Step {{ step }} of 2: Telemetry report configuration

The telemetry module sends anonymous data about this Ceph cluster back to the Ceph developers to help understand how Ceph is used and what problems users may be experiencing.
This data is visualized on public dashboards that allow the community to quickly see summary statistics on how many clusters are reporting, their total capacity and OSD count, and version distribution trends.

The data being reported does not contain any sensitive data like pool names, object names, object contents, hostnames, or device serial numbers. It contains counters and statistics on how the cluster has been deployed, the version of Ceph, the distribution of the hosts and other parameters which help the project to gain a better understanding of the way Ceph is used. The data is sent secured to {{ sendToUrl }} and {{ sendToDeviceUrl }} (device report).

The plugin is already enabled. Click Deactivate to disable it. 

The telemetry report is broken down into several "channels", each with a different type of information that can be configured below.

Contact Information Submitting any contact information is completely optional and disabled by default.
Advanced Settings
The entered value is too low! It must be greater or equal to 8.

Note: By clicking 'Next' you will first see a preview of the report content before you can activate the automatic submission of your data.

Step {{ step }} of 2: Telemetry report preview