#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Encode; use Getopt::Long; use IO::File; use Glib; use Gtk3; use Gtk3::WebKit2; use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; use JSON; use Proxmox::Log; Proxmox::Log::init("/tmp/install.log"); { # NOTE: order is important here my $test_image; GetOptions( 'test-image|t=s' => \$test_image ) or die "usage error\n"; Proxmox::Install::ISOEnv::set_test_image($test_image) if $test_image; } use Proxmox::Install::ISOEnv; use Proxmox::Install::RunEnv; # init singletons TODO: avoid all global initialization, use single "main" method my $iso_env = Proxmox::Install::ISOEnv::get(); use Proxmox::Install; use Proxmox::Install::Config; use Proxmox::Sys::Block qw(get_cached_disks); use Proxmox::Sys::Command qw(syscmd); use Proxmox::Sys::File qw(file_read_all file_write_all); use Proxmox::Sys::Net qw(parse_ip_address parse_ip_mask); use Proxmox::UI; if (!$ENV{G_SLICE} || $ENV{G_SLICE} ne "always-malloc") { die "do not use slice allocator (run with 'G_SLICE=always-malloc ./proxinstall ...')\n"; } my $step_number = 0; # Init number for global function list my @steps = ( { step => 'intro', html => 'license.htm', next_button => 'I a_gree', function => \&create_intro_view, }, { step => 'intro', html => 'page1.htm', function => \&create_hdsel_view, }, { step => 'country', html => 'country.htm', function => \&create_country_view, }, { step => 'password', html => 'passwd.htm', function => \&create_password_view, }, { step => 'ipconf', html => 'ipconf.htm', function => \&create_ipconf_view, }, { step => 'ack', html => 'ack.htm', next_button => '_Install', function => \&create_ack_view, }, { step => 'extract', next_button => '_Reboot', function => \&create_extract_view, }, ); # GUI global variables my $gtk_state = {}; my $target_hds; # only for the summary view sub app_quit { my ($exit_code) = @_; Gtk3->main_quit() if Gtk3->main_level() > 0; # reap left over zombie processes while ((my $child = waitpid(-1, POSIX::WNOHANG)) > 0) { print STDERR "reaped child $child\n"; } exit($exit_code); } sub prev_function { my ($text, $fctn) = @_; $fctn = $step_number if !$fctn; $text = "_Previous" if !$text; $gtk_state->{prev_btn}->set_label($text); $step_number--; $steps[$step_number]->{function}(); $gtk_state->{prev_btn}->grab_focus(); } sub set_next { my ($text, $fctn) = @_; $gtk_state->{next_btn_callback} = $fctn; my $step = $steps[$step_number]; $text //= $steps[$step_number]->{next_button} // '_Next'; $gtk_state->{next_btn}->set_label($text); $gtk_state->{next_btn}->grab_focus(); } sub create_main_window { my $window = Gtk3::Window->new(); $window->set_default_size(1024, 768); $window->signal_connect(map => sub { $window->set_resizable(0); }); $window->fullscreen() if !is_test_mode(); $window->set_decorated(0) if !is_test_mode(); $window->signal_connect(destroy => sub { Gtk3->main_quit(); }); my $vbox = Gtk3::Box->new('vertical', 0); my $logofn = "$iso_env->{product}-banner.png"; my $proxmox_libdir = $iso_env->{locations}->{lib}; my $image = Gtk3::Image->new_from_file("${proxmox_libdir}/$logofn"); my $provider = Gtk3::CssProvider->new(); my $theming = "* {\nbackground: #171717;\n}"; $provider->load_from_data ([map ord, split //, $theming]); my $context = $image->get_style_context(); $context->add_provider($provider, 600); $vbox->pack_start($image, 0, 0, 0); my $hbox = Gtk3::Box->new('horizontal', 0); $vbox->pack_start($hbox, 1, 1, 0); # my $f1 = Gtk3::Frame->new ('test'); # $f1->set_shadow_type ('none'); # $hbox->pack_start ($f1, 1, 1, 0); my $sep1 = Gtk3::Separator->new('horizontal'); $vbox->pack_start($sep1, 0, 0, 0); my $cmdbox = Gtk3::Box->new('horizontal', 0); $vbox->pack_start($cmdbox, 0, 0, 10); my $next_btn = Gtk3::Button->new('_Next'); $next_btn->signal_connect(clicked => sub { Proxmox::Install::reset_last_display_change(); $gtk_state->{next_btn_callback}->(); }); $cmdbox->pack_end($next_btn, 0, 0, 10); my $prev_btn = Gtk3::Button->new('_Previous'); $prev_btn->signal_connect(clicked => sub { Proxmox::Install::reset_last_display_change(); prev_function(); }); $cmdbox->pack_end($prev_btn, 0, 0, 10); my $abort = Gtk3::Button->new('_Abort'); $abort->set_can_focus(0); $cmdbox->pack_start($abort, 0, 0, 10); $abort->signal_connect(clicked => sub { my $msg = 'Abort Installation'; my $secondary_text = 'Are you sure you want to abort the installation?'; my $dialog = Gtk3::MessageDialog->new($window, 'modal', 'question', 'yes-no', $msg); $dialog->format_secondary_text($secondary_text); $dialog->signal_connect(response => sub { my ($dialog, $response) = @_; $dialog->close(); app_quit(-1) if $response eq 'yes'; }); $dialog->present(); }); my $vbox2 = Gtk3::Box->new('vertical', 0); $hbox->add($vbox2); my $html_view = Gtk3::WebKit2::WebView->new(); $html_view->set_hexpand(1); my $scrolls = Gtk3::ScrolledWindow->new(); $scrolls->add($html_view); my $hbox2 = Gtk3::Box->new('horizontal', 0); $hbox2->pack_start($scrolls, 1, 1, 0); $vbox2->pack_start($hbox2, 1, 1, 0); my $vbox3 = Gtk3::Box->new('vertical', 0); $vbox2->pack_start($vbox3, 0, 0, 0); my $sep2 = Gtk3::Separator->new('horizontal'); $vbox3->pack_start($sep2, 0, 0, 0); my $inbox = Gtk3::Box->new('horizontal', 0); $vbox3->pack_start($inbox, 0, 0, 0); $window->add($vbox); $gtk_state->{window} = $window; $gtk_state->{html_view} = $html_view; $gtk_state->{inbox} = $inbox; $gtk_state->{prev_btn} = $prev_btn; $gtk_state->{next_btn} = $next_btn; $gtk_state->{progress_bar} = Gtk3::ProgressBar->new(); $gtk_state->{progress_status} = Gtk3::Label->new(''); $gtk_state->{abort_btn} = $abort; $gtk_state->{disk_selection} = {}; Proxmox::UI::init_gtk($gtk_state, $iso_env); $window->show_all; $window->present(); } sub cleanup_view { $gtk_state->{inbox}->foreach(sub { my $child = shift; $gtk_state->{inbox}->remove ($child); }); } # fixme: newer GTK3 has special properties to handle numbers with Entry # only allow floating point numbers with Gtk3::Entry sub check_float { my ($entry, $event) = @_; return check_number($entry, $event, 1); } sub check_int { my ($entry, $event) = @_; return check_number($entry, $event, 0); } sub check_number { my ($entry, $event, $float) = @_; my $val = $event->get_keyval; if (($float && $val == ord '.') || $val == Gtk3::Gdk::KEY_ISO_Left_Tab || $val == Gtk3::Gdk::KEY_Shift_L || $val == Gtk3::Gdk::KEY_Tab || $val == Gtk3::Gdk::KEY_Left || $val == Gtk3::Gdk::KEY_Right || $val == Gtk3::Gdk::KEY_BackSpace || $val == Gtk3::Gdk::KEY_Delete || ($val >= ord '0' && $val <= ord '9') || ($val >= Gtk3::Gdk::KEY_KP_0 && $val <= Gtk3::Gdk::KEY_KP_9)) { return undef; } return 1; } sub create_text_input { my ($default, $text) = @_; my $hbox = Gtk3::Box->new('horizontal', 0); my $label = Gtk3::Label->new($text); $label->set_size_request(150, -1); $label->set_xalign(1.0); $hbox->pack_start($label, 0, 0, 10); my $e1 = Gtk3::Entry->new(); $e1->set_width_chars(35); $hbox->pack_start($e1, 0, 0, 0); $e1->set_text($default); return ($hbox, $e1); } sub create_cidr_inputs { my ($cidr) = @_; my ($default_ip, $default_mask) = split('/', $cidr); my $hbox = Gtk3::Box->new('horizontal', 0); my $label = Gtk3::Label->new('IP Address (CIDR)'); $label->set_size_request(150, -1); $label->set_xalign(1.0); $hbox->pack_start($label, 0, 0, 10); my $ip_el = Gtk3::Entry->new(); $ip_el->set_width_chars(28); $hbox->pack_start($ip_el, 0, 0, 0); $ip_el->set_text($default_ip); $label = Gtk3::Label->new('/'); $label->set_size_request(10, -1); $hbox->pack_start($label, 0, 0, 2); my $cidr_el = Gtk3::Entry->new(); $cidr_el->set_width_chars(3); $hbox->pack_start($cidr_el, 0, 0, 0); $cidr_el->set_text($default_mask); return ($hbox, $ip_el, $cidr_el); } my $ipconf_first_view = 1; sub create_ipconf_view { cleanup_view(); Proxmox::UI::display_html('ipconf.htm'); my $vcontainer = Gtk3::Box->new('vertical', 0); $gtk_state->{inbox}->pack_start($vcontainer, 1, 0, 0); my $hcontainer = Gtk3::Box->new('horizontal', 0); $vcontainer->pack_start($hcontainer, 0, 0, 10); my $vbox = Gtk3::Box->new('vertical', 0); $hcontainer->add($vbox); my $cidr = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_cidr() // ''; my ($cidr_box, $ipconf_entry_addr, $ipconf_entry_mask) = create_cidr_inputs($cidr); my $device_cb = Gtk3::ComboBoxText->new(); $device_cb->set_active(0); $device_cb->set_visible(1); my $get_device_desc = sub { my $iface = shift; return "$iface->{name} - $iface->{mac} ($iface->{driver})"; }; my $run_env = Proxmox::Install::RunEnv::get(); my $ipconf = $run_env->{ipconf}; my ($device_active_map, $device_active_reverse_map) = ({}, {}); my $device_change_handler = sub { my $current = shift; my $new = $device_active_map->{$current->get_active()}; my $selected = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_mngmt_nic_id(); return if defined($selected) && $new eq $selected; Proxmox::Install::Config::set_mngmt_nic_id($new); my $iface = $ipconf->{ifaces}->{$new}; Proxmox::Install::Config::set_mngmt_nic($iface->{name}); $ipconf_entry_addr->set_text($iface->{inet}->{addr} || $iface->{inet6}->{addr}) if $iface->{inet}->{addr} || $iface->{inet6}->{addr}; $ipconf_entry_mask->set_text($iface->{inet}->{prefix} || $iface->{inet6}->{prefix}) if $iface->{inet}->{prefix} || $iface->{inet6}->{prefix}; }; my $i = 0; for my $index (sort keys $ipconf->{ifaces}->%*) { my $iface = $ipconf->{ifaces}->{$index}; $device_cb->append_text($get_device_desc->($iface)); $device_active_map->{$i} = $index; $device_active_reverse_map->{$iface->{name}} = $i; if ($ipconf_first_view && $index == $ipconf->{default}) { $device_cb->set_active($i); &$device_change_handler($device_cb); $ipconf_first_view = 0; } $device_cb->signal_connect('changed' => $device_change_handler); $i++; } if (my $nic = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_mngmt_nic()) { $device_cb->set_active($device_active_reverse_map->{$nic} // 0); } else { $device_cb->set_active(0); } my $devicebox = Gtk3::Box->new('horizontal', 0); my $label = Gtk3::Label->new("Management Interface:"); $label->set_size_request(150, -1); $label->set_xalign(1.0); $devicebox->pack_start($label, 0, 0, 10); $devicebox->pack_start($device_cb, 0, 0, 0); $vbox->pack_start($devicebox, 0, 0, 2); my $fqdn = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_fqdn(); my $hn = $fqdn // "$iso_env->{product}." . ($ipconf->{domain} // "example.invalid"); my ($hostbox, $hostentry) = create_text_input($hn, 'Hostname (FQDN):'); $vbox->pack_start($hostbox, 0, 0, 2); $vbox->pack_start($cidr_box, 0, 0, 2); my $cfg_gateway = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_gateway(); my $gateway = $cfg_gateway // $ipconf->{gateway} || ''; my ($gwbox, $ipconf_entry_gw) = create_text_input($gateway, 'Gateway:'); $vbox->pack_start($gwbox, 0, 0, 2); my $cfg_dns = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_dns(); my $dnsserver = $cfg_dns // $ipconf->{dnsserver} || $gateway; my ($dnsbox, $ipconf_entry_dns) = create_text_input($dnsserver, 'DNS Server:'); $vbox->pack_start($dnsbox, 0, 0, 0); $gtk_state->{inbox}->show_all; set_next(undef, sub { # verify hostname my $text = $hostentry->get_text(); $text =~ s/^\s+//; $text =~ s/\s+$//; my $namere = "([a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?)"; # Debian does not support purely numeric hostnames if ($text && $text =~ /^[0-9]+(?:\.|$)/) { Proxmox::UI::message("Purely numeric hostnames are not allowed."); $hostentry->grab_focus(); return; } if ($text && $text =~ m/^(${namere}\.)*${namere}$/ && $text !