{{ action | titlecase }} {{ resource | upperFirst }}

This field is required. IQN has wrong pattern. An IQN has the following notation 'iqn.$year-$month.$reversedAddress:$definedName'
For example: iqn.2016-06.org.dashboard:storage:disk.sn-a8675309
More information
This target has modified advanced settings.
At least {{ minimum_gateways }} gateways are required.
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lun: {{ imagesSettings[image]['lun'] }}
Backstore: {{ imagesSettings[image].backstore | iscsiBackstore }}.  This image has modified settings.
Duplicated LUN numbers. Duplicated WWN.
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This field is required. Usernames must have a length of 8 to 64 characters and can only contain letters, '.', '@', '-', '_' or ':'.
This field is required. Passwords must have a length of 12 to 16 characters and can only contain letters, '@', '-', '_' or '/'.
This field is required. Usernames must have a length of 8 to 64 characters and can only contain letters, '.', '@', '-', '_' or ':'.
This field is required. Passwords must have a length of 12 to 16 characters and can only contain letters, '@', '-', '_' or '/'.
Initiator: {{ initiator.getValue('client_iqn') }}
Initiator IQN needs to be unique. This field is required. IQN has wrong pattern.
This field is required. Usernames must have a length of 8 to 64 characters and can only contain letters, '.', '@', '-', '_' or ':'.
This field is required. Passwords must have a length of 12 to 16 characters and can only contain letters, '@', '-', '_' or '/'.
This field is required. Usernames must have a length of 8 to 64 characters and can only contain letters, '.', '@', '-', '_' or ':'.
This field is required. Passwords must have a length of 12 to 16 characters and can only contain letters, '@', '-', '_' or '/'.
Initiator belongs to a group. Images will be configure in the group.
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No items added.

Group: {{ group.getValue('group_id') }}
Add initiator

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No items added.