[#reject] [section reject] [h1 Synopsis] template struct reject; This is a [link metaprogramming_value template metaprogramming value]. [table Arguments [[Name] [Type]] [[`Msg`] [[link metaprogramming_value template metaprogramming value]]] [[`Pos`] [[link source_position source position]]] ] [h1 Description] Values representing a failed parser application. It behaves as a [link lazy_metafunction lazy template metafunction]: when it is evaluated as a metafunction, it returns itself with its arguments evaluated. See expression semantics for further details. [note Note that for backward compatibility when `Msg::type` is not defined, `reject<....>::type` does not evaluate `Msg`. For example `reject::type` is `reject`. Using types that are not template metaprogramming values as `Msg` is deprecated and will not work in future versions of the library. ] [h1 Expressions semantics] For any `m` template metaprogramming value and `p` source position the following are equivalent: reject::type reject [h1 Header] #include [h1 Operations] * [link get_position `get_position`] * [link get_message `get_message`] [endsect]