# # Copyright (c) 2016 Stefan Seefeld # All rights reserved. # # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) sudo: required dist: trusty language: cpp env: global: - secure: BRNUkxN3p8f+uYKWC3Hr0VPqZA0PxbWr1DJlcI4hbiZtzKhMCWjDmd9UW9CzzexqeOxpd+9s0G87qvOur+wMSVxugDxtTesZrh1czXHeSVxgQrYD783XJtQJ9aYypbChkiboRD6Xpmbq7itwMuHBJMFtCuDxMynpU1jWwkyTf2Y= matrix: include: - compiler: gcc env: CXX=g++ PYTHON=python CXXFLAGS=-std=c++98 - compiler: gcc env: CXX=g++ PYTHON=python CXXFLAGS=-std=c++11 - compiler: gcc env: CXX=g++ PYTHON=python3 CXXFLAGS=-std=c++98 - compiler: gcc env: CXX=g++ PYTHON=python3 CXXFLAGS=-std=c++11 - compiler: clang # clang generates an 'illegal instruction' error in the NumPy check. # Perhaps we need to upgrade clang to a newer version ? env: CXX=clang++ PYTHON=python3 CXXFLAGS=-std=c++98 OPTIONS=--no-numpy - compiler: clang env: CXX=clang++ PYTHON=python3 CXXFLAGS=-std=c++11 OPTIONS=--no-numpy - env: PYTHON=python DOC=1 addons: apt: sources: - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test packages: - scons - gcc-4.8 - g++-4.8 - clang - python-numpy - python-sphinx - python3-dev - python3-numpy - libboost-all-dev - xsltproc - docbook-xsl - python-docutils cache: directories: - $HOME/Boost before_install: # The Trusty image has several Python versions pre-installed compiled with # conflicting UCS2 and UCS4 unicode. Modify the PATH to skip the TravisCI python. # See https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/4948 for details. - export PATH=$(echo $PATH | tr ':' "\n" | sed '/\/opt\/python/d' | tr "\n" ":" | sed "s|::|:|g") install: # Install our own version of Boost (the subset we need) as the system version is # too old (for C++11 support). - rm -rf $HOME/Boost - | set -e if [ ! -d $HOME/Boost ]; then echo "rebuilding Boost prerequisites" wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost/1.61.0/boost_1_61_0.tar.gz/download tar xf download pushd boost_1_61_0 ./bootstrap.sh ./b2 tools/bcp mkdir -p $HOME/Boost dist/bin/bcp python tools/boostbook tools/quickbook $HOME/Boost &> /dev/null popd fi before_script: - scons --version script: - scons config --python=$PYTHON --boost-include=$HOME/Boost $OPTIONS - if [ "$DOC" ]; then scons doc; else scons && scons test; fi after_success: # Upload docs only when building upstream. - | if [ "$DOC" -a \ "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" = "boostorg/python" -a \ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = "false" ]; then export GH_TOKEN .ci/upload_docs.sh fi