.TH DEVLINK\-MONITOR 8 "14 Mar 2016" "iproute2" "Linux" .SH "NAME" devlink-monitor \- state monitoring .SH SYNOPSIS .sp .ad l .in +8 .ti -8 .BR "devlink monitor" " [ " all " |" .IR OBJECT-LIST " ]" .sp .SH DESCRIPTION The .B devlink utility can monitor the state of devlink devices and ports continuously. This option has a slightly different format. Namely, the .B monitor command is the first in the command line and then the object list. .I OBJECT-LIST is the list of object types that we want to monitor. It may contain .BR dev ", " port ", " trap ", " trap-group . .B devlink opens Devlink Netlink socket, listens on it and dumps state changes. .SH SEE ALSO .BR devlink (8), .BR devlink-dev (8), .BR devlink-sb (8), .BR devlink-port (8), .BR devlink-trap (8), .br .SH AUTHOR Jiri Pirko