Mail Filter =========== {pmg} ships with a highly configurable mail filter. It’s an easy but powerful way to define filter rules by user, domains, time frame, content type and resulting action. image::images/screenshot/pmg-gui-mail-filter-rules.png[] Every rule has 5 categories ('FROM', 'TO', 'WHEN', 'WHAT' and 'ACTION'), and each category may contain several objects to match certain criteria: WHO - objects:: Who is the sender or receiver of the e-mail? Those objects can be used for the 'TO' and/or 'FROM' category. + ==== Example: EMail-object - Who is the sender or receiver of the e-mail? ==== WHAT - objects:: What is in the e-mail? + ==== Example: Does the e-mail contain spam? ==== WHEN - objects:: When is the e-mail received by {pmg}? + ==== Example: Office Hours - Mail is received between 8:00 and 16:00. ==== ACTIONS - objects:: Defines the final actions. + ==== Example: Mark e-mail with “SPAM:” in the subject. ==== Rules are ordered by priority, so rules with higher priority are executed first. It is also possible to set a processing direction: 'In':: Rule applies for all incoming e-mails 'Out':: Rule applies for all outgoing e-mails 'In & Out':: Rule applies for both directions And you can also disable a rule completely, which is mostly useful for testing and debugging. The 'Factory Defaults' button alows you to reset the filter rules. Actions ------- image::images/screenshot/pmg-gui-mail-filter-actions.png[] Please note that some actions stops further rule precessing. We call such actions 'final'. Accept ~~~~~~ Accept mail for Delivery. This is a 'final' action. Block ~~~~~ Block mail. This is a 'final' action. Quarantine ~~~~~~~~~~ Move to quarantine (virus mails are moved to the “virus quarantine”, other mails are moved to “spam quarantine”). This is also a 'final' action. Notification ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Send notifications. Please note that object configuration can use xref:rule_system_macros[macros], so it is easy to include additional information. For example, the default 'Notify Admin' object sends the following information: .Sample notification action body: ---- Proxmox Notification: Sender: __SENDER__ Receiver: __RECEIVERS__ Targets: __TARGETS__ Subject: __SUBJECT__ Matching Rule: __RULE__ __RULE_INFO__ __VIRUS_INFO__ __SPAM_INFO__ ---- Notification can also include a copy of the original mail. Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The BCC object simply sends a copy to another target. It is possible to send the original unmodified mail, or the processed result. Please note that this can be quite different, i.e. when a previous rule removed attachments. Header Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This object is able to add or modify mail header attributes. As notice above, you can use xref:rule_system_macros[macros], making this a very powerful object. For example, the 'Modify Spam Level' actions adds detailed infomation about detected Spam characteristics to the ` X-SPAM-LEVEL` header. .Modify Spam Level Header Attribute ---- Field: X-SPAM-LEVEL Value: __SPAM_INFO__ ---- Another prominent example is the 'Modify Spam Subject' action. This simply adds the 'SPAM:' prefix to the original mail subject: .Modify Spam Subject Header Attribute ---- Field: subject Value: SPAM: __SUBJECT__ ---- Remove attachments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Remove attachments can either remove all attachments, or only those matched by the rules 'WHAT' object. You can also specify the replacement text if you want. Disclaimer ~~~~~~~~~~ Add a Disclaimer.