#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use lib '.'; # FIXME use File::Path qw(make_path); use Getopt::Long; use JSON; use Time::HiRes qw(usleep); { my $test_mode; GetOptions( 'test-mode|t' => \$test_mode ) or die "usage error\n"; # FIXME: use cleaner approach for setting tet mode? Proxmox::Install::ISOEnv::set_test_image('/dev/null') if $test_mode; } use Proxmox::Install::ISOEnv; use Proxmox::Install::RunEnv; use Proxmox::Sys::File qw(file_write_all); use Proxmox::Log; use Proxmox::Install; use Proxmox::Install::Config; use Proxmox::UI; my $commands = { 'dump-env' => 'Dump the current ISO and Hardware environment to base the installer UI on.', 'start-session' => 'Start an installation session, with command and result transmitted via stdin/out', 'start-session-test' => 'Start an installation TEST session, with command and result transmitted via stdin/out', 'help' => 'Output this usage help.', }; sub usage { my ($cmd) = @_; if (!$cmd) { printf("ERROR: missing command\n\n"); } elsif (!exists($commands->{$cmd})) { printf("ERROR: unknown command '$cmd'\n\n"); } print "USAGE: $0 \n"; for my $cmd (sort keys $commands->%*) { printf(" %-20s - %s\n", $cmd, $commands->{$cmd}); } exit($cmd ne 'help' ? 1 : 0); } my $cmd = shift; if (!$cmd || $cmd eq 'help' || !exists($commands->{$cmd})) { usage($cmd // ''); } Proxmox::Log::init("/tmp/install-low-level-${cmd}.log"); my $env = Proxmox::Install::ISOEnv::setup(); if ($cmd eq 'dump-env') { my $out_dir = $env->{locations}->{run}; make_path($out_dir); die "failed to create output directory '$out_dir'\n" if !-d $out_dir; my $locales_serialized = to_json($env->{locales}, {canonical => 1, utf8 => 1}) ."\n"; file_write_all("$out_dir/locales.json", $locales_serialized); my $iso_info = { 'iso-info' => $env->{iso}, 'product' => $env->{product}, 'product-cfg' => $env->{cfg}, 'locations' => $env->{locations}, }; my $iso_serialized = to_json($iso_info, {canonical => 1, utf8 => 1}) ."\n"; file_write_all("$out_dir/iso-info.json", $iso_serialized); my $run_env = Proxmox::Install::RunEnv::query_installation_environment(); my $run_env_serialized = to_json($run_env, {canonical => 1, utf8 => 1}) ."\n"; file_write_all("$out_dir/run-env-info.json", $run_env_serialized); } elsif ($cmd eq 'start-session') { Proxmox::UI::init_stdio({}, $env); my $config_raw; while (my $line = <>) { if ($line =~ /^\s*\{/) { $config_raw = $line; last; } } my $config = eval { from_json($config_raw, { utf8 => 1 }) }; die "failed to parse config from stdin - $@\n" if $@; Proxmox::Install::Config::merge($config); log_info("got installation config: ". to_json(Proxmox::Install::Config::get(), { utf8 => 1, canonical => 1 }) ."\n"); eval { Proxmox::Install::extract_data() }; if (my $err = $@) { # suppress "empty" error as we got some case where the user choose to abort on a prompt, # there it doesn't make sense to show them an error again, they "caused" it after all. if ($err ne "\n") { warn "installation failed - $err\n"; log_error("installation failed: $err"); Proxmox::UI::finished(0, $err); } } else { if (Proxmox::Install::Config::get_autoreboot()) { Proxmox::UI::finished(1, "Installation finished - auto-rebooting in ~ 5 seconds"); } else { Proxmox::UI::finished(1, "Installation complete - reboot now?"); } } } elsif ($cmd eq 'start-session-test') { Proxmox::UI::init_stdio({}, $env); my $config_raw; while (my $line = <>) { if ($line =~ /^\s*\{/) { $config_raw = $line; last; } } my $config = eval { from_json($config_raw, { utf8 => 1 }) }; die "failed to parse config from stdin - $@\n" if $@; Proxmox::Install::Config::merge($config); print STDERR "got config: ". to_json(Proxmox::Install::Config::get(), { utf8 => 1, canonical => 1 }) ."\n"; my $res = Proxmox::UI::prompt("Reply anything?") ? 'ok' : 'not ok'; Proxmox::UI::message("Test Message - got $res"); for (my $i = 1; $i <= 1000; $i += 3) { Proxmox::UI::progress($i/1000, 0, 100, "foo $i"); if ($i > 500 && $i < 600) { usleep(50 * 1000); } else { usleep(10 * 1000); } } # Proxmox::Install::extract_data(); # TODO } exit(0);