#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Getopt::Long; use IPC::Open3; use IO::File; use IO::Dir; use IO::Select; use Cwd 'abs_path'; use Gtk2 '-init'; use Gtk2::Html2; use Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms; use Encode; my $release = '2.0'; my $kapi = `uname -r`; chomp $kapi; my $opt_testmode; if (!GetOptions ('testmode=s' => \$opt_testmode)) { die "usage error\n"; exit (-1); } my $logfd = IO::File->new (">/tmp/install.log"); my $proxmox_dir = $opt_testmode ? "." : "/var/lib/pve-installer"; $ENV{DEBIAN_FRONTEND} = 'noninteractive'; $ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C'; my ($window, $cmdbox, $inbox, $document, $htmlview); my ($next, $next_fctn, $target_hd, $master_hd); my ($progress, $progress_status); my ($ipaddress, $ip_1, $ip_2, $ip_3, $ip_4); my ($netmask, $mask_1, $mask_2, $mask_3, $mask_4); my ($gateway, $gw_1, $gw_2, $gw_3, $gw_4); my ($dnsserver, $dns_1, $dns_2, $dns_3, $dns_4); my $hostname = 'proxmox'; my $domain = 'domain.tld'; my $cmdline = `cat /proc/cmdline` || ''; my $ipconf; my $country; my $timezone = 'Europe/Vienna'; my $password; my $mailto; my $keymap = 'en-us'; my $cmap; my $filesys = ($cmdline =~ m/\sext4(\s.*)$/) ? 'ext4' : 'ext3'; my $postfix_main_cf = <<_EOD; # See /usr/share/postfix/main.cf.dist for a commented, more complete version myhostname=__FQDN__ smtpd_banner = \$myhostname ESMTP \$mail_name (Debian/GNU) biff = no # appending .domain is the MUA's job. append_dot_mydomain = no # Uncomment the next line to generate "delayed mail" warnings #delay_warning_time = 4h alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases mydestination = \$myhostname, localhost.\$mydomain, localhost relayhost = mynetworks = inet_interfaces = loopback-only recipient_delimiter = + _EOD sub syscmd { my ($cmd) = @_; return run_command ($cmd, undef, undef, 1); } sub run_command { my ($cmd, $func, $input, $noout) = @_; my $cmdtxt; if ($input && ($cmd !~ m/chpasswd/)) { $cmdtxt = "# $cmd <flush(); print $logfd $cmdtxt; my $reader = IO::File->new(); my $writer = IO::File->new(); my $error = IO::File->new(); my $orig_pid = $$; my $pid; eval { $pid = open3 ($writer, $reader, $error, $cmd) || die $!; }; my $err = $@; # catch exec errors if ($orig_pid != $$) { POSIX::_exit (1); kill ('KILL', $$); } die $err if $err; print $writer $input if defined $input; close $writer; my $select = new IO::Select; $select->add ($reader); $select->add ($error); my ($ostream, $logout) = ('', '', ''); while ($select->count) { my @handles = $select->can_read (0.2); Gtk2->main_iteration while Gtk2->events_pending; next if !scalar (@handles); # timeout foreach my $h (@handles) { my $buf = ''; my $count = sysread ($h, $buf, 4096); if (!defined ($count)) { my $err = $!; kill (9, $pid); waitpid ($pid, 0); die "command '$cmd' failed: $err"; } $select->remove ($h) if !$count; if ($h eq $reader) { $ostream .= $buf if !($noout || $func); $logout .= $buf; while ($logout =~ s/^([^\010\r\n]*)(\r|\n|(\010)+|\r\n)//s) { my $line = $1; &$func($line) if $func; } } elsif ($h eq $error) { $ostream .= $buf if !($noout || $func); } print $buf; STDOUT->flush(); print $logfd $buf; } } &$func($logout) if $func; my $rv = waitpid ($pid, 0); return $? if $noout; # behave like standard system(); my $ec = ($? >> 8); if ($ec) { die "command '$cmd' failed with exit code $ec"; } return $ostream; } sub detect_country { print "trying to detect country...\n"; open (TMP, "traceroute -N 1 -q 1 -n www.debian.org|"); my $country; my $previous_alarm = alarm (10); eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "timed out!\n" }; my $line; while (defined ($line = )) { print $logfd "DC TRACEROUTE: $line"; if ($line =~ m/\s*\d+\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s/) { my $geoip = `geoiplookup $1`; print $logfd "DC GEOIP: $geoip"; if ($geoip =~ m/GeoIP Country Edition:\s*([A-Z]+),/) { $country = lc ($1); last; } } } }; my $err = $@; alarm ($previous_alarm); close (TMP); if ($err) { print "unable to detect country - $err\n"; } elsif ($country) { print "detected country: " . uc($country) . "\n"; } else { print "unable to detect country\n"; } return $country; } sub get_memtotal { open (MEMINFO, "/proc/meminfo"); my $res = 512; # default to 512 if something goes wrong while (my $line = ) { if ($line =~ m/^MemTotal:\s+(\d+)\s*kB/i) { $res = int ($1 / 1024); } } close (MEMINFO); return $res; } my $total_memory = get_memtotal(); sub link_points_to { my ($src, $dest) = @_; my ($dev1,$ino1) = stat ($src); my ($dev2,$ino2) = stat ($dest); return 0 if !($dev1 && $dev2 && $ino1 && $ino2); return $ino1 == $ino2 && $dev1 == $dev2; } sub find_stable_path { my ($stabledir, $bdev) = @_; my $dh = IO::Dir->new ($stabledir); if ($dh) { while (defined(my $tmp = $dh->read)) { my $path = "$stabledir/$tmp"; if (link_points_to ($path, $bdev)) { return wantarray ? ($path, $tmp) : $path; } } $dh->close; } return wantarray ? () : undef; } sub find_dev_by_uuid { my $bdev = shift; my ($full_path, $name) = find_stable_path ("/dev/disk/by-uuid", $bdev); return $name; } sub hd_list { my $res = (); if ($opt_testmode) { push @$res, [-1, $opt_testmode, int((-s $opt_testmode)/512), "TESTDISK"]; } my $count = 0; foreach my $bd () { next if $bd =~ m|^/sys/block/ram\d+$|; next if $bd =~ m|^/sys/block/loop\d+$|; next if $bd =~ m|^/sys/block/md\d+$|; next if $bd =~ m|^/sys/block/dm-.