[/============================================================================ Boost.odeint Copyright 2011-2012 Karsten Ahnert Copyright 2011 Mario Mulansky Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) =============================================================================/] [section Controlled Stepper] This concept specifies the interface a controlled stepper has to fulfill to be used within __integrate_functions. [heading Description] A controlled stepper following this Controlled Stepper concept provides the possibility to perform one step of the solution /x(t)/ of an ODE with step-size /dt/ to obtain /x(t+dt)/ with a given step-size /dt/. Depending on an error estimate of the solution the step might be rejected and a smaller step-size is suggested. [heading Associated types] * ''''''[*state_type]'''''' ''''''`Stepper::state_type`'''''' ''''''The type characterizing the state of the ODE, hence ['x].'''''' * ''''''[*deriv_type]'''''' ''''''`Stepper::deriv_type`'''''' ''''''The type characterizing the derivative of the ODE, hence ['d x/dt].'''''' * ''''''[*time_type]'''''' ''''''`Stepper::time_type`'''''' ''''''The type characterizing the dependent variable of the ODE, hence the time ['t].'''''' * ''''''[*value_type]'''''' ''''''`Stepper::value_type`'''''' ''''''The numerical data type which is used within the stepper, something like `float`, `double`, `complex< double >`.'''''' * ''''''[*stepper_category]'''''' ''''''`Stepper::stepper_category`'''''' ''''''A tag type characterizing the category of the stepper. This type must be convertible to `controlled_stepper_tag`.'''''' [heading Notation] [variablelist [[`ControlledStepper`] [A type that is a model of Controlled Stepper]] [[`State`] [A type representing the state /x/ of the ODE]] [[`Time`] [A type representing the time /t/ of the ODE]] [[`stepper`] [An object of type `ControlledStepper`]] [[`x`] [Object of type `State`]] [[`t`, `dt`] [Objects of type `Time`]] [[`sys`] [An object defining the ODE, should be a model of __system, __symplectic_system, __simple_symplectic_system or __implicit_system.]] ] [heading Valid Expressions] [table [[Name] [Expression] [Type] [Semantics]] [[Do step] [``stepper.try_step( sys , x , t , dt )``] [`controlled_step_result`] [Tries one step of step size `dt`. If the step was successful, `success` is returned, the resulting state is written to `x`, the new time is stored in `t` and `dt` now contains a new (possibly larger) step-size for the next step. If the error was too big, `rejected` is returned and the results are neglected - `x` and `t` are unchanged and `dt` now contains a reduced step-size to be used for the next try.] ] [/ [Do step with reference] [`stepper.try_step( boost::ref(sys) , x , t , dt )`] [`void`] [Same as above with `System` as reference] ] ] [heading Models] * `controlled_error_stepper< runge_kutta_cash_karp54 >` * `controlled_error_stepper_fsal< runge_kutta_dopri5 >` * `controlled_error_stepper< runge_kutta_fehlberg78 >` * `rosenbrock4_controller` * `bulirsch_stoer` [endsect]