[[sysadmin_certificate_management]] Certificate Management ---------------------- Access to the administration web-interface is always encrypted through `https`. Each {pmg} host creates by default its own (self-signed) Certificate Authority (CA) and generates a certificate for the node which gets signed by the aforementioned CA. These certificates are used for encrypted communication with the cluster's `pmgproxy` service for any API call, between an user and the web-interface or between nodes in a cluster. [[sysadmin_certs_api_gui]] Certificates for the API and SMTP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {pmg} knows two different certificates: * `/etc/pmg/pmg-api.pem`: the required certificate used for {pmg} API requests. * `/etc/pmg/pmg-tls.pem`: the optional certificate used for SMTP TLS connections, see xref:pmgconfig_mailproxy_tls[mailproxy TLS configuration] for details. You have the following options for those certificates: 1. keep using the default self-signed certificate in `/etc/pmg/pmg-api.pem`. 2. use an externally provided certificate (for example, signed by a commercial Certificate Authority (CA)). 3. use an ACME provider like Let's Encrypt to get a trusted certificate with automatic renewal, this is also integrated in the {pmg} API and Webinterface. Certificates are managed through the {pmg} web-interface/API or using the the `pmgconfig` CLI tool. [[sysadmin_certs_upload_custom]] Upload Custom Certificate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you already have a certificate which you want to use for a {pmg} host, you can upload that certificate simply over the web interface. [thumbnail="pmg-gui-certs-upload-custom.png"] Note that any certificates key file must not be password protected. [[sysadmin_certs_get_trusted_acme_cert]] Trusted certificates via Let's Encrypt (ACME) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {PMG} includes an implementation of the **A**utomatic **C**ertificate **M**anagement **E**nvironment **ACME** protocol, allowing {pmg} admins to interface with Let's Encrypt for easy setup of trusted TLS certificates which are accepted out of the box on most modern operating systems and browsers. Currently the two ACME endpoints implemented are the https://letsencrypt.org[Let's Encrypt (LE)] production and its staging environment. Our ACME client supports validation of `http-01` challenges using a built-in webserver and validation of `dns-01` challenges using a DNS plugin supporting all the DNS API endpoints https://acme.sh[acme.sh] does. [[sysadmin_certs_acme_account]] ACME Account ^^^^^^^^^^^^ [thumbnail="pmg-gui-acme-create-account.png"] You need to register an ACME account per cluster with the endpoint you want to use. The email address used for that account will server as contact point for renewal-due or similar notifications from the ACME endpoint. You can register or deactivate ACME accounts over the web interface `Certificates -> ACME Accounts` or using the `pmgconfig` command line tool. ---- pmgconfig acme account register ---- TIP: Because of https://letsencrypt.org/docs/rate-limits/[rate-limits] you should use LE `staging` for experiments or if you use ACME for the very first time until all is working there, and only then switch over to the production directory. [[sysadmin_certs_acme_plugins]] ACME Plugins ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ACME plugins task is to provide automatic verification that you, and thus the {pmg} cluster under your operation, are the real owner of a domain. This is the basis building block for automatic certificate management. The ACME protocol specifies different types of challenges, for example the `http-01` where a webserver provides a file with a certain value to prove that it controls a domain. Sometimes this isn't possible, either because of technical limitations or if the address a domain points to is not reachable from the public internet. For such cases, one could use the `dns-01` challenge. This challenge also provides a certain value, but through a DNS record on the authority name server of the domain, rather than over a text file. [thumbnail="pmg-gui-acme-create-challenge-plugin.png"] {pve} supports both of those challenge types out of the box, you can configure plugins either over the web interface under `Datacenter -> ACME`, or using the `pvenode acme plugin add` command. ACME Plugin configurations are stored in `/etc/pve/priv/acme/plugins.cfg`. A plugin is available for all nodes in the cluster. Domains ^^^^^^^ You can add new or manage existing domain entries under `Certificates`, or using the `pmgconfig` command. [thumbnail="pmg-gui-acme-add-domain.png"] After configuring the desired domain(s) for a node and ensuring that the desired ACME account is selected, you can order your new certificate over the web-interface. On success the interface will reload after circa 10 seconds. Renewal will happen xref:sysadmin_certs_acme_automatic_renewal[automatically]. [[sysadmin_certs_acme_http_challenge]] ACME HTTP Challenge Plugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is always an implicitly configured `standalone` plugin for validating `http-01` challenges via the built-in webserver spawned on port 80. NOTE: The name `standalone` means that it can provide the validation on it's own, without any third party service. So, this plugin works also for cluster nodes. There are a few prerequisites to use it for certificate management with Let's Encrypts ACME. * You have to accept the ToS of Let's Encrypt