[/============================================================================== Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Joel de Guzman Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Dan Marsden Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Thomas Heller Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) ===============================================================================/] [section STL] #include This section summarizes the lazy equivalents of C++ Standard Library functionality [section Container] #include The container module predefines a set of lazy functions that work on STL containers. These functions provide a mechanism for the lazy evaluation of the public member functions of the STL containers. The lazy functions are thin wrappers that simply forward to their respective counterparts in the STL library. Lazy functions are provided for all of the member functions of the following containers: * deque * list * map * multimap * vector Indeed, should your class have member functions with the same names and signatures as those listed below, then it will automatically be supported. To summarize, lazy functions are provided for member functions: * assign * at * back * begin * capacity * clear * empty * end * erase * front * get_allocator * insert * key_comp * max_size * pop_back * pop_front * push_back * push_front * rbegin * rend * reserve * resize * size * splice * value_comp The lazy functions' names are the same as the corresponding member function. The difference is that the lazy functions are free functions and therefore does not use the member "dot" syntax. [table Sample usage [["Normal" version] ["Lazy" version]] [[`my_vector.at(5)`] [`at(arg1, 5)`]] [[`my_list.size()`] [`size(arg1)`]] [[`my_vector1.swap(my_vector2)`] [`swap(arg1, arg2)`]] ] Notice that member functions with names that clash with stl algorithms are absent. This will be provided in Phoenix's algorithm module. No support is provided here for lazy versions of `operator+=`, `operator[]` etc. Such operators are not specific to STL containers and lazy versions can therefore be found in [link phoenix.modules.operator operators]. The following table describes the container functions and their semantics. [blurb __tip__ Arguments in brackets denote optional parameters.] [table Lazy STL Container Functions [[Function] [Semantics]] [[`assign(c, a[, b, c])`] [`c.assign(a[, b, c])`]] [[`at(c, i)`] [`c.at(i)`]] [[`back(c)`] [`c.back()`]] [[`begin(c)`] [`c.begin()`]] [[`capacity(c)`] [`c.capacity()`]] [[`clear(c)`] [`c.clear()`]] [[`empty(c)`] [`c.empty()`]] [[`end(c)`] [`c.end()`]] [[`erase(c, a[, b])`] [`c.erase(a[, b])`]] [[`front(c)`] [`c.front()`]] [[`get_allocator(c)`] [`c.get_allocator()`]] [[`insert(c, a[, b, c])`] [`c.insert(a[, b, c])`]] [[`key_comp(c)`] [`c.key_comp()`]] [[`max_size(c)`] [`c.max_size()`]] [[`pop_back(c)`] [`c.pop_back()`]] [[`pop_front(c)`] [`c.pop_front()`]] [[`push_back(c, d)`] [`c.push_back(d)`]] [[`push_front(c, d)`] [`c.push_front(d)`]] [[`pop_front(c)`] [`c.pop_front()`]] [[`rbegin(c)`] [`c.rbegin()`]] [[`rend(c)`] [`c.rend()`]] [[`reserve(c, n)`] [`c.reserve(n)`]] [[`resize(c, a[, b])`] [`c.resize(a[, b])`]] [[`size(c)`] [`c.size()`]] [[`splice(c, a[, b, c, d])`] [`c.splice(a[, b, c, d])`]] [[`value_comp(c)`] [`c.value_comp()`]] ] [endsect] [section Algorithm] #include The algorithm module provides wrappers for the standard algorithms in the `` and `` headers. The algorithms are divided into the categories iteration, transformation and querying, modeling the __boost_mpl__ library. The different algorithm classes can be included using the headers: #include #include #include The functions of the algorithm module take ranges as arguments where appropriate. This is different to the standard library, but easy enough to pick up. Ranges are described in detail in the __boost_range__ library. For example, using the standard copy algorithm to copy between 2 arrays: int array[] = {1, 2, 3}; int output[3]; std::copy(array, array + 3, output); // We have to provide iterators // to both the start and end of array The analogous code using the phoenix algorithm module is: int array[] = {1, 2, 3}; int output[3]; copy(arg1, arg2)(array, output); // Notice only 2 arguments, the end of // array is established automatically The __boost_range__ library provides support for standard containers, strings and arrays, and can be extended to support additional types. The following tables describe the different categories of algorithms, and their semantics. [blurb __tip__ Arguments in brackets denote optional parameters.] [table Iteration Algorithms [[Function] [stl