Installation ============ {pmg} is based on Debian. This is why the install disk images (ISO files) provided by Proxmox include a complete Debian system as well as all necessary {pmg} packages. TIP: See the xref:faq-support-table[support table in the FAQ] for the relationship between {pmg} releases and Debian releases. The installer will guide you through the setup, allowing you to partition the local disk(s), apply basic system configurations (for example, timezone, language, network) and install all required packages. This process should not take more than a few minutes. Installing with the provided ISO is the recommended method for new and existing users. Alternatively, {pmg} can be installed on top of an existing Debian system. This option is only recommended for advanced users because detailed knowledge about {pmg} is required. include::pmg-installation-media.adoc[] [[pmg_install_iso]] Using the {pmg} Installation CD-ROM ----------------------------------- The installer ISO image includes the following: * Complete operating system (Debian Linux, 64-bit) * The {pmg} installer, which partitions the hard drive(s) with ext4, XFS or ZFS and installs the operating system * Linux kernel * Postfix MTA, ClamAV, Spamassassin and the {pmg} toolset * Web-based management interface for using the toolset Please insert the xref:installation_prepare_media[prepared installation media] (for example, USB flash drive or CD-ROM) and boot from it. TIP: Make sure that booting from the installation medium (for example, USB) is enabled in your servers firmware settings. After choosing the correct entry (for example, Boot from USB) the {pmg} menu will be displayed, and one of the following options can be selected: image::images/installer/pmg-grub-menu.png[] Install {pmg}:: Start normal installation. Install {pmg} (Debug mode):: Start installation in debug mode. This opens a shell console at various stages throughout the installation, so that you can debug issues, if something goes wrong. You can press `CTRL-D` to exit the debug console and continue the installation. This option is mostly for developers and not meant for general use. Rescue Boot:: This option allows you to boot an existing installation. It searches all attached hard disks and, if it finds an existing installation, boots directly into that disk using the existing Linux kernel. This can be useful if there are problems with the boot block (grub), or the BIOS is unable to read the boot block from the disk. Test Memory:: Runs `memtest86+`. This is useful to check if your memory is functional and error free. You normally select *Install {pmg}* to start the installation. image::images/installer/pmg-select-target-disk.png[] The first step is to read our EULA (End User License Agreement). Following this, you can select the target hard disk(s) for the installation. CAUTION: By default, the whole server is used and all existing data is removed. Make sure there is no important data on the server before proceeding with the installation. The `Options` button lets you select the target file system, which defaults to `ext4`. The installer uses LVM if you select `ext4` or `xfs` as a file system, and offers additional options to restrict LVM space (see <>) If you have more than one disk, you can also use ZFS as a file system. ZFS supports several software RAID levels, which is particularly useful if you do not have a hardware RAID controller. The `Options` button lets you choose the ZFS RAID level and select which disks will be used. image::images/installer/pmg-select-location.png[] The next page asks for basic configuration options like your location, timezone, and keyboard layout. The location is used to select a nearby download server, in order to increase the speed of updates. The installer is usually able to auto-detect these settings, so you only need to change them in rare situations when auto-detection fails, or when you want to use a keyboard layout not commonly used in your country. image::images/installer/pmg-set-password.png[] You then need to specify an email address and the superuser (root) password. The password must have at least 5 characters, but we highly recommend to use stronger passwords - here are some guidelines: - Use a minimum password length of 12 to 14 characters. - Include lowercase and uppercase alphabetic characters, numbers and symbols. - Avoid character repetition, keyboard patterns, dictionary words, letter or number sequences, usernames, relative or pet names, romantic links (current or past) and biographical information (e.g., ID numbers, ancestors' names or dates). It is sometimes necessary to send notification to the system administrator, for example: - Information about available package updates. - Error messages from periodic cron jobs. All those notification mails will be sent to the specified email address. image::images/installer/pmg-setup-network.png[] The next step is the network configuration. Please note that you can use either IPv4 or IPv6 here, but not both. If you want to configure a dual stack node, you can easily do that after the installation. image::images/installer/pmg-summary.png[] When you press `Next`, you will see an overview of your entered configuration. Please re-check every setting, you can still use the `Previous` button to go back and edit any settings. After clicking `Install`, the installer will begin to format and copy packages to the target disk(s). image::images/installer/pmg-installation.png[] Copying the packages