#!/usr/bin/perl # hi there { 'sleep' => 3, #'nummds' => [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96, 128, 160, 192], 'nummds' => [4, 16, 64],#[1, 16, 64, 128],#144, 160, 192, 208], #'cper' => [2, 5, 7, 10, 13, 16, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 150], 'cper' => [13, 30, 40], # just for final run... '_dep' => [ 'cnode' => '$nummds',# / 4 + 1', 'numclient' => '$nummds * $cper', 'numosd' => '$nummds', 'n' => '1 + $cnode + $nummds + $numosd' ], # parameters 'fs' => 'ebofs', #'fs' => 'fakestore', 'mds_bal_rep' => 10000, # none of that! 'mds_decay_halflife' => 30, 'mds_bal_interval' => 45, 'mds_bal_max' => 2, 'until' => 300, # --syn until $n ... when to stop clients 'kill_after' => 400, 'start' => 100, 'end' => 300, 'makedirs' => 1, 'makedirs_dirs' => 10, 'makedirs_files' => 10, 'makedirs_depth' => 4, # --meta_log_layout_scount 32 --meta_log_layout_ssize 256 # --osd_pg_layout linear 'custom' => '--tcp_skip_rank0 --meta_log_layout_num_rep 1 --meta_dir_layout_num_rep 1 --mds_shutdown_check 60', #'custom' => '--debug_after 110 --debug_osd 15 --debug_filer 15 --debug 5', 'comb' => { 'x' => 'cper',#nummds', 'vars' => [ 'mds.req', 'cl.lat' ] } };