~ m/.example.invalid$/ && $text =~ m/^([^\.]+)\.(\S+)$/) { Proxmox::Install::Config::set_hostname($1); Proxmox::Install::Config::set_domain($2); } else { Proxmox::UI::message("Hostname does not look like a fully qualified domain name."); $hostentry->grab_focus(); return; } # verify ip address $text = $ipconf_entry_addr->get_text(); my ($ipaddress, $ipversion) = parse_ip_address($text); if (!defined($ipaddress)) { Proxmox::UI::message("IP address is not valid."); $ipconf_entry_addr->grab_focus(); return; } $text = $ipconf_entry_mask->get_text(); my $netmask = parse_ip_mask($text, $ipversion); if (!defined($netmask)) { Proxmox::UI::message("Netmask is not valid."); $ipconf_entry_mask->grab_focus(); return; } Proxmox::Install::Config::set_cidr("$ipaddress/$netmask"); $text = $ipconf_entry_gw->get_text(); my ($gateway_ip, $gateway_ip_version) = parse_ip_address($text); if (!defined($gateway_ip) || $gateway_ip_version != $ipversion) { my $msg = defined($gateway_ip) ? "Gateway and host IP version must not differ (IPv$gateway_ip_version != IPv$ipversion)." : "Gateway is not valid."; Proxmox::UI::message($msg); $ipconf_entry_gw->grab_focus(); return; } Proxmox::Install::Config::set_gateway($gateway_ip); $text = $ipconf_entry_dns->get_text(); my ($dns_ip, $dns_ip_version) = parse_ip_address($text); if (!defined($dns_ip) || $dns_ip_version != $ipversion) { my $msg = defined($gateway_ip) ? "DNS and host IP version must not differ (IPv$gateway_ip_version != IPv$ipversion)." : "DNS IP is not valid."; Proxmox::UI::message($msg); $ipconf_entry_dns->grab_focus(); return; } Proxmox::Install::Config::set_dns($dns_ip); #print STDERR "TEST $ipaddress/$netmask $gateway_ip $dns_ip\n"; $step_number++; create_ack_view(); }); $hostentry->grab_focus(); } sub create_ack_view { cleanup_view(); my $vbox = Gtk3::Box->new('vertical', 0); $gtk_state->{inbox}->pack_start($vbox, 1, 0, 0); my $reboot_checkbox = Gtk3::CheckButton->new('Automatically reboot after successful installation'); $reboot_checkbox->set_active(1); $reboot_checkbox->signal_connect ("toggled" => sub { my $cb = shift; Proxmox::Install::Config::set_autoreboot(!!$cb->get_active()); }); $vbox->pack_start($reboot_checkbox, 0, 0, 2); my $proxmox_libdir = $iso_env->{locations}->{lib}; my $ack_template = "${proxmox_libdir}/html/ack_template.htm"; my $ack_html = "${proxmox_libdir}/html/$iso_env->{product}/$steps[$step_number]->{html}"; my $html_data = file_read_all($ack_template); my $country = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_country(); my %config_values = ( __target_hd__ => join(' | ', $target_hds->@*), __target_fs__ => Proxmox::Install::Config::get_filesys(), __country__ => $iso_env->{locales}->{country}->{$country}->{name}, __timezone__ => Proxmox::Install::Config::get_timezone(), __keymap__ => Proxmox::Install::Config::get_keymap(), __mailto__ => Proxmox::Install::Config::get_mailto(), __interface__ => Proxmox::Install::Config::get_mngmt_nic(), __hostname__ => Proxmox::Install::Config::get_hostname(), __cidr__ => Proxmox::Install::Config::get_cidr(), __gateway__ => Proxmox::Install::Config::get_gateway(), __dnsserver__ => Proxmox::Install::Config::get_dns(), ); while (my ($k, $v) = each %config_values) { $html_data =~ s/$k/$v/g; } eval { my $config = Proxmox::Install::Config::get(); file_write_all( "$iso_env->{locations}->{run}/config-ack.json", to_json($config, { utf8 => 1, canonical => 1 }) ."\n", ); }; warn "failed to write config-for-ack - $@" if $@; file_write_all($ack_html, $html_data); Proxmox::UI::display_html('ack.htm'); $gtk_state->{inbox}->show_all; set_next(undef, sub { $step_number++; create_extract_view(); }); } sub get_device_desc { my ($devname, $size, $model) = @_; if ($size && ($size > 0)) { $size = int($size/2048); # size in MiB, from 512B "sectors" my $text = "$devname ("; if ($size >= 1024) { $size = $size/1024; # size in GiB if ($size >= 1024) { $size = $size/1024; # size in TiB $text .= sprintf("%.2f", $size) . "TiB"; } else { $text .= sprintf("%.2f", $size) . "GiB"; } } else { $text .= "${size}MiB"; } $text .= ", $model" if $model; $text .= ")"; return $text; } else { return $devname; } } my $last_layout; my $country_layout; sub update_layout { my ($cb, $kmap) = @_; my $ind; my $def; my $i = 0; my $kmaphash = $iso_env->{locales}->{kmaphash}; foreach my $layout (sort keys %$kmaphash) { $def = $i if $kmaphash->{$layout} eq 'en-us'; $ind = $i if $kmap && $kmaphash->{$layout} eq $kmap; $i++; } my $val = $ind || $def || 0; if (!defined($kmap)) { $last_layout //= $val; } elsif (!defined($country_layout) || $country_layout != $val) { $last_layout = $country_layout = $val; } $cb->set_active($last_layout); } my $lastzonecb; sub update_zonelist { my ($box, $cc) = @_; my $sel = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_timezone(); # initial default if ($lastzonecb) { $sel = $lastzonecb->get_active_text(); $box->remove($lastzonecb); } my $cb = $lastzonecb = Gtk3::ComboBoxText->new(); $cb->set_size_request(200, -1); $cb->signal_connect('changed' => sub { my $timezone = $cb->get_active_text(); Proxmox::Install::Config::set_timezone($timezone); }); my ($cczones, $zones) = $iso_env->{locales}->@{'cczones', 'zones'}; my @available_zones = $cc && defined($cczones->{$cc}) ? keys %{$cczones->{$cc}} : keys %$zones; my ($i, $selected_index) = (0, undef); for my $zone (sort @available_zones) { $selected_index = $i if $sel && $zone eq $sel; $cb->append_text($zone); $i++; } # Append UTC here, so it is always the last item and never the default for any country. $cb->append_text('UTC'); $cb->set_active($selected_index || 0); $cb->show; $box->pack_start($cb, 0, 0, 0); } sub create_password_view { cleanup_view(); my $password = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_password(); my $vbox2 = Gtk3::Box->new('vertical', 0); $gtk_state->{inbox}->pack_start($vbox2, 1, 0, 0); my $vbox = Gtk3::Box->new('vertical', 0); $vbox2->pack_start($vbox, 0, 0, 10); my $hbox1 = Gtk3::Box->new('horizontal', 0); my $label = Gtk3::Label->new("Password"); $label->set_size_request(150, -1); $label->set_xalign(1.0); $hbox1->pack_start($label, 0, 0, 10); my $pwe1 = Gtk3::Entry->new(); $pwe1->set_visibility(0); $pwe1->set_text($password) if $password; $pwe1->set_size_request(200, -1); $hbox1->pack_start($pwe1, 0, 0, 0); my $hbox2 = Gtk3::Box->new('horizontal', 0); $label = Gtk3::Label->new("Confirm"); $label->set_size_request(150, -1); $label->set_xalign(1.0); $hbox2->pack_start($label, 0, 0, 10); my $pwe2 = Gtk3::Entry->new(); $pwe2->set_visibility(0); $pwe2->set_text($password) if $password; $pwe2->set_size_request(200, -1); $hbox2->pack_start($pwe2, 0, 0, 0); my $hbox3 = Gtk3::Box->new('horizontal', 0); $label = Gtk3::Label->new("Email"); $label->set_size_request(150, -1); $label->set_xalign(1.0); $hbox3->pack_start($label, 0, 0, 10); my $eme = Gtk3::Entry->new(); $eme->set_size_request(200, -1); $eme->set_text(Proxmox::Install::Config::get_mailto()); $hbox3->pack_start($eme, 0, 0, 0); $vbox->pack_start($hbox1, 0, 0, 5); $vbox->pack_start($hbox2, 0, 0, 5); $vbox->pack_start($hbox3, 0, 0, 15); $gtk_state->{inbox}->show_all; Proxmox::UI::display_html('passwd.htm'); set_next (undef, sub { my $t1 = $pwe1->get_text; my $t2 = $pwe2->get_text; if (length ($t1) < 5) { Proxmox::UI::message("Password is too short."); $pwe1->grab_focus(); return; } if ($t1 ne $t2) { Proxmox::UI::message("Password does not match."); $pwe1->grab_focus(); return; } my $t3 = $eme->get_text; if ($t3 !~ m/^[\w\+\-\~]+(\.[\w\+\-\~]+)*@[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)*$/) { Proxmox::UI::message("Email does not look like a valid address (user\@domain.tld)"); $eme->grab_focus(); return; } if ($t3 eq 'mail@example.invalid') { Proxmox::UI::message("Please enter a valid Email address"); $eme->grab_focus(); return; } Proxmox::Install::Config::set_password($t1); Proxmox::Install::Config::set_mailto($t3); $step_number++; create_ipconf_view(); }); $pwe1->grab_focus(); } my $installer_kmap; sub create_country_view { cleanup_view(); my $locales = $iso_env->{locales}; my $vbox2 = Gtk3::Box->new('vertical', 0); $gtk_state->{inbox}->pack_start($vbox2, 1, 0, 0); my $vbox = Gtk3::Box->new('vertical', 0); $vbox2->pack_start($vbox, 0, 0, 10); my $w = Gtk3::Entry->new(); $w->set_size_request(200, -1); my $c = Gtk3::EntryCompletion->new(); $c->set_text_column(0); $c->set_minimum_key_length(0); $c->set_popup_set_width(1); $c->set_inline_completion(1); my $hbox2 = Gtk3::Box->new('horizontal', 0); my $label = Gtk3::Label->new("Time zone"); $label->set_size_request(150, -1); $label->set_xalign(1.0); $hbox2->pack_start($label, 0, 0, 10); update_zonelist ($hbox2); my $hbox3 = Gtk3::Box->new('horizontal', 0); $label = Gtk3::Label->new("Keyboard Layout"); $label->set_size_request(150, -1); $label->set_xalign(1.0); $hbox3->pack_start($label, 0, 0, 10); my $kmapcb = Gtk3::ComboBoxText->new(); $kmapcb->set_size_request (200, -1); for my $layout (sort keys %{$locales->{kmaphash}}) { $kmapcb->append_text($layout); } update_layout($kmapcb); $hbox3->pack_start ($kmapcb, 0, 0, 0); $kmapcb->signal_connect ('changed' => sub { my $sel = $kmapcb->get_active_text(); $last_layout = $kmapcb->get_active(); if (my $kmap = $locales->{kmaphash}->{$sel}) { my $xkmap = $locales->{kmap}->{$kmap}->{x11}; my $xvar = $locales->{kmap}->{$kmap}->{x11var}; Proxmox::Install::Config::set_keymap($kmap); return if (defined($installer_kmap) && $installer_kmap eq $kmap); $installer_kmap = $kmap; if (!is_test_mode()) { syscmd("setxkbmap $xkmap $xvar"); my $kbd_config = qq{ XKBLAYOUT="$xkmap" XKBVARIANT="$xvar" BACKSPACE="guess" }; $kbd_config =~ s/^\s+//gm; Proxmox::Sys::Command::run_in_background(sub { file_write_all('/etc/default/keyboard', $kbd_config); system("setupcon"); }); } } }); $w->signal_connect ('changed' => sub { my ($entry, $event) = @_; my $text = $entry->get_text; if (my $cc = $locales->{countryhash}->{lc($text)}) { update_zonelist($hbox2, $cc); my $kmap = $locales->{country}->{$cc}->{kmap} || 'en-us'; update_layout($kmapcb, $kmap); } }); $w->signal_connect (key_press_event => sub { my ($entry, $event) = @_; my $text = $entry->get_text; my $val = $event->get_keyval; if ($val == Gtk3::Gdk::KEY_Tab) { my $cc = $locales->{countryhash}->{lc($text)}; my $found = 0; my $compl; if ($cc) { $found = 1; $compl = $locales->{country}->{$cc}->{name}; } else { for my $country (values $locales->{country}->%*) { if ($country->{name} =~ m/^\Q$text\E.*$/i) { $found++; $compl = $country->{name}; } last if $found > 1; } } if ($found == 1) { $entry->set_text($compl); $c->complete(); return undef; } else { # beep ? } $c->complete(); my $buf = $w->get_buffer(); $buf->insert_text(-1, '', -1); # popup selection return 1; } return undef; }); my $country_store = Gtk3::ListStore->new('Glib::String'); my $countries = $locales->{country}; for my $cc (sort { $countries->{$a}->{name} cmp $countries->{$b}->{name} } keys %$countries) { my $iter = $country_store->append(); $country_store->set($iter, 0, $countries->{$cc}->{name}); } $c->set_model($country_store); $w->set_completion ($c); my $hbox = Gtk3::Box->new('horizontal', 0); $label = Gtk3::Label->new("Country"); $label->set_xalign(1.0); $label->set_size_request(150, -1); $hbox->pack_start($label, 0, 0, 10); $hbox->pack_start($w, 0, 0, 0); $vbox->pack_start($hbox, 0, 0, 5); $vbox->pack_start($hbox2, 0, 0, 5); $vbox->pack_start($hbox3, 0, 0, 5); my $country = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_country(); if ($country && (my $entry = $locales->{country}->{$country})) { $w->set_text($entry->{name}); } $gtk_state->{inbox}->show_all; Proxmox::UI::display_html('country.htm'); set_next (undef, sub { my $text = $w->get_text; if (my $cc = $locales->{countryhash}->{lc($text)}) { Proxmox::Install::Config::set_country($cc); $step_number++; create_password_view(); return; } else { Proxmox::UI::message("Please select a country first."); $w->grab_focus(); } }); $w->grab_focus(); } my $target_hd_combo; my $target_hd_label; my $hdoption_first_setup = 1; my $create_basic_grid = sub { my $grid = Gtk3::Grid->new(); $grid->set_visible(1); $grid->set_column_spacing(10); $grid->set_row_spacing(10); $grid->set_hexpand(1); $grid->set_margin_start(10); $grid->set_margin_end(20); $grid->set_margin_top(5); $grid->set_margin_bottom(5); return $grid; }; my $create_label_widget_grid = sub { my ($labeled_widgets) = @_; my $grid = &$create_basic_grid(); my $row = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i < @$labeled_widgets; $i += 2) { my $widget = @$labeled_widgets[$i+1]; my $label = Gtk3::Label->new(@$labeled_widgets[$i]); $label->set_visible(1); $label->set_xalign(1.0); $grid->attach($label, 0, $row, 1, 1); $widget->set_visible(1); $grid->attach($widget, 1, $row, 1, 1); $row++; } return $grid; }; # only relevant for raid with its multipl diskX to diskY mappings. my $get_selected_hdsize = sub { my $hdsize = shift; return $hdsize if defined($hdsize); # compute the smallest disk size of the actually selected disks my $cached_disks = get_cached_disks(); my $disk_count = scalar(@$cached_disks); for (my $i = 0; $i < $disk_count; $i++) { my $cur_hd = $gtk_state->{disk_selection}->{$i} // next; my $disksize = int(@$cur_hd[2] / (2 * 1024 * 1024.0)); # size in GB $hdsize //= $disksize; $hdsize = $disksize if $disksize < $hdsize; } if (my $cfg_hdsize = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_hdsize()) { # had the dialog open previously and set an even lower size than the disk selection allows $hdsize = $cfg_hdsize if $cfg_hdsize < $hdsize; } return $hdsize // 0; # fall back to zero, e.g., if none is selected hdsize cannot be any size }; my sub update_hdsize_adjustment { my ($adjustment, $hdsize) = @_; $hdsize = $get_selected_hdsize->($hdsize); # expect that lower = 0 and step increments = 1 still are valid $adjustment->set_upper($hdsize + 1); $adjustment->set_value($hdsize); } my sub create_hdsize_adjustment { my ($hdsize) = @_; $hdsize = $get_selected_hdsize->($hdsize); my $cfg_hdsize = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_hdsize(); # params are: initial value, lower, upper, step increment, page increment, page size return Gtk3::Adjustment->new($cfg_hdsize || $hdsize, 0, $hdsize+1, 1, 1, 1); } my sub get_hdsize_spin_button { my $hdsize = shift; my $hdsize_entry_buffer = Gtk3::EntryBuffer->new(undef, 1); my $hdsize_size_adj = create_hdsize_adjustment($hdsize); my $spinbutton_hdsize = Gtk3::SpinButton->new($hdsize_size_adj, 1, 1); $spinbutton_hdsize->set_buffer($hdsize_entry_buffer); $spinbutton_hdsize->set_adjustment($hdsize_size_adj); $spinbutton_hdsize->set_tooltip_text("only use specified size (GB) of the harddisk (rest left unpartitioned)"); return $spinbutton_hdsize; }; my $create_raid_disk_grid = sub { my ($hdsize_buttons) = @_; my $cached_disks = get_cached_disks(); my $disk_count = scalar(@$cached_disks); my $disk_labeled_widgets = []; for (my $i = 0; $i < $disk_count; $i++) { my $disk_selector = Gtk3::ComboBoxText->new(); $disk_selector->append_text("-- do not use --"); $disk_selector->set_active(0); $disk_selector->set_visible(1); for my $hd (@$cached_disks) { my ($disk, $devname, $size, $model, $logical_bsize) = @$hd; $disk_selector->append_text(get_device_desc($devname, $size, $model)); } $disk_selector->{pve_disk_id} = $i; $disk_selector->signal_connect(changed => sub { my $w = shift; my $diskid = $w->{pve_disk_id}; my $a = $w->get_active - 1; $gtk_state->{disk_selection}->{$diskid} = ($a >= 0) ? $cached_disks->[$a] : undef; for my $btn (@$hdsize_buttons) { update_hdsize_adjustment($btn->get_adjustment()); } }); if ($hdoption_first_setup) { $disk_selector->set_active ($i+1) if $cached_disks->[$i]; } else { my $hdind = 0; if (my $cur_hd = $gtk_state->{disk_selection}->{$i}) { foreach my $hd (@$cached_disks) { if (@$hd[1] eq @$cur_hd[1]) { $disk_selector->set_active($hdind+1); last; } $hdind++; } } } push @$disk_labeled_widgets, "Harddisk $i", $disk_selector; } my $clear_all_button = Gtk3::Button->new('_Deselect All'); if ($disk_count > 3) { $clear_all_button->signal_connect('clicked', sub { my $is_widget = 0; for my $disk_selector (@$disk_labeled_widgets) { $disk_selector->set_active(0) if $is_widget; $is_widget ^= 1; } }); $clear_all_button->set_visible(1); } my $scrolled_window = Gtk3::ScrolledWindow->new(); $scrolled_window->set_hexpand(1); $scrolled_window->set_propagate_natural_height(1) if $disk_count > 4; my $diskgrid = $create_label_widget_grid->($disk_labeled_widgets); $scrolled_window->add($diskgrid); $scrolled_window->set_policy('never', 'automatic'); $scrolled_window->set_visible(1); $scrolled_window->set_min_content_height(190); my $vbox = Gtk3::Box->new('vertical', 0); $vbox->pack_start($scrolled_window, 1, 1, 10); my $hbox = Gtk3::Box->new('horizontal', 0); $hbox->pack_end($clear_all_button, 0, 0, 20); $hbox->set_visible(1); $vbox->pack_end($hbox, 0, 0, 0); return $vbox; }; my $create_raid_advanced_grid = sub { my ($hdsize_btn) = @_; my $labeled_widgets = []; my $spinbutton_ashift = Gtk3::SpinButton->new_with_range(9, 13, 1); $spinbutton_ashift->set_tooltip_text("zpool ashift property (pool sector size, default 2^12)"); $spinbutton_ashift->signal_connect ("value-changed" => sub { my $w = shift; Proxmox::Install::Config::set_zfs_opt('ashift', $w->get_value_as_int()); }); my $ashift = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_zfs_opt('ashift') // 12; $spinbutton_ashift->set_value($ashift); push @$labeled_widgets, "ashift"; push @$labeled_widgets, $spinbutton_ashift; my $combo_compress = Gtk3::ComboBoxText->new(); $combo_compress->set_tooltip_text("zfs compression algorithm for rpool dataset"); my $comp_opts = ["on","off","lzjb","lz4", "zle", "gzip", "zstd"]; foreach my $opt (@$comp_opts) { $combo_compress->append($opt, $opt); } my $compress = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_zfs_opt('compress') // 'on'; $combo_compress->set_active_id($compress); $combo_compress->signal_connect (changed => sub { my $w = shift; Proxmox::Install::Config::set_zfs_opt('compress', $w->get_active_text()); }); push @$labeled_widgets, "compress"; push @$labeled_widgets, $combo_compress; my $combo_checksum = Gtk3::ComboBoxText->new(); $combo_checksum->set_tooltip_text("zfs checksum algorithm for rpool dataset"); my $csum_opts = ["on", "off","fletcher2", "fletcher4", "sha256"]; foreach my $opt (@$csum_opts) { $combo_checksum->append($opt, $opt); } my $checksum = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_zfs_opt('checksum') // 'on'; $combo_checksum->set_active_id($checksum); $combo_checksum->signal_connect (changed => sub { my $w = shift; Proxmox::Install::Config::set_zfs_opt('checksum', $w->get_active_text()); }); push @$labeled_widgets, "checksum"; push @$labeled_widgets, $combo_checksum; my $spinbutton_copies = Gtk3::SpinButton->new_with_range(1,3,1); $spinbutton_copies->set_tooltip_text("zfs copies property for rpool dataset (in addition to RAID redundancy!)"); $spinbutton_copies->signal_connect ("value-changed" => sub { my $w = shift; Proxmox::Install::Config::set_zfs_opt('copies', $w->get_value_as_int()); }); my $copies = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_zfs_opt('copies') // 1; $spinbutton_copies->set_value($copies); push @$labeled_widgets, "copies", $spinbutton_copies; push @$labeled_widgets, "hdsize", $hdsize_btn; return $create_label_widget_grid->($labeled_widgets);; }; my $create_btrfs_raid_advanced_grid = sub { my ($hdsize_btn) = @_; my $labeled_widgets = []; push @$labeled_widgets, "hdsize", $hdsize_btn; return $create_label_widget_grid->($labeled_widgets);; }; sub create_hdoption_view { my $dialog = Gtk3::Dialog->new(); $dialog->set_title("Harddisk options"); $dialog->add_button("_OK", 1); my $contarea = $dialog->get_content_area(); my $hbox2 = Gtk3::Box->new('horizontal', 0); $contarea->pack_start($hbox2, 1, 1, 5); my $grid = Gtk3::Grid->new(); $grid->set_column_spacing(10); $grid->set_row_spacing(10); $hbox2->pack_start($grid, 1, 0, 5); my $row = 0; # Filesystem type my $label0 = Gtk3::Label->new("Filesystem"); $label0->set_xalign(1.0); $grid->attach($label0, 0, $row, 1, 1); my $fstypecb = Gtk3::ComboBoxText->new(); my $fstype = [ 'ext4', 'xfs', 'zfs (RAID0)', 'zfs (RAID1)', 'zfs (RAID10)', 'zfs (RAIDZ-1)', 'zfs (RAIDZ-2)', 'zfs (RAIDZ-3)', ]; push @$fstype, 'btrfs (RAID0)', 'btrfs (RAID1)', 'btrfs (RAID10)' if $iso_env->{cfg}->{enable_btrfs}; my $filesys = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_filesys(); my $tcount = 0; foreach my $tmp (@$fstype) { $fstypecb->append_text($tmp); $fstypecb->set_active ($tcount) if $filesys eq $tmp; $tcount++; } $grid->attach($fstypecb, 1, $row, 1, 1); $hbox2->show_all(); $row++; my $sep = Gtk3::Separator->new('horizontal'); $sep->set_visible(1); $grid->attach($sep, 0, $row, 2, 1); $row++; my $hw_raid_note = Gtk3::Label->new(""); # text will be set below, before making it visible $hw_raid_note->set_line_wrap(1); $hw_raid_note->set_max_width_chars(30); $hw_raid_note->set_visible(0); $grid->attach($hw_raid_note, 0, $row++, 2, 1); my $hdsize_labeled_widgets = []; my $target_hd = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_target_hd(); my $hdsize = 0; # size compute if ( -b $target_hd) { $hdsize = int(Proxmox::Sys::Block::hd_size($target_hd) / (1024 * 1024.0)); # size in GB } elsif ($target_hd) { $hdsize = int((-s $target_hd) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024.0)); } my $spinbutton_hdsize_nonraid = get_hdsize_spin_button($hdsize); push @$hdsize_labeled_widgets, "hdsize", $spinbutton_hdsize_nonraid; my $spinbutton_hdsize = $spinbutton_hdsize_nonraid; my $entry_swapsize = Gtk3::Entry->new(); $entry_swapsize->set_tooltip_text("maximum SWAP size (GB)"); $entry_swapsize->signal_connect (key_press_event => \&check_float); my $swapsize = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_swapsize(); $entry_swapsize->set_text($swapsize) if defined($swapsize); push @$hdsize_labeled_widgets, "swapsize", $entry_swapsize; my $entry_maxroot = Gtk3::Entry->new(); if ($iso_env->{product} eq 'pve') { $entry_maxroot->set_tooltip_text("maximum size (GB) for LVM root volume"); $entry_maxroot->signal_connect (key_press_event => \&check_float); if (my $maxroot = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_maxroot()) { $entry_maxroot->set_text($maxroot); } push @$hdsize_labeled_widgets, "maxroot", $entry_maxroot; } my $entry_minfree = Gtk3::Entry->new(); $entry_minfree->set_tooltip_text("minimum free LVM space (GB, required for LVM snapshots)"); $entry_minfree->signal_connect (key_press_event => \&check_float); if (defined(my $minfree = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_minfree())) { $entry_minfree->set_text($minfree); } push @$hdsize_labeled_widgets, "minfree", $entry_minfree; my $entry_maxvz; if ($iso_env->{product} eq 'pve') { $entry_maxvz = Gtk3::Entry->new(); $entry_maxvz->set_tooltip_text("maximum size (GB) for LVM data