usually takes several minutes. When this is finished, you can reboot the server. Further configuration is done via the {pmg} web interface: [thumbnail="pmg-gui-login-window.png"] . Point your browser to the IP address given during the installation (https://youripaddress:8006). . Log in and upload your subscription key. + NOTE: The default login is "root", and the password is the one chosen during the installation. . Check the IP configuration and hostname. . Check the timezone. . Check your xref:firewall_settings[Firewall settings]. . Configure {pmg} to forward the incoming SMTP traffic to your mail server ('Configuration/Mail Proxy/Default Relay') - 'Default Relay' is your email server. . Configure your email server to send all outgoing messages through your {pmg} ('Smart Host', port 26 by default). For detailed deployment scenarios see chapter xref:chapter_deployment[Planning for Deployment]. After the installation, you have to route all your incoming and outgoing email traffic to {pmg}. For incoming traffic, you have to configure your firewall and/or DNS settings. For outgoing traffic you need to change the existing email server configuration. [[advanced_lvm_options]] Advanced LVM Configuration Options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The installer creates a Volume Group (VG) called `pmg`, and additional Logical Volumes (LVs) called `root` and `swap`. The size of those volumes can be controlled with: `hdsize`:: Defines the total disk size to be used. This way you can save free space on the disk for further partitioning (i.e. for an additional PV and VG on the same disk that can be used for LVM storage). `swapsize`:: Defines the size of the `swap` volume. The default is the size of the installed memory. The minimum is 4 GB and the maximum is 8 GB. The resulting value cannot be greater than `hdsize/8`. `minfree`:: Defines the amount of free space that should be left in the LVM volume group `pmg`. With more than 128GB storage available, the default is 16GB, otherwise `hdsize/8` will be used. + NOTE: LVM requires free space in the VG for snapshot creation (not required for lvmthin snapshots). ZFS Performance Tips ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ZFS uses a lot of memory, so it is best to add additional RAM if you want to use ZFS. A good calculation is 4GB plus 1GB RAM for each TB RAW disk space. ZFS also provides the ability to use a fast SSD drive as write cache. The write cache is called the ZFS Intent Log (ZIL). You can add that after the installation using the following command: zpool add log [[pmg_install_on_debian]] Install {pmg} on Debian ----------------------- {pmg} ships as a set of Debian packages, so you can install it on top of a normal Debian installation. After configuring the xref:pmg_package_repositories[package repositories], you need to run: [source,bash] ---- apt update apt install proxmox-mailgateway ---- Installing on top of an existing Debian installation seems easy, but it assumes that you have correctly installed the base system, and you know how you want to configure and use the local storage. Network configuration is also completely up to you. NOTE: In general, this is not trivial, especially when you use LVM or ZFS. [[pmg_install_on_debian_container]] Install {pmg} as a Linux Container Appliance -------------------------------------------- {pmg} can also run inside a Debian-based LXC instance. In order to keep the set of installed software, and thus the necessary updates minimal, you can use the `proxmox-mailgateway-container` meta-package. This does not depend on any Linux kernel, firmware, or components used for booting from bare-metal, like grub2. A ready-to-use appliance template is available through the `mail` section of the[Proxmox VE] appliance manager, so if you already use Proxmox VE, you can set up a {pmg} instance in minutes. NOTE: It's recommended to use a static network configuration. If DHCP must be used, ensure that the container always leases the same IP, for example, by reserving one with the container's network MAC address. Additionally, you can install this on top of a container-based Debian installation. After configuring the xref:pmg_package_repositories[package repositories], you need to run: [source,bash] ---- apt update apt install proxmox-mailgateway-container ---- [[pmg_package_repositories]] Package Repositories -------------------- {pmg} uses[APT] as its package management tool like any other Debian-based system. Repositories in {pmg} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Repositories are a collection of software packages. They can be used to install new software, but are also important to get new updates. NOTE: You need valid Debian and Proxmox repositories to get the latest security updates, bug fixes and new features. APT Repositories are defined in the file `/etc/apt/sources.list` and in `.list` files placed in `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/`. Repository Management ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [thumbnail="pmg-gui-admin-repositories.png"] Since {pmg} 7.0 you can check the repository state in the web interface. The 'Dashboard' shows a high level status overview, while the separate 'Repository' panel (accessible via 'Administration') shows in-depth status and list of all configured repositories. Basic repository management, for example, activating or deactivating a repository, is also supported. Sources.list ^^^^^^^^^^^^ In a `sources.list` file, each