Semantics]] [[`for_each(r, f)`] [`for_each(begin(r), end(r), f)`]] [[`accumulate(r, o[, f])`] [`accumulate(begin(r), end(r), o[, f])`]] ] [table Querying Algorithms [[Function] [stl Semantics]] [[`find(r, a)`] [`find(begin(r), end(r), a)`]] [[`find_if(r, f)`] [`find_if(begin(r), end(r), f)`]] [[`find_end(r1, r2[, f])`] [`find_end(begin(r1), end(r1), begin(r2), end(r2)[, f])`]] [[`find_first_of(r1, r2[, f])`] [`find_first_of(begin(r1), end(r1), begin(r2), end(r2)[, f])`]] [[`adjacent_find(r[, f])`] [`adjacent_find(begin(r), end(r)[, f])`]] [[`count(r, a)`] [`count(begin(r), end(r), a)`]] [[`count_if(r, f)`] [`count_if(begin(r), end(r), f)`]] [[`distance(r)`] [`distance(begin(r), end(r))`]] [[`mismatch(r, i[, f])`] [`mismatch(begin(r), end(r), i[, f])`]] [[`equal(r, i[, f])`] [`equal(begin(r), end(r), i[, f])`]] [[`search(r1, r2[, f])`] [`search(begin(r1), end(r1), begin(r2), end(r2)[, f])`]] [[`lower_bound(r, a[, f])`] [`lower_bound(begin(r), end(r), a[, f])`]] [[`upper_bound(r, a[, f])`] [`upper_bound(begin(r), end(r), a[, f])`]] [[`equal_range(r, a[, f])`] [`equal_range(begin(r), end(r), a[, f])`]] [[`binary_search(r, a[, f])`] [`binary_search(begin(r), end(r), a[, f])`]] [[`includes(r1, r2[, f])`] [`includes(begin(r1), end(r1), begin(r2), end(r2)[, f])`]] [[`min_element(r[, f])`] [`min_element(begin(r), end(r)[, f])`]] [[`max_element(r[, f])`] [`max_element(begin(r), end(r)[, f])`]] [[`lexicographical_compare(r1, r2[, f])`] [`lexicographical_compare(begin(r1), end(r1), begin(r2), end(r2)[, f])`]] ] [table Transformation Algorithms [[Function] [stl Semantics]] [[`copy(r, o)`] [`copy(begin(r), end(r), o)`]] [[`copy_backward(r, o)`] [`copy_backward(begin(r), end(r), o)`]] [[`transform(r, o, f)`] [`transform(begin(r), end(r), o, f)`]] [[`transform(r, i, o, f)`] [`transform(begin(r), end(r), i, o, f)`]] [[`replace(r, a, b)`] [`replace(begin(r), end(r), a, b)`]] [[`replace_if(r, f, a)`] [`replace(begin(r), end(r), f, a)`]] [[`replace_copy(r, o, a, b)`] [`replace_copy(begin(r), end(r), o, a, b)`]] [[`replace_copy_if(r, o, f, a)`] [`replace_copy_if(begin(r), end(r), o, f, a)`]] [[`fill(r, a)`] [`fill(begin(r), end(r), a)`]] [[`fill_n(r, n, a)`] [`fill_n(begin(r), n, a)`]] [[`generate(r, f)`] [`generate(begin(r), end(r), f)`]] [[`generate_n(r, n, f)`] [`generate_n(begin(r), n, f)`]] [[`remove(r, a)`] [`remove(begin(r), end(r), a)`]] [[`remove_if(r, f)`] [`remove_if(begin(r), end(r), f)`]] [[`remove_copy(r, o, a)`] [`remove_copy(begin(r), end(r), o, a)`]] [[`remove_copy_if(r, o, f)`] [`remove_copy_if(begin(r), end(r), o, f)`]] [[`unique(r[, f])`] [`unique(begin(r), end(r)[, f])`]] [[`unique_copy(r, o[, f])`] [`unique_copy(begin(r), end(r), o[, f])`]] [[`reverse(r)`] [`reverse(begin(r), end(r))`]] [[`reverse_copy(r, o)`] [`reverse_copy(begin(r), end(r), o)`]] [[`rotate(r, m)`] [`rotate(begin(r), m, end(r))`]] [[`rotate_copy(r, m, o)`] [`rotate_copy(begin(r), m, end(r), o)`]] [[`random_shuffle(r[, f])`] [`random_shuffle(begin(r), end(r), f)`]] [[`partition(r, f)`] [`partition(begin(r), end(r), f)`]] [[`stable_partition(r, f)`] [`stable_partition(begin(r), end(r), f)`]] [[`sort(r[, f])`] [`sort(begin(r), end(r)[, f])`]] [[`stable_sort(r[, f])`] [`stable_sort(begin(r), end(r)[, f])`]] [[`partial_sort(r, m[, f])`] [`partial_sort(begin(r), m, end(r)[, f])`]] [[`partial_sort_copy(r1, r2[, f])`] [`partial_sort_copy(begin(r1), end(r1), begin(r2), end(r2)[, f])`]] [[`nth_element(r, n[, f])`] [`nth_element(begin(r), n, end(r)[, f])`]] [[`merge(r1, r2, o[, f])`] [`merge(begin(r1), end(r1), begin(r2), end(r2), o[, f])`]] [[`inplace_merge(r, m[, f])`] [`inplace_merge(begin(r), m, end(r)[, f])`]] [[`set_union(r1, r2, o[, f])`] [`set_union(begin(r1), end(r1), begin(r2), end(r2)[, f])`]] [[`set_intersection(r1, r2, o[, f])`] [`set_intersection(begin(r1), end(r1), begin(r2), end(r2)[, f])`]] [[`set_difference(r1, r2, o[, f])`] [`set_difference(begin(r1), end(r1), begin(r2), end(r2)[, f])`]] [[`set_symmetric_difference(r1, r2, o[, f])`] [`set_symmetric_difference(begin(r1), end(r1), begin(r2), end(r2)[, f])`]] [[`push_heap(r[, f])`] [`push_heap(begin(r), end(r)[, f])`]] [[`pop_heap(r[, f])`] [`pop_heap(begin(r), end(r)[, f])`]] [[`make_heap(r[, f])`] [`make_heap(begin(r), end(r)[, f])`]] [[`sort_heap(r[, f])`] [`sort_heap(begin(r), end(r)[, f])`]] [[`next_permutation(r[, f])`] [`next_permutation(begin(r), end(r)[, f])`]] [[`prev_permutation(r[, f])`] [`prev_permutation(begin(r), end(r)[, f])`]] [[`inner_product(r, o, a[, f1, f2])`] [`inner_product(begin(r), end(r), o[, f1, f2])`]] [[`partial_sum(r, o[, f])`] [`partial_sum(begin(r), end(r), o[, f])`]] [[`adjacent_difference(r, o[, f])`] [`adjacent_difference(begin(r), end(r), o[, f])`]] ] [endsect] [endsect]