# Copyright 2012-2013 Karsten Ahnert # Copyright 2012-2013 Mario Mulansky # Copyright 2013 Pascal Germroth # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) # bring in rules for testing import testing ; # make sure you are using a new version of boost.build, otherwise the local # odeint will not be included properly # you can fix older boost.build versions by applying the patch provided in # odeint's root, e.g.: # cd ~/odeint-v2 # sudo patch /usr/share/boost-build/build/toolset.jam toolset.jam.patch use-project boost : $(BOOST_ROOT) ; project : requirements BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB=1 # use test library /boost//unit_test_framework static clang:-Wno-unused-variable # -D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS ; test-suite "odeint" : [ run euler_stepper.cpp ] [ run runge_kutta_concepts.cpp ] [ run runge_kutta_error_concepts.cpp ] [ run runge_kutta_controlled_concepts.cpp ] [ run resizing.cpp ] [ run default_operations.cpp ] [ run range_algebra.cpp ] [ run implicit_euler.cpp ] # disable in clang [ run fusion_algebra.cpp : : : clang:no ] [ run stepper_with_units.cpp : : : clang:no ] [ run stepper_copying.cpp ] [ run stepper_with_ranges.cpp ] [ run rosenbrock4.cpp ] [ run rosenbrock4_mp.cpp ] [ run is_pair.cpp ] [ run adams_bashforth.cpp ] [ run adams_moulton.cpp ] [ run adams_bashforth_moulton.cpp ] [ run controlled_adams_bashforth_moulton.cpp ] [ run adaptive_adams_coefficients.cpp ] [ run generic_stepper.cpp ] [ run generic_error_stepper.cpp ] [ run bulirsch_stoer.cpp ] [ run integrate_times.cpp ] [ run integrate_times.cpp : : : ODEINT_INTEGRATE_ITERATOR : integrate_times_iterator ] [ run integrate.cpp ] [ run integrate.cpp : : : ODEINT_INTEGRATE_ITERATOR : integrate_iterator ] [ run integrate_implicit.cpp ] [ run integrate_implicit.cpp : : : ODEINT_INTEGRATE_ITERATOR : integrate_implicit_iterator ] [ run generation.cpp ] [ run trivial_state.cpp ] [ run is_resizeable.cpp ] [ run resize.cpp ] [ run same_size.cpp ] [ run split.cpp ] [ run symplectic_steppers.cpp ] [ run integrators_symplectic.cpp ] [ run integrators_symplectic.cpp : : : ODEINT_INTEGRATE_ITERATOR : integrators_symplectic_iterator ] [ run velocity_verlet.cpp ] [ run multi_array.cpp ] [ compile algebra_dispatcher.cpp ] [ run integrate_stepper_refs.cpp ] [ run const_step_iterator.cpp ] [ run const_step_time_iterator.cpp ] [ run adaptive_iterator.cpp ] [ run adaptive_time_iterator.cpp ] [ run n_step_iterator.cpp ] [ run n_step_time_iterator.cpp ] [ run times_iterator.cpp ] [ run times_time_iterator.cpp ] [ run step_size_limitation.cpp ] [ run integrate_overflow.cpp ] [ compile unwrap_boost_reference.cpp ] [ compile unwrap_reference.cpp : -std=c++0x : unwrap_reference_C++11 ] [ compile std_array.cpp : -std=c++0x ] : valgrind ; # also run numeric tests build-project numeric ; build-project regression ; # test-suite "odeint-iterator_integrate" # : # [ run integrate.cpp : : : : integrate_iterator ] # : valgrind # ODEINT_ITERATOR_INTEGRATE # ;