line defines a package repository. The preferred source must come first. Empty lines are ignored. A `#` character anywhere on a line marks the remainder of that line as a comment. The available packages from a repository are acquired by running `apt update`. Updates can be installed directly using `apt`, or via the GUI (Administration -> Updates). .File `/etc/apt/sources.list` ---- # basic Debian repositories: deb bookworm main contrib deb bookworm-updates main contrib # security updates deb bookworm-security main contrib # Proxmox Mail Gateway repo required too - see below! ---- {pmg} provides three different package repositories. {pmg} Enterprise Repository ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the default, stable and recommended repository, available for all {pmg} subscription users. It contains the most stable packages, and is suitable for production use. The `pmg-enterprise` repository is enabled by default: .File `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/pmg-enterprise.list` ---- deb bookworm pmg-enterprise ---- As soon as updates are available, the `root@pam` user is notified via email about the newly available packages. From the GUI, the change-log of each package can be viewed (if available), showing all details of the update. Thus, you will never miss important security fixes. Please note that you need a valid subscription key to access this repository. We offer different support levels, which you can find further details about at {pricing-url}. NOTE: You can disable this repository by commenting out the above line using a `#` (at the start of the line). This prevents error messages, if you do not have a subscription key. Please configure the `pmg-no-subscription` repository in this case. {pmg} No-Subscription Repository ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As the name suggests, you do not need a subscription key to access this repository. It can be used for testing and non-production use. It's not recommended to use this on production servers, as these packages are not always heavily tested and validated. We recommend configuring this repository in `/etc/apt/sources.list`. .File `/etc/apt/sources.list` ---- deb bookworm main contrib deb bookworm-updates main contrib # security updates deb bookworm-security main contrib # PMG pmg-no-subscription repository provided by, # NOT recommended for production use deb bookworm pmg-no-subscription ---- {pmg} Test Repository ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finally, there is a repository called `pmgtest`. This contains the latest packages, and is heavily used by developers to test new features. As with before, you can configure this using `/etc/apt/sources.list` by adding the following line: .sources.list entry for `pmgtest` ---- deb bookworm pmgtest ---- WARNING: the `pmgtest` repository should only be used for testing new features or bug fixes. SecureApt ~~~~~~~~~ We use GnuPG to sign the `Release` files inside these repositories, and APT uses these signatures to verify that all packages are from a trusted source. The key used for verification is already installed, if you install from our installation CD. If you install via another means, you can manually download the key by executing the following command as root user: ---- # wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-release-bookworm.gpg ---- Verify the checksum afterwards with the `sha512sum` CLI tool: ---- # sha512sum /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-release-bookworm.gpg 7da6fe34168adc6e479327ba517796d4702fa2f8b4f0a9833f5ea6e6b48f6507a6da403a274fe201595edc86a84463d50383d07f64bdde2e3658108db7d6dc87 /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-release-bookworm.gpg ---- or the `md5sum` CLI tool: ---- # md5sum /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-release-bookworm.gpg 41558dc019ef90bd0f6067644a51cf5b /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-release-bookworm.gpg ---- Debian Non-Free Repository ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Certain software cannot be made available in the `main` and `contrib` areas of the {debian} archives, since it does not adhere to the Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG). These are distributed in the {debian_nonfree_archive_area}. For {pmg} two packages from the `non-free` area are needed in order to support the RAR archive format: * `p7zip-rar` for matching xref:pmg_mailfilter_what[Archive Objects] in the xref:chapter_mailfilter[Rule system] * `libclamunrar` for detecting viruses in RAR archives. To enable the `non-free` component, run `editor /etc/apt/sources.list` and append `non-free` to the end of each `` repository line. Following this, you can install the required packages with: ---- apt update apt install libclamunrar p7zip-rar ---- [[pmg_debian_firmware_repo]] Debian Firmware Repository ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Starting with Debian Bookworm ({pmg} 8) non-free firmware (as defined by[DFSG]) has been moved to the newly created Debian repository component `non-free-firmware`. Enable this repository if you want to set up xref:pmg_firmware_cpu[Early OS Microcode Updates] or need additional xref:pmg_firmware_runtime_files[Runtime Firmware Files] not already included in the pre-installed package `pve-firmware`. To be able to install packages from this component, run `editor /etc/apt/sources.list`, append `non-free-firmware` to the end of each `` repository line and run `apt update`.