.TH Frr 1 "27 July 2006" "@PACKAGE_FULLNAME@ Systemd Script" "Version @PACKAGE_VERSION@" .SH NAME frr \- a systemd interaction script .SH SYNOPSIS .B frr [ .B start ] .br .B frr [ .B stop ] .br .B frr [ .B reload ] .br .B frr [ .B restart ] .br .B frr [ .B status ] .br .SH DESCRIPTION .B @PACKAGE_NAME@ is a systemd interaction script for the .B @PACKAGE_FULLNAME@ routing engine. .SH OPTIONS Options available for the .B frr command: .IP start Start enabled Frr daemons .IP stop Stop enabled Frr daemons .IP reload Reload modified configuration files .IP restart Stop all running daemons and then restart them .IP status Status of all the daemons .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR bgpd (8), .BR ripd (8), .BR ripngd (8), .BR ospfd (8), .BR ospf6d (8), .BR isisd (8), .BR zebra (8) .SH BUGS .B frr eats bugs for breakfast. If you have food for the maintainers try .BI @PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@ .SH AUTHORS See .BI @PACKAGE_URL@ or the Info file for an accurate list of authors.