[/============================================================================== Copyright (C) 2001-2015 Joel de Guzman Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Hartmut Kaiser Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) ===============================================================================/] [section:semantic_actions Parser Semantic Actions] The example in the previous section was very simplistic. It only recognized data, but did nothing with it. It answered the question: "Did the input match?". Now, we want to extract information from what was parsed. For example, we would want to store the parsed number after a successful match. To do this, you will need ['semantic actions]. Semantic actions may be attached to any point in the grammar specification. These actions are polymorphic function objects that are called whenever a part of the parser successfully recognizes a portion of the input. Say you have a parser `p`, and a polymorphic C++ function object `f`. You can make the parser call `f` whenever it matches an input by attaching `f`: p[f] The expression above links `f` to the parser, `p`. `f` is expected to be a polymorphic function object with the signature: template void operator()(Context const& ctx) const; We can also use C++14 generic lambdas of the form: [](auto& ctx) { /*...*/ } From the context, we can extract relevant information: [table Parse Context Access Functions [[Function] [Description] [Example]] [[`_val`] [A reference to the attribute of the innermost rule that directly or indirectly invokes the parser `p`] [`_val(ctx) = "Gotya!"`]] [[`_where`] [Iterator range to the input stream] [`_where(ctx).begin()`]] [[`_attr`] [A reference to the attribute of the parser `p`] [`_val(ctx) += _attr(ctx)`]] [[`_pass`] [A reference to a `bool` flag that can be used to force the `p` to fail] [`_pass(ctx) = false`]] ] [heading Examples of Semantic Actions] Given: struct print_action { template void operator()(Context const& ctx) const { std::cout << _attr(ctx) << std::endl; } }; Take note that with function objects, we need to have an `operator()` with the Context argument. If we don't care about the context, we can use `unused_type`. We'll see more of `unused_type` elsewhere. `unused_type` is a Spirit supplied support class. All examples parse inputs of the form: "{NNN}" Where NNN is an integer inside the curly braces (e.g. {44}). The first example shows how to attach a function object: parse(first, last, '{' >> int_[print_action()] >> '}'); What's new? Well `int_` is the sibling of `double_`. I'm sure you can guess what this parser does. The next example shows how use C++14 lambda: auto f = [](auto& ctx){ std::cout << _attr(ctx) << std::endl; }; parse(first, last, '{' >> int_[f] >> '}'); Attaching semantic actions is the first hurdle one has to tackle when getting started with parsing with Spirit. Familiarize yourself with this task. The examples above can be found here: [@../../../example/x3/actions.cpp] [endsect]