.TH ARPD 8 "28 June, 2007" .SH NAME arpd \- userspace arp daemon. .SH SYNOPSIS Usage: arpd [ -lkh? ] [ -a N ] [ -b dbase ] [ -B number ] [ -f file ] [-p interval ] [ -n time ] [ -R rate ] [ ] .SH DESCRIPTION The .B arpd daemon collects gratuitous ARP information, saving it on local disk and feeding it to the kernel on demand to avoid redundant broadcasting due to limited size of the kernel ARP cache. .SH OPTIONS .TP -h -? Print help .TP -l Dump the arpd database to stdout and exit. The output consists of three columns: the interface index, the IP address of the interface, and the MAC address of the interface. Negative entries for dead hosts are also shown, in this case the MAC address is replaced by the word FAILED followed by a colon and the most recent time when the fact that the host is dead was proven. .TP -f Read and load an arpd database from FILE in a text format similar to that dumped by option -l. Exit after load, possibly listing resulting database, if option -l is also given. If FILE is -, stdin is read to get the ARP table. .TP -b the location of the database file. The default location is /var/lib/arpd/arpd.db .TP -a With this option, arpd not only passively listens for ARP packets on the interface, but also sends brodcast queries itself. NUMBER is the number of such queries to make before a destination is considered dead. When arpd is started as kernel helper (i.e. with app_solicit enabled in sysctl or even with option -k) without this option and still did not learn enough information, you can observe 1 second gaps in service. Not fatal, but not good. .TP -k Suppress sending broadcast queries by the kernel. This option only makes sense together with option -a. .TP -n