*$|; next if $bd =~ m|^/sys/block/fd\d+$|; next if $bd =~ m|^/sys/block/sr\d+$|; my $dev = `cat '$bd/dev'`; chomp $dev; next if !$dev; my $info = `udevadm info --path $bd --query all`; next if !$info; next if $info !~ m/^E: DEVTYPE=disk$/m; next if $info =~ m/^E: ID_CDROM/m; my ($name) = $info =~ m/^N: (\S+)$/m; if ($name) { my $real_name = "/dev/$name"; my $size = `cat '$bd/size'`; chomp $size; $size = undef if !($size && $size =~ m/^\d+$/); my $model = `cat '$bd/device/model'`; $model =~ s/^\s+//; $model =~ s/\s+$//; if (length ($model) > 30) { $model = substr ($model, 0, 30); } push @$res, [$count++, $real_name, $size, $model] if $size; } else { print STDERR "ERROR: unable to map device $dev ($bd)\n"; } } return $res; } sub read_cmap { my $countryfn = $opt_testmode ? "/usr/share/pve-manager/country.dat" : "/proxmox/country.dat"; open (TMP, "<$countryfn") || die "unable to open '$countryfn' - $!\n"; my $line; my $country = {}; my $countryhash = {}; my $kmap = {}; my $kmaphash = {}; while (defined ($line = )) { if ($line =~ m|^map:([^\s:]+):([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]*):$|) { $kmap->{$1} = { name => $2, kvm => $3, console => $4, x11 => $5, x11var => $6, }; $kmaphash->{$2} = $1; } elsif ($line =~ m|^([a-z]{2}):([^:]+):([^:]*):([^:]*):$|) { $country->{$1} = { name => $2, kmap => $3, mirror => $4, }; $countryhash->{lc($2)} = $1; } else { warn "unable to parse 'country.dat' line: $line"; } } close (TMP); my $zones = {}; my $cczones = {}; my $zonefn = "/usr/share/zoneinfo/zone.tab"; open (TMP, "<$zonefn") || die "unable to open '$zonefn' - $!\n"; while (defined ($line = )) { next if $line =~ m/^\#/; next if $line =~ m/^\s*$/; if ($line =~ m|^([A-Z][A-Z])\s+\S+\s+(([^/]+)/\S+)\s|) { my $cc = lc($1); $cczones->{$cc}->{$2} = 1; $country->{$cc}->{zone} = $2 if !defined ($country->{$cc}->{zone}); $zones->{$2} = 1; } } close (TMP); return { zones => $zones, cczones => $cczones, country => $country, countryhash => $countryhash, kmap => $kmap, kmaphash => $kmaphash, } } # search for Harddisks my $hds = hd_list (); sub hd_size { my ($dev) = @_; foreach my $hd (@$hds) { my ($disk, $devname, $size, $model) = @$hd; return int($size/2) if $devname eq $dev; } die "no such device '$dev'"; } # find the master boot disk - return the first found scsi/ide disk sub find_master { my ($target_hd) = @_; foreach my $hd (sort { ${$a}[1] cmp ${$b}[1] } @$hds) { my ($disk, $devname) = @$hd; next if $disk < 0; if ($target_hd =~ m|^/dev/sd|) { return $devname if $devname =~ m|^/dev/sd|; } elsif ($target_hd =~ m|^/dev/hd|) { return $devname if $devname =~ m|^/dev/hd|; } elsif ($target_hd =~ m|^/dev/i2o/|) { return $devname if $devname =~ m|^/dev/i2o/|; } elsif ($target_hd =~ m|^/dev/ataraid/|) { return $devname if $devname =~ m|^/dev/ataraid/|; } elsif ($target_hd =~ m|^/dev/ida/|) { return $devname if $devname =~ m|^/dev/ida/|; } elsif ($target_hd =~ m|^/dev/cciss/|) { return $devname if $devname =~ m|^/dev/cciss/|; } elsif ($target_hd =~ m|^/dev/rd/|) { return $devname if $devname =~ m|^/dev/rd/|; } } return $target_hd; } sub get_partition_dev { my ($target_hd, $partnum) = @_; if ($target_hd =~ m|^/dev/[hxsev]d[a-z]$|) { return "${target_hd}$partnum"; } elsif ($target_hd =~ m|^/dev/[^/]+/c\d+d\d+$|) { return "${target_hd}p$partnum"; } elsif ($target_hd =~ m|^/dev/[^/]+/d\d+$|) { return "${target_hd}p$partnum"; } elsif ($target_hd =~ m|^/dev/[^/]+/hd[a-z]$|) { return "${target_hd}$partnum"; } else { die "unable to get device for partition $partnum on device $target_hd\n"; } } sub get_boot_part { my ($target_hd, $gpt) = @_; return get_partition_dev ($target_hd, $gpt ? 2 : 1); } sub get_lvm_part { my ($target_hd, $gpt) = @_; return get_partition_dev ($target_hd, $gpt ? 3 : 2); } sub write_config { my ($text, $filename) = @_; my $fd = IO::File->new (">$filename") || die "unable to open file '$filename' - $!"; print $fd $text; $fd->close(); } sub update_progress { my ($frac, $start, $end, $text) = @_; my $part = $end - $start; my $res = $start + $frac*$part; $progress->set_fraction ($res); $progress->set_text (sprintf ("%d%%", int ($res*100))); $progress_status->set_text ($text) if defined ($text); Gtk2->main_iteration while Gtk2->events_pending; } sub create_filesystem { my ($dev, $name, $type, $start, $end, $fs, $fe, $opts) = @_; $opts = '' if !$opts; my $range = $end - $start; my $rs = $start + $range*$fs; my $re = $start + $range*$fe; my $max = 0; update_progress (0, $rs, $re, "creating $name filesystem"); run_command ("mkfs.$type $opts -F $dev", sub { my $line = shift; if ($line =~ m/Writing inode tables:\s+(\d+)\/(\d+)/) { $max = $2; } elsif ($max && $line =~ m/(\d+)\/$max/) { update_progress (($1/$max)*0.9, $rs, $re); } elsif ($line =~ m/Creating journal.*done/) { update_progress (0.95, $rs, $re); } elsif ($line =~ m/Writing superblocks and filesystem.