#!/usr/bin/perl # # check-config -- check the current config for issues # use strict; my $P = 'check-config'; my $test = -1; if ($ARGV[0] eq '--test') { $test = $ARGV[1] + 0; } elsif ($#ARGV != 4) { die "Usage: $P \n"; } my ($config, $arch, $flavour, $commonconfig, $warn_only) = @ARGV; my $checks = "$commonconfig/enforce"; my %values = (); # If we are in overridden then still perform the checks and emit the messages # but do not return failure. Those items marked FATAL will alway trigger # failure. my $fail_exit = 1; $fail_exit = 0 if ($warn_only eq 'true' || $warn_only eq '1'); my $exit_val = 0; # Predicate execution engine. sub pred_first { my ($rest) = @_; my $depth = 0; my $off; my $char; my $pred; for ($off = 0; $off <= length($rest); $off++) { $char = substr($rest, $off, 1); if ($char eq '(') { $depth++; } elsif ($char eq ')') { $depth--; } elsif ($depth == 0 && $char eq '&') { last; } elsif ($depth == 0 && $char eq '|') { last; } } if ($depth > 0) { die "$P: $rest: missing close parenthesis ')'\n"; } elsif ($depth < 0) { die "$P: $rest: missing open parenthesis '('\n"; } ($pred, $rest) = (substr($rest, 0, $off), substr($rest, $off + 1)); $pred =~ s/^\s*//; $pred =~ s/\s*$//; #print "pred<$pred> rest<$rest> char<$char>\n"; ($pred, $rest, $char); } sub pred_do { my ($pred) = @_; my (@a) = split(' ', $pred); my $possible; if ($a[0] eq 'arch') { die "$P: $pred: malformed -- $pred \n" if ($#a < 1); for $possible (@a[1..$#a]) { #print " *** ARCH<$flavour ?? $possible>\n"; return 1 if ($arch eq $possible); } return 0; } elsif ($a[0] eq 'flavour') { die "$P: $pred: malformed -- $pred \n" if ($#a < 1); for $possible (@a[1..$#a]) { #print " *** FLAVOUR<$flavour ?? $a[1]>\n"; return 1 if ($flavour eq $possible); } return 0; } elsif ($a[0] eq 'value') { die "$P: $pred: malformed -- $pred \n" if ($#a != 2); #print " *** CHECK<$a[1] $a[2] ?? " . $values{$a[1]} . ">\n"; return ($values{$a[1]} eq $a[2]); } elsif ($a[0] eq 'exists') { die "$P: $pred: malformed -- $pred \n" if ($#a != 1); return (defined $values{$a[1]}); } else { die "$P: $pred: unknown predicate\n"; } return 1; } sub pred_exec { my ($rest) = @_; my $pred; my $cut = 0; my $res; my $sep; #print "pred_exec<$rest>\n"; ($pred, $rest, $sep) = pred_first($rest); # Leading ! implies inversion. if ($pred =~ /^\s*!\s*(.*)$/) { #print " invert<$1>\n"; ($cut, $res) = pred_exec($1); $res = !$res; # Leading / implies a CUT operation. } elsif ($pred =~ /^\s*\/\s*(.*)$/) { #print " cut<$1>\n"; ($cut, $res) = pred_exec($1); $cut = 1; # Recurse left for complex expressions. } elsif ($pred =~ /^\s*\((.*)\)\s*$/) { #print " left<$1>\n"; ($cut, $res) = pred_exec($1); # Check for common syntax issues. } elsif ($pred eq '') { if ($sep eq '&' || $sep eq '|') { die "$P: $pred$rest: malformed binary operator\n"; } else { die "$P: $pred$rest: syntax error\n"; } # A predicate, execute it. } else { #print " DO<$pred> sep<$sep>\n"; $res = pred_do($pred); } #print " pre-return res<$res> sep<$sep>\n"; if ($sep eq '') { # # Recurse right for binary operators -- note these are lazy. } elsif ($sep eq '&' || $sep eq '|') { #print " right<$rest> ? sep<$sep> res<$res>\n"; if ($rest =~ /^\s*($|\||\&)/) { die "$P: $pred$rest: malformed binary operator\n"; } if ($cut == 0 && (($res && $sep eq '&') || (!$res && $sep eq '|'))) { #print " right<$rest>\n"; ($cut, $res) = pred_exec($rest); } } else { die "$P: $pred$rest: malformed predicate\n"; } #warn " return cut<$cut> res<$res> sep<$sep>\n"; return ($cut, $res); } # # PREDICATE TESTS # my $test_total = 1; my $test_good = 0; sub pred_test { my ($pred, $eres, $eerr) = @_; my ($cut, $res, $err, $fail); $test_total++; if ($test != 0 && $test != $test_total - 1) { return; } eval { ($cut, $res) = pred_exec($pred); }; $err = $@; chomp($err); $res = !!$res; $eres = !!$eres; $fail = ''; if (defined $eres && $res != $eres) { $fail = "result missmatch, expected $eres returned $res"; } if (defined $eerr && $err eq '') { $fail = "error missmatch, expected '$eerr' returned success"; } elsif (defined $eerr && $err !