.TH IP\-TUNNEL 8 "20 Dec 2011" "iproute2" "Linux" .SH "NAME" ip-tunnel - tunnel configuration .SH "SYNOPSIS" .sp .ad l .in +8 .ti -8 .B ip .RI "[ " OPTIONS " ]" .B tunnel .RI " { " COMMAND " | " .BR help " }" .sp .ti -8 .BR "ip tunnel" " { " add " | " change " | " del " | " show " | " prl " }" .RI "[ " NAME " ]" .br .RB "[ " mode .IR MODE " ] [ " .B remote .IR ADDR " ] [ " .B local .IR ADDR " ]" .br .RB "[ [" i "|" o "]" seq " ] [ [" i "|" o "]" key .IR KEY " ] [ " .RB "[" i "|" o "]" csum " ] ]" .br .RB "[ " encaplimit .IR ELIM " ]" .RB "[ " ttl .IR TTL " ]" .br .RB "[ " tos .IR TOS " ] [ " .B flowlabel .IR FLOWLABEL " ]" .br .RB "[ " prl-default .IR ADDR " ] [ " .B prl-nodefault .IR ADDR " ] [ " .B prl-delete .IR ADDR " ]" .br .RB "[ [" no "]" pmtudisc " ]" .RB "[ " dev .IR PHYS_DEV " ]" .RB "[ " "dscp inherit" " ]" .ti -8 .IR MODE " := " .RB " { " ipip " | " gre " | " sit " | " isatap " | " ip6ip6 " | " ipip6 " | " any " }" .ti -8 .IR ADDR " := { " IP_ADDRESS " |" .BR any " }" .ti -8 .IR TOS " := { " NUMBER " |" .BR inherit " }" .ti -8 .IR ELIM " := {" .BR none " | " .IR 0 ".." 255 " }" .ti -8 .ti -8 .IR TTL " := { " 1 ".." 255 " | " .BR inherit " }" .ti -8 .IR KEY " := { " DOTTED_QUAD " | " NUMBER " }" .ti -8 .IR TIME " := " NUMBER "[s|ms]" .SH DESCRIPTION .B tunnel objects are tunnels, encapsulating packets in IP packets and then sending them over the IP infrastructure. The encapulating (or outer) address family is specified by the .B -f option. The default is IPv4. .SS ip tunnel add - add a new tunnel .SS ip tunnel change - change an existing tunnel .SS ip tunnel delete - destroy a tunnel .TP .BI name " NAME " (default) select the tunnel device name. .TP .BI mode " MODE" set the tunnel mode. Available modes depend on the encapsulating address family. .br Modes for IPv4 encapsulation available: .BR ipip ", " sit ", " isatap " and " gre "." .br Modes for IPv6 encapsulation available: .BR ip6ip6 ", " ipip6 " and " any "." .TP .BI remote " ADDRESS" set the remote endpoint of the tunnel. .TP .BI local " ADDRESS" set the fixed local address for tunneled packets. It must be an address on another interface of this host. .TP .BI ttl " N" set a fixed TTL .I N on tunneled packets. .I N is a number in the range 1--255. 0 is a special value meaning that packets inherit the TTL value. The default value for IPv4 tunnels is: .BR "inherit" . The default value for IPv6 tunnels is: .BR "64" . .TP .BI tos " T" .TP .BI dsfield " T" .TP .BI tclass " T" set a fixed TOS (or traffic class in IPv6) .I T on tunneled packets. The default value is: .BR "inherit" . .TP .BI dev " NAME" bind the tunnel to the device .I NAME so that tunneled packets will only be routed via this device and will not be able to escape to another device when the route to endpoint changes. .TP .B nopmtudisc disable Path MTU Discovery on this tunnel. It is enabled by default. Note that a fixed ttl is incompatible with this option: tunnelling with a fixed ttl always makes pmtu discovery. .TP .BI key " K" .TP .BI ikey " K" .TP .BI okey " K" .RB ( " only GRE tunnels " ) use keyed GRE with key .IR K ". " K is either a number or an IP address-like dotted quad. The .B key parameter sets the key to use in both directions. The .BR ikey " and " okey parameters set different keys for input and output. .TP .BR csum ", " icsum ", " ocsum .RB ( " only GRE tunnels " ) generate/require checksums for tunneled packets. The .B ocsum flag calculates checksums for outgoing packets. The .B icsum flag requires that all input packets have the correct checksum. The .B csum flag is equivalent to the combination .BR "icsum ocsum" . .TP .BR seq ", " iseq ", " oseq .RB ( " only GRE tunnels " ) serialize packets. The .B oseq flag enables sequencing of outgoing packets. The .B iseq flag requires that all input packets are serialized. The .B seq flag is equivalent to the combination .BR "iseq oseq" . .B It isn't work. Don't use it. .TP .BR "dscp inherit" .RB ( " only IPv6 tunnels " ) Inherit DS field between inner and outer header. .TP .BI encaplim " ELIM" .RB ( " only IPv6 tunnels " ) set a fixed encapsulation limit. Default is 4. .TP .BI flowlabel " FLOWLABEL" .RB ( " only IPv6 tunnels " ) set a fixed flowlabel. .SS ip tunnel prl - potential router list (ISATAP only) .TP .BI dev " NAME" mandatory device name. .TP .BI prl-default " ADDR" .TP .BI prl-nodefault " ADDR" .TP .BI prl-delete " ADDR" .RB "Add or delete " ADDR as a potential router or default router. .SS ip tunnel show - list tunnels This command has no arguments. .SH SEE ALSO .br .BR ip (8) .SH AUTHOR Original Manpage by Michail Litvak