test_10 ] [ run naive_monte_carlo_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST=11 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_hdr_random cxx11_allocator ] linux:"-pthread" : naive_monte_carlo_test_11 ] [ run naive_monte_carlo_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST=12 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_hdr_random cxx11_allocator ] linux:"-pthread" : naive_monte_carlo_test_12 ] [ run naive_monte_carlo_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST=13 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_hdr_random cxx11_allocator ] linux:"-pthread" : naive_monte_carlo_test_13 ] [ run naive_monte_carlo_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST=14 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_hdr_random cxx11_allocator ] linux:"-pthread" : naive_monte_carlo_test_14 ] [ run naive_monte_carlo_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST=15 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_hdr_random cxx11_allocator ] linux:"-pthread" : naive_monte_carlo_test_15 ] [ run naive_monte_carlo_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST=16 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_hdr_random cxx11_allocator ] linux:"-pthread" : naive_monte_carlo_test_16 ] [ run naive_monte_carlo_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST=17 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_hdr_random cxx11_allocator ] linux:"-pthread" : naive_monte_carlo_test_17 ] [ run naive_monte_carlo_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST=18 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_hdr_random cxx11_allocator ] linux:"-pthread" : naive_monte_carlo_test_18 ] [ run naive_monte_carlo_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST=19 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_hdr_random cxx11_allocator ] linux:"-pthread" : naive_monte_carlo_test_19 ] [ run naive_monte_carlo_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST=20 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_hdr_random cxx11_allocator ] linux:"-pthread" : naive_monte_carlo_test_20 ] [ run naive_monte_carlo_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST=21 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_hdr_random cxx11_allocator ] linux:"-pthread" : naive_monte_carlo_test_21 ] [ run naive_monte_carlo_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST=22 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_hdr_random cxx11_allocator ] linux:"-pthread" : naive_monte_carlo_test_22 ] [ run naive_monte_carlo_test.cpp : : : msvc:/bigobj TEST=23 [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_hdr_random cxx11_allocator ] linux:"-pthread" : naive_monte_carlo_test_23 ] [ compile compile_test/quad_naive_monte_carlo_incl_test.cpp : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_hdr_thread cxx11_hdr_atomic cxx11_decltype cxx11_hdr_future cxx11_hdr_chrono cxx11_hdr_random cxx11_allocator ] linux:"-pthread" [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/gauss_concept_test.cpp : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] [ compile compile_test/gauss_kronrod_concept_test.cpp : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_smart_ptr cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] ] ; test-suite autodiff : [ run test_numerical_differentiation.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : msvc:/bigobj [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_constexpr ] ] [ run compile_test/diff_numerical_differentiation_incl_test.cpp compile_test_main : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_constexpr ] ] [ compile compile_test/diff_numerical_differentiation_concept_test.cpp : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_constexpr ] ] [ run test_autodiff_1.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : gcc-mingw:-Wa,-mbig-obj off msvc:/bigobj release [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_cygwin_run "Cygwin CI run" : no ] [ requires cxx11_inline_namespaces ] ] [ run test_autodiff_2.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : gcc-mingw:-Wa,-mbig-obj off msvc:/bigobj release [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_cygwin_run "Cygwin CI run" : no ] [ requires cxx11_inline_namespaces ] ] [ run test_autodiff_3.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : gcc-mingw:-Wa,-mbig-obj off msvc:/bigobj release [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_cygwin_run "Cygwin CI run" : no ] [ requires cxx11_inline_namespaces ] ] [ run test_autodiff_4.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : gcc-mingw:-Wa,-mbig-obj off msvc:/bigobj release [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_cygwin_run "Cygwin CI run" : no ] [ requires cxx11_inline_namespaces ] ] [ run test_autodiff_5.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : gcc-mingw:-Wa,-mbig-obj off msvc:/bigobj release [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_cygwin_run "Cygwin CI run" : no ] [ requires cxx11_inline_namespaces ] ] [ run test_autodiff_6.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : gcc-mingw:-Wa,-mbig-obj off msvc:/bigobj release [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_cygwin_run "Cygwin CI run" : no ] [ requires cxx11_inline_namespaces ] ] [ run test_autodiff_7.