*done/) { update_progress (1, $rs, $re); } }); } sub debconfig_set { my ($targetdir, $dcdata) = @_; my $cfgfile = "/tmp/debconf.txt"; write_config ($dcdata, "$targetdir/$cfgfile"); syscmd ("chroot $targetdir debconf-set-selections $cfgfile"); unlink "$targetdir/$cfgfile"; } sub diversion_add { my ($targetdir, $cmd, $new_cmd) = @_; syscmd ("chroot $targetdir dpkg-divert --package proxmox " . "--add --rename $cmd") == 0 || die "unable to exec dpkg-divert\n"; syscmd ("ln -sf ${new_cmd} $targetdir/$cmd") == 0 || die "unable to link diversion to ${new_cmd}\n"; } sub diversion_remove { my ($targetdir, $cmd) = @_; syscmd ("mv $targetdir/${cmd}.distrib $targetdir/${cmd};") == 0 || die "unable to remove $cmd diversion\n"; syscmd ("chroot $targetdir dpkg-divert --remove $cmd") == 0 || die "unable to remove $cmd diversion\n"; } sub extract_data { my ($tgzfile, $targetdir) = @_; die "target '$targetdir' does not exist\n" if ! -d $targetdir; my $rootdev; my $bootdev; my $datadev; my $swapfile; my $ptype = 'msdos'; eval { my $maxper = 0.25; update_progress (0, 0, $maxper, "create partitions"); if ( -b $target_hd) { syscmd ("dd if=/dev/zero of=${target_hd} bs=512 count=256"); my $hdsize = hd_size ($target_hd); # size in blocks (1024 bytes) if ($hdsize >= 2*1024*1024*1024) { # MBR can only handle 2 TB $ptype = 'gpt'; } my $bootsize_mb = 512; my $bootsize = $bootsize_mb * 1024; my $hdsize_mb = $hdsize/1024; my $pcmd = "parted --align optimal ${target_hd}"; $pcmd .= " unit MiB"; $pcmd .= " mklabel $ptype"; my $pnum = 1; if ($ptype eq 'gpt') { $pcmd .= " mkpart primary 1 2"; $pcmd .= " set $pnum bios_grub on"; $pnum++; }; $pcmd .= " mkpart primary ext2 $pnum ${bootsize_mb}"; $pcmd .= " set $pnum boot on"; $pnum++; $pcmd .= " mkpart primary ext2 ${bootsize_mb} ${hdsize_mb}"; $pcmd .= " set $pnum lvm on"; syscmd($pcmd) == 0 || die "unable to partition harddisk '${target_hd}'\n"; sleep(1); # give kernel time to reread part table my $lvmdev = get_lvm_part($target_hd, $ptype eq 'gpt'); $rootdev = '/dev/pve/root'; $datadev = '/dev/pve/data'; $swapfile = '/dev/pve/swap'; # we use --metadatasize 250k, which reseults in "pe_start = 512" # so pe_start is aligned on a 128k boundary (advantage for SSDs) syscmd ("/sbin/pvcreate --metadatasize 250k -y -ff $lvmdev") == 0 || die "unable to initialize physical volume $lvmdev"; syscmd ("/sbin/vgcreate pve $lvmdev") == 0 || die "unable to create volume group"; my $hdgb = int($hdsize/(1024*1024)); die "hardisk too small (${hdgb}GB)" if $hdgb < 4; my $swapsize; if ($cmdline =~ m/swapsize=(\d+)[\s\n]/i) { $swapsize=$1*1024*1024; } else { my $ss = int ($total_memory / 1024); $ss = 4 if $ss < 4; $ss = ($hdgb/8) if $ss > ($hdgb/8); $swapsize = $ss*1024*1024; } my $space = (($hdgb > 128) ? 16 : ($hdgb/8))*1024*1024; my $maxroot; if ($cmdline =~ m/maxroot=(\d+)[\s\n]/i) { $maxroot = $1; } else { $maxroot = 96; } my $rootsize = (($hdgb > ($maxroot*4)) ? $maxroot : $hdgb/4)*1024*1024; my $rest = int($hdsize) - $bootsize - $swapsize - $space - $rootsize; # in KB syscmd ("/sbin/lvcreate -L${swapsize}K -nswap pve") == 0 || die "unable to create swap volume"; syscmd ("/sbin/lvcreate -L${rootsize}K -nroot pve") == 0 || die "unable to create root volume"; syscmd ("/sbin/lvcreate -L${rest}K -ndata pve") == 0 || die "unable to create data volume"; syscmd ("/sbin/vgchange -a y pve") == 0 || die "unable to activate volume group"; } else { $rootdev = $target_hd; syscmd ("umount $rootdev"); } update_progress (0.03, 0, $maxper, "create swap space"); if ($swapfile) { syscmd ("mkswap $swapfile") == 0 || die "unable to create swap space\n"; } update_progress (0.05, 0, $maxper, "creating filesystems"); if ( -b $target_hd) { $bootdev = get_boot_part ($target_hd, $ptype eq 'gpt'); create_filesystem ($bootdev, 'boot', $filesys, 0.05, $maxper, 0, 0.1); create_filesystem ($rootdev, 'root', $filesys, 0.05, $maxper, 0.1, 0.5); create_filesystem ($datadev, 'data', $filesys, 0.05, $maxper, 0.5, 1, '-m 0'); } else { create_filesystem ($rootdev, 'root', $filesys, 0.05, $maxper, 0, 1); } update_progress (1, 0.05, $maxper, "mounting target $rootdev"); if ( -b $target_hd) { # trigger udev to create /dev/disk/by-uuid syscmd ("udevadm trigger --subsystem-match block"); syscmd ("udevadm settle --timeout 10"); syscmd ("mount -n $rootdev -o noatime,barrier=0 $targetdir") == 0 || die "unable to mount $rootdev\n"; mkdir "$targetdir/boot"; syscmd ("mount -n $bootdev -o noatime,barrier=0 $targetdir/boot") == 0 || die "unable to mount $bootdev\n"; mkdir "$targetdir/var"; mkdir "$targetdir/var/lib"; mkdir "$targetdir/var/lib/vz"; syscmd ("mount -n $datadev $targetdir/var/lib/vz") == 0 || die "unable to mount $datadev\n"; } else { syscmd ("mount $rootdev $targetdir -o loop,noatime,barrier=0") == 0 || die "unable to mount $rootdev\n"; } display_html ("extract2-rulesystem.htm"); update_progress (1, 0.05, $maxper, "extracting base system"); my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size) = stat ($tgzfile); $ino || die "unable to open file '$tgzfile' - $!