~ /$eerr/) { $fail = "error missmatch, expected '$eerr' returned '$err'"; } elsif (!defined $eerr && $err ne '') { $fail = "error missmatch, expected success returned '$err'"; } if ($fail eq '') { $test_good++; } else { print "$pred: $test_total: FAIL: $fail\n"; } #print "TEST<$pred> eres<$eres> eerr<$eerr> res<$res> err<$err>\n"; } if ($test >= 0) { $arch = 'MYARCH'; $flavour = 'MYFLAVOUR'; %values = ( 'ENABLED' => 'y', 'DISABLED' => 'n' ); # Errors. my $eunkn = 'unknown predicate'; my $epred = 'malformed'; my $eclose = 'missing close parenthesis'; my $eopen = 'missing open parenthesis'; my $ebinary = 'malformed binary operator'; # Basic predicate tests. print "TEST: $test_total: basic predicate tests ...\n"; pred_test('nosuchcommand', undef, $eunkn); pred_test('arch', undef, $epred); pred_test('arch MYARCH', 1, undef); pred_test('arch MYARCH NOTMYARCH', 1, undef); pred_test('arch NOTMYARCH MYARCH', 1, undef); pred_test('arch NOTMYARCH NOTMYARCH MYARCH', 1, undef); pred_test('arch NOTMYARCH MYARCH NOTMYARCH', 1, undef); pred_test('arch NOTMYARCH', 0, undef); pred_test('flavour', undef, $epred); pred_test('flavour MYFLAVOUR', 1, undef); pred_test('flavour NOTMYFLAVOUR MYFLAVOUR', 1, undef); pred_test('flavour NOTMYFLAVOUR NOTMYFLAVOUR MYFLAVOUR', 1, undef); pred_test('flavour NOTMYFLAVOUR MYFLAVOUR NOTMYFLAVOUR', 1, undef); pred_test('flavour NOTMYFLAVOUR', 0, undef); pred_test('value', undef, $epred); pred_test('value ENABLED', undef, $epred); pred_test('value ENABLED ENABLED ENABLED', undef, $epred); pred_test('value ENABLED y', 1, undef); pred_test('value ENABLED n', 0, undef); pred_test('value DISABLED n', 1, undef); pred_test('value DISABLED y', 0, undef); pred_test('exists', undef, $epred); pred_test('exists ENABLED ENABLED', undef, $epred); pred_test('exists ENABLED', 1, undef); pred_test('exists DISABLED', 1, undef); pred_test('exists MISSING', 0, undef); print "TEST: $test_total: inversion tests ...\n"; pred_test('!exists ENABLED', 0, undef); pred_test('!exists MISSING', 1, undef); pred_test('!!exists ENABLED', 1, undef); pred_test('!!exists MISSING', 0, undef); pred_test('!!!exists ENABLED', 0, undef); pred_test('!!!exists MISSING', 1, undef); print "TEST: $test_total: parentheses tests ...\n"; pred_test('(exists ENABLED)', 1, undef); pred_test('((exists ENABLED))', 1, undef); pred_test('(((exists ENABLED)))', 1, undef); pred_test('(exists MISSING)', 0, undef); pred_test('((exists MISSING))', 0, undef); pred_test('(((exists MISSING)))', 0, undef); pred_test('(!exists ENABLED)', 0, undef); pred_test('((!exists ENABLED))', 0, undef); pred_test('(((!exists ENABLED)))', 0, undef); pred_test('(!exists MISSING)', 1, undef); pred_test('((!exists MISSING))', 1, undef); pred_test('(((!exists MISSING)))', 1, undef); pred_test('((!(exists ENABLED)))', 0, undef); pred_test('((!(exists MISSING)))', 1, undef); pred_test('(!((exists ENABLED)))', 0, undef); pred_test('(!((exists MISSING)))', 1, undef); pred_test('!(((exists ENABLED)))', 0, undef); pred_test('!(((exists MISSING)))', 1, undef); pred_test('!((!(exists ENABLED)))', 1, undef); pred_test('!((!(exists MISSING)))', 0, undef); pred_test('!(!(!(exists ENABLED)))', 0, undef); pred_test('!(!(!(exists MISSING)))', 1, undef); pred_test('(', undef, $eclose); pred_test('()(', undef, $eclose); pred_test('(())(', undef, $eclose); pred_test('((()))(', undef, $eclose); pred_test('(()', undef, $eclose); pred_test('((())', undef, $eclose); pred_test('(((()))', undef, $eclose); pred_test('(()()', undef, $eclose); pred_test('((())()', undef, $eclose); pred_test(')', undef, $eopen); pred_test('())', undef, $eopen); pred_test('(()))', undef, $eopen); pred_test('((())))', undef, $eopen); print "TEST: $test_total: binary and tests ...