#!/usr/bin/make -f # Output a nice graph of why stuff isn't yet in Debian Testing. # # - Red oval nodes means it's not in Debian # - Yellow oval nodes means it's in Debian, but something else needs a # different version of it. # - For nodes with no children, it probably means that there is an older # version already in Debian Testing, and something else needs this specific # older version and can't work with the newer version. Unfortunately the # excuses page gives no more details about this, and you will have to ask # #debian-release to help you interpret https://release.debian.org/britney/update_output.txt # # Usage: # $ dev/rust-excuses.mk refresh all DST = rust-excuses.png rust-excuses-arch.png rust-regressions.list DOWNLOAD = wget -N --no-use-server-timestamps https://release.debian.org/britney/excuses.yaml all: $(DST) clean: rm -rf $(DST) $(DST:%.png=%.dot) excuses.yaml excuses.yaml: $(DOWNLOAD) rust-excuses.dot rust-excuses-arch.dot rust-regressions.list: excuses.yaml dev/rust-excuses.py dev/rust-excuses.py rust-excuses.dot rust-excuses-arch.dot rust-regressions.list %.png: %.dot unflatten -c 10 "$<" | dot -Tpng > "$@" refresh: $(DOWNLOAD) .PHONY: refresh