\n"; my $files; if ($opt_testmode) { $files = `cat /pve/$release/install/pve-base.cnt`; } else { $files = `cat /proxmox/pve-base.cnt`; } my $per = 0; my $count = 0; run_command ("tar xvf $tgzfile -C $targetdir", sub { my $line = shift; $count++; my $nper = int (($count *100)/$files); if ($nper != $per) { $per = $nper; my $frac = $per > 100 ? 100 : $per/100; update_progress ($frac, $maxper, 0.5); } }); syscmd ("mount -n -t tmpfs tmpfs $targetdir/tmp") == 0 || die "unable to mount tmpfs on $targetdir/tmp\n"; syscmd ("mount -n -t proc proc $targetdir/proc") == 0 || die "unable to mount proc on $targetdir/proc\n"; syscmd ("mount -n -t sysfs sysfs $targetdir/sys") == 0 || die "unable to mount sysfs on $targetdir/sys\n"; display_html ("extract3-spam.htm"); update_progress (1, $maxper, 0.5, "configuring base system"); # configure hosts my $hosts = " localhost.localdomain localhost\n" . "$ipaddress $hostname.$domain $hostname pvelocalhost\n\n" . "# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts\n\n" . "::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback\n" . "fe00::0 ip6-localnet\n" . "ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix\n" . "ff02::1 ip6-allnodes\n" . "ff02::2 ip6-allrouters\n" . "ff02::3 ip6-allhosts\n"; write_config ($hosts, "$targetdir/etc/hosts"); write_config ("$hostname\n", "$targetdir/etc/hostname"); syscmd ("/bin/hostname $hostname") if !$opt_testmode; # configure interfaces my $ifaces = "auto lo\niface lo inet loopback\n\n" . "auto vmbr0\niface vmbr0 inet static\n" . "\taddress $ipaddress\n" . "\tnetmask $netmask\n" . "\tgateway $gateway\n" . "\tbridge_ports eth0\n" . "\tbridge_stp off\n" . "\tbridge_fd 0\n"; write_config ($ifaces, "$targetdir/etc/network/interfaces"); # configure dns my $resolfconf = "search $domain\nnameserver $dnsserver\n"; write_config ($resolfconf, "$targetdir/etc/resolv.conf"); # try to use UUID=XXX for boot device my $boot_uuid = $bootdev; if (my $uuid = find_dev_by_uuid ($bootdev)) { $boot_uuid = "UUID=$uuid"; } # configure fstab my $fstab = "# \n" . "$rootdev / $filesys errors=remount-ro 0 1\n"; $fstab .= "$datadev /var/lib/vz $filesys defaults 0 1\n" if $datadev; $fstab .= "${boot_uuid} /boot $filesys defaults 0 1\n" if $boot_uuid; $fstab .= "$swapfile none swap sw 0 0\n" if $swapfile; $fstab .= "proc /proc proc defaults 0 0\n"; write_config ($fstab, "$targetdir/etc/fstab"); write_config ("", "$targetdir/etc/mtab"); syscmd ("cp ${proxmox_dir}/policy-disable-rc.d " . "$targetdir/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d") == 0 || die "unable to copy policy-rc.d\n"; syscmd ("cp ${proxmox_dir}/fake-start-stop-daemon " . "$targetdir/sbin/") == 0 || die "unable to copy start-stop-daemon\n"; diversion_add ($targetdir, "/sbin/start-stop-daemon", "/sbin/fake-start-stop-daemon"); diversion_add ($targetdir, "/usr/sbin/update-grub", "/bin/true"); diversion_add ($targetdir, "/usr/sbin/update-initramfs", "/bin/true"); syscmd ("touch $targetdir/proxmox_install_mode"); debconfig_set ($targetdir, <<_EOD); locales locales/default_environment_locale select en_US.UTF-8 locales locales/locales_to_be_generated select en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 samba-common samba-common/dhcp boolean false samba-common samba-common/workgroup string WORKGROUP postfix postfix/main_mailer_type select Local only console-data console-data/keymap/policy select Don\'t touch keymap _EOD my $pkgdir = $opt_testmode ? "packages" : "/proxmox/packages"; my $pkg_count = 0; while (<$pkgdir/*.deb>) { $pkg_count++ }; $count = 0; while (<$pkgdir/*.deb>) { chomp; my $path = $_; my ($deb) = $path =~ m/$pkgdir\/(.*\.deb)/; update_progress ($count/$pkg_count, 0.5, 0.75, "extracting $deb"); print "extracting: $deb\n"; syscmd ("cp $path $targetdir/tmp/$deb") == 0 || die "installation of package $deb failed\n"; syscmd ("chroot $targetdir dpkg --force-depends --no-triggers --unpack /tmp/$deb") == 0 || die "installation of package $deb failed\n"; update_progress ((++$count)/$pkg_count, 0.5, 0.75); } display_html ("extract4-virus.htm"); my $cmd = "chroot $targetdir dpkg --force-confold --configure -a"; $count = 0; run_command ($cmd, sub { my $line = shift; if ($line =~ m/Setting up\s+(\S+)/) { update_progress ((++$count)/$pkg_count, 0.75, 0.95, "configuring $1"); } }); debconfig_set ($targetdir, <<_EOD); postfix postfix/main_mailer_type select No configuration _EOD unlink "$targetdir/etc/mailname"; $postfix_main_cf =~ s/__FQDN__/${hostname}.${domain}/; write_config ($postfix_main_cf, "$targetdir/etc/postfix/main.cf"); # make sure we have all postfix directories syscmd ("chroot $targetdir /usr/sbin/postfix check"); # cleanup mail queue syscmd ("chroot $targetdir /usr/sbin/postsuper -d ALL"); unlink "$targetdir/proxmox_install_mode"; # disable bacula-fd syscmd ("touch '$targetdir/etc/bacula/do_not_run'"); # set timezone unlink ("$targetdir/etc/localtime"); symlink ("/usr/share/zoneinfo/$timezone", "$targetdir/etc/localtime"); write_config ("$timezone\n", "$targetdir/etc/timezone"); # set console keymap if (my $kmapfile = $cmap->{kmap}->{$keymap}->{console}) { syscmd ("chroot $targetdir /usr/sbin/install-keymap '/usr/share/keymaps/i386/$kmapfile'"); } # enable apache port redirect syscmd ("chroot $targetdir a2ensite pve-redirect.conf"); # set apt mirror if (my $mirror = $cmap->{country}->{$country}->{mirror}) { my $fn = "$targetdir/etc/apt/sources.list"; syscmd ("sed -i 's/ftp\\.debian\\.org/$mirror/' '$fn'"); } # create extended_states for apt (avoid cron job warning if that # file does not exist) write_config ('', "$targetdir/var/lib/apt/extended_states"); # save installer settings my $ucc = uc ($country); debconfig_set ($targetdir, <<_EOD); pve-manager pve-manager/country string $ucc _EOD update_progress (0.8, 0.95, 1, "make system bootable"); # update default grub settings syscmd ("sed -i -e 's/^GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR.*/GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=\"Proxmox Virtual Environment\"/' -e 's/#GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_RECOVERY=.*/GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_RECOVERY=\"true\"/' $targetdir/etc/default/grub"); diversion_remove ($targetdir, "/usr/sbin/update-grub"); diversion_remove ($targetdir, "/usr/sbin/update-initramfs"); if (!$opt_testmode && -b $target_hd) { unlink ("$targetdir/etc/mtab"); symlink ("/proc/mounts", "$targetdir/etc/mtab"); syscmd ("mount -n --bind /dev $targetdir/dev"); syscmd ("chroot $targetdir /usr/sbin/update-initramfs -c -k $kapi") == 0 || die "unable to install initramfs\n"; syscmd ("chroot $targetdir /usr/sbin/grub-install --no-floppy '(hd0)'") == 0 || die "unable to install the boot loader\n"; syscmd ("chroot $targetdir /usr/sbin/update-grub") == 0 || die "unable to install the boot loader\n"; syscmd ("umount $targetdir/dev"); } # cleanup # hack: remove dead.letter from sshd installation syscmd ("rm -rf $targetdir/dead.letter"); unlink ("$targetdir/etc/mtab"); syscmd ("touch $targetdir/etc/mtab"); unlink "$targetdir/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d"; diversion_remove ($targetdir, "/sbin/start-stop-daemon"); # set root password my $octets = encode("utf-8", $password); run_command ("chroot $targetdir /usr/sbin/chpasswd", undef, "root:$octets\n"); # create pmxcfs DB my $tmpdir = "$targetdir/tmp/pve"; mkdir $tmpdir; # write vnc keymap to datacenter.cfg my $vnckmap = $cmap->{kmap}->{$keymap}->{kvm} || 'en-us'; write_config ("keyboard: $vnckmap\n", "$tmpdir/datacenter.cfg"); # save admin email write_config ("user:root\@pam:1:0:::${mailto}::\n", "$tmpdir/user.cfg"); run_command("chroot $targetdir /usr/bin/create_pmxcfs_db /tmp/pve /var/lib/pve-cluster/config.db"); syscmd ("rm -rf $tmpdir"); }; my $err = $@; update_progress (1, 0, 1, ""); print $err if $err; if ($opt_testmode) { syscmd ("chroot $targetdir /usr/bin/dpkg-query -W --showformat='\${package}\n'> pve-final.pkglist"); } syscmd ("umount $targetdir/boot"); syscmd ("umount $targetdir/var/lib/vz"); syscmd ("umount $targetdir/tmp"); syscmd ("umount $targetdir/proc"); syscmd ("umount $targetdir/sys"); syscmd ("umount -d $targetdir"); die $err if $err; } sub display_html { my ($filename) = @_; $htmlview->set_document(undef); $document->clear; $htmlview->set_document($document); $document->open_stream ("text/html"); my $fn = "${proxmox_dir}/html/$filename"; open (HTML, $fn) || die "unable to open file '$fn' - $!\n"; while () { $document->write_stream ($_); } close (HTML); $document->close_stream; } sub set_next { my ($text, $fctn) = @_; $next_fctn = $fctn; $text = "_Next" if !$text; $next->set_label ($text); $next->grab_focus (); } sub url_requested { my ($doc, $url, $stream) = @_; $stream->set_cancel_func (sub {}); # hack: avoid warning my $path = "${proxmox_dir}/html/$url"; if (-f $path) { open (HTMLTMP, $path) || die "unable to open file '$path' - $! "; my $buf; while (my $i = read (HTMLTMP, $buf, 4096)) { $stream->write ($buf); Gtk2->main_iteration while Gtk2->events_pending; } close (HTMLTMP); } #$stream->close(); # hack: dont close - avoid crash } sub create_main_window { $window = Gtk2::Window->new (); $window->set_default_size (1024, 768); $window->set_decorated (0) if !$opt_testmode; my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new (0, 0); my $image = Gtk2::Image->new_from_file ("${proxmox_dir}/proxlogo.xpm"); $vbox->pack_start ($image, 0, 0, 0); my $hbox = Gtk2::HBox->new (0, 0); $vbox->pack_start ($hbox, 1, 1, 0); my $f1 = Gtk2::Frame->new (); $f1->set_shadow_type ('in'); $hbox->pack_start ($f1, 1, 1, 0); my $sep1 = Gtk2::HSeparator->new; $vbox->pack_start ($sep1, 0, 0, 0); $cmdbox = Gtk2::HBox->new (); $vbox->pack_start ($cmdbox, 0, 0, 10); $next = Gtk2::Button->new ('_Next'); $next->signal_connect (clicked => sub { &$next_fctn (); }); $cmdbox->pack_end ($next, 0, 0, 10); my $abort = Gtk2::Button->new ('_Abort'); $abort->can_focus (0); $cmdbox->pack_start ($abort, 0, 0, 10); $abort->signal_connect (clicked => sub { exit (-1); }); my $vbox2 = Gtk2::VBox->new (0, 0); $f1->add ($vbox2); $htmlview = new Gtk2::Html2::View; # hack: create a separate style - else Gtk2::Html2 modifies # main window style my $rcs1 = Gtk2::RcStyle->new; $htmlview->modify_style ($rcs1); $document = new Gtk2::Html2::Document; $document->signal_connect (request_url => \&url_requested); $document->clear; $htmlview->set_document ($document); my $hbox2 = Gtk2::HBox->new (0, 0); $hbox2->pack_start ($htmlview, 1, 1, 0); $vbox2->pack_start ($hbox2, 1, 1, 0); my $vbox3 = Gtk2::VBox->new (0, 0); $vbox2->pack_start ($vbox3, 0, 0, 0); my $sep2 = Gtk2::HSeparator->new; $vbox3->pack_start ($sep2, 0, 0, 0); $inbox = Gtk2::HBox->new (0, 0); $vbox3->pack_start ($inbox, 0, 0, 0); $window->add ($vbox); $window->show_all; $window->realize (); } sub cleanup_view { my $list = $inbox->get_children; foreach my $c ($list) { next if !defined ($c); $inbox->remove ($c); } } sub check_num { my ($entry, $event) = @_; my $val = $event->keyval; if ($val == ord '.') { $entry->parent->child_focus ('right'); return 1; } if ($val == $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{ISO_Left_Tab} || $val == $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{Shift_L} || $val == $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{Tab} || $val == $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{BackSpace} || $val == $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{Delete} || ($val >= ord '0' && $val <= ord '9') || ($val >= $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{KP_0} && $val <= $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{KP_9})) { return undef; } return 1; } sub check_range { my ($entry, $event) = @_; my $text = $entry->get_text; if (!defined($text) || ($text !~ m/^(\d+)$/) || ($1 > 255)) { $entry->set_text ($entry->{default}); } return undef; } sub creat_text_input { my ($default, $text) = @_; my $hbox = Gtk2::HBox->new (0, 0); my $label = Gtk2::Label->new ($text); $label->set_size_request (150, -1); $label->set_alignment (1, 0.5); $hbox->pack_start ($label, 0, 0, 10); my $e1 = Gtk2::Entry->new (); $e1->set_width_chars (30); $hbox->pack_start ($e1, 0, 0, 0); $e1->set_text ($default); return ($hbox, $e1); } sub creat_ip_input { my ($init, $default, $text) = @_; my (@ips) = split /\./, $init; my (@defs) = split /\./, $default; my $hbox = Gtk2::HBox->new (0, 0); my $label = Gtk2::Label->new ($text); $label->set_size_request (150, -1); $label->set_alignment (1, 0.5); $hbox->pack_start ($label, 0, 0, 10); my $e1 = Gtk2::Entry->new_with_max_length (3); $e1->{default} = $defs[0]; $hbox->pack_start ($e1, 0, 0, 0); $e1->set_width_chars (3); $e1->set_text ($ips[0]); $e1->signal_connect (key_press_event => \&check_num); $e1->signal_connect (focus_out_event => \&check_range); my $l1 = Gtk2::Label->new ("."); $hbox->pack_start ($l1, 0, 0, 2); my $e2 = Gtk2::Entry->new_with_max_length (3); $e2->{default} = $defs[1]; $hbox->pack_start ($e2, 0, 0, 0); $e2->set_width_chars (3); $e2->set_text ($ips[1]); $e2->signal_connect (key_press_event => \&check_num); $e2->signal_connect (focus_out_event => \&check_range); my $l2 = Gtk2::Label->new ("."); $hbox->pack_start ($l2, 0, 0, 2); my $e3 = Gtk2::Entry->new_with_max_length (3); $e3->{default} = $defs[2]; $hbox->pack_start ($e3, 0, 0, 0); $e3->set_width_chars (3); $e3->set_text ($ips[2]); $e3->signal_connect (key_press_event => \&check_num); $e3->signal_connect (focus_out_event => \&check_range); my $l3 = Gtk2::Label->new ("."); $hbox->pack_start ($l3, 0, 0, 2); my $e4 = Gtk2::Entry->new_with_max_length (3); $e4->{default} = $defs[3]; $hbox->pack_start ($e4, 0, 0, 0); $e4->set_width_chars (3); $e4->set_text ($ips[3]); $e4->signal_connect (key_press_event => \&check_num); $e4->signal_connect (focus_out_event => \&check_range); return ($hbox, $e1, $e2, $e3, $e4); } sub get_ip_config { my $ifconfig = `ifconfig eth0`; my ($addr) = $ifconfig =~ m/inet addr:(\S*)/m; my ($mask) = $ifconfig =~ m/Mask:(\S*)/m; my $route = `route -n`; my ($gateway) = $route =~ m/^0\.0\.0\.0\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+/m; my $resolvconf = `cat /etc/resolv.conf`; my ($dnsserver) = $resolvconf =~ m/^nameserver\s+(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$/m; return { addr => $addr, mask => $mask, gateway => $gateway, dnsserver => $dnsserver, } } sub display_message { my ($msg) = @_; my $dialog = Gtk2::MessageDialog->new ($window, 'modal', 'info', 'ok', $msg); $dialog->run(); $dialog->destroy(); } sub display_error { my ($msg) = @_; my $dialog = Gtk2::MessageDialog->new ($window, 'modal', 'error', 'ok', $msg); $dialog->run(); $dialog->destroy(); } sub create_ipconf_view { cleanup_view (); display_html ("ipconf.htm"); my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new (0, 0); $inbox->pack_start ($vbox, 1, 0, 0); my $hbox = Gtk2::HBox->new (0, 0); $vbox->pack_start ($hbox, 0, 0, 30); my $vbox2 = Gtk2::VBox->new (0, 0); $hbox->add ($vbox2); my $addr = $ipconf->{addr} || ''; my $mask = $ipconf->{mask} || ''; my ($hostbox, $hostentry) = creat_text_input ('proxmox.domain.tld', 'Hostname (FQDN):'); $vbox2->pack_start ($hostbox, 0, 0, 2); my $ipbox; ($ipbox, $ip_1, $ip_2, $ip_3, $ip_4) = creat_ip_input ($addr, '', 'IP Address:'); $vbox2->pack_start ($ipbox, 0, 0, 2); my $maskbox; ($maskbox, $mask_1, $mask_2, $mask_3, $mask_4) = creat_ip_input ($mask, '', 'Netmask:'); $vbox2->pack_start ($maskbox, 0, 0, 2); $gateway = $ipconf->{gateway} || ''; my $gwbox; ($gwbox, $gw_1, $gw_2, $gw_3, $gw_4) = creat_ip_input ($gateway, '', 'Gateway:'); $vbox2->pack_start ($gwbox, 0, 0, 15); $dnsserver = $ipconf->{dnsserver} || $gateway; my $dnsbox; ($dnsbox, $dns_1, $dns_2, $dns_3, $dns_4) = creat_ip_input ($dnsserver, '', 'DNS Server:'); $vbox2->pack_start ($dnsbox, 0, 0, 0); $inbox->show_all; set_next (undef, sub { my $text = $hostentry->get_text(); $text =~ s/^\s+//; $text =~ s/\s+$//; my $namere = "([a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?)"; if ($text && $text =~ m/^(${namere}\.)