\n"; pred_test('exists ENABLED &', undef, $ebinary); pred_test('& exists ENABLED', undef, $ebinary); pred_test('exists ENABLED & & exists ENABLED', undef, $ebinary); pred_test('exists MISSING & exists MISSING', 0, undef); pred_test('exists MISSING & exists ENABLED', 0, undef); pred_test('exists ENABLED & exists MISSING', 0, undef); pred_test('exists ENABLED & exists ENABLED', 1, undef); pred_test('exists MISSING & exists MISSING & exists MISSING', 0, undef); pred_test('exists MISSING & exists MISSING & exists ENABLED', 0, undef); pred_test('exists MISSING & exists ENABLED & exists MISSING', 0, undef); pred_test('exists MISSING & exists ENABLED & exists ENABLED', 0, undef); pred_test('exists ENABLED & exists MISSING & exists MISSING', 0, undef); pred_test('exists ENABLED & exists MISSING & exists ENABLED', 0, undef); pred_test('exists ENABLED & exists ENABLED & exists MISSING', 0, undef); pred_test('exists ENABLED & exists ENABLED & exists ENABLED', 1, undef); print "TEST: $test_total: binary or tests ...\n"; pred_test('exists ENABLED |', undef, $ebinary); pred_test('| exists ENABLED', undef, $ebinary); pred_test('exists ENABLED | | exists ENABLED', undef, $ebinary); pred_test('exists MISSING | exists MISSING', 0, undef); pred_test('exists MISSING | exists ENABLED', 1, undef); pred_test('exists ENABLED | exists MISSING', 1, undef); pred_test('exists ENABLED | exists ENABLED', 1, undef); pred_test('exists MISSING | exists MISSING | exists MISSING', 0, undef); pred_test('exists MISSING | exists MISSING | exists ENABLED', 1, undef); pred_test('exists MISSING | exists ENABLED | exists MISSING', 1, undef); pred_test('exists MISSING | exists ENABLED | exists ENABLED', 1, undef); pred_test('exists ENABLED | exists MISSING | exists MISSING', 1, undef); pred_test('exists ENABLED | exists MISSING | exists ENABLED', 1, undef); pred_test('exists ENABLED | exists ENABLED | exists MISSING', 1, undef); pred_test('exists ENABLED | exists ENABLED | exists ENABLED', 1, undef); print "TEST: $test_total: binary or/and combination tests ...\n"; pred_test('exists MISSING | exists MISSING & exists MISSING', 0, undef); pred_test('exists MISSING | exists MISSING & exists ENABLED', 0, undef); pred_test('exists MISSING | exists ENABLED & exists MISSING', 0, undef); pred_test('exists MISSING | exists ENABLED & exists ENABLED', 1, undef); pred_test('exists ENABLED | exists MISSING & exists MISSING', 1, undef); pred_test('exists ENABLED | exists MISSING & exists ENABLED', 1, undef); pred_test('exists ENABLED | exists ENABLED & exists MISSING', 1, undef); pred_test('exists ENABLED | exists ENABLED & exists ENABLED', 1, undef); print "TEST: $test_total: binary and/or combination tests ...\n"; pred_test('exists MISSING & exists MISSING | exists MISSING', 0, undef); pred_test('exists MISSING & exists MISSING | exists ENABLED', 0, undef); pred_test('exists MISSING & exists ENABLED | exists MISSING', 0, undef); pred_test('exists MISSING & exists ENABLED | exists ENABLED', 0, undef); pred_test('exists ENABLED & exists MISSING | exists MISSING', 0, undef); pred_test('exists ENABLED & exists MISSING | exists ENABLED', 1, undef); pred_test('exists ENABLED & exists ENABLED | exists MISSING', 1, undef); pred_test('exists ENABLED & exists ENABLED | exists ENABLED', 1, undef); print "TEST: $test_total: cut tests ...\n"; pred_test('(arch MYARCH & exists MISSING) | exists ENABLED', 1, undef); pred_test('(arch MYARCH &/ exists MISSING) | exists ENABLED', 0, undef); $test_total--; print "TEST: $test_good/$test_total succeeded\n"; exit $exit_val; } # Load up the current configuration values -- FATAL if this fails print "$P: $config: loading config\n"; open(CONFIG, "<$config") || die "$P: $config: open failed -- $! -- aborting\n"; while () { # Pull out values. /^#*\s*(CONFIG_\w+)[\s=](.*)$/ or next; if ($2 eq 'is not set') { $values{$1} = 'n'; } else { $values{$1} = $2; } } close(CONFIG); # FATAL: Check if we have an enforcement list. my $pass = 0; my $total = 0; my $line = ''; print "$P: $checks: loading checks\n"; open(CHECKS, "<$checks") || die "$P: $checks: open failed -- $! -- aborting\n"; while () { /^#/ && next; chomp; $line .= $_; if ($line =~ /\\$/) { chop($line); $line .= " "; next; } $line =~ /^\s*$/ && next; #print "CHECK: <$line>\n"; $total++; my (undef, $result) = pred_exec($line); if (!$result) { print "$P: FAIL: $line\n"; $exit_val = $fail_exit; } else { $pass++; } $line = ''; } close(CHECKS); print "$P: $pass/$total checks passed -- exit $exit_val\n"; exit $exit_val;