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : gcc-mingw:-Wa,-mbig-obj off msvc:/bigobj release [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_cygwin_run "Cygwin CI run" : no ] [ requires cxx11_inline_namespaces ] ] [ run test_autodiff_8.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : gcc-mingw:-Wa,-mbig-obj off msvc:/bigobj release [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_cygwin_run "Cygwin CI run" : no ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_standalone_run "Standalone CI run" : no ] [ requires cxx11_inline_namespaces ] ] [ compile compile_test/diff_autodiff_incl_test.cpp : gcc-mingw:-Wa,-mbig-obj off msvc:/bigobj release [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_cygwin_run "Cygwin CI run" : no ] [ requires cxx11_inline_namespaces ] ] [ compile compile_test/diff_finite_difference_incl_test.cpp : gcc-mingw:-Wa,-mbig-obj off msvc:/bigobj release [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_cygwin_run "Cygwin CI run" : no ] [ requires cxx11_inline_namespaces ] ] [ compile compile_test/diff_lanczos_smoothing_incl_test.cpp : gcc-mingw:-Wa,-mbig-obj off msvc:/bigobj release [ requires cxx17_if_constexpr cxx17_std_apply ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_cygwin_run "Cygwin CI run" : no ] [ requires cxx11_inline_namespaces ] ] ; # # These tests are run by default when you invoke the Jamfile, but # they are deliberately NOT run from the CI scripts as they soak up # too much time: # test-suite long-running-tests : [ run test_0F1.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=3 release [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : BOOST_MATH_TEST_FLOAT128 "-Bstatic -lquadmath -Bdynamic" ] : test_0F1_3 ] [ run test_0F1.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=4 release : test_0F1_4 ] [ run test_1F1.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=5 clang:-Wno-literal-range [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : test_1F1_real_concept ] [ run test_1F1.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=6 release [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : BOOST_MATH_TEST_FLOAT128 "-Bstatic -lquadmath -Bdynamic" ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] clang:-Wno-literal-range : test_1F1_quad ] [ run test_1F1.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=7 release clang:-Wno-literal-range [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : test_1F1_dec_40 ] [ run test_1F1_regularized.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=6 release [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : BOOST_MATH_TEST_FLOAT128 "-Bstatic -lquadmath -Bdynamic" ] [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] clang:-Wno-literal-range : test_1F1_regularized_quad ] [ run test_1F1_regularized.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=7 release clang:-Wno-literal-range [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : test_1F1_regularized_dec_40 ] [ run test_1F1_log.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=6 release [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : BOOST_MATH_TEST_FLOAT128 "-Bstatic -lquadmath -Bdynamic" ] clang:-Wno-literal-range [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : test_1F1_log_quad ] [ run test_1F1_log.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : release [ requires cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=7 release clang:-Wno-literal-range [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : test_1F1_log_dec_40 ] [ run test_pFq.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_hdr_initializer_list cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=6 release [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : BOOST_MATH_TEST_FLOAT128 "-Bstatic -lquadmath -Bdynamic" ] clang:-Wno-literal-range [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : test_pFq_quad ] [ run test_pFq.cpp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework : : : [ requires cxx11_hdr_initializer_list cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] TEST=7 release clang:-Wno-literal-range [ check-target-builds ../config//is_ci_sanitizer_run "Sanitizer CI run" : no ] : test_pFq_dec_40 ] [ run test_pFq_precision.cpp ../tools//mpfr ../tools//gmp ../../test/build//boost_unit_test_framework /boost/system//boost_system /boost/chrono//boost_chrono : : : [ check-target-builds ../config//has_mpfr : : no ] [ requires cxx11_hdr_initializer_list cxx11_auto_declarations cxx11_lambdas cxx11_unified_initialization_syntax cxx11_smart_ptr ] release clang:-Wno-literal-range ] [ run test_constant_generate.cpp : : : release USE_CPP_FLOAT=1 off:no ] ; build-project ../example ; # Expect policy_ref_snips13 to fail (message about no Cauchy Mean). rule get_float128_tests { local result ; for local source in [ glob float128/*.cpp ] { result += [ run $(source) /boost/test//boost_unit_test_framework/static : # command line : # input files : # requirements [ check-target-builds ../config//has_intel_quad "Intel _Quad datatype support" : -Qoption,cpp,--extended_float_type BOOST_MATH_USE_FLOAT128 ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_float128 "GCC libquadmath and __float128 support" : -lquadmath ] [ check-target-builds ../config//has_128bit_floatmax_t "128-bit floatmax_t" : : no ] BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB : $(source:B)_floatmax_t ] ; } return $(result) ; } test-suite float128_tests : [ get_float128_tests ] ;