to register an account. * **Port 80** of the node needs to be reachable from the internet. * There **must** be no other listener on port 80. * The requested (sub)domain needs to resolve to a public IP of the {pmg} host. [[sysadmin_certs_acme_dns_challenge]] ACME DNS API Challenge Plugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On systems where external access for validation via the `http-01` method is not possible or desired, it is possible to use the `dns-01` validation method. This validation method requires a DNS server that allows provisioning of `TXT` records via an API. [[sysadmin_certs_acme_dns_api_config]] Configuring ACME DNS APIs for validation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ {PVE} re-uses the DNS plugins developed for the `acme.sh` footnote:[acme.sh https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh] project, please refer to its documentation for details on configuration of specific APIs. The easiest way to configure a new plugin with the DNS API is using the web interface (`Certificates -> ACME Accounts/Challenges`). [thumbnail="pmg-gui-acme-create-challenge-plugin.png"] Add a new challenge plugin, here you can select your API provider, enter the credential data to access your account over their API. TIP: See the acme.sh https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/wiki/dnsapi#how-to-use-dns-api[How to use DNS API] wiki for more detailed information about getting API credentials for your provider. Configuration values do not need to be quoted with single or double quotes, for some plugins that is even an error. As there are many DNS providers and API endpoints {pmg} autogenerates the form for the credentials, but not all providers are annotated yet. For those you will see a bigger text area, simply copy all the credentials `KEY`=`VALUE` pairs in there. DNS Validation through CNAME Alias ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A special `alias` mode can be used to handle the validation on a different domain/DNS server, in case your primary/real DNS does not support provisioning via an API. Manually set up a permanent `CNAME` record for `_acme-challenge.domain1.example` pointing to `_acme-challenge.domain2.example` and set the `alias` property in the {pmg} node configuration file `/etc/pmg/node.conf` to `domain2.example` to allow the DNS server of `domain2.example` to validate all challenges for `domain1.example`. Combination of Plugins ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Combining `http-01` and `dns-01` validation is possible in case your node is reachable via multiple domains with different requirements / DNS provisioning capabilities. Mixing DNS APIs from multiple providers or instances is also possible by specifying different plugin instances per domain. TIP: Accessing the same service over multiple domains increases complexity and should be avoided if possible. [[sysadmin_certs_acme_automatic_renewal]] Automatic renewal of ACME certificates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If a node has been successfully configured with an ACME-provided certificate (either via pmgconfig or via the web-interface/API), the certificate will be automatically renewed by the `pmg-daily.service`. Currently, renewal is triggered if the certificate either already expired or if it will expire in the next 30 days. Manually Change Certificate over Command-Line ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want to get rid of these warnings, you have to generate a valid certificate for your server. Login to your {pmg} via ssh or use the console: ---- openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.pem -out req.pem ---- Follow the instructions on the screen, see this example: ---- Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]: AT State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:Vienna Locality Name (eg, city) []:Vienna Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]: Proxmox GmbH Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:Proxmox Mail Gateway Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []: yourproxmox.yourdomain.com Email Address []:support@yourdomain.com Please enter the following 'extra' attributes to be sent with your certificate request A challenge password []: not necessary An optional company name []: not necessary ---- After you finished this certificate request you have to send the file `req.pem` to your Certification Authority (CA). The CA will issue the certificate (BASE64 encoded) based on your request – save this file as `cert.pem` to your {pmg}. To activate the new certificate, do the following on your {pmg}: ---- cat key.pem cert.pem >/etc/pmg/pmg-api.pem ---- Then restart the API servers: ---- systemctl restart pmgproxy ---- Test your new certificate by using your browser. NOTE: To transfer files from and to your {pmg}, you can use secure copy: If you desktop is Linux, you can use the `scp` command line tool. If your desktop PC is windows, please use a scp client like WinSCP (see https://winscp.net/). Change Certificate for Cluster Setups ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you change the API certificate of an active cluster node manually, you also need to update the pinned fingerprint inside the cluster configuration. You can do that by executing the following command on the host where the certificate changed: ---- pmgcm update-fingerprints ---- Note, this will be done automatically if using the integrated ACME (for example, through Let's Encrypt) feature.