*${namere}$/ && $text !~ m/.domain.tld$/ && $text =~ m/^([^\.]+)\.(\S+)$/) { $hostname = $1; $domain = $2; create_extract_view (); return; } display_message ("Hostname does not look like a fully qualified domain name."); $hostentry->grab_focus(); }); $hostentry->grab_focus(); } sub get_device_desc { my ($devname, $size, $model) = @_; if ($size && ($size > 0) && $model) { $size = int($size/2048); # size in MB if ($size >= 1024) { $size = int($size/1024); # size in GB return "$devname (${size}GB, $model)"; } else { return "$devname (${size}MB, $model)"; } } else { return $devname; } } sub update_layout { my ($cb, $kmap) = @_; my $ind; my $def; my $i = 0; my $kmaphash = $cmap->{kmaphash}; foreach my $layout (sort keys %$kmaphash) { $def = $i if $kmaphash->{$layout} eq 'en-us'; $ind = $i if $kmap && $kmaphash->{$layout} eq $kmap; $i++; } $cb->set_active ($ind || $def || 0); } my $lastzonecb; sub update_zonelist { my ($box, $cc) = @_; my $cczones = $cmap->{cczones}; my $zones = $cmap->{zones}; my $sel; if ($lastzonecb) { $sel = $lastzonecb->get_active_text(); $box->remove ($lastzonecb); } else { $sel = $timezone; # used once to select default } my $cb = $lastzonecb = Gtk2::ComboBox->new_text (); $cb->set_size_request (200, -1); $cb->signal_connect ('changed' => sub { $timezone = $cb->get_active_text(); }); my @za; if ($cc && defined ($cczones->{$cc})) { @za = keys %{$cczones->{$cc}}; } else { @za = keys %$zones; } my $ind; my $i = 0; foreach my $zone (sort @za) { $ind = $i if $sel && $zone eq $sel; $cb->append_text ($zone); $i++; } $cb->set_active ($ind || 0); $cb->show; $box->pack_start ($cb, 0, 0, 0); } sub create_password_view { cleanup_view (); my $vbox2 = Gtk2::VBox->new (0, 0); $inbox->pack_start ($vbox2, 1, 0, 0); my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new (0, 0); $vbox2->pack_start ($vbox, 0, 0, 30); my $hbox1 = Gtk2::HBox->new (0, 0); my $label = Gtk2::Label->new ("Password"); $label->set_size_request (150, -1); $label->set_alignment (1, 0.5); $hbox1->pack_start ($label, 0, 0, 10); my $pwe1 = Gtk2::Entry->new (); $pwe1->set_visibility (0); $pwe1->set_size_request (200, -1); $hbox1->pack_start ($pwe1, 0, 0, 0); my $hbox2 = Gtk2::HBox->new (0, 0); $label = Gtk2::Label->new ("Confirm"); $label->set_size_request (150, -1); $label->set_alignment (1, 0.5); $hbox2->pack_start ($label, 0, 0, 10); my $pwe2 = Gtk2::Entry->new (); $pwe2->set_visibility (0); $pwe2->set_size_request (200, -1); $hbox2->pack_start ($pwe2, 0, 0, 0); my $hbox3 = Gtk2::HBox->new (0, 0); $label = Gtk2::Label->new ("E-Mail"); $label->set_size_request (150, -1); $label->set_alignment (1, 0.5); $hbox3->pack_start ($label, 0, 0, 10); my $eme = Gtk2::Entry->new (); $eme->set_size_request (200, -1); $hbox3->pack_start ($eme, 0, 0, 0); $vbox->pack_start ($hbox1, 0, 0, 5); $vbox->pack_start ($hbox2, 0, 0, 5); $vbox->pack_start ($hbox3, 0, 0, 15); $inbox->show_all; display_html ("passwd.htm"); set_next (undef, sub { my $t1 = $pwe1->get_text; my $t2 = $pwe2->get_text; if (length ($t1) < 5) { display_message ("Password is too short."); $pwe1->grab_focus(); return; } if ($t1 ne $t2) { display_message ("Password does not match."); $pwe1->grab_focus(); return; } my $t3 = $eme->get_text; if ($t3 !~ m/^\S+\@\S+\.\S+$/) { display_message ("E-Mail does not look like a vaild address" . " (user\@domain.tld)"); $eme->grab_focus(); return; } $password = $t1; $mailto = $t3; create_ipconf_view(); }); $pwe1->grab_focus(); } sub create_country_view { cleanup_view (); my $countryhash = $cmap->{countryhash}; my $ctr = $cmap->{country}; my $vbox2 = Gtk2::VBox->new (0, 0); $inbox->pack_start ($vbox2, 1, 0, 0); my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new (0, 0); $vbox2->pack_start ($vbox, 0, 0, 30); my $w = Gtk2::Entry->new (); $w->set_size_request (200, -1); my $c = Gtk2::EntryCompletion->new (); $c->set_text_column (0); $c->set_minimum_key_length(0); $c->set_popup_set_width (1); my $hbox2 = Gtk2::HBox->new (0, 0); my $label = Gtk2::Label->new ("Time zone"); $label->set_size_request (150, -1); $label->set_alignment (1, 0.5); $hbox2->pack_start ($label, 0, 0, 10); update_zonelist ($hbox2); my $hbox3 = Gtk2::HBox->new (0, 0); $label = Gtk2::Label->new ("Keyboard Layout"); $label->set_size_request (150, -1); $label->set_alignment (1, 0.5); $hbox3->pack_start ($label, 0, 0, 10); my $kmapcb = Gtk2::ComboBox->new_text (); $kmapcb->set_size_request (200, -1); foreach my $layout (sort keys %{$cmap->{kmaphash}}) { $kmapcb->append_text ($layout); } update_layout ($kmapcb); $hbox3->pack_start ($kmapcb, 0, 0, 0); $kmapcb->signal_connect ('changed' => sub { my $sel = $kmapcb->get_active_text(); if (my $kmap = $cmap->{kmaphash}->{$sel}) { my $xkmap = $cmap->{kmap}->{$kmap}->{x11}; my $xvar = $cmap->{kmap}->{$kmap}->{x11var}; syscmd ("setxkbmap $xkmap $xvar") if !