{{ action | titlecase }} {{ resource | upperFirst }}
This field is required! The chosen Ceph pool name is already in use. It's not possible to create an RBD pool with '/' in the name. Please change the name or remove 'rbd' from the applications list. Pool name can only contain letters, numbers, '.', '-', '_' or '/'.
This field is required!
This field is required! At least one placement group is needed! Your cluster can't handle this many PGs. Please recalculate the PG amount needed. The current PGs settings were calculated for you, you should make sure the values suit your needs before submit.
  • Minimum: {{ getMinSize() }}
  • Maximum: {{ getMaxSize() }}
The size specified is out of range. A value from {{ getMinSize() }} to {{ getMaxSize() }} is usable. A size of 1 will not create a replication of the object. The 'Replicated size' includes the object itself.
A new crush ruleset will be implicitly created.
There are no rules. 
This field is required! The rule can't be used in the current cluster as it has too few OSDs to meet the minimum required OSD by this rule.
Value should be greater than 0 Value should be less than the maximum blob size Size must be a number or in a valid format. eg: 5 GiB
Value should be greater than 0 Value should be greater than the minimum blob size Size must be a number or in a valid format. eg: 5 GiB
Value should be between 0.0 and 1.0
Size must be a number or in a valid format. eg: 5 GiB
The value should be greater or equal to 0