volume"); $entry_maxvz->signal_connect (key_press_event => \&check_float); if (defined(my $maxvz = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_maxvz())) { $entry_maxvz->set_text($maxvz); } push @$hdsize_labeled_widgets, "maxvz", $entry_maxvz; } my $spinbutton_hdsize_zfs = get_hdsize_spin_button($hdsize); my $spinbutton_hdsize_btrfs = get_hdsize_spin_button($hdsize); my $hdsize_buttons = [ $spinbutton_hdsize_zfs, $spinbutton_hdsize_btrfs ]; my $options_stack = Gtk3::Stack->new(); $options_stack->set_visible(1); $options_stack->set_hexpand(1); $options_stack->set_vexpand(1); $options_stack->add_titled(&$create_raid_disk_grid($hdsize_buttons), "raiddisk", "Disk Setup"); $options_stack->add_titled(&$create_label_widget_grid($hdsize_labeled_widgets), "hdsize", "Size Options"); $options_stack->add_titled(&$create_raid_advanced_grid($spinbutton_hdsize_zfs), "raidzfsadvanced", "Advanced Options"); $options_stack->add_titled(&$create_btrfs_raid_advanced_grid($spinbutton_hdsize_btrfs), "raidbtrfsadvanced", "Advanced Options"); $options_stack->set_visible_child_name("raiddisk"); my $options_stack_switcher = Gtk3::StackSwitcher->new(); $options_stack_switcher->set_halign('center'); $options_stack_switcher->set_stack($options_stack); $grid->attach($options_stack_switcher, 0, $row, 2, 1); $row++; $grid->attach($options_stack, 0, $row, 2, 1); $row++; $hdoption_first_setup = 0; my $switch_view = sub { my $filesys = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_filesys(); my $raid = $filesys =~ m/zfs|btrfs/; my $is_zfs = $filesys =~ m/zfs/; $target_hd_combo->set_visible(!$raid); $options_stack->get_child_by_name("hdsize")->set_visible(!$raid); $options_stack->get_child_by_name("raiddisk")->set_visible($raid); if ($raid) { my $msg = "Note: " . ($is_zfs ? "ZFS is not compatible with hardware RAID controllers, for details see the documentation." : "BTRFS integration in $iso_env->{cfg}->{fullname} is a technology preview!" ); $hw_raid_note->set_markup($msg); } $hw_raid_note->set_visible($raid); $options_stack_switcher->set_visible($raid); $options_stack->get_child_by_name("raidzfsadvanced")->set_visible($is_zfs); $options_stack->get_child_by_name("raidbtrfsadvanced")->set_visible(!$is_zfs); if ($raid) { $target_hd_label->set_text("Target: $filesys "); $options_stack->set_visible_child_name("raiddisk"); } else { $target_hd_label->set_text("Target Harddisk: "); } if ($raid) { $spinbutton_hdsize = $is_zfs ? $spinbutton_hdsize_zfs : $spinbutton_hdsize_btrfs; } else { $spinbutton_hdsize = $spinbutton_hdsize_nonraid; } my (undef, $pref_width) = $dialog->get_preferred_width(); my (undef, $pref_height) = $dialog->get_preferred_height(); $pref_height = 750 if $pref_height > 750; $dialog->resize($pref_width, $pref_height); }; &$switch_view(); $fstypecb->signal_connect (changed => sub { my $new_filesys = $fstypecb->get_active_text(); Proxmox::Install::Config::set_filesys($new_filesys); &$switch_view(); }); my $sep2 = Gtk3::Separator->new('horizontal'); $sep2->set_visible(1); $contarea->pack_end($sep2, 1, 1, 10); $dialog->show(); $dialog->run(); my $get_float = sub { my ($entry) = @_; my $text = $entry->get_text(); return undef if !defined($text); $text =~ s/^\s+//; $text =~ s/\s+$//; return undef if $text !~ m/^\d+(\.\d+)?$/; return $text; }; my $tmp; if (($tmp = &$get_float($spinbutton_hdsize)) && ($tmp != $hdsize)) { Proxmox::Install::Config::set_hdsize($tmp); } else { Proxmox::Install::Config::set_hdsize(undef); } if (defined($tmp = &$get_float($entry_swapsize))) { Proxmox::Install::Config::set_swapsize($tmp); } else { Proxmox::Install::Config::set_swapsize(undef); } if (defined($tmp = &$get_float($entry_maxroot))) { Proxmox::Install::Config::set_maxroot($tmp); } else { Proxmox::Install::Config::set_maxroot(undef); } if (defined($tmp = &$get_float($entry_minfree))) { Proxmox::Install::Config::set_minfree($tmp); } else { Proxmox::Install::Config::set_minfree(undef); } if ($entry_maxvz && defined($tmp = &$get_float($entry_maxvz))) { Proxmox::Install::Config::set_maxvz($tmp); } else { Proxmox::Install::Config::set_maxvz(undef); } $dialog->destroy(); } sub apply_raid_disk_selection { Proxmox::Install::Config::set_key('disk_selection', {}); # reset for my $order (sort keys $gtk_state->{disk_selection}->%*) { my $disk = $gtk_state->{disk_selection}->{$order} // next; Proxmox::Install::Config::set_disk_selection($order, $disk->[0]); } } my $last_hd_selected = 0; sub create_hdsel_view { $gtk_state->{prev_btn}->set_sensitive(1); # enable previous button at this point cleanup_view(); my $vbox = Gtk3::Box->new('vertical', 0); $gtk_state->{inbox}->pack_start($vbox, 1, 0, 0); my $hbox = Gtk3::Box->new('horizontal', 0); $vbox->pack_start($hbox, 0, 0, 10); my $cached_disks = get_cached_disks(); my ($disk, $devname, $size, $model, $logical_bsize) = $cached_disks->[0]->@*; if (!defined(Proxmox::Install::Config::get_target_hd())) { Proxmox::Install::Config::set_target_hd($devname); } $target_hd_label = Gtk3::Label->new("Target Harddisk: "); $hbox->pack_start($target_hd_label, 0, 0, 0); $target_hd_combo = Gtk3::ComboBoxText->new(); foreach my $hd ($cached_disks->@*) { ($disk, $devname, $size, $model, $logical_bsize) = @$hd; $target_hd_combo->append_text(get_device_desc($devname, $size, $model)); } my $raid = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_filesys() =~ m/zfs|btrfs/; if ($raid) { my $filesys = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_filesys(); $target_hd_label->set_text("Target: $filesys "); $target_hd_combo->set_visible(0); $target_hd_combo->set_no_show_all(1); } $target_hd_combo->set_active($last_hd_selected); $target_hd_combo->signal_connect(changed => sub { $a = shift->get_active; my ($disk, $devname) = @{@$cached_disks[$a]}; $last_hd_selected = $a; Proxmox::Install::Config::set_target_hd($devname); }); $hbox->pack_start($target_hd_combo, 0, 0, 10); my $options = Gtk3::Button->new('_Options'); $options->signal_connect (clicked => \&create_hdoption_view); $hbox->pack_start ($options, 0, 0, 0); $gtk_state->{inbox}->show_all; Proxmox::UI::display_html('page1.htm'); set_next(undef, sub { my $filesys = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_filesys(); if ($filesys =~ m/zfs/) { apply_raid_disk_selection(); my ($devlist) = eval { Proxmox::Install::get_zfs_raid_setup() }; if (my $err = $@) { Proxmox::UI::message("Warning: $err\nPlease fix ZFS setup first."); return; } $target_hds = [ map { $_->[1] } @$devlist ]; } elsif ($filesys =~ m/btrfs/) { apply_raid_disk_selection(); my ($devlist) = eval { Proxmox::Install::get_btrfs_raid_setup() }; if (my $err = $@) { Proxmox::UI::message("Warning: $err\nPlease fix BTRFS setup first."); return; } $target_hds = [ map { $_->[1] } @$devlist ]; } else { my $target_hd = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_target_hd(); eval { my $target_block_size = Proxmox::Sys::Block::logical_blocksize($target_hd); Proxmox::Install::legacy_bios_4k_check($target_block_size); }; if (my $err = $@) { Proxmox::UI::message("Warning: $err\n"); return; } $target_hds = [ $target_hd ]; } $step_number++; create_country_view(); }); } sub create_extract_view { cleanup_view(); Proxmox::Install::display_info(); $gtk_state->{next_btn}->set_sensitive(0); $gtk_state->{prev_btn}->set_sensitive(0); $gtk_state->{prev_btn}->hide(); my $vbox = Gtk3::Box->new('vertical', 0); $gtk_state->{inbox}->pack_start ($vbox, 1, 0, 0); my $hbox = Gtk3::Box->new('horizontal', 0); $vbox->pack_start ($hbox, 0, 0, 10); my $vbox2 = Gtk3::Box->new('vertical', 0); $hbox->pack_start ($vbox2, 0, 0, 0); $vbox2->pack_start($gtk_state->{progress_status}, 1, 1, 0); $gtk_state->{progress_bar}->set_show_text(1); $gtk_state->{progress_bar}->set_size_request (600, -1); $vbox2->pack_start($gtk_state->{progress_bar}, 0, 0, 0); $gtk_state->{inbox}->show_all(); eval { Proxmox::Install::extract_data() }; my $err = $@; $gtk_state->{next_btn}->set_sensitive(1); set_next("_Reboot", sub { app_quit(0); } ); my $autoreboot = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_autoreboot(); my $autoreboot_seconds = 5; my $success_transform = sub { my ($raw_html, $iso_env) = @_; my $ip_addr = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_ip_addr(); my $ip_version = Proxmox::Install::Config::get_ip_version(); my $addr = $ip_version == 6 ? "[${ip_addr}]" : "$ip_addr"; $raw_html =~ s/__IPADDR__/$addr/g; $raw_html =~ s/__PORT__/$iso_env->{cfg}->{port}/g; my $autoreboot_msg = $autoreboot ? "Automatic reboot scheduled in $autoreboot_seconds seconds." : ''; $raw_html =~ s/__AUTOREBOOT_MSG__/$autoreboot_msg/; return $raw_html; }; # It does not make sense to Abort the install at this point, whether it # succeded or failed makes no difference. $gtk_state->{abort_btn}->set_sensitive(0); if ($err) { Proxmox::UI::display_html("fail.htm"); # suppress "empty" error as we got some case where the user choose to abort on a prompt, # there it doesn't make sense to show them an error again, they "caused" it after all. Proxmox::UI::error($err) if $err ne "\n"; } else { cleanup_view(); Proxmox::UI::display_html("success.htm", $success_transform); if ($autoreboot) { Glib::Timeout->add(1000, sub { if ($autoreboot_seconds > 0) { $autoreboot_seconds--; Proxmox::UI::display_html("success.htm", $success_transform); return 1; # re-schedule, undef isn't enough anymore since Bookworm } else { app_quit(0); } }); } } } sub create_intro_view { $gtk_state->{prev_btn}->set_sensitive(0); cleanup_view(); my $run_env = Proxmox::Install::RunEnv::get(); if (int($run_env->{total_memory}) < 1024) { Proxmox::UI::error("Less than 1 GiB of usable memory detected, installation will probably fail.\n\n". "See 'System Requirements' in the $iso_env->{cfg}->{fullname} documentation."); } if ($iso_env->{product} eq 'pve') { my $cpuinfo = eval { file_read_all('/proc/cpuinfo') }; if (!$cpuinfo || $cpuinfo !~ /^flags\s*:.*(vmx|svm)/m) { Proxmox::UI::error( "No support for hardware-accelerated KVM virtualization detected.\n\n" ."Check BIOS settings for Intel VT / AMD-V / SVM." ); } } Proxmox::UI::display_html('license.htm', sub { my ($raw_html, $iso_env) = @_; my $proxmox_cddir = $iso_env->{locations}->{iso}; my $license = eval { decode('utf8', file_read_all("${proxmox_cddir}/EULA")) }; if (my $err = $@) { die $err if !is_test_mode(); $license = "TESTMODE: Ignore non existent EULA...\n"; } my $title = "END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (EULA)"; $raw_html =~ s/__LICENSE__/$license/; $raw_html =~ s/__LICENSE_TITLE__/$title/; return $raw_html; }); $step_number++; set_next("I a_gree", \&create_hdsel_view); } log_info("initializing GTK and creating main window..."); Gtk3::init(); create_main_window(); my $initial_error = 0; { my $cached_disks = get_cached_disks(); if (!defined($cached_disks) || (scalar (@$cached_disks) <= 0)) { print STDERR "no harddisks found\n"; $initial_error = 1; Proxmox::UI::display_html("nohds.htm"); set_next("Reboot", sub { app_quit(0); } ); } else { foreach my $hd (@$cached_disks) { my ($disk, $devname) = @$hd; next if $devname =~ m|^/dev/md\d+$|; print STDERR "found Disk$disk N:$devname\n"; } } } my $run_env = Proxmox::Install::RunEnv::get(); if (!$initial_error && (scalar keys $run_env->{ipconf}->{ifaces}->%* == 0)) { print STDERR "no network interfaces found\n"; $initial_error = 1; Proxmox::UI::display_html("nonics.htm"); set_next("Reboot", sub { app_quit(0); } ); } create_intro_view () if !$initial_error; Gtk3->main; app_quit(0);