$opt_testmode; $keymap = $kmap; } }); $w->signal_connect ('changed' => sub { my ($entry, $event) = @_; my $text = $entry->get_text; if (my $cc = $countryhash->{lc($text)}) { update_zonelist ($hbox2, $cc); my $kmap = $ctr->{$cc}->{kmap} || 'en-us'; update_layout ($kmapcb, $kmap); } }); $w->signal_connect (key_press_event => sub { my ($entry, $event) = @_; my $text = $entry->get_text; my $val = $event->keyval; if ($val == $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{Tab}) { my $cc = $countryhash->{lc($text)}; return undef if $cc; my $found = 0; my $compl; foreach my $cc (keys %$ctr) { my $ct = $ctr->{$cc}->{name}; if ($ct =~ m/^\Q$text\E.*$/i) { $found++; $compl = $ct; } last if $found > 1; } if ($found == 1) { $entry->set_text ($compl); return undef; } else { Gtk2::Gdk->beep(); } $w->insert_text('', -1); # popup selection return 1; } return undef; }); my $ls = Gtk2::ListStore->new('Glib::String'); foreach my $cc (sort {$ctr->{$a}->{name} cmp $ctr->{$b}->{name} } keys %$ctr) { my $iter = $ls->append(); $ls->set ($iter, 0, $ctr->{$cc}->{name}); } $c->set_model ($ls); $w->set_completion ($c); my $hbox = Gtk2::HBox->new (0, 0); $label = Gtk2::Label->new ("Country"); $label->set_alignment (1, 0.5); $label->set_size_request (150, -1); $hbox->pack_start ($label, 0, 0, 10); $hbox->pack_start ($w, 0, 0, 0); $vbox->pack_start ($hbox, 0, 0, 5); $vbox->pack_start ($hbox2, 0, 0, 5); $vbox->pack_start ($hbox3, 0, 0, 5); if ($country) { $w->set_text ($ctr->{$country}->{name}); } $inbox->show_all; display_html ("country.htm"); set_next (undef, sub { my $text = $w->get_text; if (my $cc = $countryhash->{lc($text)}) { $country = $cc; create_password_view(); return; } else { display_message ("Please select a country first."); $w->grab_focus(); } }); $w->grab_focus(); } sub create_hdsel_view { cleanup_view (); my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new (0, 0); $inbox->pack_start ($vbox, 1, 0, 0); my $hbox = Gtk2::HBox->new (0, 0); $vbox->pack_start ($hbox, 0, 0, 30); my ($disk, $devname, $size, $model) = @{@$hds[0]}; $target_hd = $devname; $master_hd = find_master ($target_hd); my $label; if (scalar (@$hds) == 1) { my $devdesc = get_device_desc ($devname, $size, $model); $label = Gtk2::Label->new ("Target Harddisk: $devdesc"); $hbox->pack_start ($label, 0, 0, 0); } else { $label = Gtk2::Label->new ("Target Harddisks: "); $hbox->pack_start ($label, 0, 0, 0); my $combo = Gtk2::ComboBox->new_text (); foreach my $hd (@$hds) { ($disk, $devname, $size, $model) = @$hd; $combo->append_text (get_device_desc ($devname, $size, $model)); } $combo->set_active (0); $combo->signal_connect (changed => sub { $a = shift->get_active; my ($disk, $devname) = @{@$hds[$a]}; $target_hd = $devname; $master_hd = find_master ($target_hd); }); $hbox->pack_start ($combo, 0, 0, 0); } $inbox->show_all; display_html ("page1.htm"); set_next (undef, \&create_country_view); } sub create_extract_view { $ipaddress = $ip_1->get_text . "." . $ip_2->get_text . "." . $ip_3->get_text . "." . $ip_4->get_text; $netmask = $mask_1->get_text . "." . $mask_2->get_text . "." . $mask_3->get_text . "." . $mask_4->get_text; $gateway = $gw_1->get_text . "." . $gw_2->get_text . "." . $gw_3->get_text . "." . $gw_4->get_text; $dnsserver = $dns_1->get_text . "." . $dns_2->get_text . "." . $dns_3->get_text . "." . $dns_4->get_text; # print "TEST $ipaddress $netmask $gateway $dnsserver\n"; cleanup_view (); display_html ("extract1-license.htm"); $next->set_sensitive (0); my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new (0, 0); $inbox->pack_start ($vbox, 1, 0, 0); my $hbox = Gtk2::HBox->new (0, 0); $vbox->pack_start ($hbox, 0, 0, 30); my $vbox2 = Gtk2::VBox->new (0, 0); $hbox->pack_start ($vbox2, 0, 0, 0); $progress_status = Gtk2::Label->new (); $vbox2->pack_start ($progress_status, 1, 1, 0); $progress = Gtk2::ProgressBar->new; $progress->set_size_request (400, -1); $vbox2->pack_start ($progress, 0, 0, 0); $inbox->show_all; my $tdir = $opt_testmode ? "target" : "/target"; mkdir $tdir; my $base = $opt_testmode ? "/pve/$release/install/pve-base.tar" : "/proxmox/pve-base.tar"; eval { extract_data ($base, $tdir); }; my $err = $@; $next->set_sensitive (1); set_next ("_Reboot", sub { exit (0); } ); display_html ($err ? "fail.htm" : "success.htm"); display_error ($err) if $err; } sub mupdate_progress { my $per = shift; print "GOT1: $per\n"; } sub create_intro_view { cleanup_view (); display_html ("license.htm"); set_next ("I a_gree", \&create_hdsel_view); } $ipconf = get_ip_config (); $country = detect_country () if $ipconf->{addr}; # read country, kmap and timezone infos $cmap = read_cmap (); create_main_window (); if (!defined ($hds) || (scalar (@$hds) <= 0)) { print "no hardisks found\n"; display_html ("nohds.htm"); set_next ("Reboot", sub { exit (0); } ); } else { foreach my $hd (@$hds) { my ($disk, $devname) = @$hd; next if $devname =~ m|^/dev/md\d+$|; print "found Disk$disk N:$devname\n"; } create_intro_view (); } Gtk2->main; exit 0;