# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 The Trustees of Indiana University. # Copyright (C) 2005 Douglas Gregor # Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software # License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) # Authors: Douglas Gregor # Andrew Lumsdaine import mpi ; import indirect ; import python ; libraries = ; if [ mpi.configured ] { project boost/mpi : source-location ../src ; lib boost_mpi : broadcast.cpp communicator.cpp computation_tree.cpp content_oarchive.cpp environment.cpp exception.cpp graph_communicator.cpp group.cpp intercommunicator.cpp mpi_datatype_cache.cpp mpi_datatype_oarchive.cpp packed_iarchive.cpp packed_oarchive.cpp packed_skeleton_iarchive.cpp packed_skeleton_oarchive.cpp point_to_point.cpp request.cpp text_skeleton_oarchive.cpp timer.cpp : # Requirements ../../serialization/build//boost_serialization /mpi//mpi [ mpi.extra-requirements ] BOOST_MPI_SOURCE=1 shared:BOOST_MPI_DYN_LINK=1 : # Default build shared : # Usage requirements ../../serialization/build//boost_serialization /mpi//mpi [ mpi.extra-requirements ] ; libraries += boost_mpi ; if [ python.configured ] { py2-version = [ py-version 2 ] ; py3-version = [ py-version 3 ] ; # These library names are synchronized with those defined by Boost.Python, see libs/python/build/Jamfile. lib_boost_python(2) = boost_python ; lib_boost_python(3) = boost_python3 ; lib_boost_python($(py2-version)) = $(lib_boost_python(2)) ; lib_boost_python($(py3-version)) = $(lib_boost_python(3)) ; lib_boost_mpi_python(2) = boost_mpi_python ; lib_boost_mpi_python(3) = boost_mpi_python3 ; lib_boost_mpi_python($(py2-version)) = $(lib_boost_mpi_python(2)) ; lib_boost_mpi_python($(py3-version)) = $(lib_boost_mpi_python(3)) ; for local N in 2 3 { if $(py$(N)-version) { lib $(lib_boost_mpi_python($(py$(N)-version))) : # Sources python/serialize.cpp : # Requirements boost_mpi /mpi//mpi [ mpi.extra-requirements ] /boost/python//$(lib_boost_python($(py$(N)-version))) shared:BOOST_MPI_DYN_LINK=1 shared:BOOST_MPI_PYTHON_DYN_LINK=1 shared:BOOST_PYTHON_DYN_LINK=1 BOOST_MPI_PYTHON_SOURCE=1 -@$(BOOST_JAMROOT_MODULE)%$(BOOST_JAMROOT_MODULE).tag @$(BOOST_JAMROOT_MODULE)%$(BOOST_JAMROOT_MODULE).python-tag on:BOOST_DEBUG_PYTHON $(py$(N)-version) : # Default build shared : # Usage requirements /mpi//mpi [ mpi.extra-requirements ] ; python-extension mpi : # Sources python/collectives.cpp python/py_communicator.cpp python/datatypes.cpp python/documentation.cpp python/py_environment.cpp python/py_nonblocking.cpp python/py_exception.cpp python/module.cpp python/py_request.cpp python/skeleton_and_content.cpp python/status.cpp python/py_timer.cpp : # Requirements /boost/python//$(lib_boost_python($(py$(N)-version))) $(lib_boost_mpi_python($(py$(N)-version))) boost_mpi /mpi//mpi [ mpi.extra-requirements ] shared:BOOST_MPI_DYN_LINK=1 shared:BOOST_MPI_PYTHON_DYN_LINK=1 shared:BOOST_PYTHON_DYN_LINK=1 shared shared on:BOOST_DEBUG_PYTHON $(py$(N)-version) ; libraries += $(lib_boost_mpi_python($(py$(N)-version))) ; } else { alias $(lib_boost_mpi_python($(N))) ; } } } } else if ! ( --without-mpi in [ modules.peek : ARGV ] ) { message boost_mpi : "warning: skipping optional Message Passing Interface (MPI) library." : "note: to enable MPI support, add \"using mpi ;\" to user-config.jam." : "note: to suppress this message, pass \"--without-mpi\" to bjam." : "note: otherwise, you can safely ignore this message." ; } boost-install $(libraries) ;